Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Ladies! Can I join you? I am 10.5 weeks along :) I am a runner and am having a hard time with the low energy part of the pregnancy. Looking for a support group to keep me working hard and staying fit for the next 30 + weeks!!

  • Holly~OMG! You look amazing!

    Rayna~What's the news!?! So excited to hear.

    Heather~Drop baby drop! Drop baby drop! I figured the chanting could't hurt.

    Welcome Newbies!

    Yesterday didn't go as planned for several different reasons; crappy/rainy weather, unexpected errands, extremely stressful work day. So needless to say...I didn't get any real activity in. But the sun has been trying to shine all day today, the work day has been manageable, and I'm sticking to plans no matter what! Definitely getting a walk in with the pups tonight. Don't know that I will have time for much beyond that because the Costco trip was postponed to tonight. We shall see. Overall though, I have been happy with my diet lately. :smile: But still need to get more water down. I never had a problem with it before. :grumble: :grumble: Don't know what happened.

    Have a lovely night!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi all! Just wanted to give an update: It's...a...BOY!!! :o) a healthy and VERY active boy! My poor tech was chasing him the whole time! Such an amazing experience and I'm so indescribably happy - overjoyed! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I had the best tech on the planet and she took me through every step and I was in there for over an hour, honestly best day of my life to date!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Congrats Elce & Rayna! Boy's on board that is awesome!

    Holly: thanks for sharing your pix you look great!

    Welcome Aimee!

    I ate my healthy food from yesterday but feeling hungry still i need to add some more filling foods. lol
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Rayna I couldn't be more happy for you! We needed some testosterone on this board filled with all these little girls! lol! What an amazing feeling huh?! Makes it so much more real when you can see them as a person and not just this "being" inside of you!

    Rosanna that is all you can do when life happens...just pick right back up and do your best with what you've got! A walk is better than nothing and tomorrow is a new day as well! Good job on the healthy eating. Oh and thanks for the extra chant! lol

    Welcome and congrats Aimee! Jump right on in! So far we've been making weekly goals and taking each day to stay as active as possible. As a runner you will fit right in!

    Nichole if I had my choice I'd prefer a Midwife to deliver my baby...but given the circumstances and my lack of options in this small town I am very happy with my family physician. She delivered her babies natural and is very supportive of little interventions. It is SO important to be on the same page as your doc/family physician/midwife or else you get stuck in a situation during labor being pressured into stuff you don't want! I even printed out a birth plan even though I have discussed all of my wants and dislikes just to cover all of my bases. I am okay with a saline lock (IV with nothing attached) for an emergency and intermittent monitoring of the baby (external monitor every hour) but besides that I do not want ANY other interventions unless it is for the sake of saving mine or Charlee's life. People just assume their doc is going to do what is best, but so many times their idea of what is best and yours is not always the same thing. Doctors are people too and they have very different opinions as to ways of doing things. This is why I am so passionate about people doing their homework and being very proactive about telling their doctor/family physician/midwife what they want out of this experience. I think it is awesome that you are looking into someone that might mesh better with you and your family. Oh and Happy Anniversary! And how exciting about this weekend and your babyshower! Let us know how that goes! I'm sure you will have a blast! And you cracked me up literally when you said "since my butt and thighs think they are pregnant too" lol! I am right there with you! Immediately upon becoming pregnant my butt and thighs grew and I actually got cellulite on the front of my thighs!!! (SOOO GROSS!) Everyone keeps telling me that it will go away after the baby comes....they BETTER be right! :)

