Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. We had a nice weekend. Sunday was cold and raw and my shoulder wasn't unhappy from the moment I woke up. It doesn't like the rain!

    We didn't get much rain. So much for the super rainy weekend they had predicted earlier in the week. We have no chances of rain at least through next Tuesday. I hope we're not heading into another drought and serious fire conditions summer.

    My sourdough class was a lot of fun. There were 14 of us, plus the instructor. There was a family of 6, which included dad and adult son. They guys made the class a lot of fun and we laughed a lot.

    The lady made this bread, and it was amazingly delicious. Hers looked prettier than the one shown on the recipe!

    We were all sent home with a little jar of stablished starter. We fed it while it class, but it didn't rise at all Saturday night. So on Sunday, I split it into two jars. I fed one a large amount of flour and water and the other one a small amount. Tonight, they are active and are rising.

    The lady only feeds her starter every two weeks. If she's going to bake with it, then she feeds it the night before. I will keep a small amount in a little jar in the refrigerator as back up in case I kill the one I have at room temp. I also want to dehydrate some because that also lasts forever and can easily be hydrated and reactivated. I want to keep mine alive because the original starter is over 100 years old. It was started by the lady's grandmother!

    My workouts on Friday were walking, gentle flow yoga and mobility.
    Saturday walking and mobility.
    Sunday walking, mobility and Cathe's STS 2.0 Super Sets Total Body. I only did one set of the upper body excises because my shoulder wasn't happy at all due to the weather.

    Laurie, great workout! I think it was a good strategy to not have your DH use heavy weights.

    I found a few recipes for soft bread. It looks like those recipes ad oil and honey, which is the only difference between regular sourdough bread and a soft sandwich loaf.
    The lady I took the class from doesn't pre-heat her oven or Dutch oven, so her crusts weren't too hard. They were crispy but not crunchy. The hot oven and hot Dutch oven are what cause the bread to have a really crunchy crust.\

    I also learned that when open baking a pan with hot water inside the oven isn't necessary. I also found out that some people use their stand mixers to mix the sourdough mix.

    Laurel, great workouts! Congratulations on finishing the rotation! What was it that made you realize you have to cut back on cardio when doing a STS 1.0 and 2.0 rotation?

    Let me know if you make those cinnamon rolls and how they came out. There are sourdough cinnamon roll recipes too.

    My first day on my new rotation didn't feel very good but hopefully things will change when the weather warms up again.

    I'm glad mowing wasn't too bad!

    Have a great week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today DH will be out helping the oldest with a project, so I did my workout this morning instead of after work. I did P30 Perfect Pump Upper Body. I think that DH will be good with the workouts that I have selected. Here is the rotation that I came up with, everything is subject to change. I'm going to try this out for 4 weeks, and decide if I need to do anything differently after that.

    Upper Body (Perfect Pump)
    Lower Body (Killer Legs)
    Arms & Abs (30MTF Weights #2)
    Recovery (Perfect Flow)
    Total Body (PHA)

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts, and congrats on finishing up that rotation. I love that we learn so many things when doing rotations. As you can see I didn't try the Pure Strength with DH. I was looking for super simple, and nothing that involved the step to much for legs. With the PHA, I can use the high step, while DH is using the step. My workout space is not that large, so I need to make sure that we both can workout without to much bother. I actually wanted a workout that didn't have step ups, just can't stand those things. I'm okay with the lunges off the back. I know that's weird. :D

    Thelma, Awesome job with the workouts! Thanks for the recipe. I love anything lemon, and I have some starter that needs to be used. Thanks for all the information on the baking. I will have to try out the different options that you mentioned, because I don't enjoy really hard crusts either. Glad that you had fun with your class, and of course learning so much. I think now that DH is comfortable with lifting, he can move onto something a little more fun. At least I think the workouts I chose are fun. :D

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Laurie and Laurel, this is the Unloaf Sourdough Loaf recipe.
    You use discard, which is unfed starter. No stretch and pulls, no heated oven or DO.
    People claim they're getting their best bread with this recipe.


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Monday were walking, mobility and XT All Out Low Impact Hiit. I hadn't done this XT workout in forever. It's really one of my favorite workouts.

    We were under freeze warnings Monday morning and will be on Tuesday morning too. We had to put a few potted plants in the garage and covered a few already in the ground.

