
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited August 21
    Machka - Thank you to you and to everyone for the information on how hunger works with you. The simple observation of writing it all down is helping me--last night, I felt a little queasy by 4pm, the feeling I associate with hunger, but had pre-written my dinner in on MFP, and didn't want to change the time on it. So I just did other things until it was time to put my dinner in the oven. Felt very proud of myself for that!

    Hair woes:

    Later, my chickens,
    Lisa in AR

    If I start feeling a little queasy an hour or so before my designated eating time, I drink a glass of water. Like Kim, sometimes thirst disguises itself as hunger. If that doesn't help, I'll go for a sugar-free peppermint.
    Or Butter Candy or Choc Drops. :)

    I've got bamboo sheets and pillow cases that are supposed to be nice and cool ... I've yet to put them on the bed.

    I've been looking for cool sheets and other cooling things at night.

    kymarai wrote: »
    So the books are on Servant Leadership skills. As I said the first chapter questions are things I have never been asked. I have included in spoiler my answers to the questions. My sister has said she will give me feedback as she can. She has a demanding and changing job. Hoping she can help with insights.
    Do I have a purpose? This was hard as no one has ever asked me this question. After much thinking, I have decided that I do have a purpose. My purpose is to help people feel they have been seen and heard. Examples- doing family daycare for the harder to place families such as 2nd and 3rd shift workers or families with two children under the age of 3. Asking someone how they are today and listening to their answer. Sometimes they elaborate and others are okay with a simple answer.

    Do I know my values? Again, not something I have been asked before.
    Honesty- sharing to the best of my knowledge information that I can
    Hard work- A willingness to put in the labor necessary to accomplish a task.
    Learning- Wanting to learn something new every day.
    Respect- There are many different opinions and perspectives in the world, I try to listen respectfully even if I don’t agree with those views.
    Independence- Being able to think for myself and using the other values I have to seek assistance.

    I communicate my purpose and values by example. I tell others what my expectations are in work situations.

    I champion my purpose and values by living them.

    I live my purpose by paying attention to people around me. I encourage people to learn for themselves. I believe in honestly billing people for work done and letting them know what the situation entails. I give people a chance to make their own decisions, while remaining available to assist them.

    I need to improve my ability to let others learn things and to encourage them when they are learning the processes. I need to improve my time management skills in relation to paperwork and learning.

    For my team, I must consider my whole work system. We are a small business with two owners, and I am married to one of them. We have two full-time employees and one part-time employee. This is seen from my perspective.

    The purpose of our business is to make money while providing sales and services in a reputable fashion.

    Does our business have values?
    Fairness- Seeking to always be fair in our assessments
    Quality- Providing quality in both equipment and services.
    Education- Teaching people about their equipment helps in the long term success of both our business and their equipment.

    We communicate the business values with the way customers are treated. When people come in they are greeted with respect, quality is explained, and we listen to their wants and needs to educate them on equipment.

    I am the one who champions the business purpose with the team.

    Our “team” champions our purpose by providing quality service and asking questions as needed.

    Our team needs to improve on changes that are made to make things run smoother. Our team needs to improve on their views about education in both the equipment repairs and business aspects. Our team needs to improve on listening to and retrieving information from customers.

    For these I had to give a rating of 1-10

    Health, LOVE, and Support from
    Kylia in Ohio

    There were various programs or series of classes like that back in the 1990s - usually put on by churches. I remember going through a few of them back then.

    I always struggled coming up with my purpose, my passion, my talent, etc.

    Funnily enough, the house is what brings that home to me - "Well that's something I'll never have to do/make/build again!" U.S. life expectancy for women, at 76 years, gives me another 12 years, and neither of my parents lived past that, so I'm figuring on at least that much. Interestingly enough, the older you are, the longer your life expectancy. According to one site, because I've lived to 64, I will live to 84. So I tried tweaking it here and there, and it appears it just gives you either the US expectancy or 20 years more than your current age! 👀🤣😁 Whatever is left, I'm ust trying to live those years as engaged, happy and healthy as I can make them. It's enough.

    Just about on my way out the door...
    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR

    Evidently the life expectancy for women here is somewhere in the 80s.

    According to that life expectancy thing, I could make it to 93.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Tracey ~ I was just thinking about your desire to have an office in a more private area and hope that you will find a space you like. Before I started teaching, I had a job with an insurance agency where I had to add all the agents sales so they could be paid. I quit that job because I hated being shut up in an office alone all day with no one to chat with. After that I worked as a secretary/typist for another insurance company and was out in the open. That was better. And finally, after I started teaching, I enjoyed being able to chat with the other teachers on my team/building. Realizing this, i have always thought of myself as being an introvert but guess there is a part of me that isn't.

    Sorry if this was too much information! I'm becoming a mag-pie! :)

    Carol in GA

    I would love being shut up in an office alone all day with no one to chat with!

    But we have a semi open plan office. So I wear noise-cancelling headphones much of the day.

    I am an introvert!

    Annie - I imagine there is some kind of alarm that could put in place on the doors that could ring on a device you could carry with you. At the nursing homes there are alarms that can be placed on the back of a wheelchair, a cord is then clipped onto the back of the residents shirt. It’s to alert the staff that the resident has decided to try to stand on their own, or has leaned to far forward and is at risk of falling out of their chair. We also used it on a door one time that couldn’t be locked but we needed to know when the door was opened. It would give you more freedom in the house. He may still get out but couldn’t get very far without your knowledge. I’m not sure what it’s called, but there must be something to give you a little peace.

    I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!
    Tracey in Edmonton

    I just picked up an indoor Google Nest camera, so far I'm really impressed. I think there's sound too, but I've got that turned off at the moment. Ah yes ... it does pick up sound too, and I can talk through it.

    If we had it pointing at a door, and someone went through the door, I could set it up to send me a notification.

    Machka: Thanks, I think I will try the Cancer Council and see what happens! I have tried Maybelline before but I went through it pretty quick

    I am going to try some of the Pilates equipment today. This is expensive but I want to get it out of my system. Then I will probably do Pilates at home with the yoga!

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    I use so little makeup - just a tiny skiff of foundation and if I've got a meeting or something, a dash of powder.

    My husband and I did physiotherapist-led Pilates for a little over a year. He did it as part of his recovery and I did it along with him. It was really good!

    We ended up getting a Pilates reformer which we will be setting up in our gym at some point in coming months.

    Gardening, especially digging and weeding, etc., worked similar muscles as Pilates did.

    Machka in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    Hi ladies, I am back. I finally recovered from my work weekend. We had many toddlers, and they were screaming and crying. My blue-eyed cherub I found passed out in her exer-saucer with Miss Rachel singing and snot running down her cheek. I think she has a cold. She was so cute anyway. My patient wasn't too happy with golden curls everywhere. She had her tonsils and Adenoids removed and tubes placed in her ears. I gave her Tylenol and Motrin around the clock. We sent her home Saturday, and she came back Sunday, throwing up and not eating. Then, I had a baby that was sick with an upper respiratory infection. So, we had to give him more oxygen. The ER was full of sick babies and toddlers.
    Then we had a 13-year-old who drank a whole bottle of whiskey. I told the new nurse to pad the bed before he came up. He is going to be sick. She didn't listen to me and had to change his bed. Her preceptor told her when a seasoned nurse gives advice, she needs to follow it. So she didn't get any help. I would have helped her, but I was busy calming my two toddlers and my baby, who needed to be placed back on oxygen. The funeral for the four-year-old that I cared for was beautiful. It was short and sweet. They polished her fingernails and dressed her in a white frilly dress. She looked like an angel. May she rest in peace.
    Tracey- I wish you joy in your new job. I love the work that you have done on that table. You are so multi-talented; I know you will succeed.

    Rosemarie- I went to Ulta and Sephora once and felt overstimulated. I ordered from Thrive and was thinking about trying the Jones Foundation, but I didn't know where to start. I purchased my foundation from Target. I love Laura Gellar's foundation, but I only buy it on a special occasion. I am an annual member of Fab Fit Fun, so I get to try serums and foundations. When I was younger, they did my makeup, and I looked like a mud monster. The foundation was too dark. I instead do my own.

    Lisa- I am so glad you got some much-needed rest. Sleep helps you heal your mind and body.

    Lanette- I decided not to worry about whether or not I will have Alzheimer's like my mom and grandma. It will depress me. That is why I am trying to be healthy and exercise my body and brain by doing puzzles and crafts. My dad had a heart condition, and that is why he was in the hospital and, on top of that, breast cancer. So, none of that is good. My cousin drinks like a fish that runs in the family as well. My generation of cousins committed our lives to service. I am the nurse, and the guys are police and firemen. The cousin who drinks like a fish was in the Navy and was a detective for the LAPD. His mom has dementia and had a double bypass surgery. So, you never know. We should enjoy life while we can.

    Heather, I love the stained glass windows on your doors. I find quiet places soothing and loud places stressful. I am a loner, too. I don't know if it is because I am an only child or what. So, I schedule monthly gatherings with my friends. I am guarded with my time. I am so glad you saw your friends and had a great time. When I see my high school friends on Facebook, I can not believe how old they are. I was the youngest in my class, but who am I to judge? We are the same age. So, I found your comment humorous because I can relate to it.

    Machka, I had a bad eating day on Monday and was over my calories by 200 on Tuesday. So, I had to remind myself I feel great wearing smaller clothes. Hopefully, I will be on track Wednesday. I moved my built-in bars into the garage freezer so I would not overeat them.

    Allie, your grandson Miles is so cute, faking like sleeping. I hope your daughter appreciates your help with the baby and Miles. Remember to be good to yourself, too.

    Pip- you are amazing! I hope to be like you with all of those stats. Is the little girl in the picture your granddaughter? Did Kirby make it home safely?

