JUST FOR TODAY... One day at a time .. Daily Commitment for 2024



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,615 Member
    edited October 12
    Recap 10/11 F ~ Weather is almost summerlike today, but that will be over in a day or two.
    1) Walked 4.31 mi :sunglasses: Passed an older gentleman that I sometimes meet when walking dog, and we were both wearing shorts and short sleeves (unusual this time of year). He remarked that this was probably the last time we'd be wearing those clothes this year. LOL
    2) Leftovers for supper / log all food / net calories zero / 80 oz. water :# Net cals -42 but would've been so much better if I left the peanut M&Ms alone. Ack! 64 oz. H20
    3) Vote in final 4 of Coolest Thing / call & renew service contract for furnace/AC & schedule tune-up / place final order from Yelloh (sad me, they're going out of business) / figure out answering machine issue since new provider ~ hubby did, needed phone call, why couldn't they have explained, or provided written materials when we were hooked up? / order tickets? only 1 show but what I really want to see / wash dishes / Kitty B12 shot 3:40 ~ she's definitely doing better, gaining weight back / rehearse song for Sunday / research recipes ~ a little / read / digital declutter / other? watered all outdoor planters, wrote down all my notes from this summer's planters (so I know what I liked or not & did right or wrong for next year, wish I'd done this years ago), online renewal of both vehicle licenses with hubby (he had links), donation to RISE Erwin (in eastern TN, hit hard by rains from Hurricane Helene, we visited late MIL's relatives there several times about 20 years ago) :smiley: TA-DA!

    JFT 10/12 Sat.
    1) Decide what's for supper (several excellent choices) / log all food / no peanut M&Ms / net calories zero / 80 oz. water
    2) Min. 5000 steps / PT exercises
    3) Farmers market (done) / pet supplies (trying new food and litter from 2 different stores) (done) / vote for Coolest Thing / more recipe research / rehearse song for Sunday / read / digital declutter / set alarm (women's choir to be there 7:20) / other?

    Weather definitely turning more seasonable. We're already at our high today of 58F (14C). Hubby & I are trying to hold out as long as we can to turn on the furnace. Glad our house is very well insulated. Using the oven and/or stove helps. LOL