    Laurie, great workout! Your plan for the next four weeks sounds great! Hopefully your DH will like the workouts too.

    Did Laurel and her DH leave for their vacation already? I was waiting to wish her a nice vacation tonight, but she didn't post today, so I think they already left. I hope they have a great time.

    That lemon bread recipe calls for raw cane sugar, I wonder if I can use regular sugar?
    Being able to bake sourdough bread with a soft crust is something of a game changer. I don't know how much bread I'll be baking because DH may not eat it. I'm thinking of trying this recipe.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    edited April 23
    Morning Thelma,

    I think that you are correct in that they have left for vacation. I'm sure they where busy getting everything ready for leaving. This morning's workout was walking with my weighted vest. That was interesting with the hills. Good calorie burn though. I think that we will need to get DH a vest also. Maybe getting a lighter vest, he can wear the one I have. Would like to have a 10lb vest, just for doing weighted leg work. Today we are hoping to get in Killer Legs, this should be fun. I sure do hope that DH enjoys the workouts that I chose. Trying to keep them simple, and not to girlie. :D

    Awesome job with the XTrain workout. I have not done one of those in a while, so glad that you enjoyed it. We had frost yesterday, but this morning it was in the 50's. Still had a chilly wind going though. Allergies are really bad this year. My eye was almost closed yesterday, and it was really sore. This morning was much better, but I do need to get more meds after work.

    I think that you will be fine using regular cane sugar, there really is no difference. The raw gives things a different taste, and is suppose to be healthier for you. Thank you so much for both of those recipes. I need to get some bread made this weekend it appears. :D

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Laurie! My workouts on Tuesday were walking, mobility and Yin yoga.

    I hope Laurel and her husband are having a wonderful time.

    It was 30 degrees here this morning! Brrr!

    I'm glad you wore your weighted vest during your walk. I'm sure it added a good challenge to your walk. Great idea to get a vest for your DH.

    I agree about allergies being bad this year. I hope your meds help you get through this pollen season.

    You're very welcome on the recipes! I fed my starter tonight and it rose, but it had no bubbles. I don't know why.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Thelma!

    This morning's workout was again a walk with the vest. Last nights Killer Legs went really well, and so far DH did fairly well with the workout. I think that it isn't a complicated workout, so that helped. I like that it doesn't use super heavy weights, but you really feel it.

    Great job with your workouts! Sounds like our morning's lately with that temp. I just can't stand the wind that comes with it. It really isn't fun having to bundle up for our walks in the morning's. I'm just glad that my eye only had that one day of puffiness and is now back to normal. My starter didn't bubble at times, so I think that you will still be okay.

    I made this chicken recipe last night, and have to say that it was one of the tastiest that DH and I have had in a while. I like putting chicken in the air fryer, it doesn't dry the chicken.

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    edited April 25
    Hi Laurie, my workouts on Wednesday were Hatha yoga, walking and STS 2.0 Total Body Trisets. This workout was perfect for where I am with my arm.

    Thanks for that recipe, Laurie! I am going to ad it to my rotation. What did you serve it with? I think I'd like to serve it with a salad.
    We love making our chicken in the air fryer. Have you ever marinated chicken or turkey in buttermilk? It makes great chicken too. I made this recipe this week. So good!

    I also love this one with shrimp.

    I fed my sourdough again but didn't discard any. I had 1.5 cups of starter, so I decided to feed it a whole cup of flour. It rose beautifully, but hardly any bubbles. The bubbles are the indicator that you have a good starter. I am going to try making some pancakes with it and chocolate chip cookies. I love that I can use my new stand mixer with the cookie recipe. I may give a sandwich loaf a try, just to see what happens.

    Great workouts! I'm glad your DH did well with the Killer Legs workout! It really is a good workout.
    I'm glad your eye is back to normal. We're back at more normal temps at night.

    By the way, I took a look at Chalene's Instagram and infomercial. I can't deal with the way she presents herself with all that makeup and her provocative attire. It's just so over the top. I couldn't get past her look.
    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Thelma,

    This morning was another walk with the weighted vest. I'm saving the rainy mornings for boxing type workouts. So far we have not had to much rain in the mornings, so it is mostly walking. The arm workout 30MTF Weights #2 went well yesterday. Today will be a stretch. That workout is the only one that is subject to what I feel like doing. We have so many options for yoga/mobility/etc...

    Great job with all the workouts! Glad to hear that your arm did just fine. I'm still tempted by those 2.0 workouts, but I think that we still need to progress gradually. I'm hoping at the end of these 4 weeks, we can get into some of those workouts.

    I served the chicken with roasted sweet potatoes and broccoli. A salad would work really well with this also. I had a shallot that needed to be used, so I bought some sweet potatoes. I looked at the chicken recipe, that really looks great so I will have to try that one out soon. Love anything that is marinated in pickle juice. Can you please post the other link, it appears that both the links are for the chicken recipe.
    Let me know how the recipes for your starter turn out. I'm so tempted to try cinnamon rolls with mine.

    I hear you on the Chalene look, she had plastic surgery also. I'm usually pretty good with her, she does give out some good information. I looked at her web page also, hope that she does well with her new venture. There are a lot of people that want to look like her, but I'm not one of them. :D I will take advantage of any free information that she is giving out though. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Laurie, Thursday's workouts were walking and mobility.

    I decided to try my hand at baking and OMG, I was exhausted after one recipe! LOL. I tried a sourdough blueberry muffin recipe but baked it into a loaf. It was kind of a fail. I thought the dough was kind of dry, but since I'm not a baker, I went by the recipe. For some reason the top never browned, and it was almost the color of the uncooked dough. I can't explain what the heck happened to the dough, but I should've followed my instinct and added more milk. The bread was actually very good. DH thought it was a little dry, which I agree. I think this was because I used yogurt-based butter instead of the real thing. I won't give up though. I have a recipe for sourdough discard peanut butter cookies. I am going to try this recipe and I'll get to use my stand mixer. I won't give up on baking!

    The rain we were supposed to get never came. The 75% chances of rain for Friday evaporated. I just read a post from our weather guy, and he said it's going to be warm the next couple of weeks with no chances of rain. This means fire conditions! I hate it!

    Good job walking with the weighted vest and great workouts! I hope your DH like the stretch workout!

    I think you'll eventually can get to the STS 2.0 workouts with your DH. You can do the much shorter express pre-mixes too.

    I highly recommend that chicken sandwich. I always say it's a restaurant quality sandwich. It's one of my favorites.

    Here is the other link. It's delicious and you can make it with chicken too.

    I like the sound of the roasted sweet potatoes and broccoli to go with the chicken!

    Chalene's body is gorgeous, but her face definitely screams of plastic surgery.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Thelma,

    This morning I did an indoor walking workout with Kat Gates-Buettner. I really enjoy her walking workouts, you get some really good music and great scenery. :) Hopefully we will get in the PHA workout tonight, but it may not be until tomorrow.

    We will be having the grandson with us on Saturday night. I haven't seen him in a month, so I'm sure that he is getting big. DH just saw him yesterday.

    I love it when our workouts are so similar. Great job!

    So sorry to hear about the bread. Keep trying your baking, it will get better. I was very blessed to have a mom that really loves to bake. She still does, and I enjoy baking more than making a dinner. I'm going to try to make something tomorrow, see how the little one enjoys my sourdough. :D I know that DH would love some French toast, so maybe that will be in the mix.

    Sorry to hear that your chance of rain has been taken out of the forecast. They are saying that we should be getting some storms. We will be going from the 50's to the 80's so that means storms. Hopefully we don't have tornados to go along with that.

    I will have to take a peak at the shorter workouts, usually I don't enjoy those but they may be a good way to introduce DH to Cathe. So my rotation may change, but DH was okay with these workouts. He really does need to do more stretching though. :o

    Thanks for the link, that one really looks great. I have some shrimp and orzo, just need to get spinach and peppers.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. Our weekend was good, but busy. Temperatures have definitely warmed up around here! We have chances of thunderstorms and showers a couple of times this week. Temps will be in the mid 70's to mid 80's during the day.
    I put away most of my winter clothing and refreshed my summer stuff.

    My workouts on Friday were walking, yoga and mobility.
    Saturday - walking and mobility.
    Sunday - walking, STS 2.0 Lower Body I, and mobility.

    Laurie, great workout! I hope you had a great time with your grandson. I am sure he is growing like a weed.

    I will definitely keep baking. I plan to make some bread this week. I made some discard peanut butter cookies and those came out pretty good. I got to use my stand mixed too and I love that thing! Do you make French toast with sourdough bread?

