
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,217 Member
    Today is Peak of the yearly meteor shower. I was up at 5 am putting Brownie out and saw 1 shooting star.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Well, yesterday I planned to drop off my Dad's car for an oil change, and then go out to lunch next door, but the car wouldn't start. Okay so I cancelled the oil change and called a tow truck/ battery service. The guy came and jumped the battery from a device for 75$. Then I let it run for half an hour to charge it up.

    Then this morning I was going to do the weekly drive, and it won't start. Fooey. So I'm doing the only logical thing which is to have a cup of tea and recharge myself first.

    The bottom line is that car needs to be sold. But my dad isn't ready to give it up. The battery guy said I need to let it run for thirty minutes twice a week. That's too much time to spend. It may be time to do something against my Dad's wishes. So then either I could tell him outright or deceive him. Hmm. He doesn't accept that he can't drive anymore. He thinks he ought to keep the car in case he needs to go somewhere.

    I have another oil change appointment on Wednesday at 11. There's no point in getting it jumped on a Sunday. Maybe Monday I will call, and have them come on Wednesday morning. I wonder if they would replace the battery for us.

    Meanwhile I will consult my sister about selling the goshdarn car. I would either need my dad to sign, or invoke the power of attorney, to sell it. Hmm.

    Oh well. No police, no hospital, so it's not a bad day, just a challenge. We are warm and dry and fed, and counting our blessings.

    Thanks for hearing me out. Good friends and a cup of tea take the sting out of these situations.

    Have a great day! May you all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware
    we have trickle chargers on both our van and dh's truck. The one for the van is solar, the one for his truck(that stays at his mom's) is plugged in. Mom had one on dad's truck until my nephew took it. They work well to keep the battery charged up.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    MFP Weekly Check-In August 12, 2024

    Rita in Roswell, NM- Down 1.2 ponds this week from 174.8 last week. Started at 186 and now, starting week 10. 13 pounds in all thus far. Happy dance!!

    Kylia in Ohio - Kitties took over my life! No weigh ins in July. Started August up 2 lbs. After a weekend of travel (and not enough water yesterday) I am up another 2! Time to get my butt in GEAR! Too close to the number I fought hard to get south of! 128.6 this morning.

    Barbara on the Southern Oregon Coast -WT yesterday down 2.5 lbs from last Sunday, whew!
    BB&B, line dance and Zumba consistent, steps fell off, PT not at all. Sugar, CI<CO and AF better.

    Eveyln on Vancouver Island - Cloudy and cool here, at least I think it’s cloud, could be smoke. Down .4 of a pound since this time last month, really a miracle as my eating has not been good and I was sidelined for two weeks as Covid finally caught up with me. Back to the gym today, tho and walked with a friend yesterday morning.

    Lanette SW WA State – weight stable for the past few weeks, might be approaching set point. Spending more time on sitting elliptical, reducing walking so feet doing better.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
    Back up after my latest nap... Corey will be calling soon to say he's on the way home from work - one of the three calls that structure my weekdays, good morning, what's for dinner, and I'm on my way home. It's a weird routine, but it's ours. 👀😁🥰

    My niece called me in raptures over the quilt, and I'm so pleased that it's done and safely in her hands! My daughter's next up on the quilt design and build list, and I told her it would take me a year before I could even think about it... In the meantime, we'll trade ideas for designs we like.

    Oh - and I met a couple of absolutely wonderful women in Hobby Lobby while I was wandering around the quilt fabrics. Even exchanged phone numbers with them, and hope to get to know them better. They live up in Mountainburg, just a half hour from me, and it was just a really pleasant interaction, one of my first in years where I put myself out to help someone. Great lift to my day.

    Organ recital (blood test results). TL;DR - Almost all great, and the ones that were off weren't very off. Pleased with all of it, honestly.
    Do love the hospital vs. the VA, I get access to the tests within hours, but they do most of their stuff in-house, too, so it's easier for them.
    • C-reactive protein is in the normal range for the first time in literally years. It's supposed to be below .767, and is a general inflammation marker, basically. It says the Skyrizi is working like it's supposed to. Very good result--mine was at .18 now, but when I was at my worst, it was at almost 14. Wonderful to see it in the normal range finally.
    • eGFR, after dropping down below 60 a month ago is now at 79, means my kidneys are working like they're supposed to. Reassuring. It shows up at just below 60 about once every two years or so, but never for two tests in a row, so just something to keep my eye on.
    • Glucose, at 97, is quite normal for my age, and has stayed under 100 for just over a year. Like the eGFR, I have the occasional test showing high, but not for quite some time now.
    • MPV was down at the low end at 8, but that's actually better than it has been for the last few years. It's a biomarker showing platelet volume, and increases in it show that the Skyrizi is working, as well. If it continues to work, this should continue to improve in the year to come. It was the only test from the complete blood count that was out of normal ranges, so there were improvements in a number of areas.
    • BUN - The only iffy result was the BUN levels at 21, when it should be below 18 - but a look back at the year shows that as a distinct drop from 27 at the beginning of the year to 22 in June, and now 21 in August, so it's going the right direction. It's another kidney function marker, so something to keep an eye on. Hope it continues to improve!

      Oh - and she tested me for carbon dioxide, which I've never been tested for before (it was a little high at 29.3) and for Vitamin D for some odd reason, and that was fine. The CO2 seems to be yet one more kidney function marker. Will have to talk to her about that one when she calls.
    One more test sent out to California to be read there, so it will take a while to get back.

    Heather - you look like you're healing fast! Tough tightrope to walk, between wanting to be back to your normal life and giving your body the healing time it needs, but the hard part's done, just the healing to go! Pleased for you.

    Terri - Absolutely LOVE the colors on your gilet, and love seeing these kind of things in progress. Gives me such an idea of how your design brain works. Should be wonderful once it's done. I've done a couple of afghans as just massive granny squares, but never tried anything 3-D with crochet in any way.

    Carol - Think about you every day, and hope your healing is coming along, as well, and that the pain is under control now.

    Ah - that was Corey on the phone, he's finally on his way, he had to pick up parts to drive up to Fayetteville in the morning and fix the brakes on one of the trucks and get it back on the road quickly. So he'll be heading north instead of south in the early morning, something he does on occasion.

    Leftovers for dinner, which I keep looking at in the refrigerator and then close the door and walk away again. Corey's much more creative with them than I am. Will just wait until he gets home and figure it out.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR