Daily accountability and check in



  • walkintofit
    walkintofit Posts: 4,115 Member
    Make a decision... get up and make 1, just 1. That is my beginning since December 6th. Ok that was 2 decisions. Like the quote.
    Does it mean I can be passive aggressive? lol
    Recovered from the heat incident with no side effects. Came home from work and did the dishes before I sat down. Some reason sitting makes for a no- doing evening. From talking to other co-workers they are doing the same thing or worse. One goes home and puts on her pjs and gets into bed. That is a hard no for me. I want to be more flexible than that. Don't want to act my age either! 2-3 more years till retirement.
  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 73 Member
    Day 124, think I got confused at some point and stated 110 instead of 120.

    124 anyway, great couple of days, loved visiting my friend, really good quality time.

    Can't believe I'm still picking out jumpers and carrying my brolly in Summer.

    Think I've gained a bit, 241, which is +4 although I've not had much in the way of healthy eating. Steps have been smashed with all my commuting.

    I wonder if anyone has any tips/strategies for general exhaustion, mentally and physically I feel a bit drained, so good choices are an uphill battle and I don't feel rested after the weekend.

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Glad to see you are still posting. For me plannning my meals in advanced and pepping some things helps me stay on track ex I cut up onion, bell pepper and zucchini then I can add it to meat for stirfry or frijitas, I can add it to eggs to make a scramble or frittata. Also if I grill extra chicken when I cook it I use it for wraps, I use ole extreme wraps in place of bread only 60 cals and usually put Tostitos avocado salsa on it only 20 cals a TB. Also I cut up fresh pineapple and watermelon and keep on hand, I eat fruit instead of snack crackers or chips with my wrap, also usually have fruit with dinner. . For the general exhaustion that’s hard I find if I keep going I do better once I sit down it’s harder to get back up, sometimes I set a time like 15 mins I have to get up and moving and just make myself.
  • kaynelvb
    kaynelvb Posts: 21 Member
    Keep it up!! Even if it feels that you are not losing, you ARE making changes and that's the main thing. I really admire you for sticking to it, you are doing better at it than I ever could!!!!!
  • walkintofit
    walkintofit Posts: 4,115 Member
    Good morning, I am holding steady on weight, finally. Thanks for your inspiration.
    action plan for today:
    take a walk
    go to lunch with friends
  • kaynelvb
    kaynelvb Posts: 21 Member
    Not much planned for today. I went shopping yesterday, so that is done for the week. If the weather holds up, I may try to work in the garden some, since the humidity has dropped WAY down! I desperately need to get some trimming done and some weeding. Other than that, nothing planned or even thought of!!!
  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 73 Member
    Oh, mowing, haha. I've done quite a lot of physical work this weekend but didn't get to the garden, raining now unfortunately.

    Today's Stoic Quote. Interesting, I guess this counts for decisions or actions that aren't aligned to your own values.

    "Nothing is noble if it's done unwillingly or under compulsion. Every noble deed is voluntary." Seneca

    My goal this week is to put some thought into what I want to do, my current job is wearing me out, change is required sharpish.

    Also to think about my ankles, they are sore after London and the concerts, I need a bit of a plan for them.

  • elithea175
    elithea175 Posts: 30 Member
    i think this is my first comment here, just started last week…lost 1.2#.

    i also joined the noom prediabetes thing on the it can’t hurt theory. this week i’m giving their food logger a try, see how it measures up to mfp—i’m still planning meals with mfp, then logging them in noom. so far everything i’ve tried (recipe input, step count transfer, help, etc.) seems to be out of order, and all their cutesiness makes me nuts, but what i really joined for was their support and accountability. the “coach” tells me “helpful” things like set a notification for meals (duh) and support is on the order of “noomalicious!” but i lost 50# last year and gained half of it back this, so i’m just looking at it like i paid 129$ to do the prediabetes prevention program and the goal is to get it over with so i don’t have to be mortified by noomalicious anymore. most motivation i’ve had in a long timmmmme.
  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 73 Member
    I really enjoyed Noom, the daily list of articles/lessons were really good, helped to build good habits and keep motivation. The actual Noom programme I found similar to either SW or WW, stay within the points.

