
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    Lisa my hunger hormones are broken. I had a big meal two hours ago, and (because I'm facing a chore outside my comfort zone) I have been back in the kitchen three times looking for comfort or something. I finally made iced tea which ought to fill me up and give me a little caffeine attitude boost. It's low calorie comfort.

    I learned to finish my plate as a child. And overeating was how we celebrated holidays. So either I never had proper hunger signals or I learned to override them.

    Now I have to go plug in this trickle charger that I have been fussing about all week. It shouldn't be hard at all, but I guess I have a fear of car batteries like my fear of snakes and heights and all kinds of risky things.

    Annie in Delaware

    I am usually good until I have something to eat-break that fast and I am hungry for most of the day unless I can stay super busy so I don't think about it.
    Yesterday, I didn't eat anything until 6:30PM- that was not planned and I was hungry the four hours before that but was at the hospital waiting room or taking MIL back home then feeding the cats-then I got to eat.
    My normal is to not eat until noon or a little later-just have my tea(no sugar/cream or anything added) all morning.
    I can go to a buffet, eat and feel the same as when i went in.
    I am very methodical when I eat at the buffets- Chinese: sushi first but only eat the filling, not the rice(which drives dh crazy), then just veggies, then meats-usually chicken and fish-then fruit and a tiny dessert, especially if they have the coffee mousse cake-one piece 2"square.
    Regular buffet is pretty much the same-just no sushi. Start with the salad bar-get a huge salad, then veggies then meats, again, mainly chicken.
    When we go out, I usually eat half my meal and bring the other half home- I am content, not over full that way BUT two hours later, I am feeling so hungry.
    I can not sleep if I am hungry. My go to is a spoon full of peanut butter right before bed. Keeps me full for the night. If I wake up in the middle of the night, feeling hungry, I have to get up and grab a few crackers or something or I can't get back to sleep.


  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,164 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did Upper and Lower Body Boot Camp DVD today then walked to Food Lion to get potatoes (on sale), kiwi, then decided that I wanted peaches (I like the ones they have).

    Came home and made cabbage soup (cabbage was on sale for 49 cents/pound so we’re eating coleslaw and I made soup), some sandwiches to take in the car to Denise’s and wrapped some trucks to give to PJ. See, we have some old Hess trucks and a few were still in the box. I just wrapped them up. At 5, he doesn’t care that they’re old, he just likes “things” (probably got that from mom). I’m going to put them in a toybox with a lid, Pete will probably like the fact that the toys are out of sight. Then we cleaned the kitties litter box (we have to dump the litter out as we're using the nonclumping kind right now), vacuumed and swept the floor.

    Lisa – I like thrift stores for the same reason as you, you never know what you’ll find. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get to them much lately. As you know, I used to always go to the Salvation Army but now that they open so late, I can’t make it. It seems the only time I get to go is if I can go with Vince to his allergy shots. But that’s the day I’m usually at the soup kitchen. Vince doesn’t like to go in, either. What is it with guys? I find hunger feeling to be a feeling of emptiness in my stomach. Unfortunately, I know that I tend to be a boredom eater

    Nite all.

    Michele NC

    We used a bag of the non clumping litter(it was given to me)-do not like it. Not only does it not clump but doesn't keep the smell down- With 10 cats using the litter boxes(we have 8 total), we need stuff that is easy to clean and keeps the smell down.

    Dh is the odd one- he LOVES shopping.
    As soon as he gets out of the shower(after being at his mom's for two nights without getting a shower, he really wanted a long one) We are going to Black Friday(Amazon return place)- He wants something close to our "normal" routine after being there with her. Yep, just about every Monday, after we go to his mom's-he takes care of her and I walk the dog, we go to Black Friday- Monday, everything is $2. Then we will go to Grocery Outlet.
    We need to get some lunch- he hasn't eaten any real food and very few snacks(his mom doesn't want him to eat any of her food plus he lost his appetite-) Not good for a diabetic.
    The only real time we spend together is going out shopping. He has always loved shopping- buying stuff. He has no interest in any of the other things I like- walking, class, gardening, church, cooking and eating at home.