    Kim I find it hard to believe that you continuing to do Zumba would put you or your baby at harm....with that being said like I mentioned to Ash earlier, I don't tell people to go against what their doctors say but I think this doctor is being way too conservative. Maybe Zumba is too intense for her, but I've never been to a Zumba class where it was extreme high intensity that is why it is a great workout for people of all shapes and sizes and aerobic ability! I personally don't agree with the 140 and under HR because of all the research I've done. I believe that if you listen to your body and stop when you are feeling like you need to stop is a better determination of your exertion level. Exercise is so beneficial to not only you and your health, but that of the baby's that is upsets me when doctors seem to advise their patients to "take it easy" and "you have all your life to workout"! Look at the women on here that have give birth to beautiful, healthy babies who ran or did some other form of physical activity up until the day before they gave birth and how amazing their bodies look and how healthy their babies are and tell me that working out is not beneficial during pregnancy! Sorry for the vent...I just strongly believe it is so beneficial that it makes me sad to think that people (unless you have a high risk pregnancy) would stop working out! I hope you do some research on your own and like Nichole said possibly think about changing to a doctor who supports your lifestyle...cause they do exist! Good luck regardless of what you choose to do though...we are here to support you! Oh and thanks for the chant...I'm hoping she hears ya loud and clear! lol!

    Congrats Elce on your little man! It is starting to slowly even out on the board with boys vs girls! lol! And good job on getting healthy snacks and the 3 mile walk planned for tomorrow! You can do it!

    Rockvixen welcome! There isn't any special potion or is all about eating right and exercising. We all get tired when we are pregnant, but for the most part there is a fine line between being lazy and just not feeling like it and being physically drained. Most of the time by being active you end up having more energy and feel better afterwards. It is just fighting past the "I don't feel like it's" and doing it! If you make a goal every day or every week and stick by it then your pregnancy should be filled with lots of healthy eating and exercise and just a little lazin on the couch and eating oreos. :) Good luck and welcome to the board!

    Congrats taldie on the workout and healthy eating! That is what this board is intended to do....keep ourselves and each other accountable! That rice, bean, cheese, avacado, and salsa does sound super tasty. It has been a while since I've made that myself! :)

    Holly again you are truly awesome! And tell your hubby we promise not to come and steal Ellie...we've got our own little ones on the way :) I understand about keeping privacy though...there are a lot of weirdo's out in the world, but I feel like it isn't very likely for them to be hanging out on a pregnancy board on MFP! lol We'd love to see little Miss Ellie but understand if your hubby isn't comfortable with it.....I guess ;)

    Misti good job on getting in your yoga and some days are better than others...we just gotta try and do our best! Glad your hubby is coming home on Friday. I know all too well how it is to have a husband you rarely see. But I'm really independent and it kinda makes it where we REALLY enjoy each others company when we do get to see each other. Well I hope you have a fun weekend with him and your nephew. Oh and I hope you feel better soon!

    Welcome Jessica! Congrats and jump on in! I love your little boy's name! Parker was our second choice next to Jack :) Parker seems to be gaining in popularity.

    Brenda so awesome you have been feeling more movement! :) It is always such an awesome feeling...until they start jabbing you with feet and elbows! lol! Make sure to be eating protein with each will help fill you up longer.

    Thank you to all the ladies that left such sweet comments on my page about how great I look. I am very humble and am gracious to all of your kind words. You are all so great and I'm so glad we have this board to support each other during such a changing time in our lives. You all rock! :)
  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    hello jessica
    we have the same due date: february 22nd, 2012 - baby number 1 too
    i don't know what is yet but i'm very exited to find out next week.
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    jchecca--welcome aboard.

    Holly-you look so friggin fabulous! love those abs. gosh you dont look like you gave birth.

    Krisitn-we are close, i'm 11.5 wks. When is your due date?

    aimeeclaire, welcome aboard. I'm one wk ahead of you. we are close as well.

    Rayna-congrats with your news to a boy...

    I hope to try my lindsay brin prenatal dvd. If not i'm doing my 30 min jog/walk.
  • Hey Everyone,

    A little about me:
    My name is Amanda and I live in Alberta Canada. I'm almost 5 weeks pregnant with baby number 1. My husband and I are very excited to have it happen after only 2 months TTC as I have some other health issues as well. Called my doctors office yesterday and the first available appointment he had was the 24th of October which I guess won't be too bad since I will be in my 9th week of pregnancy by then. I have calculated my EDC to be May 31, 2012. I am like most of you and hope not to gain a whole ton of weight during pregnancy. I haven't had any morning sickness yet although feeling very bloated and have had some crampy pain in my lower abdomen the last week or so. Anyways I'm a real newbie at all this and look forward to getting to know you all!

