What Mini Goal is motivating you right now!



  • spirittrail
    spirittrail Posts: 241 Member
    Hey everyone I have been a little all of the place with work recently but as it's the weekend am aiming for a v2/3 in local climbing wall bouldering. Start of summer around 73kg - > 67 kg by end of summer now gone up to 68kg . my mini goal to improve climbing and for an event coming up would be get to 65kg then eventually with no time frame 63kg maintain. Any advice would be good from anyone in similar situation successfully loosing last few kg thanks

    Hi! I'm similar! At the beginning of June I was at 68 kg. Literally June 1st. Its now last day of September and maintaining at 64 kg very easily. My ultimate goal is between 60 to 61 kgs.

    I started almost two years ago in the 180s.....pounds.....and have made slow simple/moderate changes and the needle has ALWAYS moved down. Never gained back. I lost 4 kilos in 4 months so would suggest that as a realistic goal if you don't want to continue to fight. Make keeping OUT of 69 kg your goal.....not the other way. Focus on getting the junk out of your diet and adding water. Remember....VERY IMPORTANT....your body loses the hard fat surrounding your organs FIRST. THATS THE MOST IMPORTANT!!! ONCE YOUR ORGANS ARE HEALTHIER, IT MOVES ON TO YOUR "SOFT FAT",
    so don't stress about outer appearances now. Your goal is to GET AND STAY HEALTHY. celebrate your weight loss......eyes forward.....and eventually your soft fat will start to dissolve. Once you realize the damage caused by yo yo diets, you'll be very motivated to be patient. I understand it's easier to climb being lighter.....so focus on building strength in arms and shoulders to help you. Muscles will help speed up your soft fat loss.

    You've got this!!!!

    Hey thanks for this response very helpful i never thought about it that way "keeping OUT of 69 kg your goal" I really needed to hear that thanks. I think like most people this is the hardest bit being "very motivated to be patient." Best if look on your journey too

    Thank you!! Once I learned to be patient it was SO much easier!! Too many times we focus on getting results quickly and forget the journey. You've done AMAZING!! give your mind a chance to get comfortable with being at 68 kg for a while. It's an admirable weight! When it's gotten used to carrying g around 5 fewer kilos, it will be ready to adjust and begin again. But yes....keep out of 69 kg is your goal. Don't make this hard on yourself.
  • spirittrail
    spirittrail Posts: 241 Member
    @cmoak54 I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. I'm down 42 pounds in just under 2 years. I felt slower was better in the long run. You say you gained back 26 pounds in a few months, where my philosophy is that amount of weight lost in one year is admirable and more likely to stay off. You may want to consider adjusting expectations to a max of 30 pounds per year. If you lose it in less than one year, focus on maintaining it until you've passed your one year anniversary.
    I initially found the scale distracting....so I threw it out!! I live two blocks from a Community Centre which has a nice accurate scale. At first, it was a way to get some exercise AND weigh myself. I still do this but since I have completely changed how I eat and even get in daily exercise....I often forget to weigh myself! So when I do it's always a nice surprise!! I sometimes even forget to add my exercise in MFP now! Weight loss is a long term endeavor so habits must be changed slowly in order to keep it off. I also recommend a plan for a *red light* weight that you will NEVER reach. This will change as you go and allow you to shift to maintaining more frequently. As your body and mind adjust to the new number, it will reset its setpoint...making it harder to gain weight. If you take measurements as well, you'll also see improvements.
  • Greaterthanlife
    Greaterthanlife Posts: 32 Member
    Hello everyone:
    My mini goal is to maintain my food calorie base. My food as follows:
    Caesar and Santa Fe salads
    Carb master yogurts
    Yoplait light yogurts
    Total calories 2050. Base calories 2140. I am happy about my calories being accounted. I believe I explained how my life is going through relationship and financial difficulties. This seems to be helpful. Take care of yourselves and keep healthy. All the best.
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