

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,404 Member
    Annie - I drive an old Toyota Camry - 2004 LE with just over 80,000 miles, in great shape. I was just given an offer from Carmax for $3,880.

    You can enter the info on your dad's car here: Edmunds.com/appraisal/

    Prices can vary a lot by region. Good luck!

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    Today I am simmering a roasted chicken carcass. That always gives me 2 or 3 quarts of broth. Both husband and I kind of attack the chicken when we get it home from the store. The only time he eats chicken is standing in the kitchen with a fork poking at the chicken breast like a vulture! I seem to have it for lunch. And that's really all I have. Its a messy lunch.😁. It still gives me chicken to make myself a chicken salad sandwich, and a couple salads with chicken. This afternoon husband will have a big mug of my chicken broth. I put a lot of turmeric, pepper and cayenne pepper in it. That's so good for our innards. At least when I have a mug my innards feel happy.
    I have been drinking apple cider vinegar as well. Just a glug in my sparkling flavored water. This ACV has honey and cayenne pepper in it as well. Its a marvelous drink and satiating.
    Well Monday we get our new floor fingers crossed! I want to get this bottom floor professionally cleaned (carpets and entry way) by Stanley Steamers. I also need to buy new pans for under our burners. Lastly, I want to have my oven professionally cleaned. I hate it, and I am sure its not been cleaned for some time, even before us.
    Michele, one trick I use is use Crisco oil on the pan. I have a mini loaf pan, so its like a cupcake pan but are 8 mini loaves. I get in all the cracks and they never stick. I don't just make the pan surface shiny, there is a white coating, especially each corner.👍🏼
    Well everyone have a nice weekend.🤗
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,356 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Just work. Pretty soon I’ll take a walk. Lector at the church tonight. Went to WalMart because Jess is coming tonight and I’ll make a casserole and needed some ingredients.

    Sherry – if you’re looking for an actively posting group, hold onto your hat. Seriously, this thread moves f-a-s-t. What kind of exercise do you like to do?

    Tracey – oops! Well, Aspen is beautiful

    barbie – yea for you and Jake

    Lanette – the prices of going to a restaurant are outrageous. That’s part of the reason we eat so much at home. Jess is coming tonight and suggested we go out. Vince said “why don’t we eat at home” so I made a Mexican casserole. He won’t eat it so any leftovers she’ll be taking home. So sorry your dinner was such a disappointment. I know a while ago Vince went to 5 Guys, A hamburger, fries and Coke – $20

    Beth and Annie – my heart goes out to you gals

    And Margaret – your friend

    Rebecca – I sprayed the bejesus out of those muffin cups and the brownies STILL stuck. Well, the cake is OK, I’ll just need to ice it tomorrow

    Flea – wooshing good thoughts today, tomorrow, Mon and especially Tues for a good outcome

    There’s a problem with the a/c and the guy is supposed to be here shortly. Hopefully, he can fix whatever is the problem today since we leave Tuesday to go to Denise’s. Vince said that while I was at WalMart PJ called to ask “where are you grandpa and grandma”. He thought we should have been there today!

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,012 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Thank you Lisa, Michele, Heather, Machka, Tracey and Terri for your kind words about my dad.

    When I heard the door, he left and drove back to his physical therapy thinking he had another appointment because he read the wrong day on the calendar. But he had just finished there two hours ago.

    Machka, there are bells on the doors just hanging on the doorknobs so I do hear him. And we have a doctor appointment Monday. I'm hoping they can help convince him to stop driving.

    I went over to talk to my aunt and she thinks we should put him in a home for memory care. I'm naturally reluctant both because he couldn't go on his long walks and because of the risk of having to sell the house to pay for it. But the wandering problem will only get worse in the fall when he wants to go out in the dark. It's a safe town, and his balance is better from all the PT. But I wonder how often he gets lost and doesn't tell me.

    Such a worry. When his PT is over, he will go back to wanting to go out for ice cream every day. He takes his picture of Mom and shows it to strangers. He needs more social activity than I do. So sad, because he used to be a physicist and was usually the smartest person in every room, but so humble. Now he gets so confused.

    So I hid my Mom's old car key. And the doctor will help make the decision about driving. And the issue of memory care is something to look into for the fall. Everything changes!

    Annie in Delaware

    Annie- is there senior "daycare" available in your area. That would give your dad social interaction plus a safe place where they can really watch him. It would be quite a bit cheaper than moving him to assisted living. He would still be at home at night. This would also give you a little time to do your things
    We have a Senior Center here and they offer lots of activities


  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    Beth: It’s so heartbreaking when our olds get to that stage. My heart goes out to you, and any others who are looking after failing elders.

    Annie: Is it possible to get your dad into daycare of some kind?

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited May 18
    Talked to my friend's daughter. She is at the sleeping most of the time stage and not saying much. I told her to keep talking to her. I believe it helps my friend and her daughter. Her other daughter who lives in Seattle flew back so she is surrounded by her children. She is in a hospice setting in the nursing home section of the complex where she lives.

    My mother in law died in a similar setting as did another friend of mine about 15 years ago. I did go to see them. It is not the way I want to remember them. I am choosing to remember my friend the last time I took her for lunch on her birthday and when she came to church for mother's day. I also have a cold right now brought on by bad air pollution from wild fires in Canada and not sleeping the best for a number of nights because I overdid my gardening. I don't want to risk giving this to her or her loved ones. They have enough to deal with right now!

    Annie here we have a program run by the Wilder foundation that a loved one with dementia would go to during the day. It does give the caregiver a break. My MIL went to such a program. It wasn't her favorite but she was very unhappy living here in St. Paul that was the real issue not the Wilder program. This was twenty years ago. I would hope there is something like it close to you. It did give DH some peace of mind.