    The coach wasn't very useful, I asked for some guidance/advice at one point and he said something like 'you can do it' 🤣

    I haven't found anything similar since, MFP does the job for me, tracking and staying within the calorie goals is the key, the rest is 'fluff', I just need to keep the habit now.


    I had a couple of experiences yesterday which highlight why I need to change jobs, I'm gonna take it easier on myself.

    Ankles are a bit less painful which is a surprise after the work over the weekend.

    Also solved a problem with my car media centre needing an authorisation code, crisis averted without the need for a dealership visit and can resume use of the reversing camera, imagine having to actually turn your neck to drive your car backwards 🤣
  • walkintofit
    walkintofit Posts: 4,115 Member
    Mikey, I still need to turn my head to back up! lol, it is an 09, low mileage. I would love to change jobs, this one doesn't support my mental state at all. They talk a good game but they aren't supportive at all. The only good part is paydays and I am closer to retirement.
    Go for the job change if this one isn't doing it for u! what type of job are you doing?
  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 73 Member
    I work in an office, contact centre to be precise. I try and get up and moving around but so much of the day is remote calls.

    I saw that Noom has a 6 month free offer, I quite liked the articles and app when I last used it. Went through the 'build your plan' before getting to the price.

    Worked out at £120 for 6 months or just over £10 per month. I'd have been up for paying £10 per actual month but not £120 up front.

    Got a music festival this weekend so only 2 days in work, hoping my new roofbox arrives later so I can sort and hoover/clean the car before hand.

    Randomly, here's an amazing lily flower from our pond, we didn't get them last year but I've not long cleaned out the pond filter and tidied all the plants up and thinned them out, my wife is convinced it's because I take such good care of the pond.

    Lesson to be learned there I think, maybe I should take as much care of myself.


  • walkintofit
    walkintofit Posts: 4,115 Member
    That's one beautiful flower mikey! cleaning the filters is a good idea. My question is how to clean up for the human body? I'm sure me caving in last night and having 3 drinks doesn't help "cleaning" the body. May help the nerves some.
    Action plan today:
    log food here
    take a smallish walk (depends on feet after work)
    eat greens with lunch
  • NellyJica
    NellyJica Posts: 6 Member
    I was diagnosed with type2 diabetes last year after a life of not taking care of my body and trying every diet known to man and failing miserably. The diagnosis scared me into taking it seriously and managed to find the tricks for MY body that finally gave some good outcome and i managed to lose about 35 pounds. I know a lot of it was water weight, but still, i was so proud.

    Then then holidays rolled around.

    Suddenly my brain didn't know what to eat or the correct portions and what the word exercise was and i was back to my old habits. Every month saying "next month i'll get back on the horse". It is now almost August of the following year and i gained about ten pounds back.

    This morning I decided, enough is enough. I found a meal plan, bought my groceries, prepped my breakfasts for the week (the meal i ignore the most), and starting my workouts today. Wish me luck! I'm going to need it come Thanksgiving again. I hope to come back here and read how you all combat the holidays!
  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 73 Member

    gbread2u0169 - doing anything is good, I got wrapped up in 'new starts' and found it hard going to keep failing. My new approach is just to make changes, some days I make more than others and some days I'm more successful than others, but it's about doing something different.

    NellyJica - Holidays are tough, other people, different options, it's the holidays. I've got a music festival this weekend and will probably be 5 days of drinking and eating cheap carbs, I'm planning for some good choices but it won't be easy.

    Not too busy a day today, a couple of meetings and time to do things I need to get done before 4 days annual leave, free day tomorrow, maybe I'll take my nephew fishing 🎣

    Read this today in my Stoic reading, resonates with 'finding joy' in making change, it doesn't have to be easy, the joy comes from the investment in self and knowing that it's right.


