
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    Flea - Amazing news! <3 You must be thrilled! :D

    John did go to watch Edie play football. It had stopped raining, but it was chilly, damp, and miserable. He thought she played well. Apparently she has a great throw in. Her team won 8 -0. She was very appreciative and texted him afterwards. <3

    I've been wrestling with this irritable bladder, which has depressed and worried me, but it seems to have calmed down at the moment. I can't think of anything much beyond my nether regions.

    Lisa - Glad things are moving on for your assessment. A lump sum will be nice. :)

    Rosemarie - Nice to see you! :)

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Hot diggity dog Flea!! That's wonderful news!!
    Came home and had to take a nap.. between the heat and lugging heavy groceries in for Doris i was beat.
    Alfie is off at Toms house enjoying as always..and Siri knows when he is gone and is up on the bed purring up a storm..81vgt0ejcmdv.jpg
    Little boy out checking on the daycare chickens 🐔
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,228 Member
    Yay Flea!!

    Annie in Delaware
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 967 Member
    Flea-What great news!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Flea, YAY!!!!! Such amazing news, I can only imagine how you are feeling, the joy and disbelief all mixed up in one! Overjoyed for you.
    Tracey, I watched the series end of Young Sheldon, a three hanky night for sure! I have enjoyed the series and am looking forward to Mandy and Georgie’s story. So happy to hear that your practicum is going well, hope you will be able to find a job quickly when it’s finished.
    I’ve been reading and cheering the victories, mourning the losses and sending good thoughts to those who are in pain/under the weather/dealing with family stuff.

    Must go make dinner, it’s that time again! Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the new gals!

    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :)Flea, What awesome news. Thanks for letting us cheer with you.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    Pretty accurate, but there is some language.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Flea - such very good news!

    Good to see your post Rori.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    Barbie--Great news from Jake's appointment.
    Annie--Sending hugs!
    Beth--Hugs for you also.
    Lisa--Glad things are working out well for DBIL.
    Well I got a call last Wednesday that my friend I was POA for had a stroke or something during the night and was unresponsive. So DH and I went to Lincoln. After we got there I knew it was bad so called her daughters and explained what was going on and that they could come if they could be civil. She did pass on Thursday evening. I am so glad we had hospice as they made sure she was comfortable. I know I prepared for this, but it has really hit me. We have been best friends for 51 years and I realized we never had a fight. So now waiting for the funeral home to call and I can go pickup her ashes. The oldest daughter is moving back to Nebraska next week. So once that is done we will sit down and plan a celebration of life. The daughter that lives here went to put an notice in the newspaper and they wanted $406 just a couple paragraphs. Anyway I am hanging in here and trying to figure out what I do next.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3

    So sorry about your friend, Vicki. :heart:
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited May 23
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Rory you sound great!

    Today will be interesting. I have a doctor on video call, so I can't really watch my dad this morning. And I'm scheduled for horseback riding this afternoon, although there are thunderstorms in the forecast.

    So he will be left to his own devices, and I'm nervous about that. Yesterday he wanted to go to the cemetery where my Mom's ashes are. I have a note posted reminding him that he can't walk alone per the doctor. He asked me why he can't walk alone. I said because you get lost. He replied so then I will drive and headed for the door. I had to remind him that he doesn't drive anymore. ( His keys are hidden.) I drove him over there.

    So there are risks with leaving him alone, the biggest one is that he will walk away and get lost. I tried to call the senior center yesterday to see how they operate. I don't know if he can just hang out there. There is the same risk that he would walk away. They don't have security to even know who is there or when they leave.

    The other side of the question is whether we should just take the risk. Even if he walks, he might just walk home. He is still quite lucid if he can hear. We could get him a GPS tracker, for a fee. He was getting lost maybe twice a month that I know of.

    Meanwhile my sister is thinking about putting Dad in assisted living. I think he would get less
    attention there. But it's worth going to tour the place.

    So the same old questions are rattling around in my brain. I started asking yesterday about hiring someone to walk with him. They pointed me to Facebook. So I would need to join the neighborhood group, I guess. And do the messages probably. Hmmm.

    It's summer here. I turned the air conditioner on.

    Have an awesome day! May you all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,789 Member
    edited May 23
    Annie - Doesn't seem there are any good choices, my dear. No advice from my side, as I have no experience, just all the good thoughts I can send from here. You will make your way through, I know, and make the best decisions you can. That's all that can be expected.

    Rori - Funny, when I put the list of those who are hopefully only temporarily MIA, I almost put your name down and then thought, "No, she'll be popping up soon," and there you were... So pleased that your time with your fella brings so much joy. How's Mars doing?

