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How About We Don't Delete Newsfeeds



  • michaela4910
    michaela4910 Posts: 543 Member
    edited July 1
    I’m transitioning over to Lose It! Feel free to look me up and add me there. Michael, same profile pic. RIP MFP
  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,835 Member
    edited July 1
    It’s unbelievable that they are republishing old reviews and passing them off as new glowing reviews of their app.
  • ByeByeToDiabetes
    ByeByeToDiabetes Posts: 61 Member
    Maybe they expect us all to use the new wonderdrugs for weight loss in the future and they will adjust the site accordingly to not use their investment?
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    edited July 1
    So sad to see the newsfeed is going away :( It's so user friendly and helped to connect us all. I checked the 'group' tab and I've been in 2 groups for years and I'm just NOT active there (let's be honest, I get lost in the 16,000 members and NO ONE notices my absence there). Those large groups just aren't the same as a small group of friends you can follow, encourage and cheer on along the way.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,364 Member
    edited July 1
    I checked the 'group' tab and I've been in 2 groups for years and I'm just NOT active there (let's be honest, I get lost in the 16,000 members
    Yup. "Groups" aren't a bad idea, but MFPs version is hopelessly broken.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,439 Member
    @springlering62 , thanks for the heads up, I just took a screenshot of my friends list.
  • Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB
    Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB Posts: 289 Member
    edited July 1
    IslandGal3 wrote: »
    COGypsy wrote: »
    I just checked iPhone App Store… users have been leaving 1 star reviews and citing the loss of the newsfeed!

    I was just checking on the iPhone App Store out of curiosity and pretty much the only recent reviews there now are 5 stars and not one mentions the newsfeed, only the barcode scanner moving to Premium.


    So interesting.. I went back and scrolled through after I read your post @COGypsy and on Tuesday.. many people edited former 9 month- 1year old reviews.. so they look like recent.

    Notice the dates of the developer responses from last June, July, September and beyond when the reviews originated. There are dozens of these.

    What a coincidence that Tuesday is when people started posting on the forum to leave critical feedback for MFP on app stores.




    I saw this. Wow.


    Seriously if MFP put this much effort into fixing the glitches of MFP I don't think we'd be talking about the newsfeed going

    So sad that Mfp is stooping so low

    Please pass this on the the BIG GUYS since they refuse to share their contact information