    The STS 2.0 premixes have 1 and 2 set workouts.

    Laurel, if you're back from vacation, I hope you two had a great time!

    Have a great week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    On Saturday DH and I got in the PHA workout, that one went okay. We will see about trying a different workout. This morning I did a really good indoor walking workout. Of course you could take this one outdoors and use the music. I did Kat Gates-Buettner's 60s Walking workout #3. This came in over 4000 steps for me, and a really good calorie burn for only 35 min.

    Laurel, Like Thelma said, if this is your week back, hope you had a great time.

    Thelma, Awesome job with all the workouts! We had a really good time with the grandson. He is really trying very hard to walk, just doesn't trust himself all that much. We had some really nice weather on Saturday, so I took him outside. He didn't think to much of the grass. :D I'm sure that it felt weird. Glad you where able to make some cookies and use your mixer. Yes the French Toast is made with the sourdough bread. I add sugar and cinnamon to the egg/milk mixture. Comes out very tasty. I'll be checking out the STS workouts when I have a chance.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! We are safely back from a wonderful time in St. Lucia. It truly was a fantastic time away where we did a whole lot of nothing, and it was delightful. :) We did take a couple of day trips, but the beach was so nice and quiet and we could park under a huge shade tree that we spent hours and hours on the beach reading and taking short walks in the ocean. I didn’t even think about working out once. B) The only hiccup we faced was we were supposed to get home Saturday night, but our flight out of St. Lucia was delayed, so we missed our connection back to Huntsville and had to spend the night in Atlanta before returning home yesterday. So yesterday was all laundry and no workout. But today I got back at it with a Cathe Live workout from a couple of weeks ago which was called Fitness Medley. This was a 55 minute total body workout with some cardio moves, and a great blend of isolation exercises, compound exercises and functional exercises. I haven’t done one of these workouts in months (pre-November I think), and it felt so great.

    Thelma, thanks for posting all of the recipes! I am glad you enjoyed the sourdough baking class. Great job with the workouts, though I am sorry your shoulder did not enjoy the wet weather earlier last week. I am glad the 2.0 Total Body Trisets workout felt better for you than the Super Sets workout. I am sorry you missed my last post before we left. It ended up being the last one on the previous page, and it is so easy to miss those posts when you are at the top of a new page. But thank you for wanting to wish us well on our trip! Anyhow, you asked what made me realize I needed to cut back on cardio during my last rotation. It was the fact that I got way too physically tired during a few of those weeks on the last rotation. There is that line between pushing yourself to make change and pushing yourself that is not good, and I really felt I was in the latter category at times, especially in the week where I blended the STS Meso 2 workouts with a 2.0 Total Body workout. Once I cut down on the cardio, I felt better. But I won’t combine programs in the same week again for sure. It is just too much. And less cardio is better too. In other words, I (at last) think Cathe was right in her suggestion to limit cardio when she released both programs, :)

    Laurie, great workouts. I love the sound of your new rotation. I completely understand wanting to leave things like step-ups out of the picture. I bet your knees and DH appreciate it too. I think I would be just fine if I never did another step-up in my life. B) As I said to Thelma, thank you for the recipes. You both had my mouth watering reading the updates. Sourdough French Toast is one of my favorite things in this world. I am glad you enjoyed your time with your grandson this weekend! It is so hard to believe he is almost walking.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Monday were Walking, Hot YinYasa Yoga and Cathe STS 2.0 Upper Body 1. I tried hot yoga for the first time ever and surprisingly I didn't mind too much being hot. The class was pretty dynamic and there were plenty of chaturangas, which I modified by just holding a plank.
    I did modified pushups with the resistance band around my arms on the STS workout. It felt great. I am just doing the premixes with one set for upper body workouts for now. I walked on the treadmill with the weighted vest on at a low speed and high incline. It was my first time on the treadmill because my PT was afraid, I could fall and hurt myself.

    I've decided that on days when I do upper body workouts, I will skip the PT workout. During the recovery time between sets I do some of my PT exercises and that is plenty. Otherwise, it's just too much.

    Laurie, great workouts! I am glad you had a wonderful time with your grandson. I don't blame him for not being crazy about grass. LOL
    I am going to attempt to make some bread this week. I'll have to remember to make French Toast with it!

