A one year commitment….



  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    4/23/2024 - over goal but under maintenance- trying to push through things..
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    4/24/2024 Another difficult work day- feel like there is no path to winning. Trying my best to keep cals at maintenance
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    4/26 over again today trying to get out of this rut , my willpower has gone on vacation. It bothers me to have to write this day after day but apparently not enough to change things at the moment.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,605 Member
    I've been reading what you write, and have felt concern. I thought I was reading between the lines that you were struggling, in a bit of a dark valley at the moment, but I didn't want to make assumptions. (I though you could've just been letting off some steam, but I now understand it's deeper than that.)

    Please hang in there. I gather that some other areas of your life are very difficult and stressful right now. Your commitment to improving health and fitness has been exemplary. Your approach has been very sensible.

    I know it's hard to find the emotional energy (been there!), but this may be an area where you can potentially keep a firm hand on the reins and feel good about it . . . and feel good from the results longer term, too.

    I know I'm a total stranger, but I'd love to see you succeed. It's been a powerful life improvement for me. I would like to see it be that for you. It's OK if you need to coast for a while - we all do, sometimes.

    But please don't give up. I'm cheering for you!
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    Keep going at it; your success has been keeping up the diary and reflections daily. That's a huge step and mental health is just as important as the physical. And. On top of that, you've had way more beliw maintenance daysnthan over days.
    My struggle is also with eating, especially when stressed. The keybis to be aware of these patterns/feelings and, this, your doing great.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    Thank you both very much!
    I take your words of encouragement to heart. ❤️

    Food today was way over maintenance but the choices were better - much less destructive.

  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    4/27 - over maintenance but by a smaller amount than yesterday and completely cut out all destructive stuff.
    Was a good day- spent a good portion of it outside planting, then visiting my folks
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,224 Member
    We are all dealing with so much more than we post on MFP. I commend your efforts and diligence to keep coming back. Maintenance is a good thing when you're struggling. Hang in there...
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    4/28 - another day just a bit above maintenance. Got a difficult week ahead gonna do my best to get through and be better.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    4/29/2024 - first day in a bit … hit my calorie goal… feel my mojo slowly comming back.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,605 Member
    So glad to hear you're getting back on your game: Keep up the goodness!
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    4/30/2024 - another ok day - a little over goal but well under maintenance
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    5/1/2024 above goal but under maintenance. Fighting those feelings of being overwhelmed at work.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,605 Member
    5/1/2024 above goal but under maintenance. Fighting those feelings of being overwhelmed at work.

    I understand that your work situation is very difficult, but am hoping you can keep your health-improvement trends on track alongside that unpleasantness.

    Over goal but under maintenance is still progress, just a bit slower than if at goal: No big deal. Only giving up leads nowhere. You've been doing so well: Keep doing it as much and as often as you can manage.

    I'm cheering for you over here!
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    5/2/24 Over ate today - stress eating. Rough day at work… working late only to be called home to deal with a significant electrical issue that almost started a house fire… had to assess and find an electrician to come tomorrow - but no power in kitchen outlets , coffee maker , toaster oven and washing machine… so yeah I was a little bad to cope … but I needed that small comfort space Today. The electrical stuff was stressful as stuff was burnt, hot and melting… if it was just work I would have been fine.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,605 Member
    No one is perfect every single minute. At least no one I ever met. If there is someone who's perfect every minute, I probably wouldn't like them (because I'm imperfect that way ;) ).

    Hang in there. You're doing fine.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    5/3/2024 - a good day under goal
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    5/4/2024 - very good day mental health wise, bought sone more grapes and fig trees and spend a few hours planting. Also had a nice family bbq - this put me over maintainence but not by too much
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    5/5/2024 - came in around maintenance today - would have been under but has big family party for my god daughter birthday.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    5/6/24 - a little over today. Another hard day - Need to find a way out the situation I’m in. Starting to not care if it results in a professional setback