OCTOBER 2024 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,389 Member
    @yirara I hope your muscles hold out long enough for you to get your stamina back too. You do great to do what you can!

    @Laurz9191 Sounds like you are having a great vacation and getting some much needed "me time." That run sounds wonderful - with it getting prettier and prettier as you went. I thought the kids were with you? Is this a "solo" vacation?

    @Teresa502 Sometimes, walking and talking and catching up with friends is more important than speed.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,836 Member
    Oct 1 – 4.46 miles
    Oct 4 – 3.10 miles
    Oct 6 – 9.08 miles
    Oct 8 – 5.11 miles
    Oct 9 – 4.08 miles
    Oct 10 – 5.01
    Total 30.84 miles/Goal 80 miles

    I met 3 friends this morning for 5 miles. Another cool morning with the temp at 45F. I actually broke out a long sleeved shirt for today’s run!

    @tarun_yadavA – Enjoy your fun filled evening!

    @Scott6255 – Time for a rest day? Is your race Saturday or Sunday?

    Good job pushing the pace @quilteryoyo! I tried to do that on my last mile this morning but mile 2 ended up being my fastest mile.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,389 Member
    That's a great pace @kgirlhart .

    @tarun_yadavA Sounds like you should have run longer to pre-burn some of those calories. :lol: Enjoy your evening and I'm looking forward to hearing about the vegan dinner.

    Great job on the 7 miles @Scott6255 . I'm sorry your calf is starting to hurt. I hope it feels better tomorrow and you are able to run the race. Have you decided to run it as you or your brother yet?

    Thanks @Teresa502 . Sounds like a nice run. I broke out long sleeves yesterday. For some reason, I was cold all day, except for the times I was sweating from the run and mowing. :lol:
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,286 Member
    @kgirlhart Congrats on 9 years! Impressive!

    @Scott6255 It’s so easy to slip into autopilot on a run. I found it hard to slow down for a while but these days I enjoy a truly easy run. Sorry your calf is tweaked. Bad timing.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,836 Member
    @sarahmartaindale Sorry you are struggling with the speed workouts right now but give yourself some grace. If you are feeling low on energy, your body could be diverting its energy to fighting off a cold or something else. Maybe it was just a crappy run day. We all have those. Don't give up on your goal!
  • WarmJellyfish
    WarmJellyfish Posts: 102 Member
    edited October 10
    So far, 57 of 175km for the month.
    Yesterday was one of those days, where I to drag myself out, did a 7k. Oh and a bum knee had something to do with it. Feeling draggy, how did I do an ultra 3 weeks before? Then I remembered the motivational line the universe sent me before the ultra. The ups and and downs of running as usual.
    Just Do Your Best.

    @quilteryoyo that's a big yard you have.....
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,251 Member
    01/10 3.84 miles
    02/10 4.05 miles
    08/10 3.62 miles
    10/10 4.16 miles

    Total 15.67/60 miles

    Much better run this evening
  • WarmJellyfish
    WarmJellyfish Posts: 102 Member
    Oct total: 21.1/125 miles
    YTD: 795.8/1200 miles

    10/5: 6 miles
    10/6: 4.1 miles
    10/7: 5 miles
    10/10: 6 miles

    Another bust of a workout. Today was supposed to be 12 x 400 m repeats. I managed to hit the target pace on three repeats, by the fourth I was falling off the pace. The fifth was marginally, faster, but a struggle, feeling more like what I would expect the last one or two repeats to feel like, not the fifth. I had to walk a portion of the recovery following that one and that was when I knew I needed to let this work out go. I ran a couple more miles at an easy pace just to get some additional time on feet, but I knew I didn’t have it in me to push the pace.

    This one has me concerned about the potential of what my fitness can do in this training cycle. The weather was beautiful, I was running along a dam so it’s totally flat, and I was able to run in the morning. I even had a rest day yesterday. There’s no good reason that it should’ve been this much of a bomb. I just didn’t have the energy or the ability to complete it and that has me worried. I know it’s too early in the training cycle to completely give up on it, but I’ve never struggled this much. I’ve had workouts not go great in the early weeks, but I’ve never had to bail on 2 in a row.

    Idk guys. I still have endurance. Distance isn’t the issue but I can’t hang with speed workouts. I was so close to a sub 2hr half and now I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to do it.

    Can be done if you're that close. Get a good taper in. Rest and recovery are the bywords here.
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,251 Member
    @martaindale Im sorry your training runs haven't been going as good as you planned but don’t loose heart. We know from all your past running you definitely have it in you!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,132 Member
    October Goal: 140 Miles

    10/01: 6.06 miles
    10/02: 4.25 miles
    10/03: 6.05 miles
    10/04: 7.02 miles
    10/06: 10.02 miles
    10/07: 3.15 miles
    10/08: 6.05 miles
    10/09: 4.04 miles

    46.64/140 miles completed for October

    Thanks @Scott6255 and @martaindale.

    I ran 6 easy miles this morning. It was a little warmer, but still pretty nice.

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,836 Member
    Nice shoes and food pics @tarun_yadavA! Also love the pic of you and wifey! Lovely!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,871 Member
    02.10 5.0km 39min 7:44/km - 3x3min, 5x0.5min intervals
    04.10 4.0km 31min 7:50/km - slow
    06.10 3.0km 24min 7:59/km - slow
    09.10 3.1km 23min 7:34/km - 9x short sprints
    11.10 3.3km 25min 7:29/km - too fast


    Yeah, I have a problem! My muscles work quite well and I'm at the same time very restless, while my stamina is not used to this pace. This was supposed to be a slow run, and I ran faster than anytime in the past few years. 🙈
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,389 Member
    @martaindale I agree with others. I'm so sorry that you are struggling with your speed workouts, but don't give up on your goal. Try to figure out if something else has changed - diet, sleep, hydration, etc. Hang in there! Don't be too hard on yourself. Glad it sounds like today's run was a bit better. You are probably get plenty of exercise . That weed dragon sounds like a lot more fun that pulling the weeds.

    @Scott6255 I hope giving your calf a little babying is all it needs. Last time, didn't you do more TM runs? Maybe talk to the race director about wearing your brother's number too, unless you would rather just do it and apologize later if called out. Sometimes that's the easiest. How is your brother's recovery going? I hope the pain has subsided.

    @WarmJellyfish Perhaps the reason for the tough run is because you did the ultra 3 weeks ago! Give yourself time to recover. My yard isn't real big, but I do mow a couple of rounds along the driveway, which is a quarter mile long, and a couple of areas along the way. This week, I also did part of the hill by my shop which doesn't get it often, and included leaf blowing. It does take quiet a bit of time and effort and makes for a good calorie burn. :lol:

    Great run @tarun_yadavA . Watching him make that dessert is amazing and it looks soooo delicious. I wish you could send a taste through the internet. :lol: So, "leaving drinks" is like a going away party here. It sounded like your co-worker was leaving drinks at the office for everyone. :lol: You and your wife look great! Nice shoe porn. I got my new shoes today, but they are still in the box. Shoe porn tomorrow, maybe.

    @yirara I figure faster is better than slower. Great run.