
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,413 Member
    Today is: FRANKENSTEIN DAY!! Watch it if you dare!! (Mary Shelly version is best! LOL) 🧌



    RVRita in Roswell
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,683 Member
    Question: I have an Amazon Prime membership and love being able to have purchases delivered and easily returned. This morning, I paid to have a Walmart account where they ship for free. Do any of you have this Walmart type of account and are your satisfied with it. I'm not sure how it works. If it doesn't work, I think it was 30 days for free and then you can cancel or keep.

    Carol in GA
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,844 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Question: I have an Amazon Prime membership and love being able to have purchases delivered and easily returned. This morning, I paid to have a Walmart account where they ship for free. Do any of you have this Walmart type of account and are your satisfied with it. I'm not sure how it works. If it doesn't work, I think it was 30 days for free and then you can cancel or keep.

    Carol in GA

    Carol ... I have Amazon Prime, but don't bother with the Walmart Program you have to pay for. Here in NY, if your order is over $35, you automatically get free shipping from Walmart. So I always make certain I have $35 worth of merchandise to order! I hope your knee starts feeling better soon.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,408 Member
    I found out interesting info re the MS ride. There are 2 types on prize incentives. If you raise $1000 30 days after the ride ends you go online and pick a prize you can get, backpack, long sleeve shirt, etc, they have the MS logo on it. By default you will get your jersey mailed to you because you raised the 1k.

    If you end up raising 1k, you got 60 days until after the ride, you just don’t qualify for the online prizes.

    If someone donates after it ends, you $$ is put on a hold account and when they see the you registered for 2025 then the $$ will be on your donation page for that upcoming year.

    So I will shoot for donations 30 days after the ride so I will qualify for both prizes.

    Sooooooo, there u have it.

    I went outside for a ride, 2.5 miles out I felt the bike seat loose so I came back home. Got on the spin bike and did 30 miles.

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,682 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Question: I have an Amazon Prime membership and love being able to have purchases delivered and easily returned. This morning, I paid to have a Walmart account where they ship for free. Do any of you have this Walmart type of account and are your satisfied with it. I'm not sure how it works. If it doesn't work, I think it was 30 days for free and then you can cancel or keep.

    Carol in GA

    My husband has it, and he has his groceries delivered each week. He has special brands and varieties of things that I can't get at our local grocery. The nearest Walmart is almost 30 minutes, so delivery has been a time saver.so I would say it works for him.

    Willamette Valley OR
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,960 Member
    Good morning, my dear hearts,

    Monique - As Kylia said, you'll be able to get to us easily - just make sure to pay special attention to @barbiecat posts tomorrow, the 31st. Barbie starts us off each month with a new, clean slate. You'll find us again... In a pinch, you can always find the current month by title at the My Fitness Pal - Categories - Motivation and Support page. ( https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/categories/motivation-and-support ).

    Heather - You sound more like you every day. Glad to have you back. Edie is so beautiful, and they all look like they're having enormous fun. I know you miss 'em, though.

    Tracey - I'm so sorry so many people you care about seem to be coming up with cancer at once. It does seem to go in waves...

    Carol - How's your knee?

    Lanette - Good to see your sciatica is paining less. Riding mowers remind me of the old vibrating belt machines from the 40s and 50s. Jiggling everything!

    Rebecca - The vertigo hits every time I lay down, but only for a swimmy second or two. If I put my hand over my eyes so no light reaches them it passes quickly. Only occasionally, when I turn from my left side over to my right in the night, I'll get the urks. The daytime ones seem quite random. It's not all the time, but definitely involves head movement. More annoying than anything. Love your shopping! From another shrimp lover, if you want custom-made cocktail sauce, buy some of the Heinz chili sauce - looks just like ketchup, but they add a few other spices. Add a little horseradish cream to a quarter or half cup of the chili sauce. Horseradish lasts forever in the fridge, and you can get the mixture to exactly your taste, from slightly spicy to clear-your-sinuses. Very yummy, super easy, and so much better than pre-made cocktail sauce.

    More in just a minute,
    Lisa in AR

    Oh thanks for the cocktail tip.💖
    Last night at 2 am I took a bath. Forty five minutes of laying with either my neck on the side of the bath, or when I turned to lie belly down, and my neck and back were arched, well this morning I woke up with the worst neck stiffness! Also very achy sore, and head swimming. So much for the positivity of THAT particular bath eh? Hoping it will ease up so I can bake and cook everything I want to.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,305 Member
    edited August 2024
    Lanette and Carol thank you for your kind words.

    Carol when I adopted DrewB her name was Drew Barrymore after the actress so I shortened it. If I had renamed her it would have been Ruby so I like DrewB.

    The talks I listened to got me more interested in the vagus nerve and part it plays in keeping us well.

