
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @gemwolf110 I'm glad you had a nice trip. Isn't it always we need a vacation from our vacation? lol Great pictures. The food looks yummy.

    @theslightedgeforever Ah okay. lol...I understand why you have to go then. My husband is pretty good about finding that kind of stuff. He may forget though. Ugh, I'm sorry your suggestion didn't go well. Yeah that's what I thought about the dentist at first but when he said what it is for (I have gum disease with some deep pockets) and that they did it before, I agreed to do it. We'll see if it makes a difference. Oh gosh, you just never know with dentists. It's like getting your car fixed: you kind of just have to trust that they are being honest. That must be frustrating to be stuck around the same number. That's a good idea to look for NSVs. Did I ever tell you about the NSV book I used to keep? I still look back at it on occasion and read my NSVs.

    @fabgeekmom Yes! I have a lot of money in my mouth as well. I have: 2 implants, 2 bridges, 2 crowns so I feel you! Crowns are expensive. Some people around here (including one of my friends) go down to Mexico to have dental work. Thank you for the encouragement. That's great you spent a lot of time outside. When are your kids getting back? I love Israeli couscous too!

    Hi all. I picked up Sam's Club groceries last night but I still have to go to the Asian grocery store and the International/Mediterranean grocery store today. I made Moussaka Beef Rice last night for dinner. It was pretty easy to make but we found it a bit too tomatoey and it needed some parmesan cheese to balance out the tomato. Hopefully, tonight's recipe will be better: Skinnytaste's Caesar-Marinated Chicken Kabobs with Zucchini and Grilled Romaine. I bought us a guidebook to local coffee shops that you can fill out your ratings in. Maybe we'll explore a new coffee shop today.

    Water yesterday: 32 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld The chicken recipe looks good. I have all the ingredients for the chicken except the lemon so I’ll save the recipe for later. Hi, all. My children came home this morning at about 2 AM. They were supposed to fly home from JFK but their flight was postponed until 11 PM. They rented a car and drove home. I woke up before 2 and couldn’t go back to sleep until I heard my son come in the house. Today is a walk and bike day. I have chicken breast, green beans and red potatoes for dinner. I’m thinking of marinating the chicken in low-fat buttermilk and Ranch seasoning mix and roasting the potatoes and green beans with a little olive oil and Italian seasoning.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom I didn't end up making it last night, I was tired from my day, but I'll make it today. Your kids must have been exhausted! That sounds like a good way to do the food.

    Hi all. I was away from home pretty much all day yesterday. I got in almost 12,000 steps! If I had worn my watch when we walked the dogs, I would have gotten 12,000 steps. We walked the dogs together in the morning and then I went for some groceries. Then I met my old boss at the photographic museum. We walked around in there and went to my favorite used bookstore and then for coffee. When I got back, my husband wanted to get out of the house so we went to a couple of bookstores and then for a beer. It was a nice day, about 78F, and sunny. I enjoyed my day.

    Water yesterday: 32 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld Wow, that’s a lot of steps! The museum, coffee shop, and bookstore were a great way to spend a day. I didn’t cook the chicken either. My daughter suggested we go out to eat so that’s what we did! We went to our favorite local Italian restaurant. My son is grilling the chicken for lunch. Hi, all. We are going to my cousin’s house for Father’s Day tonight. I have tracked what we will have. It’s a lot of food! Last night I ate some chocolate candy my son brought back from London. So good!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes! I had a great time. Oh, it's always nice to go out to eat. I hope you had a nice Father's Day. Yum, I love chocolate from overseas.

    Hi all. I ran around a lot yesterday, too: we went to two different coffee shops and we went to a bookstore. It was a beautiful day to be out and about. I messed up and didn't defrost the meat for dinner so we had frozen chicken strips and fries in the air fryer. I made a tonkatsu sauce for the chicken.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @fabgeekmom I made a couple of butternut squash last night and will be eating them this week. I figure if they are ready to grab, easier to eat. Glad your dh got some intention. Your dinner sounded good. Did you use the LF buttermilk and ranch seasoning or was it ranch dressing? Too bad about your kid's flight.

    @trooworld That's a good idea about a NSV book. Great job on your steps. At your work, do you sell gems and rocks or do you just categorize, etc.? Yes, chocolate from overseas is much tastier I think. I had to go look up that tonkatsu sauce. That sounds good. I'll have to try it next time with the chicken strips instead of just ketchup.