  • walkintofit
    walkintofit Posts: 4,115 Member
    edited July 30
    "To be fully content with life , bounce back from adversity, be a source of strength and inspiration" Yes to that. I do need to move forward and find my 'new" life. I call it new as my old life has passed away and I am coming out of the ashes trying to find the new me. For those who don't know I lost my husband in December. That is where I'm coming from.
    I am working on being better than yesterday, eat better, less junk, move a bit more. Look around and do just one thing, make a decision, take charge of something, finish something. Lose the 10 lbs I gain this year. Just keep on moving forward!
    Thank you Mikey for the reading for today, gives me a focus
  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 73 Member
    159 (I think), sat on a train to York, I don't like working on the train so I'm only checking my laptop occasionally.

    I've jumped back on the Noom wagon, don't know if anyone tried it, it's just a platform like WW or SW, but what it does differently is you get 10-15 mins of little articles/lessons to scroll through, not groundbreaking stuff but motivational and great for keeping you on track, I've never found anything that has a similar level of content. Anyway, I got a 6 month free deal so works out £120 at the end of my trial for the year.

    I've still got MFP and also joined Slimpod - something is gonna work this year.

    I weighted the other day, 17.6 which is good because I didn't put too much more on inbetween. I've had a good couple of days food wise, I'm doing pretty well movement wise too, I started a job for my wife, pulling down a climbing vine and trellis that covered a wall she wanted the BBQ to go up against I realised I needed the garden bag, so that then prompted a whole job of taking older garden waste to the tip so I could empty the bag.

    4 hours later, wall cleared, BBQ moved, garden waste removed, decking cleared and brushed, much sweat and high HR.

    Listened to an article yesterday about colon cancer and the rise in under 50s. I'm 46 tomorrow and don't have the healthiest of diets, so I'm gonna get it done I think, as well as a round of bloods once I can get it organised with the GP.

    I have brought my gym stuff with me, I'll hopefully do something this week.
  • walkintofit
    walkintofit Posts: 4,115 Member
    Glad u didn't "fall" off the wagon Mikey, wondering where u were and what was going on. I have thought about noom, but haven't jumped the mfp ship yet. I'm going to bookmark this page so I can find it quicker. It is hard to get the diet figured out. I need to get the food thing figured out as I keep on gaining. Or just stop drinking. Too much grief sometimes and I try to drown it out, it doesn't really work though. You are near my son's age, hope it doesn't bother you I have joined your page.
  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 73 Member
    Not off the wagon just yet. Was ruminating on my fitness plan yesterday, it's extra expense, but what I definately think works for me, is opening the app and doing 15 mins of lessons helps to stay focussed, let's see how it goes.

    Happy (and glad) for you to be on the page, it's a great place for people to check in, post, or just lurk, I'm happy that you are here and sharing this journey.

    This is day 2 of my 46's and I'm aiming to be in a different health space by 47, I want my 50s to be healthy and lively.

    On a totally separate note, does anyone have any good tips or ideas for building new social circle at this age, I've made some changes and really would like to be around people that enhance my choices but it's not exactly easy.
  • walkintofit
    walkintofit Posts: 4,115 Member
    Mikey that is good you want to broaden your circle of friends. Some people find new friends by going to different places. For example, bowling, shooting range, a gym, church, at your job, a bar/tavern. If you have young kids take them to a park and let them play, can make friends with the kids parents. You are right it isn't easy making new friends as an adult. I started hiking with a co-worker. She has been lots of fun. So far exploring parts of the area she hasn't been too. Does your wife like to go for walks? dancing? gym? or do you want to do things with the guys? or a mix? Could get a couple of bikes and go for rides with her. Hubby and I would walk the neighborhood and people would talk to us. Didn't know any of the neighbors. Wouldn't have met any of them without the strolls.

    Yesterday I took my measurements and weight. Going to do that every 2 weeks. I want to see progress. Any progress. Logging food into mfp.
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