    About me:
    I'm Carmela
    This is my lifestyle. It's. Not. A. Diet.
    Height 5'4"
    67 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2024 Goals:
    1) Ultimate goal weight 150#... I'll be thrilled if I can get back down to 160# this year
    • Post weekly weigh-in on MFP for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    • Take measurements & log on MFP every month end
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    • Try new recipes Unfortunately, no wall oven until mid-Feb or later & sad me, but try slow cooker & stove recipes... wall oven installed 2/26. Ppl
      * lentil rice sausage tortellini soup (internet) ~ very good, recipe is keeper
      * glazed lemon cookies (internet search) ~ everyone loved them at Easter dinner
      * rhubarb cobbler (in my first ever cookbook BH&G) ~ very good, I want to try with other fruits this summer
      * yellow cake (BH&G cookbook) ~ I followed instructions closely & blended well, very good with rhubarb sauce
      * white chicken enchiladas (newspaper) ~ very good, although 2 tortillas with recipe as written 846 calories (created in MFP recipes)
      * Greek yogurt almond butter breakfast parfait (newsletter) ~ terrific, if high in calories... maybe tweak
      * garlic scape basil pesto (internet blog) ~ excellent! tried as recommended with pasta (used up my radiatore)
      * summer squash, zucchini, mushroom casserole (TOH) ~ excellent! & good way to use squash & zucchini
      * zucchini meatloaf (sister) ~ good but hubby prefers classic recipe
      * moussaka America's Test Kitchen tv show ~ very tasty, nice size portions & filling, though complicated with four distinct layers & many prep steps ~ nice to have an alternate eggplant recipe
      * peach cobbler (BH&G) used qt fresh peaches grown in Ripon
    3) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x):
    January: 5 days x2wks, 4x1, 3x1, 1x1 [1 wk lots of snow & 1 wk bitter cold so shoveling, treadmill & PT, 1 wk 4 day trips out of town]
    February: 6 days x1wk, 5x1, 4x1, 2x1 [2 wks overnight trips to visit parents]
    March: 5 days x1wk, 4x1, 3x1, 0x1 [ack... prep house & food for Easter dinner; 1 wk overnight trip to visit parents]
    April: 4 days x2wks, 3x1, 2x1 [lots of lousy weather, plus 1 wk overnight trip]
    May: 6 days x2wks, 3x3 [fit days in around 2 overnight trips & visit on Mother's Day]
    June: 6 days x1wk {including Bellin 10K}, 5x1, 2x2 {either very rainy or hot for 2 wks}
    July: 5 days x1wk {including Packers 5K}, 4x2, 3x1 {a lot of very hot/humid days}
    August: 5 days x1wk, 4x2, 1x1 {hot/humid & scheduling conflicts}
    September: 5 days x1wk {including Annual Bridge Walk ~ double-crosser on The Mighty Mac}, 4x1, 3x2 {prep & colonoscopy so limited exercise}
    October: 6 days x1wk {including Bellin Women's 5K},
    • Walk dog 3-4 miles, treadmill when necessary in winter, weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    • PT (physical therapy) exercises to strengthen arthritic knees & hip flexor
      Jan 4x; Feb 1x; Mar/Apr 0x; May 1x; June 4x; July 1x; Aug 1x; Sept 0x; Oct
      4) MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,024km challenge started on Jan. 1
      • Getting close to completion 9.30.24 only 200 km to go!
      • In 2023 I logged 726.88 miles, or 1,169.8 km & completed yearly challenge 11.14.23 :star:
      • In 2022 I logged 500.4 miles, or 805km (knee issues).
      5) At least 7,500 steps per day
      • I can earn $10 every month on my Medicare Advantage Plan with 10+ days of 7,500 steps [noticed 7/12 that requirement reduced to 5,000 steps, but I'll continue with goal of 7,500]:
        Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Aug / Sept /
      6) Participate in my favorite area races ~ I walk, I do not run
      • Registered early (shoot, didn't get selected randomly for waiver of fee) on 12.29.23 for 6.8.24 Bellin 10K race ~ light rain most of race, steady rain last mile or so :star: chip time 1:42:35 ave. pace 16:31 (first half 16:50 second half 16:12) overall 3,136 out of 3,463 / females 1,560 out of 1,792 / F65-69yo 30 out of 48 ~ not as fast as I used to go, but still finished my 27th Bellin overall (their 48th year)
      • Register for my other usual events, and add other possible events
      • Registered for 7.20.24 Packers 5K ~ sunny & very warm :star: chip time 49:15 ave. pace 15:51 overall place 1784/2371 / F858/1228 / division F65-69 29/60 / passed by 78 (likely started in walking corral behind me) & I passed 191
      • Annual Bridge Walk on The Mighty Mac w/ C, S, A&D on 9.2.24 & we became double-crossers :star: Fitbit 24,044 steps for day even with 8 hours in the car
      • Registered for 10.5.24 Bellin Women's 5K :star: chip time 49:18 & very happy me! / 263/381 / 13/18 F65-69 / ave. pace first half 16:24 & second half 14:47 / overall ave. pace 15:52
      7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together
      • Always a good idea
      8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states)
      • Visit parents 1-2 times each month, phone calls in between ~ they're in their late 80s and live 85 miles away
        ~ canceled visit 1.12-1.13 due to blizzard
        ~ canceled visit 1.21-1.22 due Mom's bad cold
        ~ Mom's bday visit 1.31 with all siblings, in-laws & aunt
        ~ overnight visit 2.12-2.13 / breakfast out with Mom/ladies & aunt, youngest brother stopped over
        ~ overnight visit 2.27-2.28 / eldest brother stopped over
        ~ overnight visit 3.14-3.15 / eldest brother visited
        ~ overnight visit 4.18-4.19 / drove Mom to eye appt. in Beaver Dam
        ~ overnight visit 5.2-5.3 / aunt B/uncle R stopped over for visit so that was fun
        ~ Mother's Day visit 5.12.24 / sister/BIL, youngest brother/SIL & 2 nieces there too <3 (middle brother/SIL visited day before bc they went to her parents Sun., eldest brother in PA for work)
        ~ overnight visit 5.17-5.18 / drove Mom to Bunny's funeral/luncheon in Brown Deer on 5.18 & youngest brother/SIL & eldest brother visited after moving 2 nieces to new apt.
        ~ Father's Day visit 6.16.24 / all brothers, sister & spouses there plus maternal aunt
        ~ overnight visit 7.4-7.5 / walk 2.75 mi w/ aunt; youngest brother & SIL visit next day
        ~ overnight visit 7.29-7.30 / saw all 3 brothers, youngest SIL, aunt on M; went to Wine & Unwind with Mom & lady friends T a.m. & afterwards walked 2.84 mi w/ aunt (hot & humid)
        ~ overnight visit 8.13-8.14 / drove Dad to VA Clinic in Beaver Dam for his 7:30 a.m. physical (be there 15 min. early ~ ugh) / saw eldest brother both days & aunt on W
        ~ overnight visit 9.11-9.12 / saw youngest brother after he mowed folks' yard
        ~ overnight visit 10.1-10.2 / aunt visited w/ C's 2 dogs (while C&J in Germany), next morning walked 4.14 mi with aunt & late afternoon saw youngest brother after he mowed folks' yard
        ~ overnight visit 10.23-10.24 planned
      • Monthly contact with former colleagues/others, now that I'm retired
        1.7.24 HH came over & visited at my invitation
        1.28.24 great-nephew's baptism affirmation in Oakfield, followed by luncheon
        1.29.24 Greenville: BIL's 2nd cataract surgery (hubby was his driver) / lunch at IHOP
        2.2.24 cousin's funeral & saw parents, 2 brothers, most aunts/uncles, few cousins
        2.16.24 pub food from McGeorge's & wine at La Vie with P&B / The Dirty Martinis played
        2.18.24 Greenville: visit w/ hubby's brother, SIL & niece / lunch at Olive Garden
        3.8.24 Darboy: tax docs & long visit with MJSW
        3.19.24 messaged H (his job recently downsized)
        3.25.24 Darboy: tax returns with hubby & MJSW, shorter visit this time
        plans 4.6.24 with PZ canceled b/c she forgot they're going to OH to watch total solar eclipse
        4.15.24 unexpectedly sat & visited w/ CAS at AVB concert
        5.6.24 lunch with CAS
        5.20.24 lunch with LL & LWB
        6.3.24 lunch with former IA mgmt team
        6.4.24 volunteers lunch at church
        6.24.24 lunch with DE
        7.13.24 farmers market with PZ
        8.1.24 belated bday lunch with PZ
        8.15.24 long phone call with sister
        9.2.24 Annual Bridge Walk at The Mighty Mac Bridge with C, S, A&D ~ Weather was perfect, we became Double Crossers & it was awesome! :star:
        9.14.24 farmers market & The Attic with PZ
      9) Declutter bedroom, home office, basement, books in living room
      • Not as much progress as I hoped last year, but not worse.