    I finally broke my plateau. Lost 0.7 lbs this week.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld Frozen chicken strips and fries sound good. Good to have a back up plan. @theslightestedgeforever I used low-fat buttermilk and Ranch seasoning. That’s great that you broke your plateau. Hi, all. DH and I went to Sam’s this morning. I got flank steak for tomorrow night and ribeyes for Friday plus some other stuff. Monday morning was a good time to go. I went for a walk and ride the bike. We didn’t cook the chicken yesterday. I air fried it as my son was too tired to grill it.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! Neither lol. We are a library filled with books about gems and jewelry (and rocks and related fields). If I gave more detail than that, I would definitely identify my employer (which I don't want to do here in public). But I'm happy to share it in a private message, if you are curious...just message me! Yeah, tonkatsu sauce is really yummy and easy to make. Congrats on breaking your plateau! WOO HOO!!!

    @fabgeekmom Yes! I'm glad they were in the freezer, or we would have ordered food delivery. I bet it was a good time to go to Sam's. I try to go at non-busy times like when they first open on the weekends: we have the plus membership so we can go in on Saturday as early as 8 am, which is before the general public can go in. How was the chicken?

    Hi all. I attended a Zoom support group for bariatric patients through my doctor's office. There were only 4 people including the therapist holding the session and me. But I got some good tips and it was worth going to. The biggest tip I got was also the simplest: follow your doctor's directions to the T. I plan on doing that for sure. Tonight, my SIL got us tickets to Taste of Little Italy. It's unfortunate that it is on a weeknight but it is what it is. I am getting off work early to go to it. I tracked 1,200 calories as I have no idea how else to track it as the event is just a bunch of restaurants giving out small plates/bites of food.

    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld The chicken was good! Little Italy sounds like fun and a lot of good food! Hi, all! I went for a walk this morning and went swimming afterwards. That was too much and I’m feeling it. I’m not in a lot of pain but I can tell I overdid it. I won’t do that again. Tonight my son is grilling flank steak. I made a soy sauce and olive oil sauce to pour over it when done. I’m also roasting potatoes and cooking squash from the garden. My daughter and her family are coming over.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom Oh that's good to hear. Yes, Little Italy was very fun and the food was delicious. That's too bad you overdid it. That sounds like a nice family dinner.

    Hi all. I had fun at the Taste of Little Italy last night. I didn't eat too much as you had to walk to each restaurant and get a very small portion of food at each restaurant. It was a good way to try different places though. We didn't go to each restaurant as I got tired and was getting full. We found some new places to try. I think the favorite place for both of us was this Argentinean restaurant that had grilled flank steak with chimichurri sauce. We will definitely go back to that place. I am tired today even though I went to bed on time.

    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,639 Member
    Afternoon all, I just finished reading all the post. It's kind of like reading a good book. LOL. I haven't been doing the greatest and I got into a funk. BUT now is the day to start again. It's just so hot here. I did however buy a 15ft umbrella so maybe I will be outside more. We have 2 other umbrella's but they were 8 and 9 ft.

    @fabgeekmom Glad your kids made it home and I agree, you are like the calm in our noisy lives. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever congrats on breaking your plateau!

    @trooworld It seems you are always on the go. LOL I think you need a staycation. LOL. Glad you liked the zoom call. Always is nice to be around people that give encouragement and hope.

    @gemwolf110 great pictures. Glad you enjoyed it and are home safe.

    @Babytessie01 It takes time and sometimes I am impatient. LOL. I still don't track consistently and I should. Glad you are here.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld That was a great idea to try out different restaurants. Now you have new places to go to. Also that was good restraint in stopping when you were full. @cbabie Welcome back! Umbrellas are a good way to have shade. I have one on my front porch. Hi,all. I exercised today but did not overdo it. I learned my lesson. My bad knee was acting up and I had to ice it. But I’m okay now. Dinner was leftovers from last night plus a salad I made.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @cbabie are dedicated if you read all those posts! I'm sorry you've been in a funk. It must be hard not to be in a funk when it's that hot. Are you going to walk around with that 15 ft umbrella? LOL I am just picturing that. ;) I do seem to always be on the go, at least on the weekends. I want a weekend where I don't have to go anywhere (and then, I'd probably be bored lol). I do need a staycation!

    @fabgeekmom Yes! We had never been to any of the ones we tried. Thank you! I'm glad you didn't overdo it yesterday. That's good dinner was already made.

