Stop eating breakfast. Here's why.



  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    Thanks -- that's interesting and I always appreciate science that challenges my preconceptions.

    Here's my 2 cents:

    1) 98% of weight loss is sticking with your plan. Atkins, Paleo, Intermittent Fasting, 6 meals a day, macronutrient timing, Body for Life, Weight Watchers -- I don't care -- if you can stick with your plan and it's not affirmatively unhealthy or crazy, it will work. Since people have different reactions, I think the biggest thing is finding a plan that helps each person stick with a healthy diet and exercise program.

    2) The author may well be right that eating more calories later in the day and fewer in the morning tends to lead to more fat loss and less muscle loss. That's the 2%, not the 98%, but it's good to know, and I appreciate the link.

    3) Here's the bottom line for me -- if eating a big breakfast helps a particular person stick to their plan in the long run, go for it. If intermittent fasting helps, go for that. Get the 98% (program compliance!) right, and then if you have some extra energy, go for the 2%.

    4) The best thing is to try some different stuff, journal your reaction, and see what works for you. For example, I read someplace that people who eat before workouts have more intensity on average and get a better workout. So I tried eating a banana before my morning workout, but after a few days where I felt the same and got the same results, I quit. If somebody else thinks they get 10% more effort with a banana, go for it.

    As it happens, I think I probably meet the author's recommendation. I wake up at 5:45, work out, get the kids on the bus, and drink 160 calories of protein shake in the car, have a light lunch, and then eat about half or more of my daily calories at dinner and after dinner. No special reason, that just works for my schedule and it leaves me with plenty of energy.

    If I noticed myself slowing down or if I was having problems sticking to my diet, I'd try something else until I found something that worked, but the most important thing for me is that I stick to a healthy plan that works for me, not that my plan gets every last ounce of weight loss available to me.
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    I've weight trained both fasted and after a meal and it doesn't make that much difference.

    I wonder how many people in this thread have actually opened up a study done on metabolism and read through the methodology to make sure the conclusion is valid. Keep an open mind, people.
  • i'm pretty sure not eating is called anorexia. thanks, but i'd like the keep my heart muscle in tact and not lose 100 lbs in a year and go into cardiac arrest.

    this post is wrong, biologically. you DO need breakfast for energy. without carbohydrates, your cells do not make energy (read: atp). without atp, your cells cannot perform their normal actions like cell and DNA replication (to up-keep your tissues (heart, liver, kidneys, stomach lining, blood etc etc)), waste disposal (to keep you from experiencing toxicity and the like of substance build up), and other important functions.

    i didn't click through to the link, but from the bull you're spilling, the person who wrote these articles you covet is a hack. sorry, you've been brainwashed.

  • jellerose
    jellerose Posts: 74 Member
    You don't need carbohydrates for energy, fat burns quite nicely for that. ; ).

    I think for people on a more conventional eating approach, i.e. "whole grains" and low fat, then eating breakfast is more likely to be optimal as they seem to need more frequent feeds (I know I did and would end up shaky if I didn't get some protein fairly early in the day. The more grains I ate the more frequent I felt I needed to eat.) People on low carb, good fat (not seed oils!) and protein approaches that tend to promote ketosis are more often able to go longer in between feeds without negative effects. Always exceptions of course, individual body & health challenges, but that's the unscientific trend I've noticed. I now wait until I'm hungry which usually means not having a breakfast and often not really a lunch.
  • sorry! cant give up my rice krispies, milk and chocolate chips each morning. I would have a blood sugar crash (not diabetic) before I could eat and would feel sick so gotta nix the no breakfast idea.
  • Thanks for the info but do what works for you, I don't think this is something I would try.
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    It all depends I think. Calories in vs calories out.

    I don't eat breakfast every day, but I eat a bigger lunch those days usually. As long as I know how many calories I am consuming in a day, it doesn't matter when I eat them.