    Keeping my Word for the Year: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,073 Member
    edited October 12
    Hour commitment - I won’t eat again until tomorrow.
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 253 Member
    @cschmitz110515 sorry to have missed wishing you a Happy Birthday sooner. In spite of the needy doggo preventing you to enjoy a bit of shopping, it sounds like it was a relaxing day.

    I have been dealing with a fair amount of bloating for the last week and nothing I am doing is helping much. That said, the scale is also reflecting that and not moving. I have been having a bit of trouble with workouts because I did something to the "fixed" knee last sunday and it has blown up on me. I thought maybe I just irritated and it would be better in a couple of days of rest and icing, but its not and its very stiff and swollen. Feels just like it did before I had my meniscus surgery in April . I am worried I have reinjured it.

    Today I am doing an early workout and then off to meet a friend for a trail ride (horses) to soak up as much as this beautiful fall weather as we can.

    *Protein, protein Protein and Fiber Fiber Fiber is my theme right now!
    Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,073 Member
    JFT for 10/12/24 (yesterday)✔️
    1) Can have dessert today (last 10/6), unless I want sugarfree or no sugar added.✔️
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (no more of French chocolate, none of French fruit candy, peeps, Bobo cakes, South Forty bars).✔️
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 10/9)✔️
    4) Don't weigh again until Monday 10/14✔️
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese ok today, any type. (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 10/10). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.✔️Didn't eat today.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.), unless it's my dessert as per #1. (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)✔️
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 10/5) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans. ✔️Didn't eat today.
    8) No vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 10/11)✔️
    9) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 10/11)✔️Just a taste while cooking it.
    11) Bakers chocolate ok today. (last 10/10)✔️Didn't eat today.
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)✔️
    13) Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 10/10)✔️Didn't eat today.
    14) No more than 600 calories at lunch.✔️
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants.✔️
    16) Turkey patties ok today. (last 10/10)✔️
    17) Can eat early with FIL, if necessary.✔️

    JFT for 10/13/24 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 10/12), unless I want sugarfree or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (no more of French chocolate, none of French fruit candy, peeps, Bobo cakes, South Forty bars).
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 10/9)
    4) Don't weigh again until Monday 10/14
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese ok today, any type. (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 10/10). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.), unless it's my dessert as per #1. (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 10/5) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans.
    8) No vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 10/11)
    9) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 10/11)
    11) Bakers chocolate ok today. (last 10/10)
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)
    13) Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 10/10)
    14) No more than 600 calories at lunch.
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants.
    16) No turkey patties ok today. (last 10/12)

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.

    ================== 4DW started =============
    4DWs (4 Day Wins) are here, in a shared file:



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,615 Member
    Recap 10/12 Sat.
    1) Decide what's for supper (several excellent choices) ~ super simple salmon (stove) & sauteed rainbow chard / log all food / no peanut M&Ms / net calories zero / 80 oz. water :s pumpkin seeds snack high in sodium, net cals -305 (but maybe not based on Fitbit, which I do not link to MFP), 64 oz. water
    2) Min. 5000 steps ~ 6000 :smiley: / PT exercises :s
    3) Farmers market / shop for pet supplies (trying new food and litter from 2 different stores) ~ Kitty has no problem with new litter (thanks for the referral Suzy!) but jury still out on new dry food / vote for Coolest Thing / more recipe research ~ selected & printed ratatouille recipe to try / rehearse song for Sunday / read / digital declutter / set alarm (women's choir to be there 7:20) / other? washed dishes yay :smiley: TA-DA!

    JFT 10/13 Sunday ~ not a day to be outside
    1) Church ~ women's choir sang Call to Worship at 7:45 & 9:00 :smiley: Extra early start to my day, and I remembered how I hated getting up in the dark to walk dog early mornings before going to work. Don't miss that at all!
    2) Make ratatouille (new recipe) for supper / log all food / limit snacking / 80 oz. water / net calories zero
    3) Min. 5000 steps / PT exercises
    4) Reply emails to J, E / write thank you card to SW / research canned Kitty food & order online if not local / vote for Coolest Thing / Cardinals v Packers noon / call Mom / more recipe research / read / digital declutter / other?

    Weather has definitely turned. Today it's raining, and we'll be lucky to reach high of 50F. Hubby and I agreed this morning, with inside house temp of 65 and only getting colder, it was time to turn on the furnace. Dog and Kitty will also appreciate. LOL