    Hi all. We were supposed to have a Skinnytaste recipe called Foil Packet Cheesy Sausage and Peppers last night for dinner with some veggies. It was my husband's night to cook. The frustrating thing about him is that he sometimes will ignore a recipe entirely (despite me already tracking it) and make it up. That is exactly what he did with the foil packets. There was no marinara. There was no cheese. It was just a slightly greasy mess. He didn't make the veggies but made a salad with Caesar dressing. But I didn't say anything because he was home all day and cleaned some of the house for which I was grateful. Today is his birthday and so I am making a dish that is one he likes: Loco Moco. Not the healthiest thing but he likes it. It's a Hawaiian dish involving a ground beef patty, gravy, egg, and white rice. Other than that, I had a migraine in the middle of the night. I think I was grinding my teeth too hard or something because my head feels better since I got up. Oh, and I also got a "smart" water bottle called the Hidrate Spark PRO. It was expensive but I think it will help me drink more water and more accurately track my water:

    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • Babytessie01
    Babytessie01 Posts: 6 Member
    @theslightedgeforever - thank you, I don't know a lot of those food journey's you were speaking of but I will look into them. What is F&V?
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,479 Member

    Waiting for my Athenian pizza to arrive way too hot to turn oven on
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld Too bad about the dinner but good that your DH cleaned the house. I hope you enjoyed the birthday dinner. Good luck with the smart water bottle. @gemw1010 Enjoy the pizza! Hi, all. Today was a swim day. We swam at a different center as the center we usually go to is extremely busy with summer programs. This pool was larger and had more lanes. My son made dinner tonight. Homemade marinara with some meatballs we froze some time ago. Plus crusty Italian bread. And a few pieces of European chocolate for dessert.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @Babytessie01 She means "fruits & vegetables". How are you doing?

    @gemwolf110 Happy Summer Solstice to you as well! It is that time of year to figure out what to make when it's too hot to cook. I always have trouble with that.

    @fabgeekmom Yes! I did, it was good. Thank you. Did you like the other pool? Yummy dinner.

    Hi all. As you can see from my water intake yesterday, I like my new smart water bottle. It "gamifies" water consumption for me. Unfortunately, I continue to gain weight. Did I track over the weekend so I could look back and see what went wrong? NOOOOO. Grrh. I don't even remember what we ate. I shoot myself in the foot when I don't track, so why don't I track the weekends?

    Water yesterday: 149 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,639 Member
    Morning all, I am up to a weight I haven't been at in a few months. I have to keep at it and not go any higher. I think it's the part about too hot to go anywhere. I try not to get out of the house unless it's night or early morning...even then it's just a breath of HOT air moving. LOL.

    @trooworld I am trying to get back to's really the only way to know what I am doing. Yea for you with your water. Hope you and DH have a great day and he has a good day with his birthday.

    @fabgeekmom Yea for you for trying a new pool. Did you like it? I love you have food that you freeze and can use on those nights when cooking is a chore..LOL

    @gemwolf110 Yeah, I ate heating up my kitchen..I used to have a great toaster oven that did most things I needed, but I got new Christmas presents that I use a lot, (every day) but they don't have the oven like I used to. I miss it. Pizza's fit in nicely...LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @trooworld Thank you for the job info. I was just curious to see if the same type of work as my friend. She sells minerals, crystals, etc. I'm imagining @cbabie walking around with that big umbrella. lol Wow your new water bottle is working.

    @cbabie How about buying a sprinkler and you and the kids run and play in the sprinkler. That's still exercise.

    @Babytessie01 Yes someone on here mentioned F&V is fruits and vegetables. I'm shooting for 3F and 3V per day.

    @fabgeekmom I love meatballs. I don't need anything else to go with it. That would be my whole meal. Was the new pool nice?

    @gemwolf110 Hello Happy Summer Solstice to you too. Whenever I see or hear about it it's a reminder of 1/2 the year is gone. Am I halfway to my goal like I had planned at the beginning of the year? Well in this case NO.

    I'm reading a book called Thinner Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews. Interesting points he makes. I reset my calories as according to him I'm not eating enough according to my weight. I've decided to give it a try in July. We're going up to Chicago on the 3rd and spend several days with some friends and then drive up to MN to see my daughter and spend time with her. It's getting time for our little vacation trips. lol I always do so much better on my health journey at her house than I do at my own. Well, the exercise part. I was alot better last year with my food than previous years so this one will be even better.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld I liked the new pool. It’s larger and has more lanes. They were having swim lessons but we still had a lane to swim in. Tracking on the weekend is really important. I know that I am stating the obvious. Get started this weekend. More than anything I like the feeling of being in control. @cbabie It is hard to exercise when it is hot. Are there any indoor exercises you can do? And get back into tracking. After all, weight loss is mostly what we eat. Hi, all. I went to the recreation center and worked out on the recumbent elliptical and then went grocery shopping. I bought ingredients for the recipe my son is making tomorrow. It is grilled chicken with cheese and a corn/ black bean salad with poblano peppers on tortilla chips. Tonight is steak night.