    Agreed. I think in the end it really doesnt matter when you eat them. It's all math. Whether you eat 1200 calories in the morning and none at night, or 0 in the morning and 1200 at night, or anything in's all the same.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i'm pretty sure not eating is called anorexia. thanks, but i'd like the keep my heart muscle in tact and not lose 100 lbs in a year and go into cardiac arrest.

    this post is wrong, biologically. you DO need breakfast for energy. without carbohydrates, your cells do not make energy (read: atp). without atp, your cells cannot perform their normal actions like cell and DNA replication (to up-keep your tissues (heart, liver, kidneys, stomach lining, blood etc etc)), waste disposal (to keep you from experiencing toxicity and the like of substance build up), and other important functions.

    i didn't click through to the link, but from the bull you're spilling, the person who wrote these articles you covet is a hack. sorry, you've been brainwashed.


    this is one of the most ignorant things i've read in a while. please explain how ketogenic diets work or why PSMF's are prescribed by docs for the morbidly obese?

    also how is not eating breakfast anorexic? you'll lose 100lbs in a yr by skipping breakfast?
  • Dreamer1311
    Dreamer1311 Posts: 203 Member
    I have hypothyroidism and if I don't eat after taking my medication in the morning I get very sick. I always needed my breakfast and it gives me the energy to start my day. So nope I am not gonna skip my breakfast.
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    i'm pretty sure not eating is called anorexia. thanks, but i'd like the keep my heart muscle in tact and not lose 100 lbs in a year and go into cardiac arrest.

    this post is wrong, biologically. you DO need breakfast for energy. without carbohydrates, your cells do not make energy (read: atp). without atp, your cells cannot perform their normal actions like cell and DNA replication (to up-keep your tissues (heart, liver, kidneys, stomach lining, blood etc etc)), waste disposal (to keep you from experiencing toxicity and the like of substance build up), and other important functions.

    i didn't click through to the link, but from the bull you're spilling, the person who wrote these articles you covet is a hack. sorry, you've been brainwashed.


    this is one of the most ignorant things i've read in a while. please explain how ketogenic diets work or why PSMF's are prescribed by docs for the morbidly obese?

    also how is not eating breakfast anorexic? you'll lose 100lbs in a yr by skipping breakfast?
    Just look at me, skipping breakfast has put me into starvation mode and even though I'm only eating 3k calories a day, I've gained 7-10 lbs in 5 weeks.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    i'm pretty sure not eating is called anorexia. thanks, but i'd like the keep my heart muscle in tact and not lose 100 lbs in a year and go into cardiac arrest.

    this post is wrong, biologically. you DO need breakfast for energy. without carbohydrates, your cells do not make energy (read: atp). without atp, your cells cannot perform their normal actions like cell and DNA replication (to up-keep your tissues (heart, liver, kidneys, stomach lining, blood etc etc)), waste disposal (to keep you from experiencing toxicity and the like of substance build up), and other important functions.

    i didn't click through to the link, but from the bull you're spilling, the person who wrote these articles you covet is a hack. sorry, you've been brainwashed.


    this is one of the most ignorant things i've read in a while. please explain how ketogenic diets work or why PSMF's are prescribed by docs for the morbidly obese?

    also how is not eating breakfast anorexic? you'll lose 100lbs in a yr by skipping breakfast?

  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    Seriously, this is a great thread and exactly what forums are for! Healthy debating! Back and forth!

    I think if the OP had just called it "Why breakfast may harm weight loss", it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining! I'm loving reading this point/counterpoint between all the big hitters.

    Personally if i eat breakfast, no matter how small, i just feel like crap for about an hour. If i skip it i feel great. No idea why, don't really care why. But i can't back it up with studies, so i'll bow out now, and enjoy the more educated butting nutritional/biological horns!:drinker:

    Also, hi mods! I'm sure this thread is being monitored!
  • ktsdad
    ktsdad Posts: 15 Member
    I didn't read through the whole thread, but I will give my anecdote. I was 230 (now 200, working towards 165), and my Dr. told me to not eat breakfast! Got your attention? It wasn't exactly what he said. He said if I am not hungry when I wake up, to not eat. Breakfast right away is for skinny people. He said if I can wait a couple of hours or so, then eat 1/4 cup or so of nuts or maybe some egg whites and/or whole grains (bulger, etc.) to get by until lunch.

