
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Lisa my hunger hormones are broken. I had a big meal two hours ago, and (because I'm facing a chore outside my comfort zone) I have been back in the kitchen three times looking for comfort or something. I finally made iced tea which ought to fill me up and give me a little caffeine attitude boost. It's low calorie comfort.

    I learned to finish my plate as a child. And overeating was how we celebrated holidays. So either I never had proper hunger signals or I learned to override them.

    Now I have to go plug in this trickle charger that I have been fussing about all week. It shouldn't be hard at all, but I guess I have a fear of car batteries like my fear of snakes and heights and all kinds of risky things.

    Annie in Delaware
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    edited August 18
    Annie - since the battery in your dad's car is new, there might not be any hurry in getting that trickle charger set up this week, you probably have a while (month or more). Will you still be able to drive it now and then? DH only drove his car twice a year toward the end, if that! Hence putting the trickle charger on it. And once the battery was charged I'd take it out for short trips and pray it would hold a charge til the next time, the battery was getting old.

    What does the book say?

    The guys at the shop told me not only does occasionally driving the car keep the battery charged, but keeps the oil flowing and parts lubed, and tires evenly worn. Vehicles don't like to just sit. The tires on DH's car, while not worn, had damaged sidewalls from just sitting there for nearly a year undriven. After DH passed, I drove the car on low tires to Les Schwab and got new ones all around. :#

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    edited August 18
    Stat for the day-

    Housecleaning etc- 3hrs 51min 11sec, laundry fold/put away, vacuum, dust, make refill hummingbird food, etc- 1052c

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,827 Member

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    Rebecca I have problems with trying to get into with my password too! It started when I was hacked. Now I get into Facebook by clicking on a notification from a friend in the social section of my Gmail (I have Chrome) I then have to get a code which they send to my e-mail. I noticed too unfortunately the friends who notified and then blocked the account I have to to like their posts via comments otherwise restricts my account. It is a bit of a hassle but I still have reasons I like to use Facebook.

    I too like Barbie look at the food in terms of what is the most nutritious and best quality I can afford. Since I changed my diet seven months ago I enjoy the food I eat without having hunger pains. I have learned that high processed food can drive you to want to eat more frequently. I find eating three meals a day satisfies me and have no desire to snack. Half of what I eat is veggies and fruit, a quarter a good quality protein , a quarter good quality fat. I also try to eat fermented food at every meal. I eat very little grain. No Wheat!

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Machka - One of the many reasons I love thrift stores is you never know what you're going to find! Just $7 each for the conductor stools, and I would never have paid the $45 each that Amazon wants for them. They feel nice and solid, but easy enough to get them where I need them for my now quite tall pantry! 🤣 The piece you posted on treating yourself to a day of your own - that's what my wander around the thrift store was, honestly. Corey won't go in one willingly, nor to a garage sale, but I really enjoy taking time to wander and just see what's there. No fun with him, but quite a lot of fun all by myself.

    More in a bit.
    Lisa in AR

    My thrift store (OP Shop) wanders are at lunch. There are several in the Hobart CBD - enough so that I can't hit them all on one day.

    The tip shop wanders happen on the weekend with my husband ... probably 2 or 3 times a year. That's where I am hoping to find a shoe shelf and a wooden step stool. I was hoping to go this past weekend, but just didn't feel up to it yet.


    Facebook is being troublesome, logging in password isn't working, tried to change it but now, its telling me I need to pee in a tiny cup or some such nonsense! (not really)😂😂but geez its hard to get back in! Wondering if its even worth it? I might just get back in to shut down the Facebook part, but keep the Messenger part. I like getting messages from family, and video chatting.


    I only have to log into FB when I've cleared my cookies, browsing history, etc. I do that 2 or 3 times a year. It's never been a problem.

    But I have heard occasionally that FB will have a momentary glitch now and then. Often if you wait an hour or two and try again, it should be right.

    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    So I am back tracking to a previous discussion… Saying I Love you….

    I grew up with my dad saying “love you” at bed time or some other times, but he was a typical guy of those times who was more likely to tell me via actions then words.

    But my mom said more but ALWAYS with a qualifier. “I’ll love you if…..” “I love you when…..” “I love you more if…..” I was loved for things that made her life easier, reflected better on her, brought honor to the family.

    I would love to hear it meant just because, and if I was around folks who said it a lot, my reaction would probably be a mixture of envy and awe.

    I tell the god kids/nephew every time I talk to them, I say it to close friends, I occasionally say it to my mom, but her response is usually I love you for…… when I saw her on Monday it was I love you for vacuuming….. some how it takes the joy and sense of caring away…

    Thinking of you all,
    Kim in N. California

    I'm sorry you've gone through that ... that's just awful. Your mother has narcissistic tendencies.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited August 19
    On hunger:

    If you read "What are the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)?" in this link, that's hunger.

    And "What symptoms are related to hypoglycaemia?" ...

    And more (googly).

    The only difference between hypoglycemia (which I have - I've been tested) and what I experience when I am hungry is that I experience all the hypoglycemia symptoms PLUS a very sore stomach.