    Laurel, welcome back! I am so glad you and your DH had such a wonderful time in St. Lucia! It sounds perfect!
    Great workout! It sounds like a great workout. I love those workouts with cardio moves and isolation exercises.

    Those posts at the end of the page are hard to miss!
    So your own body made you realize you were doing way too much! I've been exhausted since I started doing real workouts, plus PT, Yoga and my lite walks. I usually do two short walking sessions a day, so I'm cutting one of those out and like I said above when I do upper body workouts, I'll incorporate PT exercises during recovery time, since I don't need it with the baby weights I'm using. Today's upper body workout included a lot of the PT exercises or similar moves. I am still probably doing a little too much, but I feel that my workouts aren't strenuous at all.
    Combining both STS programs into the same week had to have been quite a challenge!
    You're very welcome on the recipes!

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night we did P30 Perfect Pump Upper Body. I think that I may have to change up the workouts, these seem to be a little to fast paced for DH to handle. We are going to try out a Caroline Iron workout tonight. I think that this will be a better pace for DH. This morning I did RAW Total Body Timesaver Shadow Boxing.

    Laurel, Glad to have you back, and your vacation sounds so wonderful. So do you highly recommend that location? Our friends are always looking for some good vacation spots. Nice job getting back into the workouts! I'm trying to avoid some of the exercises that I know I don't enjoy, and DH can't really handle that right now. We do have to do more stretching though. He is really needing it, but I do have to give him credit for being ready to go when I get home from work. The Grandson really loved the SD French Toast also, so that will be a staple from now on.

    Thelma, Love the workouts! Nice that you where able to try out the hot yoga, and really nice that you where able to adjust the moves to suit your body. I think that you are very wise in skipping the PT work on the upper body days. Ben Starr just posted a new video about Buttermilk Sourdough Biscuits. I have not watched the video yet, but I'm for sure going to be trying out that recipe.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! For today’s workout, I warmed up with a 15 minute spin then went right into Fit Split Boxing BC, Legs and Glutes and Bonus Abs. Yesterday’s and today’s fast paced endurance workouts are quite a shock after all those months of slow, heavy lifting, and I am really enjoying it.

    Thelma, great workouts. I am amazed you are doing push ups with a band. I think it is probably smart to not do your PT on upper body days because it would probably be a bit much. My only concern about doing hot yoga is getting so sweaty that I would be slipping around on my mat. :o I do that sometimes in my workout space in the summer when it is only 77 degrees. But I think I would actually like hot yoga for how it would make my body feel.

    Laurie, great workout. But I understand what you are saying about the pace in that one. It sounds like your DH is enjoying this, though, if he is ready and set when you get home from work. About St. Lucia….first off, we stayed at a Sandals resort. This was our first trip to the Caribbean and our first stay at a Sandals. Suffice it to say that we may not have been as comfortable in St. Lucia if we were not staying at an all inclusive resort……not because of violence or fear or whatever, but it is a tiny island nation that is pretty economically depressed. Tourism is its main industry, and so we felt welcomed without a doubt. But, just for information purposes, the airport brings in huge planes every day from the US, Canada and Britain. And the planes are almost taller than the building. There are 8 gates in the airport, and one sitting area….and all of the flights leave within a few hours of each other. So it is pretty chaotic, especially departing. Then the island is only 14 miles wide (or so) and 22 miles long, with the airport at the far southern end, and the resorts on the north side. And the trip up the island takes 90 minutes. So, in other words, there are some infrastructure issues. All of that being said, I fell in love with the place, mostly because of the local people we met. And the island is unique in having tall volcanos right on the ocean. So if your friends like a bit of adventure, I would highly recommend it, and I would highly recommend Sandals if they are into that kind of vacation. I never in my life imagined I would utter that sentence about Sandals because that is not how DH and I usually travel, but we were impressed.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi ladies, I was really tired today, so it was a gentle to the body workout day. Normally I would push myself, but today my body refused to be pushed. My workouts were walking, Yin Yoga and mobility. The yoga class was all about stretching the lower body. So good!

    My body really liked the hot yoga class on Monday. I'm still shocked about liking the hot class. No one was dripping sweat, so I don't think it was as hot as other hot classes normally are. Skipping a full PT routine is definitely the way to go on upper body workout days. I still need to do the stretching and flexibility moves, so I won't get stiff.