    I had better go and see if I had the energy to move my body before going to bed. I missed going to the Move and Groove this evening. Maybe next time. I am taking a break from the pool to allow my hair to recoup from the chorine. I will be back in the pool next week. Have an extraordinary Wednesday, ladies.

    Thanks for the compliment. The little girl is my sisters “granddaughter” the sister is the lady in the pic. She is her daughter’s husband’s kid from his first wife. Kirby and I never had kids. Kirby made it home fine, he had a great time. Next month is my turn, I will be going to Washington (federal way) to visit a friend for a few days.

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,532 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,532 Member
    Margaret ~ Beautiful arrangement and what a lovely vase. Is it an antique?

    Carol in GA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,217 Member
    edited August 21
    Today is Senior Citizens Day! WE aren’t these are we???? Have a spumoni cone to feel better! 😘


    RVRita in Roswell
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    Tracey--Glad your first day was postive.
    Flea--Looks like a good program and that the men were proud to have put in the work to finish. Glad to hear your mom's estate is done and you can put it behind you.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    edited August 21
    Here is am example of a lunch...Homemade broth...Argula lettuce, fresh tomatoes from my garden, organic hamburger from farmer's market mushrooms from Farmer's Market, onion, green pepper from Market, paprika, pepper, cheese from Marker, Greek no sugar yogurt (Fage 5%), small glass Kombuch, cherry juice, and water...small dark chocolate and slice of melon (from Market) for dessert... total plants and spice in this meal..11 different plants (I count mushroom) and spices in this meal.I didn't count broth yet that was full of veggies when I prepared it. I use the mushrooms to cut the amount of meat I use in my taco salad...No taco chips!
    Delicious...it is just a different way to eat than ultra processed food. Cheese and yogurt are processed but minimally.

    Carol the vase I got in Italy about 50 years ago so I suppose it is an antique.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    edited August 21
    Stat for the day-

    Outside bike ride- 2hrs 24min 45sec, 151elev, 53aw, 119ahr, 157mhr, 12.5amph, 30.11mi= 1011c
    Strava app = 514c

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    I have curly hair and it gets very frizzy, very easily, I bought some sleek n shine Aragon oil that I put on when it’s wet and it’s helping a lot. I washed my hair yesterday and scrunched it, today I just finger combed it, tomorrow I’ll probably straighten it or put it up. I don’t wash it daily anymore and that has made a huge difference as well.

    Lanette - I keep praying that I take after my maternal grandmother. She lived until 95 and in her book was probably about 3 years too long, but because she had to start using a walker and even the hearing aids didn’t help a lot, but her mind was sharp.
    I feel like I’m going to be a young widow. Rodger’s lung test told revealed that his lungs were those of a 68 year old, then last month he was told his bloodwork numbers were good for an 83 year old. I can’t make him quit smoking and I can’t make him stop eating what he wants. I’ve decided to stop trying. He will be 60 in January and if he doesn’t care what that will do to his family I have to just do what I can to be prepared for it.
    I have started making friends and doing things on my own for the last few years, I know he doesn’t understand it, but I can’t just sit at home and do nothing.

    I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!
    Tracey in Edmonton

    My hair is very curly too- I will need to check into that to try. I am so glad there are more products that are available. When I was younger, only kind of products for curly hair was for black women and not much of that was available where I was(on base)-it was better than nothing but I still remember how crunchy my curls were with it.

    I am starting to feel the same way about dh- He is 60, has high blood pressure, diabetic, stressed all the time, doesn't care about himself or anyone else, especially lately.
    Eating for him is all the things he shouldn't have- rice or chow mein almost every day if he can. Lots of carbs and late night snacking after not wanting to eat what I fix at dinner time.
    I too am doing more things outside of the house(class, walking, church)- he is resentful but that is on him. I am not stopping it just because he doesn't do anything for himself.

    We will be taking MIL to SF tomorrow- a whole day of driving, doing the appointment and more driving after we do take care of her at her place and after we are done. Hopefully she behaves a lot better than she did when he took her before(that is why I need to go with them-two against one).

    PT came over to her house yesterday- she confirmed everything dh told his mom- Social worker coming to do an assesment- hoping she can get some help- she has three kinds of insurance so one of those should cover at least part of the care. DH just needs a break.

    If I have already posted this, I apologize. Can't remember if I did or not.

    Enjoying the home grown veggies- red sweet pepper, cucumber and a bacon and tomato on a FlatOut-flat bread for late lunch. Have class tonight so ate a bit more. Split some fries while we were out shopping earlier- that has been all for the day so far. I will grab a snack after class. Having a natural energy drink now- need to get me through class.

    FitBit wearers=I have a question. Mine has stopped letting me scroll(go from just the time to see my steps, etc. Is my fitbit basically dead or will a re-boot possible help it. It is still tracking- I can check on the app on my phone(it is a bit glitchy but works).

    Napa Valley,CA