    Machka - The floors look great! It's always nice when you get that first domino knocked down so the rest of the actions to follow can begin.

    Tracey - That video made me snort my coffee this morning... If you haven't run across her before, you should check out Sarah Millican. She's a British comedian, SO funny. For anyone who's not fond of cussing, please note that she throws out F-bombs right, left and center, but in a voice that sounds much like everyone's old Aunt Margaret in tone and delivery. Absolutely hilarious. Hope your last practicum goes very well--how are your feet and legs doing these days? Hope the pain is less than it was.

    Lanette - My mother's diabetes diagnosis started when she was 60 with her optometrist. When he told her that her eyesight from the previous year had improved, he also said she needed to get to her GP and get tested soon to see if there were issues with diabetes. She had it, but had no symptoms until then. Eye docs have known for a long time that there is a connection, I guess.

    More later, my chickens... the sky has finally lightened, and it appears the rain is moving off. Egg will be pleased.

    Lisa in AR

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Lisa in soon-to-be stormy Arkansas


    auntiebk wrote: »
    Tuesday: Thought my flannel nightshirt was heavier than my new knit pj’s. Turns out no, they’re .2 lb heaver. Now I can weigh in in either disregarding the difference. ;}
    Monday Joe has figured out that abstaining from brandy and sweets makes the tingling in his fingers, the nerve pain in his tooth, and the weird feelings in his toe go away. Halelujah!
    Kelly Clarkson, Ben Napier (Home Town), Kristina Kresten (Farmhouse Fixer) what transformations! Makes me aware how much appearance matters to me, much to my shame. Can’t help but wonder how they did it though :naughty:
    Stopped at the [shudder] gym yesterday to observe Coach Ken’s Better Bones and Balance class. It looked way harder than I remembered. I’ve deteriorated way too much. Will seriously consider joining :noway: when I’m done with PT, as I need the external discipline of a schedule and Coach’s cuing for form and effort. Won’t mean any more trips into town, BB&B class is on same days as line dancing ;}

    I weigh in the mornings, after the toilet, and just seconds before I step into the shower. In other words, I've off-loaded about 300-400 grams of liquid ... and my clothes. And yes, I do know how much my bladder holds and how certain amounts feel.

    Well done to Joe!

    And to you for looking into the gym. :)

    Heather - I have read that the old “clean your plate” mentality that we were taught is part of our obesity problems now. I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t some truth to that.
    How fortunate this young generation will be to be able to say no because they recognize their bodies signals.
    I remember being over stuffed on many occasions and being forced to finish my plate.

    I was frequently "encouraged" to finish my plate, but that was mainly because I didn't like meat and really didn't want to eat it at all but was being "encouraged" to eat some of it.
    I don't recall there being much food around when I was growing up. I actually remember feeling hungry quite frequently ... and then in my late teens, I struggled a bit with anorexia. The second I felt stressed (which I did a lot finishing high school and going into college), I would stop eating. I was underweight for a couple years.
    But then I married and moved to Winnipeg with my then-husband, and his family supplied copious quantities of food all the time. After growing up with restricted food, it was almost unbelievable to me that I could eat what I wanted, whenever I wanted ... and the inevitable happened.
    I had a good first day with the grade 5’s. We had a demonstration of a tipi being built. 60 kids fit into it and they built it in 20 minutes.
    The class I’m in has 17 students. The teacher is younger than Kaitlyn, but seems to have a good handle on the class.

    Sounds like it could be an interesting class. You're getting some good experience.
    I’m ready to head to bed now. It’s an adjustment week for Rodger and I as he switches back to days. I didn’t sleep well last night with him in the bed for the first time since October. It felt hot and crowded in there.
    I’ll be glad to get used to it again soon.

    Off to bed,
    Tracey in Edmonton

    Couples no longer have to share a bed, and lots don't! The articles below talk about couples going to two separate rooms, but we sleep in twin beds, in the same room, and that works for us. We're both restless in bed and we both snore. I'm pretty sure we both express ourselves in our sleep too ... he mumbles etc. and I've woken him up with my weird screams (they were full-on, very loud, screams in my dream but in the awake world, they were kind of funny cries, apparently).

    We both also sleep with ear plugs (there are lots of different kinds these days!)
    And I sleep with a sleep mask.

    What Is a Sleep Divorce?
    "The idea of a sleep divorce has recently gained in popularity, with one survey finding that over one-third of people regularly sleep in a different room from their romantic partner.

    A ‘Sleep Divorce’ Might Be Exactly What Your Relationship Needs
    "“We’re talking about couples consciously choosing to sleep in either separate bedrooms, separate beds or to have another kind of sleep separation,” Dr. Albers says.

