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How About We Don't Delete Newsfeeds



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited July 7
    I’ll be dropping my premium subscription. Why have friends on MFP if you can’t interact with them?
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    edited July 1
    Anything not ditching mfp is a big loser. Come to Lose It
  • shearnerve
    shearnerve Posts: 37 Member
    edited July 7
    I can't find any of my friends and what this site doesn't understand we helped each other to try to do the best to obtain them
  • SisterChelsey
    SisterChelsey Posts: 7 Member
    edited July 1
    I agree!!! I’ve been on here since 2010 if isn’t broke don’t fix it
  • empresssue
    empresssue Posts: 2,978 Member
    edited July 1
    I was wondering where the newsfeed went. BRING IT BACK!!!!!!
  • The_Sangoma
    The_Sangoma Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 1
    I agree with the majority of comments.
    After more than ten years, there seems little point in logging on any more.
    Maybe they are getting too much money from advertising and want to loose some, give it a good while and advertisers will realise they are getting less hits, but as that will take time, it will be too late to reverse it.

    The only reason they ask for feedback and ideas is to see if there are any good ideas they didn't think of, it is obviously not to get the opinion of members, that clearly counts for nothing.

    Going to look at alternatives now, left with no choice.
  • Trixsterfan
    Trixsterfan Posts: 56 Member
    edited July 7
    Live friends feed was /is important to me and many others, go back to it and admit your mistake.
  • MayBabyChristine
    MayBabyChristine Posts: 9 Member
    edited July 7
    I agree, terrible choice on MFP's part. Want it back!!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I'm out. Deactivating my account. Best of luck to all my Peeps!

    Bye Karl 😟
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited July 7
    I won’t renew my subscription without it. I lost my way of communicating with friends on here and many have left. Makes me sad.
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 1,310 Member
    edited July 3
    Was the other very large thread “Save our MFP Newsfeed “ started by @Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB deleted by MFP?

    It’s had a few hundred replies and 102 upvotes. It disappeared.

    @Betty @durden - was this thread deleted?
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 447 Member
    Instead of sending private messages to members who have been around for 4879 days✋️🙄 IN A ROW, telling them not to post their email address, let's BRING BACK THE NEWSFEED so we have a way to contact our friends! Going thru the community pages, looking for my support system, just AIN'T WORKING for me!!!
  • patches1975
    patches1975 Posts: 15 Member
    This is the worst idea ever. I think they need to remove the word pal. I sure don’t have any at all anymore. I’ve rarely logged in now. What a shame to ruin an entire app is how I feel and it seems I am not alone. I’m out there are other apps
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 1,310 Member
    edited July 7
    They appear to have merged all the threads within the tech support questions section, as well.

    I wish they would have tagged them as merged for transparency.