    It is in charge of the para sympathetic nervous system. This plays an important part in many of the systems that keep us healthy like digestion , breathing, our weight, our voice...In the book I skimmed to learn more they talked about the importance of keeping it toned. Easier said than done with modern lifestyle and diet. Working towards breathing through your nose even at night is one suggestion...diaphragmatic breathing is another...yoga...humming...singing...laughing...gargling...initiating the gag reflex activates it too... diets that keep your insulin from spiking..One way you can tell if it is off is speaking in monotone. MY Dh spoke this way. It was never addressed.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,726 Member
    edited August 2024
    Lisa - so sorry to hear of your friend's predicament. Every day I am thankful I'm up and can get around, despite some aches and pains. They are nothing compared to what many are going through.

    You are 100% right about the mower jiggling. I'm not that well endowed up front but I swear the bouncing has them sagging another inch. :# I need an industrial strength bra to keep them from jostling. :D

    What a great feeling to not have any appointments coming up. What freedom to be able to shop or do what you want on your own schedule, easy to change without involving anyone else's plans.

    That was me yesterday. :p I felt absolute JOY at having this next week at my disposal. No one saying "can you make it to.....?" I think I owe my DH an apology. I thought, during the last few years of his life, he was an agoraphobic due to his dementia or general crankiness, lol. Now, I realize it's a "thing" many of us appreciate. I'm not exactly an agoraphobic like he was though, he never wanted to leave the house/property. I'm getting more that way.

    My walking neighbor has resigned herself to the fact that I'm not tramping the pavement with her anymore, and she's getting very good at emailing me the latest happenings in her life, and vice versa. It's working out great. No working around someone's schedule, weather, summer cold, achy feet or knees. Just perfect. :p

    Carol - here in SW Washington State, it can be 45F in the early morning then touch 90 by late afternoon during this time of year as the daylight is rushing away. That doesn't happen a lot though, most days are in the 70's. I'm losing over 3 minutes a day right now. Sun is coming up half an hour later and setting half an hour earlier than it did 4 weeks ago at my latitude. Hope the X-ray shows all is well with your knee and it's just going through the healing gyrations.

    Apples are cooking down quite a bit and the kitchen smells great.

    My big decision coming up is what day will I head to town to stock up on groceries? I'm getting quite a Walmart list, but most of it is just pantry restock, though I will be getting low on lettuce for salads and a couple other things. I think I should be safe any day this weekend if I'm in there before 7.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,301 Member
    Interesting...when they snipped the cats they also tattoo them. In all the years we’ve had cats (over 20), none have ever been tatood. I asked one lady why they do it. She said if someone looks and doesn’t know that a cat is spayed/neutered, they can see the tattoo. Really? If someone can’t tell by looking that a cat is an “it”, do you REALLY think they’ll know where to shave the cat to tell that it’s neutered? I would think they’d take it to a shelter who could tell the cat had been altered. But whatever….it didn’t hurt.

    Michele NC[/quote]

    I don't remember on our house cats if they got the tatoo but here the feral/strays get their ear clipped to show they are fixed. We have two of our indoor cats that have their ears clipped because I wasn't going to pay the difference of over $100 each and the feral/stray cats got more done(shots, flea treatment plus getting them fixed-house cats you pay so much more and it is just for the spay/neuter).
    Dh doesn't want the ears clipped on the kittens so that will be about $400 just to get the three girls fixed. Verses $75. We don't have to decide right now, plus appointments are so hard to find beings it is kitten season. These prices are through the low cost clinic through the shelter. A vet would charge a lot more than that. Some would charge the 400 per kitten. Girls are more expensive.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 19,203 Member
    Pg 54

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri[/quote]

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,103 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,569 Member
    Margaret – Can you see DrewB’s tattoo if you just turn her on her belly? For our cats they would have to be shaved. Would DrewB???

    Tracey – what a night! Praying for everyone

    Worked. they were glad to see me back. Then the soup kitchen, then went to WalMart for milk for Vince and a few other things. Then home and cut the weeds (aka grass). Vince is at the fair running the trains, I’ll probably take a walk later down to Food Lion. I can get a pack of Gatorade for Vince for $5.99

    Lisa – you are a good friend

    Beth – I’m so sorry for your mom. It’s horrible when you start losing your friends and when there aren’t many left. I remember my father going thru that. He wondered how many would be around to go to his funeral.

    Allie – ONLY out of high school 45 yeas?? You’re a baby….:)

    Carol – the one thing that I don’[t like about having someone else do my shopping is that they don’t look at expiration dates. I’ve seen “shoppers” in the stores and they just grab the first thing that they see. I very seldom use the walMart free shipping, I like to go in the store and actually see for myself what it is I’m getting

    Everybody is talking about how it’s raining. Even Jess. Yet here, the sun is shining bright

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,743 Member
    Good morning, my dear hearts,

    Rebecca - The vertigo hits every time I lay down, but only for a swimmy second or two. If I put my hand over my eyes so no light reaches them it passes quickly. Only occasionally, when I turn from my left side over to my right in the night, I'll get the urks. The daytime ones seem quite random. It's not all the time, but definitely involves head movement. More annoying than anything.
    Lisa in AR

    Can you find a physiotherapist who specialises in vestibular issues?