  • Well today i practiced yoga online and live via web conferencing.The yoga class was interactive and highly customized to my need.
    i loved it.
    Visit to book one for you !!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning! Did well on my goal yesterday and got my workout in. I ended up doing 35 mins strength/toning at home in the new gym (we got our treadmill so it's all done!), then mowed the back yard and then walked my doggie. My diet was OK yesterday; got my fruit in but I don't think I had any green veggies and I like to get at least one serving of something green a day. I had a really buys day at work and by the time it was dinner (solo - husband at conference), I didn't want to cook so went to Qdoba which if you order smart really isn't terrible for you. I enjoyed working out at home and am considering canceling my gym membership once the baby comes. It's $50 a month and really the only things there I can't get at home are elliptical, which whatever, the pool (the biggest drawback), and classes. I used to take a weekly yoga class but have stopped b/c of preggo (it was a really tough power yoga) and haven't done any since. I just got a Groupon for a studio near home and it seems like every othre week someone is selling 10 classes for $20 so I could always practice elsewhere if I want. What about you all? Who works out at a gym and who at home?

    Yay for boy Rayna! I sort of had a feeling it may be. ;)

    Heather, hope your ribs feel better. I have been reading Belly Laughs on and off throughout and Jenny McCarthy's ribs actually popped out of place! Of course she gained like 60 pounds or something, but I sure hope your ribs feel better. And don't worry, she just had her dr. pop them back in. ;) HOpefully Charlee will drop down soon.

    Welcome to all the new peeps and hi to everyone else. Sorry it's so hard to keep up with everyone; there's like a million of us now.

    I have another appointment tomorrow. Still feeling good and sleeping awesome. I haven't gotten up to pee at night once this week! I had another 1.5 pound gain this morning for the third week in a row bringing my total to 12.5 so I am happy with that! Weight gain has been steady and consistent.

    HOpe you all have a good rest of the week. Weekend is almost here! Woo hoo!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Congrats on the baby boys!!! :) So exciting!

    Holly - OH...MY...GOODNESS!! You look friggin' fantastic!

    I also had the rice, bean, salsa, cheese mixture and it was yummy! Thanks for the inspiration on that Rayna. lol I actually had some on a low carb, whole wheat tortilla for lunch yesterday and it was fantastic. :)

    With all the talk about heart rates and such I wonder if I'm overdoing it sometimes. When I run on the treadmill my heart rate maxes around 164ish, but I try to keep it between 150-160. When I run outside it's in the high 160's. I did 5 minute intervals outside yesterday and the max was 168. I'm taking really deep and steady breaths and don't feel faint or anything, but isn't that way too high? My pace was pretty slow so I don't know that I could slow down much more. The treadmill is a lot easier, but running outside just feels better because of the fresh air and change of scenery.
    In addition to my 30 minute run/walk yesterday I did about an hour of prenatal yoga. Hoping to go to the gym today and do some strength training with Eric and take the dogs for a walk if it isn't raining.

    As far as working out at a gym or at home, I use the gym on base because it's free for military and dependents. Before I got pregnant I was considering going to a better gym and paying for the membership because I wanted to get started in fitness competitions. That's obviously on hold for a while so I'm glad I didn't sign a contract. lol

    I also read Belly Laughs and Baby Laughs. Both are hilarious books!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    good morning all!!!
    Rayna...CONGRATS on your little boy!!!! that is so funny how the tech was 'chasing' him around! our tech said the same thing...he was SO active!!

    question to all...has anyone had shellac done before? its a manicure that uses UV light. i was just wondering if anyone has done this...feels/thinks it is safe to do during pregnancy?? i have read a bunch online that says there is no harm in getting it done...but wanted to put it out to the group! is a crappy day...the weather is horrible which might squish our plans to walk around the Big E tonight. Its this fair that has anything and everything you could imagine...and its here for 3 weeks in the fall and we just like to go and walk around and see whats to be seen. either way i was going to work out after work before we headed that will stay the same no matter what! I have to say...I tried a new DVD set...core rhythms...its a lot of latin style dancing and I LOVED IT!!!! the woman on there is so darn cute and i just forgot how much of a sweat you work up while dancing!

