Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    *** April 26 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Welcome to jcawelti 🌷

    I find it helpful to journal* my food-days. I can clearly see where I am making not-so-helpful choices when I think I'm "eating right".
    I only write down my food - I do not count the calories or track any food exchanges or "points", which I always always failed at. Journaling is better than doing nothing, for me.

    Today's plan is to get a lot of boneless skinless chicken thighs and grill them, freezing half.
    Tomorrow I'll see what's at the farmers market; I haven't been there in ages.

    What's everyone doing this weekend?


    267.4 today
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 631 Member
    Welcom, @jcawelti

    Lana, did you go through the Panama Canal? I'm assuming you did--how cool was that? What ports did you hit? 14 days on a ship--that does seem like a lot but maybe if you can go into port each day? I don't know how it works; i've never been on a cruise. One day on a ship seems like too much for me, haha.

    Sara, that's so unethical for Sup to tell you that. I hope you can find a way to report it.

    I'm back up 2 lbs--quit exercising entirely for a week b/c my knees and allergies/sinus infection. I did a home test for Covid--negative. And losing senses of smell and taste is normal for me with upper respiratory issues. And yes, it totally sucks.

    Alright, looking forward to the weekend. Have a great one, all.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member


    For me cruising is a wonderful, very relaxing escape: it is so restful to be on the water, at sea, and feeling the waves. There was no grocery shopping, cooking, or dishwashing for two whole weeks.

    I got to spend two weeks enjoying the company of my very best friend of 50 years. She lives in Wyoming, and we try to visit each other once a year. Two years ago I found a very low fare on this trip, so we booked it.

    We talked and talked and played a ton of Scrabble, ate yummy food, went to lectures, read our books, gazed out at the water, exercised in the pools, and drank good coffee.....a priceless time with her.
    She is a long-time Weight Watcher at goal weight, so we balanced the healthy with the indulgent.

    There were very few ports of call, which I was fine with. At my age and with my health conditions --and hers-- we are in no shape to go running around in 90-degree heat and thick humidity. We went ashore in two places for less than an hour, and that was enough. There were only four ports besides the Canal transit.

    The Panama Canal Transit was a terrific experience which lasted from before dawn until well after sunset. We were so fortunate to have good weather the entire time.


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Happy Friday,

    Jcawelti - let your body recognize that you mean business and it will surrender some of its weight. Welcome!! Stop by and post when you get a chance.

    Lana - you are so good to go travel the world. You lost weight because you had fun and probably walked more than you think.

    Its early enough for me to tell the cabana boys what to play for music. They need to get back in shape and learn what snapping fingers means.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    *** April 27 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Sara - Thank you for wrangling the Cabana Boys for the Friday Happy Hour yesterday. 🌴 I was snoring in the corner. ⛱️

    Time to whip up some breakfast....


    265.6 today
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 631 Member
    Sara, haha. Snap those fingers. It's exercise, right? :)

    Lana, sounds like a perfect trip for you. How wonderful you had good weather for the Canal. Sounds like a great experience all around.

    I had my first hike in a week. Very winded at first. Allergies are hard! I started a steroid today and hope this is the last piece in the puzzle of kicking those allergies out of my body. My knees appreciated the rest but I really did it for the rest of me. I slept 11-12 hours, waking a bit here and there but falling back to sleep until 8 am. Unheard of for me--and I needed it! Long weeks with poor sleep at 65 is not conducive to--well, to anything.

    I'm showing a 2 lb weight gain but don't even care. Feeling better all around, getting back outside, enjoying my walks and hikes and jogs, that's what is important. Planning for knee surgery in July, so the more I do now, the easier that will be. Alllergies timed themselves very poorly IMO. But I have 10+ weeks so that's more than enough.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    *** April 28 **

    Good morning everyone~~

    Maureen - Congrats on your hike and on your good, long sleep! Good for you!
    You have at least two whole months to get ready for the surgery in July 👍🏻

    It's time for me to make some lunch. I need to be well-fed before going to an "ice cream social" in my neighborhood. A couple of peeps organized having an ice cream truck come. I'm pretty shy, but I've got to go. I know almost no one around here; it's time to be brave!

    Waves to all who stop by this afternoon 👋🏻


    267.0 today
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 631 Member
    Be brave, Lana. Time to settle in and make friends.

