Do guys like hairy legs???



  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    <---- shaves on a regular basis
    <---- owns a few corsets
    <---- owns a few petticoats as well
    <---- personally loves being a woman and being soft and smooth for her man friend

    I do it because I want to. Not because society says I have to. I draw the line at foot binding.
  • skinnnyxoxo
    skinnnyxoxo Posts: 210 Member
    That's gross.
    I understand if you don't wear skirts and have hairy legs, that's totally fine, but having hairy legs and showing them off is a total turn off.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I only shave my legs when I'm wearing shorts. D: Is that bad?

    Or like. I'll shave half of them if I'm wearing tights.

    I'm just lazy.

    So during the winter...

    I make it a point to just...not lift my pant legs. lmao!

    I'm with ya!

  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    It's funny to see how programmed society is.
    "ewww leg hair"
    Seriously? How juvenile to judge a person on whether they let their body do what it has evolved to do or not.

    Personally, I don't shave. Ever. Razors are barbaric and I don't know how anybody uses them. I do wax on occasion: In Winter when I wear a lot of tights, when I get dressed up for a vocal showcase or photo shoot, or when it is requested of me - sometimes.
    Frankly, I don't really want a person who can't adapt to me having leg hair, has been brain washed by society, and thinks that I should be doing what society says I should. I will not be doing what society says I should. Whoever wants to be with me should get used to that.

    Right on sister! I'm sure that your man has a full beard that he's been growing all his life, and that you are only here by accident as extra body weight is totally natural. No soap, no deodorant, get over that whole bathing thing entirely unless there's something sticky on you and while were at it let's get rid of some of those other annoying societal programming silliness.

    controlling the urge to commit assault
    males having anything at all to do with children once procreation is over. completely unnatural that.
    equal rights.
    any rights you're not strong enough to take by force.

    Woot anarchy!
  • It's funny to see how programmed society is.
    "ewww leg hair"
    Seriously? How juvenile to judge a person on whether they let their body do what it has evolved to do or not.

    Personally, I don't shave. Ever. Razors are barbaric and I don't know how anybody uses them. I do wax on occasion: In Winter when I wear a lot of tights, when I get dressed up for a vocal showcase or photo shoot, or when it is requested of me - sometimes.
    Frankly, I don't really want a person who can't adapt to me having leg hair, has been brain washed by society, and thinks that I should be doing what society says I should. I will not be doing what society says I should. Whoever wants to be with me should get used to that.

    Right on sister! I'm sure that your man has a full beard that he's been growing all his life, and that you are only here by accident as extra body weight is totally natural. No soap, no deodorant, get over that whole bathing thing entirely unless there's something sticky on you and while were at it let's get rid of some of those other annoying societal programming silliness.

    controlling the urge to commit assault
    males having anything at all to do with children once procreation is over. completely unnatural that.
    equal rights.
    any rights you're not strong enough to take by force.

    Woot anarchy!

    All that just because one doesn't remove the hair from certain body parts on a regular basis. Wow........
  • Absolute deal breaker..
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Were you standing outside of a club? & did these "women" have an adams apple & deep voice?

    queens are more high maintenance than women...they literally pluck their chest hair...and come on honey, do you think they'd be caught dead without 3 pairs of pantyhose on? how do you think they keep things "up"...
  • It's funny to see how programmed society is.
    "ewww leg hair"
    Seriously? How juvenile to judge a person on whether they let their body do what it has evolved to do or not.

    Personally, I don't shave. Ever. Razors are barbaric and I don't know how anybody uses them. I do wax on occasion: In Winter when I wear a lot of tights, when I get dressed up for a vocal showcase or photo shoot, or when it is requested of me - sometimes.
    Frankly, I don't really want a person who can't adapt to me having leg hair, has been brain washed by society, and thinks that I should be doing what society says I should. I will not be doing what society says I should. Whoever wants to be with me should get used to that.

    Dude, relax.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I know its a PIA but smooth womens legs are so sexy.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Were you standing outside of a club? & did these "women" have an adams apple & deep voice?

    queens are more high maintenance than women...they literally pluck their chest hair...and come on honey, do you think they'd be caught dead without 3 pairs of pantyhose on? how do you think they keep things "up"...

    I thought they used tape........:huh:
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    It's funny to see how programmed society is.
    "ewww leg hair"
    Seriously? How juvenile to judge a person on whether they let their body do what it has evolved to do or not.

    Personally, I don't shave. Ever. Razors are barbaric and I don't know how anybody uses them. I do wax on occasion: In Winter when I wear a lot of tights, when I get dressed up for a vocal showcase or photo shoot, or when it is requested of me - sometimes.
    Frankly, I don't really want a person who can't adapt to me having leg hair, has been brain washed by society, and thinks that I should be doing what society says I should. I will not be doing what society says I should. Whoever wants to be with me should get used to that.

    Do you wear make-up and fix your hair? Wear deodorant? Paint your nails or toenails? Wear a bra?

    Not the OP but...

    Very rarely for both.
    Yes, for the same reason I don't like to be around people who wear a ton of perfume. Invasion of personal space by odor.
    Very rarely.
    Yes, because I have large breasts and it hurts when they bounce around. If I were smaller, I probably wouldn't often.