    If I just think about food (rarely) or if I feel a little bit empty, I usually tell myself that it's not time to eat and that I'll eat when it's time.

    Similar to Barbie's friend, I usually think of food as nutrition. We need a certain amount of calories and nutrients to survive ... and to be able to perform exercise.

    I can eat the same thing day after day after day without much difficulty, and tend not to be adventurous with food. Might possibly be because I've had a diminished sense of smell most of my life. I tend to like and dislike food based on texture first.

    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)About Hunger I learned something from my friend who was a long time abstinent member of Overeaters Anonymous. She planned her meals and snacks for the day and wrote them down in advance. Sometimes she called someone and told them her plan for the day. Then she stuck to the plan. It made eating about nourishment and not about hunger. I am not quite as strict as that. But I know each day what I'll be eating and when I'll be eating it. I stick to my plan. For me, many things have masqueraded as hunger ---fear, boredom, loneliness, excitement, TV commercials, a food reference in conversation. I don't use food for recreation or entertainment. I stopped baking as a hobby. I seek to get the most nourishment for the fewest calories.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    When I was on a mission to lose weight in 2015. I ate like your friend did.

    I planned my meals and snacks and logged them in advance (and ate basically the same thing each day).
    My plan included specific eating times so that I experience only mild hypoglycemia symptoms and a mildly sore stomach.
    Then I stuck to the plan.

    I still eat more or less that way, but since COVID last December, I've added a few more calories. Oops!

    I've also been exercising less. Double-Oops!!

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    On exercise:

    I attribute remaining slim until my mid-40s, and also having success losing weight back in 2015 (as mentioned above) mainly to exercise.

    I know there's a saying something like you can't outrun a bad diet or similar.

    Well ... if your goal is to lose weight, you can out exercise a bad diet. But you've got to be a marathon runner or ultra-distance cyclist.

    When I was at the peak of my ultra-distance cycling in 2002 - 2007, during the cycling season, I couldn't eat enough to gain weight.

    I figured out that I burned about 100 calories for every 5 km of cycling.

    - if I cycled 50 km, I burned 1000 calories (over and above the amount we burn existing, which might be about 1500 calories). To maintain my weight, I would have to eat about 2500 calories. Not too difficult. :)
    - if I cycled 100 km, I burned 2000 calories + 1500 calories = 3500 calories. Still doable. I can eat 3500 in a day, but that's more challenging.
    - if I cycled 200 km, I burned 4000 calories + 1500 calories = 5500 calories. I struggle to eat 5500 calories in a day.

    During the season in those years, I was cycling anywhere from 500 - 1000 km/week.
    If we burn 10,500 calories existing (1500 * 7).
    If 500 km = 10,000 calories and 1000 km = 20,000 calories.
    Then I would have to eat between 3000 and 4300 calories per day to maintain my weight.
    I couldn't do it.

    I would deliberately put on a few kilograms during winter so that I would have something to lose in the summer, and during summer I would drop to the bottom of the normal range, and sometimes into underweight.

    In 2015, I lost weight through exercise and diet, and kept it off in 2016 and 2017 through exercise. My husband and I were building up to the ultra-distances again!

    Unfortunately, since my husband's accident, and especially in the last year, I haven't been exercising anywhere close to that. :(

    Not only am overweight now and struggling to lose, but I'm also missing all the other good things I love about exercise. :(

    Fortunately, that's part of why we've moved to this new place. The area is much more conducive to exercise. :) And summer's coming!! :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Michele - Why did you take the pepperoni off of the pizza?

    I’ll miss checking in with you all in the morning. Have a great day!
    Tracey in Edmonton

    My question too!
    90% of the time I choose pepperoni pizza and love it when the pepperoni has a bit of spice.

    You have a great day at the new job!

    M in Oz

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Tracey thinking of you and your fresh start today!

    Rebecca hugs for you. As we all live longer there will be more of us looking for care. It is truly scary. I try to face it calmly when I have to think about it.

    Both my parents have had Alzheimer's, and my daughter is gone. Someday I will likely be alone with dementia, despite spending years of my life as a caregiver. Or maybe they will find a cure. I just try not to let the fear of being alone diminish my current life. No sense being miserable now over something that might not happen the way we expect.

    I have to go to the DMV again. (Department of motor vehicles) I was worried about how to get my dad to go with me, and almost gave up last night. This morning he just saw it on the calendar and asked when he had to be ready. So I guess we are going after all. I was just borrowing trouble. This afternoon I have to drag him to my Dr appt. I think it will be okay if I take him out to lunch first.

    I had a little shortness of breath and a cough. I'm thinking the shortness of breath is from tight pants. But I'm also afraid of heart trouble. And I'm afraid they will want a bunch of tests that will require a sitter and take up my free time. Again, I have to relax and not worry ahead of time.

    Remember that Bobby McFerrin song? Don't worry, be happy! Hard for a skeptic like me, but I try. My happy place is reading my books. I ordered a new author, Rachel Grant. Yay!

    Have a marvelous day my friends! May you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware