
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    edited August 29
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,522 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,697 Member
    Machka - Wow - Yes, can see tiny little Tasmania (in comparison) and it looks like more windy days are headed right down your neck. Not fun... The last of winter weather before you head into spring? Or early spring weather?

    Allie - Please be careful. You know Sean best, but from this viewpoint, he doesn't seem to have YOUR best interests in mind. Understandably in the middle of his divorce, but just remember you have to take care of Allie. So glad your friend Doris is doing well.

    Monique - We had the choice of dropping that kind of money on a new HVAC system for our house or putting in window A/Cs. They more than paid for themselves in the first year, and are still saving us tons of money. The heating part of the old system still works, but is gas based, so it doesn't drive our bills up nearly as bad. I know it's too late now, but a thought for the future maybe.

    Rebecca - Love the pics of Athena - impossible that she's already in kindergarden. Just amazing to watch her grow!

    Being good, moving, and then feet up as much as I can. Spent the evening crocheting with my feet up on my computer table, above heart height. Starting the day in the support socks. There are worse prescriptions! Got to try again on the Epley thing - the dizziness and vertigo was dogging me again yesterday evening. Weird when it feels like your eyeballs are bouncing around inside your eye socket all willy-nilly. 👀🤪

    Later, my dears,
    Lisa in AR

    I empathize with you on your vertigo as I have had it many times.😥💖. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with it. Mine was mostly lying down though. It was a nightly thing, and my neck and eyes would be so achy during the day. Taking hot showers made my head feel better. Sometimes its just air pressure of weather, and my ears, or a sinus cold coming on. I know when my neck starts to ache that particular way its coming. I tend to get into bed extra carefully, like I am entering an area with nitro glycerine!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,147 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Good morning all:

    Debbie-do you think as some of the cats pass you will cut back? They sound like a lot of work and expense!

    Meet with new PA today (actually met her for sinus issue two weeks ago, this is for annual). They take more of a functional medicine approach so will be interesting to see what they have to say. Supposed to cost a bit less with my insurance.

    Need to get up and moving. Hope everyone has a good day and the trials and tribulations you are facing don't overwhelm.

    Ginny in Ohio

    no, I don't see us cutting back on how many we have. DH is already saying he wants to bring in a stray that showed up a few weeks ago who looks pregnant- I posted all over trying to see if she was lost. Super friendly cat but, we don't need any more.

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,066 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 15min 1sec, 62elev, 2.71ap, 85ahr, 103mhr, 6.12mi= 565c
    Strava app = 742c

    Took it easy today

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    edited August 29
    Just got back from Jess’. All the kitties are now chipped and snipped. I was able to watch the snipping. It’s quite interesting. I honestly thought there was more to it.

    Oh, I’m sure Denise is quite depressed. She doesn’t have a good life at all. Get up around 5, get ready for work, let the dog out, get PJ ready, go to work all day, come home and let the dog out, make dinner, get PJ ready for bed, go to bed. With Pete being gone for 2 weeks at a time, that doesn’t make it any easier. Not sure why he changed jobs. Still doing the same type of work just with a different company. Yes, Margaret, you’re right. I wish I could help her. But then again, would that REALLY be help? I know me, and I would be the person who says “I’ll watch PJ while you go to the store” “Of course I’ll pick PJ up from school every day so that you can work”. “I made extra chicken so you can have some for dinner” “I’ll watch PJ while you clean”. Denise has always had a problem with time management, getting things done. What I mean is doing things for the future. Like having things ready so you can just pick up your bag and go. Less stress because you know that you have everything. I can’t do it for her. For example, she can put laundry in a bag then all Pete has to do it take it out of the bag, put it in the washer, then put them in the dryer. But she doesn’t think ahead so that it’ll get done.

    What meals!

    Rebecca – love those pants and all the other NSV’s

    Monique – you are an angel. Love reading your posts

    Debbie – I am so sorry for your loss. Right after Loki would have a seizure, he craved attention. All animals are different. They never did find a specific cause for the seizures. Miso reminds me so much of Barney. White on the tips of the legs, a white bib.

    Terri – Vince calls me the eternal optimist. I always look at the glass as half full. And if something doesn’t go right, I always look on the bright side. For example “well, at least it isn’t snowing (when it’s raining out)”

    I swear, after the “surgery” Jess must have given the kittens an energy shot. As soon as the anesthetic wore off, they were just running around like crazy. The bathtub is a wonderful playground! Lol And the shower curtain made a nice toy….lol So did a few other things..

    Poor Ganon (Jess’ dog). Took him for almost a two hour walk Wed (got too hot so we came home), then an hour Wed. night, but only an hour walk this morning. I swear, when he sees me, he’s probably thinking “this means lots and lots of walks”...lol

    Allie – good for you not renting that room. I can only see things getting worse if you had

    Rita – happy belated bthday to your hubby! Why did Golden Corral lower the price? The only time I get cheesecake is when we go out. I got my mint chocolate chip ice cream at Jess’. I’d have to finish the whole half gallon if I bought it for me.

    Sue from Buffalo – welcome. What kind of position did you apply for? Hope you get it

    Mon. I asked them at BK if they even wanted me to come in Tues since they didn’t have tomatoes or onions until they got their delivery. So they asked if I wanted to come in Wed. Well, I was going to be out of town, but I expected to be there Fri. Then she said that the store mgr was going to be getting tomatoes so I was a nice guy and offered to come in to do just the tomatoes. Well….like they say...nice guys finish last. I did have to go to the church to get the donations for the soup kitchen so I planned to go their first, then the church, then take the donations. Well, when I got to BK the store mgr asked me if I’d do the cheese. I thought “I wasn’t really planning on it, but it’s not like it takes that long so I’ll do it”. Before I knew it, she’d gotten the tomatoes, then got some onions. I just thought “oh, no, the onions are the most labor intensive. Oh well….” I guess they figured “we have her, we might as well take advantage”. Guess I was there only 2 hours (I expected to be there only an hour), then to the church, then the soup kitchen, then home and we left.

    Vince was supposed to help run trains at the local fair today. On the way home from Jess’ he said that he didn’t think he would go since he hadn’t taken a shower in 2 days. My thought was “why”. I took a shower there each day we were there. Now I understand why he doesn’t want to go. Since we’ve been home, he hasn’t taken a shower. But...it’s very hot out and I am pretty sure they don’t have a/c. He doesn’t like to be in the heat. Well, I know how much he likes trains, so it’s his loss not being there.

    Jess called to ask if we wanted to go to the NC State Fair. Have no idea when it is. I THOUGHT last year it was in Oct. but I could be wrong. I think since this is the last year she’ll be at NCState she’d like to go. I think she gets some sort of admission discount.

    Well, the Daytona 500 is Feb. 18. I thought it was. Now to figure out when we’ll leave for FL. My guess is the Wed. before the 500. I know Jess wants to come down and Colby wants to go to the Xfinity Race and the 500. Good...that means I don’t go and we can go shopping or lay out by the pool.

    Oh that Athena!!

    Went to the MD who I got the orthotic from. Told him that it isn’t any better, and if anything it’s worse. He said just that he was sorry and that he hoped John (the podiatrist) could help. If he needs any modification to the orthotic, to just let him know. I did appreciate his honesty.

    Allie – I’ll be interested to know how Doris is in the next few days. Sounds like I had what she had. My pressure went from 15 to 11 in ½ an hour. But I have the feeling like something like an eyelash is in my eye that they did the laser on. Hopefully, this will go away. I do go back in another 2 weeks for a follow-up and if it still feels this way, I’m going to mention it to the MD. I had to use these prescription drops 4 times/day for 1 week. Does Doris? I do use the gel drops at night because I do have dry eyes.

    Heather – Edie is so grown up!

    Rebecca – happy birthday to Lee

    Interesting...when they snipped the cats they also tattoo them. In all the years we’ve had cats (over 20), none have ever been tatood. I asked one lady why they do it. She said if someone looks and doesn’t know that a cat is spayed/neutered, they can see the tattoo. Really? If someone can’t tell by looking that a cat is an “it”, do you REALLY think they’ll know where to shave the cat to tell that it’s neutered? I would think they’d take it to a shelter who could tell the cat had been altered. But whatever….it didn’t hurt.

    Well..guess I got caught up. Hopefully, it’s cooled a bit outside and I can go for my walk.

    I tell you, going to Jess' and Denise's is totally the opposite. Denise likes it COLD, and I do mean cold. The a/c is usually set in the mid 60's. Plus, she has fans in all the bedrooms. Now Jess, on the other hand, her place is warm, sometimes too warm. We can stay at her place. Colby makes sure there are accommodations for us (like end tables for our CPAP's, electrical power cords for us to plug in not only the CPAP's but a charger). Well, they're used to having company.

    Michele NC
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,812 Member

    Pg 52

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    Michele DrewB has a green dot to show she is neutered. They do this to all dogs they adopt out from Human Society.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,792 Member