HALP! Heavy Lifting Made Me SUPAH Bulky!!!



  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited June 25
    How about a five-month Versa Gripp update? 😇

    I love these things. My grip is so much better, it’s given me confidence to go up in hand and machine weights. My bare hands would get sweaty on knurling and I’d lose my grip. Not with these!

    For things like pull-ups I don’t have to use a death grip. I wrap the tongue around the pull-up handles, can put all five fingers in the same direction and the grip of the tongue keeps me on.

    Helps me keep my wrists in position so they’re not flopping or bending.

    I don’t know how to explain this, but when grabbing things, my wrists no longer feel like they’re coming out of the sockets, instead they feel strong and reinforced. The pulling is pleasant, even.

    When doing the back extension “machine” with a plate held to my chest, I have great grip on it. Same with goblet squats, skullcrushers, and “round the worlds” with a dumbell.

    You do have to take care to position your hands for kettlebell swings, but it’s worth it because you (me!) dont have the fear the bell will come loose and hit a mirror or person. It’s just glued to your hands. Kettlebell rows are flipping awesome with it. For some reason, the grip on the rows is so vastly better, we’ve been able to go up quite a bit on those.

    Even bench dips are better because sweaty hands don’t slide off the bench.

    I have abused these things beyond belief. I always forget to wipe them down with windex, as recommended. I usually do muscle madness, training, or gym (often a combination) before going straight to the pool for laps or aquafit. I fling them in my bag with my wet goggles and aquabells.

    ya’d think if the chlorine does that much damage to my hair that it’d be hell on the Versa Gripps, but they still look brand spank new.

    1,000% recommend. Have made my gym experience soooo much better. And yes, I do use them in Muscle madness now. Have gotten much more adept at grabbing weights and flipping them into position. Has helped me go up in weights in class, too.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,892 Member
    Curious. In addition to providing secure grip, I wonder how much cushioning they provide. As the weight goes up, sometimes the bar can begin to pinch the hand/fingers, so I wonder how much these things spread that weight out to remove the pinching sensation.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited June 26
    nossmf wrote: »
    Curious. In addition to providing secure grip, I wonder how much cushioning they provide. As the weight goes up, sometimes the bar can begin to pinch the hand/fingers, so I wonder how much these things spread that weight out to remove the pinching sensation.

    I don’t do anything super heavy, so not sure what you mean by pinching. I’m not in the market to let weight training injure me annd interfere with my yoga. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    But if I can explain this poorly, the pulling taut of the “tongue” creates stability. Kind of an equal pull in both directions. All the stress goes in the middle, almost like a fulcrum of effort.

    Like if I’m doing a deadlift, I wrap it under the bar and grip over. The tongue is wrapped around the bar and stuck snugly to my palms. When I pull, instead of feeling my wrists pull apart, I get the sensation of the bar coming up with me at the same time it’s pulling down on my wrist. It’s an oddly pleasant sensation, very comfortable? Almost masssage-like sometimes, and I suck at describing it.

    It’s a stupidly simple idea, but it works. It would not work without their proprietary sticky grip surface on the tongue. That’s the key bit.

    And it only “”sticks” when and where you want it. It’s not like it sticks to fabric or picks up icky bits from your gym bag or random hair or gym dust.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,892 Member
    I just did what I should have done earlier, Googled an image of the Versa Gripps. Not what I was envisioning, which is part of what led to your confusion. I see now.
  • earlybirdlady
    earlybirdlady Posts: 117 Member
    @springlering62 I had looked into these last year and ended up going with a cheaper Amazon version with the longer strap that you have to wrap around. Did its job, but I'm intrigued by your review of versa gripps and I think I'm going to try them out! Especially because the longer strap I currently have is a real pain for pull ups. These look like they would work way better. Thanks for sharing!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    @nossmf I’ve got it!

    Have you ever seen fabric log carrier ? You wrap it around the logs like a satchel and the handle on the ends makes the logs easier to carry? Kind of like that. You have a far better grip on the handle than you would the logs, and they’re easier to move. The handles concentrate and take the brunt of the effort, not the palms.

    Simplistic, but the closest thing I can think of.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,892 Member
    Easy to picture that way.
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