    We were surprised by a good dose of rain this morning. I think it started raining at about 4:30 AM and it rained pretty steadily until about 10:30 AM. We got about 1 1/4" of rain. From Wednesday through at least the end of the week, we're going to be HOT. Temps will be in the low to mid 80's. There may be some showers at the end of this week.

    Laurie, great workouts! Great idea to switch to slower paced workouts. It's important to find the right pace for him, so he doesn't give up.

    What kind of knife do you use to cut your sourdough bread with? I had asked my yoga instructor (months ago!) to get me a SD cranberry walnut loaf at a bakery near her. She showed up with it today! I have a bread knife, but it was super hard to cut the bread with it. I've read that people use electric knives. I have found some SD and non-SD soft sandwich bread recipes. I need to try making one to see if DH will eat it. He loves his Sarah Lee bread. Such a weirdo! LOL. I must try the SD French Toast. Maybe I'll try that with the cranberry walnut bread! I have never made biscuits. I'll have to watch Ben Starr's video. The only time DH eats biscuits is when we go to a local southern restaurant where they bring you a couple of biscuits with apple butter while you wait for your food.

    Laurel, great workouts! I am glad you're enjoying the fast-paced endurance workouts! It's a good shock for the body. Summer is just around the corner, which means we should be receiving our new Cathe workouts!

    I've been doing inclined pushups on a chair and the wall, but the modified banded pushups on the floor were a step up. They felt good. Doing PT on upper body workout days would be too much and overuse is not a good thing.

    Like I mentioned above, I don't think my hot yoga class was as hot as other classes. The instructor had cube shaped heaters around the studio. I am pretty sure it was over 80 in there though. I definitely need proper attire for that class. My sleeveless PT tops will be perfect. I really think you would like the hot yoga class too. Get a space heater and crank it up during one of your yoga classes!

    See you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    edited May 1
    Morning Ladies,

    DH and I did Caroline's Leg workout, and that was much better than previous workouts. I think the rest between the sets was helpful, and the fact that she doesn't use a lot of equipment. Cathe tends to use a lot of gadgets in her workouts. :D I have to admit that I really enjoyed the workout also. This morning I did a 5 min. Push Up and 20 min. Unwind Full Body Stretch with Caroline.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! I'm sure that those workouts felt different than the heavy weight workouts. Thanks so much for the information on the resort. My oldest has said that going through those types of resorts in the Caribbean is the best option. St. Croix really does sound beautiful. To bad the airport is so busy all at once. One advantage to workout out in my basement, it never gets super hot. I do sweat in the summer, but nothing like what you experience in your workout space.

    Thelma, Your workouts sound great and relaxing! Glad to hear that your body appreciated the non PT day. The rain is much needed in your area, so I'm sure that you where happy about that. We have a set of Henckel knifes, and the bread knife in that set has a thicker blade than my other bread knives. I admit to having three bread knives. I don't think that I would give any of them up, because some breads need a certain knife. ;) Oh I also have an electric knife that was DH's grandmothers. :o My DH loves biscuits, so I really need to try them out. I have some buttermilk in the fridge, and it needs to be used.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Fit Split Mixed Impact Cardio and Pull Day. It has been at least a couple of years since I did that Pull workout and had forgotten how tough it is. Again, these faster workouts with little rest are definitely challenging me in a different way right now. I admit that every now and again I want to beg for a few seconds rest from Cathe. :D

    Thelma, I am glad you listened to your body and didn’t push it. I was thinking today that I am really looking forward to this new Cathe series for days like you had yesterday. I don’t think she has started filming yet, so, sadly, I think it will be very late into the summer before we get them. But whenever that may be, I will be ready. Our weather is similar to yours, except we got 3” of rain yesterday morning. :o And tomorrow is expected to be near a record high of 91. I’m not quite sure I am ready for 90s yet, but I am planning some yoga for my workout tomorrow so it will be an early attempt at my version of hot yoga. :D

    Laurie, great workout. I am glad Caroline worked out better for your DH. You are right about Cathe and her use of equipment. And, again, she tends to move at a pretty rapid pace through her workouts. I remember doing STS with DH for a little while after he retired from the Air Force, and he would get so confused by what he needed when, and I was so used to the program by then that it didn’t dawn on me that those workouts are really confusing on the first try, especially Meso 1 which moves so fast and uses a lot of equipment.

    See you tomorrow.