    About me:
    I'm Carmela
    This is my lifestyle. It's. Not. A. Diet.
    Height 5'4"
    67 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2024 Goals:
    1) Ultimate goal weight 150#... I'll be thrilled if I can get back down to 160# this year
    • Post weekly weigh-in on MFP for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    • Take measurements & log on MFP every month end
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    • Try new recipes Unfortunately, no wall oven until mid-Feb or later & sad me, but try slow cooker & stove recipes... wall oven installed 2/26. Ppl
      * lentil rice sausage tortellini soup (internet) ~ very good, recipe is keeper
      * glazed lemon cookies (internet search) ~ everyone loved them at Easter dinner
      * rhubarb cobbler (in my first ever cookbook BH&G) ~ very good, I want to try with other fruits this summer
      * yellow cake (BH&G cookbook) ~ I followed instructions closely & blended well, very good with rhubarb sauce
      * white chicken enchiladas (newspaper) ~ very good, although 2 tortillas with recipe as written 846 calories (created in MFP recipes)
      * Greek yogurt almond butter breakfast parfait (newsletter) ~ terrific, if high in calories... maybe tweak
      * garlic scape basil pesto (internet blog) ~ excellent! tried as recommended with pasta (used up my radiatore)
      * summer squash, zucchini, mushroom casserole (TOH) ~ excellent! & good way to use squash & zucchini
      * zucchini meatloaf (sister) ~ good but hubby prefers classic recipe
      * moussaka America's Test Kitchen tv show ~ very tasty, nice size portions & filling, though complicated with four distinct layers & many prep steps ~ nice to have an alternate eggplant recipe
      * peach cobbler (BH&G) used qt fresh peaches grown in Ripon
      * ratatouille (loveandlemons.com)
    3) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x):
    January: 5 days x2wks, 4x1, 3x1, 1x1 [1 wk lots of snow & 1 wk bitter cold so shoveling, treadmill & PT, 1 wk 4 day trips out of town]
    February: 6 days x1wk, 5x1, 4x1, 2x1 [2 wks overnight trips to visit parents]
    March: 5 days x1wk, 4x1, 3x1, 0x1 [ack... prep house & food for Easter dinner; 1 wk overnight trip to visit parents]
    April: 4 days x2wks, 3x1, 2x1 [lots of lousy weather, plus 1 wk overnight trip]
    May: 6 days x2wks, 3x3 [fit days in around 2 overnight trips & visit on Mother's Day]
    June: 6 days x1wk {including Bellin 10K}, 5x1, 2x2 {either very rainy or hot for 2 wks}
    July: 5 days x1wk {including Packers 5K}, 4x2, 3x1 {a lot of very hot/humid days}
    August: 5 days x1wk, 4x2, 1x1 {hot/humid & scheduling conflicts}
    September: 5 days x1wk {including Annual Bridge Walk ~ double-crosser on The Mighty Mac}, 4x1, 3x2 {prep & colonoscopy so limited exercise}
    October: 6 days x1wk {including Bellin Women's 5K}, 3x1 {bday & dog had blister?}
    • Walk dog 3-4 miles, treadmill when necessary in winter, weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    • PT (physical therapy) exercises to strengthen arthritic knees & hip flexor
      Jan 4x; Feb 1x; Mar/Apr 0x; May 1x; June 4x; July 1x; Aug 1x; Sept 0x; Oct
      4) MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,024km challenge started on Jan. 1
      • Getting close to completion 9.30.24 only 200 km to go!
      • In 2023 I logged 726.88 miles, or 1,169.8 km & completed yearly challenge 11.14.23 :star:
      • In 2022 I logged 500.4 miles, or 805km (knee issues).
      5) At least 7,500 steps per day
      • I can earn $10 every month on my Medicare Advantage Plan with 10+ days of 7,500 steps [noticed 7/12 that requirement reduced to 5,000 steps, but I'll continue with goal of 7,500]:
        Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Aug / Sept /
      6) Participate in my favorite area races ~ I walk, I do not run
      • Registered early (shoot, didn't get selected randomly for waiver of fee) on 12.29.23 for 6.8.24 Bellin 10K race ~ light rain most of race, steady rain last mile or so :star: chip time 1:42:35 ave. pace 16:31 (first half 16:50 second half 16:12) overall 3,136 out of 3,463 / females 1,560 out of 1,792 / F65-69yo 30 out of 48 ~ not as fast as I used to go, but still finished my 27th Bellin overall (their 48th year)
      • Register for my other usual events, and add other possible events
      • Registered for 7.20.24 Packers 5K ~ sunny & very warm :star: chip time 49:15 ave. pace 15:51 overall place 1784/2371 / F858/1228 / division F65-69 29/60 / passed by 78 (likely started in walking corral behind me) & I passed 191
      • Annual Bridge Walk on The Mighty Mac w/ C, S, A&D on 9.2.24 & we became double-crossers :star: Fitbit 24,044 steps for day even with 8 hours in the car
      • Registered for 10.5.24 Bellin Women's 5K :star: chip time 49:18 & very happy me! / 263/381 / 13/18 F65-69 / ave. pace first half 16:24 & second half 14:47 / overall ave. pace 15:52
      7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together
      • Always a good idea
      8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states)
      • Visit parents 1-2 times each month, phone calls in between ~ they're in their late 80s and live 85 miles away
        ~ canceled visit 1.12-1.13 due to blizzard
        ~ canceled visit 1.21-1.22 due Mom's bad cold
        ~ Mom's bday visit 1.31 with all siblings, in-laws & aunt
        ~ overnight visit 2.12-2.13 / breakfast out with Mom/ladies & aunt, youngest brother stopped over
        ~ overnight visit 2.27-2.28 / eldest brother stopped over
        ~ overnight visit 3.14-3.15 / eldest brother visited
        ~ overnight visit 4.18-4.19 / drove Mom to eye appt. in Beaver Dam
        ~ overnight visit 5.2-5.3 / aunt B/uncle R stopped over for visit so that was fun
        ~ Mother's Day visit 5.12.24 / sister/BIL, youngest brother/SIL & 2 nieces there too <3 (middle brother/SIL visited day before bc they went to her parents Sun., eldest brother in PA for work)
        ~ overnight visit 5.17-5.18 / drove Mom to Bunny's funeral/luncheon in Brown Deer on 5.18 & youngest brother/SIL & eldest brother visited after moving 2 nieces to new apt.
        ~ Father's Day visit 6.16.24 / all brothers, sister & spouses there plus maternal aunt
        ~ overnight visit 7.4-7.5 / walk 2.75 mi w/ aunt; youngest brother & SIL visit next day
        ~ overnight visit 7.29-7.30 / saw all 3 brothers, youngest SIL, aunt on M; went to Wine & Unwind with Mom & lady friends T a.m. & afterwards walked 2.84 mi w/ aunt (hot & humid)
        ~ overnight visit 8.13-8.14 / drove Dad to VA Clinic in Beaver Dam for his 7:30 a.m. physical (be there 15 min. early ~ ugh) / saw eldest brother both days & aunt on W
        ~ overnight visit 9.11-9.12 / saw youngest brother after he mowed folks' yard
        ~ overnight visit 10.1-10.2 / aunt visited w/ C's 2 dogs (while C&J in Germany), next morning walked 4.14 mi with aunt & late afternoon saw youngest brother after he mowed folks' yard
        ~ overnight visit 10.23-10.24 planned
      • Monthly contact with former colleagues/others, now that I'm retired
        1.7.24 HH came over & visited at my invitation
        1.28.24 great-nephew's baptism affirmation in Oakfield, followed by luncheon
        1.29.24 Greenville: BIL's 2nd cataract surgery (hubby was his driver) / lunch at IHOP
        2.2.24 cousin's funeral & saw parents, 2 brothers, most aunts/uncles, few cousins
        2.16.24 pub food from McGeorge's & wine at La Vie with P&B / The Dirty Martinis played
        2.18.24 Greenville: visit w/ hubby's brother, SIL & niece / lunch at Olive Garden
        3.8.24 Darboy: tax docs & long visit with MJSW
        3.19.24 messaged H (his job recently downsized)
        3.25.24 Darboy: tax returns with hubby & MJSW, shorter visit this time
        plans 4.6.24 with PZ canceled b/c she forgot they're going to OH to watch total solar eclipse
        4.15.24 unexpectedly sat & visited w/ CAS at AVB concert
        5.6.24 lunch with CAS
        5.20.24 lunch with LL & LWB
        6.3.24 lunch with former IA mgmt team
        6.4.24 volunteers lunch at church
        6.24.24 lunch with DE
        7.13.24 farmers market with PZ
        8.1.24 belated bday lunch with PZ
        8.15.24 long phone call with sister
        9.2.24 Annual Bridge Walk at The Mighty Mac Bridge with C, S, A&D ~ Weather was perfect, we became Double Crossers & it was awesome! :star:
        9.14.24 farmers market & The Attic with PZ
      9) Declutter bedroom, home office, basement, books in living room
      • Not as much progress as I hoped last year, but not worse.

