Welcome New Members!



  • BronzeScorpio1111
    BronzeScorpio1111 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello everyone 👋🏼 I am not new to MFP but would love to have some new active friends to help keep each other motivated. Feel free to add me if you like. 🙂
  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,833 Member
    All new members, join Lose it
  • roxcorff
    roxcorff Posts: 3 Member
    Greetings, Fitness Stars! I am really keen on Nutritional logging to see what it does for me- and this app really helps! Glad to be learning so much.
  • yuvaui
    yuvaui Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone!
    Just started today. Have no idea of the consistency though...
  • rpendarvis849
    rpendarvis849 Posts: 1 Member
    I started around the 11th of June this year, got a free premium three month trial through my credit card. Me and the wife been going at it lately with the dieting, and so far we’ve both lost around 3-4 pounds! It’s hard making this into a habit, it was even harder cleaning out my fridge 😅 but I’m very confident! So hello everyone!
  • jenn688
    jenn688 Posts: 17 Member
    Good morning! 43 yo mama looking to lose 100lbs, lower triglycerides and BP. I'm greatly predisposed to cardiovascular illnesses, and finally seeing a cardiologist. I want to break the generational curse of heart disease/diabetes by improving my metabolic health and getting into good shape.
  • arlene531
    arlene531 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone I had joined years ago lost 20 pounds back at it again just started again yesterday wish me luck.
  • AndreaA7888
    AndreaA7888 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, new to MFP, advised to join by a doctor. Let’s see how this goes!
  • abhishekjohnmasih
    abhishekjohnmasih Posts: 1 Member
    Getting serious about logging and tracking my calorie in and out while trying to reduce some pounds. Excited to meet others who are in similar journey. Stay Healthy.
  • aneenja
    aneenja Posts: 1 Member
    Hola everyone, just starting out , looking forward to learning and following people’s progress, which will no doubt inspire and motivate me. Have a terrific day 👏🏼💪