    You must remember this is a Dr. talking to a fat guy who was facing serious health issues if something didn't change. He wanted me to do a 1500cal low fat, whole grain diet. If you are eating normal calories, you can alter this. I actually decided to use medifast to kick start my weight loss and teaching myself to log everything I put in my mouth.

    This is just another data point. Skipping breakfast or not skipping breakfast is not an absolute. Just eat when your hungry, and don't eat more than you need. Moderation is the key to most things in life.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I didn't read through the whole thread...

    If you got time, you should! Thread of the year imo :)
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    -Good thread going on in here-

    Ok, fact, your body needs something to do something. You sleep all night, and your body goes into overdrive to repair cells from the day, and all that jazz.

    You wake up, you got nothing. I don't eat right away, myself, because like any average adult- I grab the coffee (I'm glugging like 1-2 cups most now, and half-caf, because well, I don't want to explode before 12). Anyhow, I grab that. Yes, sugar and milk. And the milk tends to work its magic to curb my hunger, a long with the natural appetite suppressant that coffee actually does. For better or worse, its a habit I can't break.

    But then it rolls a few hours later, and I nibble. I havn't ahd a 'big breakfast' in almost a year now. And if I do, its like rare.

    I tried skipping before, and I get the shakes. I feel like crap, and by the time lunch rolls around, I can't hold my food down because my stomach is so upset.

    And HEYO- Hypoglycemia anyone?
  • Dona_Maria
    Dona_Maria Posts: 78 Member
    I disagree, if I dont eat breakfast then I tend to eat way more during the day, and they usually are not good options Im eating.

    Ditto! I am use to eating small meals throughout the day, skipping meals is bad news. One of the reasons I am where I am, you need to eat to lose, but eat the right things. Also, not good if you're diabetic.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I disagree, if I dont eat breakfast then I tend to eat way more during the day, and they usually are not good options Im eating.

    One of the reasons I am where I am, you need to eat to lose, but eat the right things.

    If you want to get healthy, sure.

    If you just want to get healthier and lose weight, then doesnt matter what you eat, just keep that calorie deficit.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    i'm pretty sure not eating is called anorexia. thanks, but i'd like the keep my heart muscle in tact and not lose 100 lbs in a year and go into cardiac arrest.

    this post is wrong, biologically. you DO need breakfast for energy. without carbohydrates, your cells do not make energy (read: atp). without atp, your cells cannot perform their normal actions like cell and DNA replication (to up-keep your tissues (heart, liver, kidneys, stomach lining, blood etc etc)), waste disposal (to keep you from experiencing toxicity and the like of substance build up), and other important functions.

    i didn't click through to the link, but from the bull you're spilling, the person who wrote these articles you covet is a hack. sorry, you've been brainwashed.


    Wow. Just wow. I'll just say this and let it be;

    The whole point of eating less than you burn is so that your body does NOT have the energy it needs, and is forced to use the stored energy, i.e. fat.

    But I understand why you won't click the link. If you do you may be forced to confront the fact that you have no effing clue what you're talking about.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    sorry! cant give up my rice krispies, milk and chocolate chips each morning. I would have a blood sugar crash (not diabetic) before I could eat and would feel sick so gotta nix the no breakfast idea.

    Oh yeah, I'm sure chocolate chips are totally keeping your blood sugar even and helping you avoid crashing.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I disagree, if I dont eat breakfast then I tend to eat way more during the day, and they usually are not good options Im eating.

    Ditto! I am use to eating small meals throughout the day, skipping meals is bad news. One of the reasons I am where I am, you need to eat to lose, but eat the right things. Also, not good if you're diabetic.

    Completely agree that this isn't for diabetics.

    Also, many have had great success with small meals, including breakfast, and if people find a method that helps them find success, then I'm all for it! I've used it myself, but I'm a man of extremes, which is why I like intermittent fasting so much. I'd rather have times of not eating and times of eating enough to avoid hunger entirely, instead of being a little hungry all the time. That's also why I like my diet. How else can someone hit up a pizza buffet once a week and STILL lose weight. Better yet, how else can someone actually lose MORE weight by hitting up the pizza buffet?