    Keeping my Word for the Year: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 983 Member
    I had fun with the littles yesterday but didn't get much exercise playing with Lego or watching them run around on the playground, so I'm determined to work a walk in today. Dinner was Mediterranean takeout - lots of veggies :) Today is another beautiful day. My other kids and grandkids are coming for dinner - steaks and veggies on the grill and ice cream for dessert. I'm going to try to keep to my calorie allotment, but a brisk walk will help!

    Recap Saturday 10/12
    Log - :)
    Healthy choices - A little over on calories and sodium, but generally good choices.
    Hydrate - :)
    Walk? - No.
    Relax - :)
    Sleep - :) I slept in today!

    JFT Sunday 10/12
    Healthy choices
    Dinner with family
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,073 Member
    edited October 13
    Hour commitment - Tasting during cooking. Now I won't eat until 12 pm.

    Now I won't eat until after 5 pm. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,073 Member
    edited October 14
    Hour commitment - going to eat dinner about 10 minutes early because we're going to go walking. Had to wait until it was cooler.

    Now I won't eat again until tomorrow. Going for our walk with the dogs.
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 253 Member
    @Bex953172 and @mytime6630 - I don't know how I missed your responses but I did, so THANK YOU for the feedback . Boring for sure.

    JFT- Go play outside.. get fresh air and enjoy the day..

    Took one of the horses out for a ride with a girlfriend today. It was beautiful out and as much as I wanted to stay home and get a huge list of housework to do , I decided to load up and go because our nice weather days are going to be short lived. I can vacuum when it rains :p

  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 253 Member
    Just curious anyone here use the weight scales that measure body fat, water weight , muscle, etc etc.. ?

    What are your thoughts? worth the investment? do they give accurate reading? what don't you like?

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,154 Member
    Just curious anyone here use the weight scales that measure body fat, water weight , muscle, etc etc.. ?

    What are your thoughts? worth the investment? do they give accurate reading? what don't you like?

    I do, but I don't own one. I use the gym ones.
    I used to have digital scales that did it but they broke.

    The one at the gym is next level. You have to hold onto two handles as well and then it measures everything.

    Personally I think it's great, not entirely convinced on the accuracy but you can learn alot.
    For example I have 40% body fat. I have a fair bit of visceral fat and things like bone density are good to know aswell
    Sugar can eat away at your bone density making your bones more brittle!
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,454 Member
    Just curious anyone here use the weight scales that measure body fat, water weight , muscle, etc etc.. ?