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    I've booked a hair trim for tomorrow morning, and, because I am meeting G at the fish restaurant for lunch, I am actually going to treat myself to a blow-dry instead of my usual wet-cut. :p

    John made the fabulous fish pie for dinner. It truly is a wonderful thing. <3 A lot of work, which is why I let him make it. :p
    We had broccoli with it.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    MFP Weekly Check-In August 19, 2024

    Rita in Roswell, NM - Up 3 pounds from last week. Has to be water from the antibiotic as I haven’t changed the way I eat or exercise. But still down from 186 to 173 today so still going the right way! I will “Never give up! Never surrender!” To my weight!!

    Debbie in Napa Valley CA - finally checking in-missed a few weeks. Weight- 148.6 Down a pound since last weigh in but a bit more than it was before that.

    Evelyn on Vancouver Island - Down 1 pound from last week! Hope everyone has a great week!

    Lanette SW WA State – weight remaining fairly stable, down 1/2#. Have lost an inch at my waist and inch at my hips in the past 3 months. Exercise plan working fine (some walking, elliptical, farmer’s walk with 8# weights a couple times a week.)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 7min 40sec, 54elev, 2.90ap, 84ahr, 141mhr, 6.17mi= 567c
    Strava app = 748c
    Walk home to gym- 11.11min, 2.79ap, .52mi= 51c
    Strava app = 64c
    Slow Treadmill jog- 46.25min, 5.2sp, 11.37min mi, 160spm, 132ahr, 148mhr, 4mi= 435c
    Elliptical machine- 12.07min, 8incl, 8resist, 122ahr, 148mhr, 1mi= 101c
    Walk gym to store then hair salon- 17.40min, 10elev, 3.58ap, 107ahr, 129mhr, 1.06mi= 107c
    Strava app = 128c
    Walk salon to home- 8.04min, 2.78ap, .37mi= 42c
    Strava app= 45c

    Total cal 1303

    I wish the MS ride and half marathon weren’t so close together. I don’t know why I put myself through this. Did a 4mi jog today at the gym but I’m not training nearly as good as I should for that run. I put pressure on myself to stay close to the top on my riding, still 1st place for the females. I am doing this to myself, I know it.

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Kim -- I'm so sorry about your mom's abuse. Parents, more than anyone else, should love their children unconditionally. I think you're amazing, and we all love you here.

    Rebecca -- hugs to you. I'm sorry you're feeling vulnerable. And you have me worried. Are you anticipating needing assistance soon?

    I'm sad to hear of the disordered eating patterns so many of us were raised with or developed. It's a long going topic of conversation in this house. As we identify unhealthy patterns, my husband and I discuss it and share with the kids when appropriate.

    Striking the balance between food as fuel, which it is, and food for enjoyment, which it can also be, can be difficult.

    Take care, everyone!

    Willamette Valley OR

    No I'm not. I just worry for the future sometimes.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Tracey and M – I took the pepperoni off the pizza because Vince says he doesn’t like pepperoni. If he knew it was on the pizza, he wouldn’t have eaten it. Really, there was nothing wrong with the pizza. I just took it off so he wouldn’t see it.

    Tracey -The peaches were $2.99 a pound

    One reason I don’t eat the same thing day after day is because different foods have different nutrients in them and I want to be sure that I’m getting all the nutrients. Vince could eat the same thing day after day

    Rosemarie – when we first moved to this house, we also had mattresses on the floor. But it was a blessing in disguise because we got Lexi who had the dislocated hip and couldn’t jump onto a bed so she could just walk onto the mattress.

    Debbie – no, I don’t like the non-clumping litter either. But at one point Yoda was eating the litter and the clumping – well, you know what would have happened

    Michele NC
    ceramics tonight
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Heather - Love the dahlias!

    Rebecca, darlin' - Just all the hugs in the world. These manly men's whole worlds wobble when we aren't on an even keel (ha! Navy joke.🤪). Thinking about you both.

    Kylia - Simple is almost always better. Extra words have a habit of taking meaning and shredding it beyond recognition. You're on the right track. Trust your instincts.

    Just squirreling all over the place, going from one distraction to the next. I think I'll go down to Walmart and get that over with. Try to settle to one thing when I get back.


    Hugs friend!💖
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Had a long post and poof!
    Will probably end up watching the new little one 3 days a week as Josie can only watch her mondays and fridays
    Haven't heard much from my brother but divorce is still on,but he can't talk much because Jean has ears.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,818 Member
    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    edited August 20