

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    Pip - Happy Anniversary to you and Kirby. <3 So great that you found a sweet guy, and I'm sure he feels the same about you. The kids look very healthy and their frozen treats look delicious. What's in them? Hope no more blisters from your new shoes.

    Flea - what a nice trip to the mountains, so happy to hear you went and had a good time. Love that you were high enough in elevation and above the tree line to see the Three Sisters and other high mountains in our beautiful part of the country.

    Carol - your grands are growing so fast. Hope your granddaughter's leg is healing well and she'll be rid of the boot soon.

    Tracey- those boys did a great job hauling dirt. Please send them down my way. :p I wish I had a couple grandkids who wanted to earn spending money, I'd put them to work. $10 per hour is a bargain.

    Sue - Hope your sister finds help, she's in a tough spot for sure. Glad DD was able to attend the memorial.

    Kelly - so glad the little one with a seizure is OK. What a scary thing to happen, you and your son handled it well. Glad Lake Michigan helped with the hot weather. We normally get goldfinches around here for a few weeks, I wonder if later this summer they'll arrive when the dandelions get in full swing.

    What a pain in the back!
    I've had low back pain for the past couple months on the right side, often making it hard to bend over and pick up things from the floor. I've had it on and off all my life and I know tight hamstrings and too much sitting make it worse, plus lifting bags and buckets full of whatnot. When DH was still here I'd lie on the floor on my stomach and have him press on my lower back near my tailbone and get that SI joint back where it should be. Learned this in PT.

    I went on YouTube and searched "SI Joint" - found a useful channel called "Core Balance Training." This Physical Therapist has a lot of videos, and has a different strategy than Bob & Brad. I can attest that doing bridging with a belt around the thighs above the knees, then icing for a few minutes really helps. If interested, here's one of his videos explaining about the SI joint pain, with a focus on the bridging in the last half. 10 minute video.

    ** Reminder to get Weekly Check-in info to me today or by tomorrow noon **

    Make it a super day. <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    Equal parts on plain yogurt (Greek) and peanut butter, some raw honey, oatmeal and almond milk to make it more creamy, you can blend it with hand blender or stir first then add the oatmeal ti keep it chunky.

    Actually RVRita, I got two soul mates, the first one died, I just got very lucky to get another one 🥰
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Lisa -
    You have gained so much useable space by eliminating all the hallway also! I am a fan of layouts with as little hallway as possible.

    smiles kim
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    The first pic is of Barney and Fred.

    The second one is chewy and Yoda

    The last one is for you, Deb. This is what the door looks like. Like I said, I can't even unlock it from inside unless I'm standing on a stepstool, so I think the cats won't be able to jump over it for a long time (if ever)

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Kylia, Debbie, and other cat owners- As cat owners, you all probably know how good they are for your heart, soul, and health. Have you seen the latest science/medical news on cats, though? Apparently, a cats purring emits healing vibrations. Interesting stuff! But I bet cat owners have known this for a long time!

    News of the week. Last Tuesday we had a little "hiccup" here at my childcare. Late in the day (seriously minutes before his mama was due to pick him up), one of my babies had a seizure. He had been fine all day. Crawling around, babbling, playing, eating...all his normal stuff. He was playing at my feet as I was speaking to my son who had just arrived home from work. I looked down as I was talking to my son and little guy was on his side seizing. My son called 911 on his phone and called the baby's mama on my phone, as I tended to the baby. When the seizure stopped, I picked the baby up and his face and lips were blue/blue gray. He hadn't started breathing again. (people generally don't breathe during seizures! I didn't know that!) I gave him a good pats on the back and the breathing started again. Absolutely terrifying. I have seen adults have seizures; but have never seen a baby have one. Never again, thank you. Anyway, baby was fine. Checked out at the hospital, checked out with pediatrician the next day, and has an appointment at the local children's hospital just to be sure all is well. In the meantime, he came back into care after a couple of days home with mom, and has been fine. Whew! BUT WOW! My brain did not want to let me sleep for a few nights after that! I am sleeping this weekend, finally! lol That is all. Sleeping, cooking, cleaning. Nada mas.
    I have been tracking my food each day and making good choices; so that is one good thing. I will weigh in tomorrow. That's all I have for right now. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Kelly- that must have been so scary- Pray it never happens again.

    As for the cat purring- that is my favorite sound. So soothing. I have a sound machine that you can upload your own sound, Yep, mine is cats purring. Only sound on there that works for me every time.

    These kittens were even purring WHILE I was giving them another flea bath yesterday. Purred while I was scrubbing and drying.

    They are cute but getting into everything!! They learned to climb/jump over the barrier I had to keep them in the living room- now they are exploring most of the house. A few rooms are closed off.


  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did Balance Ball Lower Body DVD today then walked to Food Lion to get Vince bananas.

    Debbie – no, the pegboard doesn’t have holes. That looks like one of the scratching posts we have only ours doesn’t have the mouse hanging from it. One set (Barney and Fred) are probably about 1-1/2 months old and the other set (Chewy and Yoda) are a few weeks older. I swear, when they play, you would think you were at a World Wrestling Federation match! But I know that they are just learning. How in the world do you get your kittens to sit/lay for a few seconds so you can take their pic? Ours are CONSTANTLY on the move….lol

    Michele NC

    The picture was taken after their bath- all just snuggled up together. The other was late in the evening, past their bed time. I was sitting in the recliner and they all joined me.
    They play hard for a long time then just find a spot and nap.
    I have reduced down the size of the playpen and moved it against the wall so it isn't taking up the whole living room space. They need more room to play and seem to only be in the playpen at night or when I am not home.
    like this one:https://www.amazon.com/SENCONE-Portable-Foldable-Exercise-Playground/dp/B09MB64HW7/ref=sr_1_39?crid=NL0SKJLH486V&amp;dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.zgRU9DgFuigY0WmQuxy7dpb1Z6huZwgd2lfsgydrr10extHwhT_7FyBIuED3GfficNjcHS73AEh6o-fU7rcvG7blO8JoNSiuDK0KWrTVLE57b8h-GTQpPPY1NBPYxnFd-bs-XAEGpmy0B2in8lgErsqGTTin08GV9yqQ1_lzIGRtOR5gzfxaY2ZeBoTQIcY12tCHdKZ4M0BWL1y_ZLc8zTymTv7Qt9GyMhj28U_tH4SNkaoXRYR_0dMka9XoYcYLghngv4nfUbvnpFEvt9y1m8wKf5aH3LxiOQ8qFfLlW6g.3fHBgsNGurGd_S9hOW7I1xigQrEYFlc72BqnqtLBq2M&amp;dib_tag=se&amp;keywords=pet+playpen&amp;qid=1719181745&amp;sprefix=pet+play,aps,198&amp;sr=8-39
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Lisa -
    You have gained so much useable space by eliminating all the hallway also! I am a fan of layouts with as little hallway as possible.

    smiles kim

    Me too!

    Our former place has all kinds of hallway which I find annoying. Our new place has hardly any hallway. 😀

    The plan looks great, Lisa!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,539 Member
    I also meant to share this. Language so I’ll put it in a spoiler.


    I have seen this book and want it too. I like the humor in it and how the tasks are presented.👍🏼
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    edited June 24
    Strawberry Moon on Friday evening. Not the best camera- or operator error. Probably the latter.
    @kymarai. Most gorgeous cats. The one with black eyes is spectacular.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member