    Hope you all have a great day and i have to put in here that i agree with what everyone is saying about the HR...listen to your will tell you when you're putting in way too much! and totally find a Dr. that you're comfortable with!!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi all :)

    Thank you everyone for the congrats, we are BEYOND excited...I can't believe it! I sweet healthy active little baby BOY!! :o) we just have to agree on a
    The ultrasound experience was way better than I ever imagined, I was in there for almost an hour with a tech who was a student, she was so wonderful, genuinely excited for me - we talked and joked and she walked me through everything she was doing and let me peek at images throughout. She even said, "I'm not supposed to say this but your baby has the cutest nose! He has your nose!" and I was like "WHAT?" so crazy...then when my husband Jay was allowed to come in and we got to see that it was a boy it was clear as day as soon as she scanned over his "parts" I blurted out "It's A BOY" and the tech said, "Hey, I'm supposed to say that!" lol. I thought Jay was going to fall over, his eyes welled up and the smile on his face was priceless. We even got to see him suck his thumb and kick around it was so amazing.
    Only not so amazing part is the DVD they gave us with the images didn't work, so Jay went back and got another one and THAT one didn't work either! So I just got off the phone with them and I'm going to get another one! Fingers crossed it works!!

    Amanda - welcome and congrats! I live in Alberta too! :smile:

    Better_Balance2 - I read Belly Laughs too, Jenny McCarthy is hilarious :bigsmile:

    Anyways...I'm going to JET and go get my pictures!! Fingers crossed it works this time!

    Also...I have my 90 min yoga class tonight! Very excited for that!

    Talk soon!

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Wow, active board!! Congrats to all the baby boys!! And kudos to all of you who have maintained a healthy active workout so far!! Sorry ladies, so much going on lately on the board...I'm happy for every single one of you guys!! :flowerforyou:

    AFM:Had my glucose screening yesterday and should have test results back later today....I'm on pins and needles!

    Well, I've lost another 3 lbs since my last visit, a week ago!! I am officially 16 weeks pregnant and have passed my pre-pregnancy weight. Although most women would be overjoyed about this, I'm more concerned that the baby is getting everything it needs and there are no additional complications because of this dramatic unwanted weight loss. My doctor did several u/s to make sure the baby was ok and it was...he also checked the heartbeat at different times and he said not to worry it sounded extremely healthy.

    Doc said he has seen this a few times where a womans body reacts to pregnancy by burning calories faster than they are able to consume them. He did say he wasn't really concerned but he was going to aproach this with caution...So we (doctor, hubby & myself) agreed that we would put working out on the back burner for the next 4 weeks to see if I can increase my weight.

    Next apt, Oct 24!! We're going to have an ultra sound done :smooched: :smooched:
  • mviegas1
    mviegas1 Posts: 46 Member
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Jessica I did shellac and it was totally fine. The only thing I didn't like is that my nails are growing so incredibly fast right now that I had my nails showing within a week of getting it. And the point of it is to have it on for several weeks cause it doesn't chip....So it was a waste for me. But if your nails aren't growing fast I say go for it. The other thing I didn't like about it was that I decided to peel it off rather than have them soak my nails in acetone and it takes off the first layer of your nails made mine much thinner. Glad you found a workout dvd that is fun and that you love! Stick with it! :)

    Kristy if you feel fine then 168 is not what you should focus on. That is why the "under 140 HR" theory went out the window two decades ago (but many docs still hold onto it cause that's what they learned when they were in school). Everyone's heart rate is different and higher heart rates for some might make them dizzy and light headed while with others it doesn't affect them at all. Listen to your body and if you feel fine I say keep on doing what you are doing! Oh and I read both Belly Laughs and Baby Laughs and they were both hilarious reads!