    What are your thoughts? worth the investment? do they give accurate reading? what don't you like?

    I really liked mine, but now I can't even find it. When I was using it religiously, I found the trend worth looking at for %BF, but not the actual value. It gave me a good idea of progress, though it was off quite a bit (I had a caliper BF analysis done at physical therapy). PT told me it was my breast that skewed the results on the scale. They are mostly fat after all. I weighed 105 at the time and had about 10 pounds of boobs. Even though I was thin and muscular, the scale had me at 26% (even the scale at the PT office). Calipers had me at 13-16%, which matched how I looked. So I guess the moral of the story is to use it as a data point, but don't get caught up in the number, just watch it fall. Oh and being well endowed does make a difference.

    The water weight didn't really track as it fluctuated wildly for me.
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 983 Member
    JFT Sunday 10/13
    Log - :)
    Healthy choices - Low on protein, but overall pretty reasonable. Smaller portions of steak (4 oz) and ice cream (1/2 c) helped me stay under my calorie limit even without adding in the exercise calories.
    Hydrate - No
    Walk! - Short, hilly adventure led by the kids :)
    Dinner with family - :)
    Relax - :)
    Sleep - Fair - Stayed up too late talking with my son, but it was worth the lost sleep <3

    JFT Monday 10/14
    Healthy choices
    Compliance videos
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,073 Member
    edited October 14
    JFT for 10/13/24 (yesterday)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 10/12), unless I want sugarfree or no sugar added.✔️
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (no more of French chocolate, none of French fruit candy, peeps, Bobo cakes, South Forty bars).✔️
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 10/9)✔️
    4) Don't weigh again until Monday 10/14✔️
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese ok today, any type. (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 10/10). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.✔️
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.), unless it's my dessert as per #1. (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)✔️
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 10/5) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans. ✔️
    8) No vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 10/11)✔️
    9) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 10/11)✔️
    11) Bakers chocolate ok today. (last 10/10)✔️
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)✔️
    13) Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 10/10)✔️
    14) No more than 600 calories at lunch.✔️
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants.✔️
    16) No turkey patties ok today. (last 10/12)✔️
    JFT for 10/14/24 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 10/12), unless I want sugarfree or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (no more of French chocolate, none of French fruit candy, peeps, Bobo cakes, South Forty bars).
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 10/9)
    4) Don't weigh again until Monday 10/14
    5) No hard cheese ok today, any type. (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 10/13). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.), unless it's my dessert as per #1. (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 10/13) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans.
    8) No vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 10/11)
    9) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 10/13)
    11) No bakers chocolate ok today. (last 10/13)
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)
    13) No Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 10/13)
    14) No more than 600 calories at lunch.
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants.
    16) Turkey patties ok today. (last 10/12)

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.
    ================== 4DW started =============
    4DWs (4 Day Wins) are here, in a shared file:



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,615 Member
    OCTOBER 5# CHALLENGE posting Mondays
    9/30 SW: 185
    10/7: 185.5 (post 5K-race refreshments, fast food 1x, open house snack cups were guesstimates)
    10/14: 184.5
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,615 Member
    edited October 14
    Recap 10/13 Sunday ~ not a day to be outside, raining & high around 48F
    1) Church ~ women's choir sang Call to Worship at 7:45 & 9:00 :smiley: Extra early start to my day, and I remembered how I hated getting up in the dark to walk dog early mornings before going to work. Don't miss that at all!
    2) Make ratatouille (new recipe) for supper ~ a bit putzy, having to cook different veggies separately (in a single pot) before combining, but easy to do & very enjoyable vegetarian dish / log all food / limit snacking ~ none! / 80 oz. water ~ yes! / net calories zero :smiley: According to MFP my net calories were red, but my daily weigh-in was improved. Maybe flushing some sodium/water weight. Either way, I'll take it!
    3) Min. 5000 steps :smiley: 6000 / PT exercises ran out of time
    4) Reply emails to J, E / write thank you card to SW / research canned Kitty food & order online if not local / vote for Coolest Thing / Cardinals v Packers noon / call Mom <3 / more recipe research / read / digital declutter / other? washed dishes, set alarm to make sure I arrived on time for oil change :smiley: TA-DA!

    JFT 10/14 M
    1) Leftovers for supper / limit snacking / log all food / 80 oz. water
    2) Walk (still leaving dog at home bc of her cyst between toes)
    3) Oil change 9:00 & texted w/ sister while I waited <3 / Yelloh deliver 3-6 (final one & sad me) / make appt (overdue) w/ WWW / message MK for xfer/wd / reply emails to J, E / write thank you card to SW / choir rehearsal 6:30 / read / digital declutter / other?