    It’s a growing trend — estimates by organizations like The Better Sleep Council and the International Housewares Association suggest approximately 1 in every 5 couples are sleeping separately most or all of the time."

    @cityjaneLondon ... if you're going for surgery soon, talk to your doctor as soon as possible about the possibility of a UTI so you can get onto antibiotics ASAP. You are not going to want to deal with a UTI in the first few days after surgery.

    Bea has the right idea!

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member

    Looks good!

    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: sense of smell. The scent of fog and mist in the woods this morning, then the first whiff of Lemon Lift tea and now Joe’s garlic bread warming in the oven. Yum!

    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka Dentist again? Oh noo… thanks for the tip and op clarifications. Gotta say I love the nicknames “Salvos” and “Vinnies”.

    Dentist ... still. We've finally ordered the crown for that one tooth. All the bad stuff on that tooth has been removed, and my gum around the tooth has been moved lower (somehow) so that there's a bit of tooth onto which the crown will be adhered. My lower jaw area on that side has been slightly swollen for a couple weeks of everything that's been done to try to preserve that tooth and make sure there is still enough of it for a crown.

    Aussies love their shortened names, and especially names with "o" on the end. Good tasting food is "yummo". Someone who is aggressively upset is "agro" ... like "Oi, don't get all agro with me! It's not my fault!" What's happening to our house is a "reno". So, Salvation Army is Salvos. And Aussies like the "ie" thing too ... Aussie, Tassie, etc. So, St Vincent de Paul Society is Vinnies. :)

    On op shops & tip shops here ...
    The clothing in the Red Cross place is overpriced. Yes, they occasionally have designer clothing, and yes, I can see charging $25 for a used dress in great shape that would have likely been bought new for over $200. But I can't see charging $15 for a used department store dress that I could purchase at the department store on a sale for between $15 and $20. Fortunately, the Red Cross place has good prices on books. They've got a lot of books and sometimes they want to move them, so I can bring half a dozen to the desk with the listed price of $2-$3 each, and they'll charge me $10 or something.

    But most other places have quite reasonably priced clothing and other stuff.

    And Salvos colour codes their clothes. They've got 6 or 8 colours and in each week, they'll have one colour at 50% off, and another colour at $2 each. So I've picked up some nice long-sleeved exercise jackets and capris for work for $2-$5.

    I am speechless and still processing. My PET was completely clear. No metastatic disease indicated in any bone or organ. It did pick up that I was constipated, and that's a little embarrassing, but I'll take it. I know this means I get to go off Xgeva. I am hoping for a dose reduction of the Kisqali, I'm currently on a maximum dose. I have to stay on letrozole.

    This feels a lot like cured, which is what we were going for, but we thought completely unattainable.

    No discernable cancer in my body. I can't believe it.

    Rejoicing in the Willamette Valley OR


    @kevrit ... that's great about the pedal boats!

    Welcome here @jackiekost !

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Rosemarie - Good to see you pop up, dear heart, I was about to add you to the list of those we hadn't seen in a bit, like Kylia and Joy. I must admit, I love being of an age and of a mind where I can say, "No, that's not right for me," or just "No." I do it a lot.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR

    @Joy1580vb is in the Ages 70+ thread. :)

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    My 4th date with N was wonderful. We met in Charleston, saw a Bonnie Raitt concert, hit three beaches and two farmers markets. We caught up on laughing together, taking a drive together and cuddle time. We are both still Goobers tickled to pieces to have this magical friendship. And then at the end of five days, we were just fine retreating to our separate corners of the continent until next time. Right now, it looks like date #5 will commence here in Denver in mid-July. Stay tuned.

    This past weekend, I was present for both games which our Hockey and Basketball teams lost, and it meant an abrupt end to what looked like promising seasons. It’s considered the worst sports weekend in Colorado history. I will so miss the guys and their families, but it will also be a nice change of pace to work more concerts and theatre programs. The backstage sports events require several hours of standing, and my hips and knee will be grateful for a respite.

    Think I shared that I lost a longtime BFF in November. I will not be attending her COL in June, but I am in the process of writing something to be read during it. Nothing scripted yet, but have been spending a few mins each day journaling my memories. Eventually I’ll piece it all together. Still hurting.

    Summer is on the horizon. I saw the condo maintenance team was getting the pool and hot tub painted and primed to open this weekend. Morning lap swimming is my favorite summer exercise. I will continue to attend StretchLab, but plan to cut back to maybe 2-3 sessions per month because the swimming is so therapeutic for my back and shoulders. The scale has been going in the right direction, but still a work in progress to get back to my longtime plateau of 148.

    Colorado Foothills