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,743 Member
    Didn't eat a lot yesterday, but probably too much of the wrong things.
    Got a bit of walking in.

    Watched the movie A Man Called Otto which had me in tears. For me, it was a very moving movie and several parts reminded me of my husband.

    I have to catch up on my exercise logs for August!

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,743 Member
    Tasmania is still being swallowed up by the massive wind monster.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,092 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,825 Member
    edited August 2024
    Lisa - So sorry about your friend. I hate the way death is so hospitalised these days. I have made an advanced directive to be allowed to die when I'm incapacitated. No medical intervention, apart from making me comfortable. I expect my loved ones to find that difficult, but I sincerely hope they will obey my clearly stated wishes. I have no desire to live on once my mind and quality of life is gone. Unfortunately, hospitals, and society, are not set up that way.

    My old friend C has settled on the fish restaurant as a meeting venue on Sunday. :D I will get there before the lunch rush, to hold the table. It's going to be a bit weird seeing her after twenty years, and, before that, ten, or so. The days when we were very close were quite different. It will be interesting to catch up.

    Tracey - so happy that the job is working out for you. Enjoy your weekend! :D

    Good Clutterbug video/podcast yesterday. Reminded me to do things badly. Hooray! :p I am a reforming perfectionist and it used to be paralysing.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,990 Member
    edited August 2024
    Heather - I remember in 1978, when my grandfather, at the same age my friend's dad is now, lost it on the nurses and the doctors, cursing and throwing punches, until they sent him home. He promptly died, because that's what he wanted, to die at home. I think it's what Bud probably wants too, but there is no way my friend will simply be allowed to just take him home. We have become so medicalized that we can't ever seem to be OK with dying. I'm very much on your same page. And said so in the papers we had drawn up when we had the trust created. No call from her yesterday, and I don't know whether that's good or bad. She knows I'm here, and she'll call if she needs my voice.

    Rita - I tried the intuitive eating route once upon a time, when I weighed over 300 pounds, and I was too mentally broken at the time to be able to handle it. I gained 10 pounds in ten days, and decided that for me, at that moment, I simply couldn't deal with eating anything and everything I chose. I think it just depends on your own mental ability to discard a lifetime's worth of self-imposed restrictions. While I come closer to it now than I did then, I still have to exercise some restraint. Not restriction, mind you, but restraint.

    Up at 2 a.m., but I'll be able to get a nap later if I want. Been dinking around totting up all the costs for things I've bought to make for the Christmas fair ever since I got up, and I really would like to get a few things done on the maker side of things. Got some ground to make up!

    Later, babies,
    Lisa in AR

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,683 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,726 Member
    Rita - I took a look at the Intuitive Eating. As I read through the ten principles, I realized the diabetes prevention classes are pointing us there and I've been able to connect with some of them. :D

    Tracey - so happy you are loving your new job and the atmosphere there.

    Lisa - yesterday I was chatting with a friend (my age) on the phone, and out of no nowhere she pipes up that she HATES appointments and scheduling things with others these days. :p They infringe on her freedom and as she has gotten older, her need to be in charge of her life is getting stronger. I told her to get out of my brain, lol.

    She also mentioned that her DH went for a "get acquainted" visit with a new PA at the clinic they go to. The gal told him he was in A-Fib and gave him a prescription for Eliquis. My friend was shocked and said "no way" until he is examined by a specialist. I thought of the experiences many of you ladies here have had with wearing heart monitors and going through testing.

    Back/foot pain - after doing early morning stretches (after a couple cups of coffee ;) ) religiously every day for the past month, I can attest my calves and hamstrings aren't as tight as they were. At my age, I never thought I'd see an improvement. Also am now including the "dead bug" along with bridging and cat/camel for my back a la PT for herniated disc I learned 30 years ago.

    About Protein
    ... I've been down the protein rabbit hole for the past week. Authoritative sources vary as to how much we need as we age to prevent sarcopenia. The dietician in my diabetes prevention class says I need at least 80 gm/day. I usually come in at 90 to 100 or more, probably good because right now I'm so active outside and working my muscles carrying heavy things.

    However, some experts are saying we need much more than that. And other experts say that our bodies cannot process more than 30 gm at a time, anything more than that turns directly into fat, but I haven't found any research yet that supports this. Still looking.

    Add to this if a person is intermittent fasting and only eating 1 or 2 meals per day, is ingesting 50 or more gm at a sitting good or bad? Will it eventually harm kidneys?

    I ran across this protein ranking video by a clinical nutritionist. She contends all protein isn't the same, and even animal sources vary from a nutrition standpoint. If anyone is interested. 17 minutes.

    We are all different and I am not giving advice or direction on anyone else's protein needs. ;) There's lots of information out there. I depend on my lab tests to see how I'm doing, and will shoot an email to Dr. Lisa in the meantime to get her take.

    Make it a fabulous weekend! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,408 Member