
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,522 Member
    Kylia ~ I love reading about the kitten's antics. :) When my son lived in our rental house, his cats completely destroyed the wooden railing around the drop down part of the living room. His wife finally took all the railings down and it made a great improvement. Now he has two dogs and no cat.

    Carol in GA
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,228 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Rebecca Yay for the black pants!

    Debbie so sorry about Miso. It's good that you were there for her when she died. It's just so hard.

    Tracey I was married 25 years and we mingled funds. I guess there was good and bad to it. I don't think I would do it again though. Although I really can't imagine trusting anyone enough to even live together, so it's all hypothetical now.

    Ginny glad your foot is feeling better! Yay!

    Heather glad you had a good bus trip. You are so right about using a cane as a visual cue for others. It's all about communication.

    My dad has a walking stick that he tries to use for balance. I keep telling him it's not a cane, and if he wants a cane we have one. The grip is much different.

    It's a pretty day again, but maybe warm. I stayed up reading "Stillhouse Lake" by Rachel Caine. Very good, but a violent and scary genre. I also read " Forget Me Not" by Julie Soto which is a light- hearted romance. It makes me wonder how men in books can be attractive without communicating much, but men in real life who don't communicate are hard to live with. Hmm.

    Have a wonderful day! May you all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,522 Member
    Allie ~ That is so sad! Hugs for you and Tracy and Kyle. Praying the delivery goes well and that the surviving twin will thrive.

    Monique ~ So glad you have joined our group. Love hearing about the children you bless as you go about your job.

    Lisa ~ Ugh! Those worms sound creepy.

    Michelle ~ As you read through the our replies about Denise's situation, you must think some of us are either lacking a lot of understanding while others are showing mindful understanding. Praying that things will improve for Denise and that you and she will grow closer and closer.

    Carol in GA
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,696 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Quick drop in this evening. Busy Monday at work. Came home needed to balance checkbook-to the penny like Rebecca! Then needed to pay some bills (medical stuff not cleared through insurance). That got me to my out of pocket and deductible for the year. Set up account for new PA practice. Lunch packed and logged for tomorrow. Trash to the curb. 30 minute walk inside. Am ready for bed!

    No words of wisdom for anyone. It seems like we all have our struggles and our victories. While they may be different it helps me to know I am not alone with such things.

    Tomorrow we are in another heat wave so Kylia and I will bake! Luckily I am indoors most of the day. Will leave work at 3:45 for haircut then home.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    Good job Ginny! It does make me feel more like I got a firm handle on things when I balance. Its like having a good eating day. Just makes you feel accomplished. All of us need more of those things in this chaotic world eh?💖👍🏼
    Know today is a good day for a good day!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,696 Member
    Pleased with self. :)
    Decided at breakfast to take myself into Hove on the bus, so that I could have a look at the cushioned vinyl flooring and order it for my bathroom. If I don't do things first thing, they don't get done.
    First time on the bus since the second op. I took my stick, as a signifier for the public, though I can shuffle along perfectly well without it. Bus driver helpful, cars stop etc etc. I got brought a seat in the carpet shop!
    I had to wait a while as the owner was cancelling an order, but I chose a light oak herringbone while I was waiting. I wanted something that will go with the present paintwork, but will also go with any new colour I choose in the future. I think light wood goes with anything.
    I got an approximate estimate, for the vinyl, the fitting, the removal of the present carpet and underlay, and disposal of such, but they decided they would come to estimate on Thursday afternoon, as they want to check the condition of the actual floor. It's normal in the UK to pay the fitters separately, when they come to do the job, in cash! :o We have used this family run company before and the fitters were amazing!
    The walk to and from the bus stop was not too bad, and I was able to buy a few food bits on my way home past the deli. The owner was pleased to see me. :D

    So, an accomplishment!
    Can't wait to get the bus into Brighton and hobble around a shop or two.

    John's cricket friend is coming over on Friday, to go to the Sussex ground in Hove. It's a decent journey from South London, so it's nice of him. I suggested we all meet up afterwards at Fatto a Mano, but his friend wants to get back. He will park in our drive and they will walk the 40 mins to the ground.
    Plus, I get a day off, to eat my 'funny' food, and watch the recorded programmes that John doesn't like. :laugh:

    I also may be meeting up, at the weekend, with an old friend, C, from decades ago. We met through our drama careers, and self-development workshops that we attended. We taught several weekend workshops together, of our own devising, which were a great success, called things like, "The Creative Express", involving dance, mime, acting, art etc. She is a trained drama therapist and currently teaches self confidence classes. If we do manage to get together, it will be quite a strange experience! She is 68. Six years younger than me.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Great job on the outting! You continue to move forward, and its a wonderful thing to see! New flooring will look so great. Lee used to have a cane, a nice wood thing. He waved it around like he was some blind person, crazy guy. Once, funny story, he and I were waiting for an elevator at the hospital. I was looking elsewhere, so I didn't see the doors opening. He walked in and did a " thump-thump" with his cane. I did a "oh oopsy, coming" gesture, then as the crowded elevator door shut I turned to husband. "You did not just call me with your cane husband"? He laughed and replied, " I most certainly did "! I laughed saying, " I am not going to listen to you cane anymore"! The people in the elevator were laughing, like we were some Vaudeville act.😂😁
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    Today is: Well, just because! Have a banana!

    RVRita in Roswell
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,147 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Monique-you seem to have a diversity of young patients. I agree at times we all need reminded why we do what we do.

    Debbie-sorry to hear about Miso. About how old was she? Was there a specific cause of her seizures? I am asking since I have older cats and have no clue what to expect as they continue to age.

    Tracey-Good luck with the deep dive. Sometimes it is best just to jump in.

    Slept well last night. Doing stretches and getting ready for work. After moderating walking and stretches nearly daily I am seeing improvement with leg/foot. The strange leg issues have definitely improved which seems to be helping everything. The foot still hurts at times but not nearly like it was. I need to remember how extremely painful it was to motivate me to continue daily stretches.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    Miso was just barely 6yrs old. His seizures started either two or three years ago(think two but time is going by so fast). We think that it might have something to do with the topical flea meds as they started soon after we gave him a dose(he had had the meds before that with no problem). We did not give them to him again
    We did not take him to the vet to do tests/x-rays, etc. It would have cost $1000 for the tests and they would put him on prescription meds or CBD oil so, dh bought CBD on Amazon and we started giving him that when ever he would have one. Keep him on it for a week and if he didn't have any more seizures, we would stop giving it to him. That seemed to really work- he went months without one. It had been well over 6 months since his last one and last night it was different and he had a long string of them, some little, some massive ones. We knew when the wouldn't stop that there was nothing we could do.
    We could have driven the half hour to the emergency clinic just for them to want to run tests and ultimately put him down, or we could stay home and I held him in my arms for 2 1/2 hrs until he passed in my arms.

    This is him in the basket.
    The cat in the back ground will most likely be the next to go. She is the mom of one(was two but the girl died from FIP) that we brought in 5 yrs ago-no idea how old she is. She was a outside/stray cat that lived in the yard for many years before we brought her in. We are guessing she is at least 12. She eats non stop but is super skinny, she does have two tumors that we can feel when we give her a bath. She only uses pee pads(we use disposable and washable). Has some skin issues too but super sweet. Dh isn't ready to put her down. She doesn't act like she is in any pain- just wants attention and food, mainly fod all the time.

    Insomnia again last night- was awake pretty much from 2:30-7;00. Fitbit says I got 56minutes of deep sleep

    Have a dentist appt. this morning while dh has a meeting with the social worker for his mom. Really hoping she can help line up some care for MIL.

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,696 Member
    Kind of a weird thing, I checked my BP like I always do after my treadmill time. Most of the time its 124/79 but today it was first time 97/74. The second I tested it was 102/74. I told husband and he was like, "Oops you're dead"! It could just be the machine being weird. Feeling fine, but I was really not into walking and kept looking at the time. I read for the first 15 minutes though.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,066 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,585 Member
    edited August 27
    Good morning ladies!

    Tracey - I don't blame you for chomping at the bit to dive in. Is someone else doing some of the aspects of your job in the meantime?

    Lisa - sorry about the army worms! I remember an invasion in the Indiana when I was a kid. Green slime everywhere. :# Good job getting after the rugs and floors.

    Debbie - sorry too that Miso passed. :( Glad you were there with him during his final hours. Hope the dentist visit isn't too painful. I have a "temporary" crown that's been on for years, lol. They must have superglued it on.

    Allie - nice the funeral home will take good care of the little one. I can't remember - do Tracy and Kyle have names picked out for them?

    Rebecca - great to hear about the pants fitting - they look super comfy. Can't believe Athena is in kindergarten already, I remember when she was born. She'll do great, she's a sharp cookie. :p

    Heather - you are getting back to your old self, more and more each day. That's great news!

    Monique - I sent you an MFP DM so you might have a message from me. Or it might be in outer space. We'll see. :D

    Annie - Ginny - Kylia and others in the heat today - stay cool! Autumn is right around the corner.

    Yesterday's diabetes prevention class. The topic was support. Are we getting good support or is something tripping us up - family members or friends encouraging us to eat unhealthy foods, for example. Are we eating out too much or consuming junk food brought in to the house by others? Many of my classmates struggled with these issues. Again, I'm so lucky I have the best support group right here. Rita sharing her program, others of you sharing your meals and eating plans, though not diabetic, are very helpful.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State