    About me:
    I'm Carmela
    This is my lifestyle. It's. Not. A. Diet.
    Height 5'4"
    67 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2024 Goals:
    1) Ultimate goal weight 150#... I'll be thrilled if I can get back down to 160# this year
    • Post weekly weigh-in on MFP for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    • Take measurements & log on MFP every month end
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    • Try new recipes Unfortunately, no wall oven until mid-Feb or later & sad me, but try slow cooker & stove recipes... wall oven installed 2/26. Ppl
      * lentil rice sausage tortellini soup (internet) ~ very good, recipe is keeper
      * glazed lemon cookies (internet search) ~ everyone loved them at Easter dinner
      * rhubarb cobbler (in my first ever cookbook BH&G) ~ very good, I want to try with other fruits this summer
      * yellow cake (BH&G cookbook) ~ I followed instructions closely & blended well, very good with rhubarb sauce
      * white chicken enchiladas (newspaper) ~ very good, although 2 tortillas with recipe as written 846 calories (created in MFP recipes)
      * Greek yogurt almond butter breakfast parfait (newsletter) ~ terrific, if high in calories... maybe tweak
      * garlic scape basil pesto (internet blog) ~ excellent! tried as recommended with pasta (used up my radiatore)
      * summer squash, zucchini, mushroom casserole (TOH) ~ excellent! & good way to use squash & zucchini
      * zucchini meatloaf (sister) ~ good but hubby prefers classic recipe
      * moussaka America's Test Kitchen tv show ~ very tasty, nice size portions & filling, though complicated with four distinct layers & many prep steps ~ nice to have an alternate eggplant recipe
      * peach cobbler (BH&G) used qt fresh peaches grown in Ripon
      * ratatouille (loveandlemons.com) very good vegetarian dish, uses lots of late summer/early fall veggies
    3) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x):
    January: 5 days x2wks, 4x1, 3x1, 1x1 [1 wk lots of snow & 1 wk bitter cold so shoveling, treadmill & PT, 1 wk 4 day trips out of town]
    February: 6 days x1wk, 5x1, 4x1, 2x1 [2 wks overnight trips to visit parents]
    March: 5 days x1wk, 4x1, 3x1, 0x1 [ack... prep house & food for Easter dinner; 1 wk overnight trip to visit parents]
    April: 4 days x2wks, 3x1, 2x1 [lots of lousy weather, plus 1 wk overnight trip]
    May: 6 days x2wks, 3x3 [fit days in around 2 overnight trips & visit on Mother's Day]
    June: 6 days x1wk {including Bellin 10K}, 5x1, 2x2 {either very rainy or hot for 2 wks}
    July: 5 days x1wk {including Packers 5K}, 4x2, 3x1 {a lot of very hot/humid days}
    August: 5 days x1wk, 4x2, 1x1 {hot/humid & scheduling conflicts}
    September: 5 days x1wk {including Annual Bridge Walk ~ double-crosser on The Mighty Mac}, 4x1, 3x2 {prep & colonoscopy so limited exercise}
    October: 6 days x1wk {including Bellin Women's 5K}, 3x1 {bday & dog had blister?}
    • Walk dog 3-4 miles, treadmill when necessary in winter, weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    • PT (physical therapy) exercises to strengthen arthritic knees & hip flexor
      Jan 4x; Feb 1x; Mar/Apr 0x; May 1x; June 4x; July 1x; Aug 1x; Sept 0x; Oct
      4) MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,024km challenge started on Jan. 1
      • Getting close to completion 9.30.24 only 200 km to go!
      • In 2023 I logged 726.88 miles, or 1,169.8 km & completed yearly challenge 11.14.23 :star:
      • In 2022 I logged 500.4 miles, or 805km (knee issues).
      5) At least 7,500 steps per day
      • I can earn $10 every month on my Medicare Advantage Plan with 10+ days of 7,500 steps [noticed 7/12 that requirement reduced to 5,000 steps, but I'll continue with goal of 7,500]:
        Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Aug / Sept /
      6) Participate in my favorite area races ~ I walk, I do not run
      • Registered early (shoot, didn't get selected randomly for waiver of fee) on 12.29.23 for 6.8.24 Bellin 10K race ~ light rain most of race, steady rain last mile or so :star: chip time 1:42:35 ave. pace 16:31 (first half 16:50 second half 16:12) overall 3,136 out of 3,463 / females 1,560 out of 1,792 / F65-69yo 30 out of 48 ~ not as fast as I used to go, but still finished my 27th Bellin overall (their 48th year)
      • Register for my other usual events, and add other possible events
      • Registered for 7.20.24 Packers 5K ~ sunny & very warm :star: chip time 49:15 ave. pace 15:51 overall place 1784/2371 / F858/1228 / division F65-69 29/60 / passed by 78 (likely started in walking corral behind me) & I passed 191
      • Annual Bridge Walk on The Mighty Mac w/ C, S, A&D on 9.2.24 & we became double-crossers :star: Fitbit 24,044 steps for day even with 8 hours in the car
      • Registered for 10.5.24 Bellin Women's 5K :star: chip time 49:18 & very happy me! / 263/381 / 13/18 F65-69 / ave. pace first half 16:24 & second half 14:47 / overall ave. pace 15:52
      7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together
      • Always a good idea
      8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states)
      • Visit parents 1-2 times each month, phone calls in between ~ they're in their late 80s and live 85 miles away
        ~ canceled visit 1.12-1.13 due to blizzard
        ~ canceled visit 1.21-1.22 due Mom's bad cold
        ~ Mom's bday visit 1.31 with all siblings, in-laws & aunt
        ~ overnight visit 2.12-2.13 / breakfast out with Mom/ladies & aunt, youngest brother stopped over
        ~ overnight visit 2.27-2.28 / eldest brother stopped over
        ~ overnight visit 3.14-3.15 / eldest brother visited
        ~ overnight visit 4.18-4.19 / drove Mom to eye appt. in Beaver Dam
        ~ overnight visit 5.2-5.3 / aunt B/uncle R stopped over for visit so that was fun
        ~ Mother's Day visit 5.12.24 / sister/BIL, youngest brother/SIL & 2 nieces there too <3 (middle brother/SIL visited day before bc they went to her parents Sun., eldest brother in PA for work)
        ~ overnight visit 5.17-5.18 / drove Mom to Bunny's funeral/luncheon in Brown Deer on 5.18 & youngest brother/SIL & eldest brother visited after moving 2 nieces to new apt.
        ~ Father's Day visit 6.16.24 / all brothers, sister & spouses there plus maternal aunt
        ~ overnight visit 7.4-7.5 / walk 2.75 mi w/ aunt; youngest brother & SIL visit next day
        ~ overnight visit 7.29-7.30 / saw all 3 brothers, youngest SIL, aunt on M; went to Wine & Unwind with Mom & lady friends T a.m. & afterwards walked 2.84 mi w/ aunt (hot & humid)
        ~ overnight visit 8.13-8.14 / drove Dad to VA Clinic in Beaver Dam for his 7:30 a.m. physical (be there 15 min. early ~ ugh) / saw eldest brother both days & aunt on W
        ~ overnight visit 9.11-9.12 / saw youngest brother after he mowed folks' yard
        ~ overnight visit 10.1-10.2 / aunt visited w/ C's 2 dogs (while C&J in Germany), next morning walked 4.14 mi with aunt & late afternoon saw youngest brother after he mowed folks' yard
        ~ overnight visit 10.23-10.24 planned
      • Monthly contact with former colleagues/others, now that I'm retired
        1.7.24 HH came over & visited at my invitation
        1.28.24 great-nephew's baptism affirmation in Oakfield, followed by luncheon
        1.29.24 Greenville: BIL's 2nd cataract surgery (hubby was his driver) / lunch at IHOP
        2.2.24 cousin's funeral & saw parents, 2 brothers, most aunts/uncles, few cousins
        2.16.24 pub food from McGeorge's & wine at La Vie with P&B / The Dirty Martinis played
        2.18.24 Greenville: visit w/ hubby's brother, SIL & niece / lunch at Olive Garden
        3.8.24 Darboy: tax docs & long visit with MJSW
        3.19.24 messaged H (his job recently downsized)
        3.25.24 Darboy: tax returns with hubby & MJSW, shorter visit this time
        plans 4.6.24 with PZ canceled b/c she forgot they're going to OH to watch total solar eclipse
        4.15.24 unexpectedly sat & visited w/ CAS at AVB concert
        5.6.24 lunch with CAS
        5.20.24 lunch with LL & LWB
        6.3.24 lunch with former IA mgmt team
        6.4.24 volunteers lunch at church
        6.24.24 lunch with DE
        7.13.24 farmers market with PZ
        8.1.24 belated bday lunch with PZ
        8.15.24 long phone call with sister
        9.2.24 Annual Bridge Walk at The Mighty Mac Bridge with C, S, A&D ~ Weather was perfect, we became Double Crossers & it was awesome! :star:
        9.14.24 farmers market & The Attic with PZ
        10.14.24 texts & phone call with sister
      9) Declutter bedroom, home office, basement, books in living room
      • Not as much progress as I hoped last year, but not worse.