    Ashley great job on accomplishing your goals! The only reason I would keep a gym membership (which isn't the case cause around here there aren't any "gyms" per say but a community center and then the military gym that is free) is for the group exercise classes. I am more motivated to workout surrounded by peers that love working out as well. I love the music and the energy of a good group exercise class (such is the reason why I miss the 24 Hour Fitness I used to belong to when I lived in the city...) But if you can motivate yourself and you feel great working out at home...I say save your money! If you stopped your $50 a month gym membership you could save up enough for an elliptical and I'm sure there are other options for pool use that maybe you could pay per visit or something like at a YMCA or Community Center?! Oh and enjoy the not getting up to pee thing comes back :) And awesome job on your weight gain! You are rockin it!

    Welcome Amanda! And congratulations! I saw you had been on the FFFF board. That is the board I was on for quite some time and made great friends with many of the ladies on there. Well I hope you read the welcome post on the first September board and if not here is the link:
    We are all passionate about staying fit during pregnancy and all strive to continue to workout and eat healthy throughout the entire process and beyond! I hope this is a goal of yours. If so jump right in! Glad to have you!

    Well I'm going in for a prenatal massage today (YIPPEE!!!)! I hope it is good....My body aches so bad right now between the workouts and the baby trying to bust free from the womb with her wicked kickboxing moves! lol! I slept so awesome last night though...what a blessing! It was much needed. I hadn't slept well in several weeks. I'm gonna take the day off and make up for it on Saturday. I'm gonna try and talk Al into going out for a walk/hike with me. He is more of a run the track and do P90X kinda workout guy. But I really do love having company on my walks.

    I hope all of you ladies have an awesome Thursday filled with lots of healthy yummy food and a good sweat session or two out there! :) Enjoy your day!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Welcome to any newbies! Oh & Amanda, Jalara mentioned you would be joining us, Congrats!

    Emrogers, Congrats! Yay for a boy!

    Happy anniversary Nichole & enjoy your baby shower. Oh and best of luck with the midwife, I’m so jealous! I’d love to have one but the waiting list is crazy here.

    Kim, I’m happy to hear everything went well with the baby at the appointment but I feel your pain about being told to cool it on the exercise front. I printed out a bunch of research on the topic (including the article Heather posted yesterday, thanks!) and showed it to him. I explained that I’ve been working out for the past two years while TTC and know my body, and promised to be safe, he seemed to be fine with that. But my MIL did the same thing to me, I was carrying a case of water and she freaked out on me! So am I not supposed to do groceries? How am I expected to eat? I responded to her that I was pregnant not an invalid! I hope your family starts to realize that you’re not incapable of doing things just because you’re pregnant. Like Heather mentioned, I hope you realize none of us are telling you to ignore your Dr. but just to do what is comfortable for you.

    Rayna, Congrats! Yah for a boy! I’m so glad you had a great ultrasound, I’m so happy for you!

    Ashley, Best of luck at your appointment tomorrow

    Jchecca, I hope you get your answer on the shellac, but I’ve no idea. The last time I had my nails done was over 10 years ago & hated how thick fake nails are. I’m lucky to have very strong nails that never chip and so I could have them long if I wanted to, but it bugs me once they get a certain length. But I would imagine that the biggest thing you should look at is to see if your nail salon is well ventilated.

    As for me, well exercise has sucked even worse than last week! So I intend on ending the week well so that next week is even better! Also have any of you had back spasms? I had some pretty bad ones yesterday and though this was early to be having back issues!