    I shave when I feel like it, not when society says I "should".

    now you know that corsetry and petticoat was used many centuries ago to distort the body and molde it to what SOCIETY expect it to look like right. Since they didnt have tummy tucks back then they used clothing to do it. Just Saying......

    And now it's a choice. For occasional use even.
  • I've seen 3 ladies today in skirts with hairy legs! One lady was light skinned and the hair was jet black and curled up...kinda resembled pubic hair! :sick: What the heck?! I can't imagine rubbing up against that at night! :noway:

    Do guys like that???

    :sick: ... DAng... I just ate my lunch.. and reading this .. made my stomach sick! lol ...
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I really only dislike the stubble. Hair doesn't bother me, but the stubble feels weird. Some women have baby fine hair and shaving would be overkill/unnecessarily create stubble. But even some woolly mammoths I've known weren't too bad if they didn't shave for awhile. Once it's long and not too poky, I don't care so much.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I'm not obsessive, but live near Santa Cruz.....if you know what I mean! I never could understand women who thought that they only had to shave their lower legs because their moms told them if they shaved their upper legs the hair would come in thicker! And how about women who don't shave their arm pits and think it is okay to wear sleeveless tops! YIIIIIKKKKKKEEEEESSSSS!!!!! My eyes!!! My eyes!!!!!!
  • Ahhh, gender roles. Women need to shave their legs and men aren't supposed to.

    So weird.

    I see nothing wrong with this... a man needs to maintain something to distinguish him from a lady. Women's legs not shaved... or armpits for that matter... GROSS!

    Agreed. It takes 5 minutes. It feels better, It looks better and honestly, it's not difficult. So, complaining about this "Daunting task" is craziness.

    Break out a razor ladies and whack that crap out!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    It's funny to see how programmed society is.
    "ewww leg hair"
    Seriously? How juvenile to judge a person on whether they let their body do what it has evolved to do or not.

    Personally, I don't shave. Ever. Razors are barbaric and I don't know how anybody uses them. I do wax on occasion: In Winter when I wear a lot of tights, when I get dressed up for a vocal showcase or photo shoot, or when it is requested of me - sometimes.
    Frankly, I don't really want a person who can't adapt to me having leg hair, has been brain washed by society, and thinks that I should be doing what society says I should. I will not be doing what society says I should. Whoever wants to be with me should get used to that.

    Do you wear make-up and fix your hair? Wear deodorant? Paint your nails or toenails? Wear a bra?

    Not the OP but...

    Very rarely for both.
    Yes, for the same reason I don't like to be around people who wear a ton of perfume. Invasion of personal space by odor.
    Very rarely.
    Yes, because I have large breasts and it hurts when they bounce around. If I were smaller, I probably wouldn't often.

    I shave when I feel like it, not when society says I "should".

    now you know that corsetry and petticoat was used many centuries ago to distort the body and molde it to what SOCIETY expect it to look like right. Since they didnt have tummy tucks back then they used clothing to do it. Just Saying......

    And now it's a choice. For occasional use even.

    Then you'd really like San Francisco where I am still trying to understand why it is okay for people to walk around NUDE there! Go for it! Just don't offend my senses because I have been brainwashed by society and my mom to avoid all of the above!! And I'm likin' it that way, too! = D

    To each their own....just keep them away from me! Please wear clothes and "make yourself presentable" to me, I never realized I had such high and mighty standards until now! And in California, too!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    Ahhh, gender roles. Women need to shave their legs and men aren't supposed to.

    So weird.
    i have ALWAYS thought this same thing..LoL:laugh:
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    It's funny to see how programmed society is.
    "ewww leg hair"
    Seriously? How juvenile to judge a person on whether they let their body do what it has evolved to do or not.

    Personally, I don't shave. Ever. Razors are barbaric and I don't know how anybody uses them. I do wax on occasion: In Winter when I wear a lot of tights, when I get dressed up for a vocal showcase or photo shoot, or when it is requested of me - sometimes.
    Frankly, I don't really want a person who can't adapt to me having leg hair, has been brain washed by society, and thinks that I should be doing what society says I should. I will not be doing what society says I should. Whoever wants to be with me should get used to that.

    Right on sister! I'm sure that your man has a full beard that he's been growing all his life, and that you are only here by accident as extra body weight is totally natural. No soap, no deodorant, get over that whole bathing thing entirely unless there's something sticky on you and while were at it let's get rid of some of those other annoying societal programming silliness.

    controlling the urge to commit assault
    males having anything at all to do with children once procreation is over. completely unnatural that.
    equal rights.
    any rights you're not strong enough to take by force.

    Woot anarchy!

    Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I only shave my legs when I'm wearing shorts. D: Is that bad?

    Or like. I'll shave half of them if I'm wearing tights.

    I'm just lazy.

    So during the winter...

    I make it a point to just...not lift my pant legs. lmao!

    I am totally guilty of slacking in the winter...pants hide it all, my husband just has to suffer... I figure if he wants some he'll just get over it. lol But in the summer I shave almost everyday because I'm wearing shorts.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I would be happy if it were acceptable for guys to shave their legs.

    Being a cyclist, I used to. But I got so much flack from my non-cyclist friends that I gave it up. And dealt with a saddle sore in the spring, not fun. Body hair contributed to the problem. Gross.

    I don't like body hair. Women are lucky that our culture allows for it's removal. Men don't know what they are missing.

    Of course, I shave my head and face. For whatever reason, society accepts that, so I do it.