    I walked twice today, 2-3 miles with each son and I’m paying for it. Aches from knees to feet. But Tylenol is kicking in and it was a beautiful day for walking/hiking. I’m just going to keep pushing. The more I do now the better off I’ll be after surgery.

    Hope all are well today.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Good evening,
    Not a lot of walking this weekend. Too lazy. The weather has been good so maybe during the week.

    I have 4 projects on knitting needles, I must want variety.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    *** April 29 ***

    Just a quick check in....

    Maureen - Ice your knees! My sister swears by it. 🤗

    Sara - Keep up your knitting projects - my sister always has multiple projects going at one time. 😁

    Time for bed & reading.


    265.4 today
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi All!

    It’s been a rough week. Started with the family finding out that my uncle (mom’s brother) unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack on the other side of the country. Then this morning my oldest dog had an episode that I’ve never seen. Thought she was having a seizure. Thankfully after a full work up at vets it was the doggy version of vertigo. Could be a one time thing or if it reoccurs could have some underlying health issue. I’m going with a one time thing. Needless to say I’ve not been eating the best.

    Hope everyone else is having a good week! Will check in later.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    TUESDAY April 30th

    Oh Missy - such news!

    So sorry for your loss of your uncle. Condolences to you and your mom.

    And your poor pupper! Which one?
    I keep handy that great holiday photo you shared of Kiara, Bronco, Nasha, and Karamel.


    268.6 today
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member
    TUESDAY April 30th

    Oh Missy - such news!

    So sorry for your loss of your uncle. Condolences to you and your mom.

    And your poor pupper! Which one?
    I keep handy that great holiday photo you shared of Kiara, Bronco, Nasha, and Karamel.


    268.6 today

    It was Kiara the littlest which is the oldest. She gave me a scare this morning. She’s curled up in her bed next to me.

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member
    TUESDAY April 30th

    Oh Missy - such news!

    So sorry for your loss of your uncle. Condolences to you and your mom.

    And your poor pupper! Which one?
    I keep handy that great holiday photo you shared of Kiara, Bronco, Nasha, and Karamel.


    268.6 today

    And thank you 😊 my brain isn’t working today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Good evening,

    Up to my eyeballs in work. Allergies make my face hurt so when I get home it is lights out for awhile. I have been off the grid and I apologize.

    Cooked up some sweet potatoes for snacks for work. Eat them straight and cold. Trying to find "sweet" without chocolate. Like that is ever possible. If things continue chocolate will become too expensive and they will have to extract the biochem from chocolate to save men from PMS.

    Missy - hope your Kiara is doing well. Just like children in my world too. Your healthier food choices are coming - it all evens out.

    Lana - lack of eye candy in my town/job - we have to get the cboys back into training.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thank you all!! Kiara is all good now.back to her happy energetic self! Thank goodness!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    *** May 2 ***

    Good morning Missy~ That is great to hear Kiara is bouncing around as is normal. Yay!

    Sara - sweet potato snacks sound like a great choice! As for chocolate, look for sales on chocolate in the baking section. I get the Ghirardelli baking chocolate chips when they are on sale, and I have a very tiny bowl that I use for a portion.

    Speaking of which, it's time for me to go to the store. Thursdays are Senior Discount Days at my store.

    Waves to Maureen and all who stop by later on~


    267.6 today
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,290 Member
    Rxman1971 wrote: »
    It really helped years ago hoping it will again.
    After a couple of months back what has been changing? What do you want for the next few months on MFP?
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    *** May 3 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Just getting us started.

    *🌴 tossing beach bag and mystery novel onto favorite lounge chair for the Happy Hour Party later on ⛱️*


    267.6 today
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 631 Member
    Good morning. Missy, so sorry to hear f your loss. Thats always so hard. Hugs.

    My 4 year old dog has vertigo occasionally and emergency vet noticed a low heart rate when she was sedated. Things to keep in mind if she has future issues.

    I’ve had a rough week in some ways. Took prednisone for allergies, and I swear I swelled 3 lbs over night. Hoping it “lets go” soon. Between antihistamines, antibiotics, and steroids, my senses of smell and taste came back this week and that’s nice. But I need an alley test for metals and have to stop antihistamines for 5 days. Maybe I will wear a mask that week. Ugh.

    Just had an Afib alert from my Apple Watch. Too much caffeine probably. Bad dream and woke too early and I’m cranky. Maybe I’ll just go back to bed.

    I hope your day starts better!