  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member ladies are making me blush! Thank you for all the compliments. I was hoping my picture could help to motivate and inspire as you continue through your pregnancies. I truly believe that the weight fell off so easily due to my eating healthy, nutritious foods with small treats here and there (come on, you have to indulge once in a while to stay sane and happy!) and because I worked out the entire pregnancy. For all the newbies - I ran four days a week in early pregnancy and three days a week from 25 weeks or so until 40weeks, 3 days. I was still running 10 miles a week at the end. I also did yoga, strength training and walked my dogs. It is tough to always have the energy, but the payoff of being a fit, fabulous mama is so worth it!

    I'm going to try to respond to everyone, but I am now blaming my brain lapses on "new mom brain"!

    Nichole, happy anniversary! Hope you have a fabulous weekend with your shower and good luck with your meeting the midwife.

    Elce, Rayna, happy to hear some more baby boys are joining this group!

    Rosanna, yeah for walking the pups! It's still exercise and today is a new day to get back to it.

    Ashley, weight gain sounds awesome and right on track. I don't belong to a gym, it would be a complete waste of money for me. I am a get outside and go kind of girl! I actually even struggle with workout videos. I run in the rain and cold all winter long, the only thing that keeps me inside is when we get ice, which luckily is not very often.

    Brenda, nuts, peanut butter, & hummus are some quick, filling easy snacks to keep you more full.

    Kim & Kristy, as for the working out and heart rates - I am not a doctor and I usually recommend listening to their advice. I can tell you from personal experience that my heart rate occasionally made it to the high 150's low 160's. When I'd notice that I would just try to slow myself down a bit. Listen to your body, it can tell you a lot if you are over doing it. If you are huffing and puffing and feeling out of breath, you are going too hard. If you can still carry on a conversation you should be in a better range. My doctor's theory is that everything my body was used to was okay to continue with during pregnancy. She kept laughing at me towards the end when I would ask if it was okay to keep running and she was telling all the nurses about it while I was in labor! As I always tell my patients, do your research, listen to your gut and do what is right for you.

    Jessica, Amanda and Aimee, welcome! This is a fabulous group of ladies that are very supportive of a healthy lifestyle and gain during pregnancy. We are all here to be fit, fabulous and pregnant and fit, fabulous and (hot!) mamas! ;-)

    Heather, I know you have some specific ideas on your birth plan and I also know that you are very aware that things sometimes don't go as we'd plan. I just encourage you to stay open to things maybe going in other directions than what you've planned on. Look at Amy, Lexi and I - so far none of us quite got what we wanted in regards to our labor and birth plans, but we all ended up with perfect, healthy babies. I just don't want you to be too disappointed if you have to alter your plans at all and I am praying that you get everything you want out of your delivery of Charlee. Thank you for all your support and motivation over these past multiple months - I feel like you are a dear friend!

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday. My dad is coming to visit Ellie today as he's been jet-setting around the world since she was born. His schedule got revised several times so he's very excited to finally be getting to meet his new grand daughter!

  • Good Morning! I went for a run last night and it went pretty good, 4kms and a few walk breaks. I will do weights tonight dammit! I had a nightmare and my husband woke me up as I was saying no, no no! Really wierd. I probably ate more than I should have again yesterday, I seem to snack alot at work, shoot.

    Hope everyone has a great day
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    emrogers - so happy for you with the boy news. Get some rest and hope you'll feel better soon.

    nkster781 - happy belated anniversary, hope you had a great day celebrating it.

    kcurtis05 - congrats! How exciting with the news

    Aimee - welcome aboard

    Amanda - congrats and welcome here

    Holly - you look fabulous!!

    Rayna - that's so awesome you got so many detail about the baby boy. I still remembered the joy my hubby showed with our first boy during out u/s, and I couldn't stop tearing. Congrats again.

    Oh gosh, I cannot keep up with all the posts...

    For me, I'm still have the cold - mainly sore throat. Hubby tease me about my froggy voice whole night. Was hoping for a run at noon, but I think I should take it easy with a walk after lunch instead. My legs are sore from yesterday's DVD workout and I miss the soreness from a great workout so much.

    24 more hours to go for my ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. Have a great day ladies.