    Keeping my Word for the Year: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,454 Member
    Still haven't dug out my scale.

    Weekend was ok. Drove up to Kent to buy my daughter a new laptop because hers kept crashing. Its a 3 hour drive both ways, but she wasn't comfortable making the purchase alone. I'm glad I went not just because I got to see her, but also because my card was declined the first time due to a possible fraud alert. Luckily I was able to say "yes, I am making a large purchase in Ohio" and it went through the second time. After we shopped we grabbed diner and I headed home. It was a boring but beautiful drive home. The leaves on the hills were resplendent with the vibrant colors. That is only interesting for a while, I was dog tired by the time I got home. I napped through a large portion of the WVU football game I was planning to watch. Woke up in time to see us lose. Sunday was church and visiting the parents, mine and Tim's. Not a bad afternoon. Today it's back to work, but I'm leaving early to attend a visitation for a friend who passed away on 10/8. He was only 60, but had quite a few health issues. Not sure if I'll come back to work after the visitation or just call it a day and go pick up the dogs from daycare. We usually don't send both dogs, but we have workers at the house today so the olde4r dog went also. He doesn't like it when strangers are around his house. Don't know if we'll do trivia tonight or not. I do plan on eating a moderate dinner and not drinking.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,073 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5pm. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,073 Member
    edited October 15

    JFT for 10/14/24 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 10/12), unless I want sugarfree or no sugar added.✔️
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (no more of French chocolate, none of French fruit candy, peeps, Bobo cakes, South Forty bars).✔️
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 10/9)✔️
    4) Don't weigh again until Monday 10/14✔️
    5) No hard cheese ok today, any type. (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 10/13). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.✔️
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.), unless it's my dessert as per #1. (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)✔️
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 10/13) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans. ✔️
    8) No vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 10/11)✔️
    9) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 10/13)✔️
    11) No bakers chocolate ok today. (last 10/13)✔️
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)✔️
    13) No Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 10/13)✔️
    14) No more than 600 calories at lunch.✔️
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants.✔️
    16) Turkey patties ok today. (last 10/12)✔️

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.

    JFT for 10/15/24 (tomorrow)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 10/12), unless I want sugarfree or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (no more of French chocolate, none of French fruit candy, peeps, Bobo cakes, South Forty bars).
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 10/9)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 10/17
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese ok today, any type. (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 10/13). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.), unless it's my dessert as per #1. (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 10/13) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans.
    8) No vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 10/11)
    9) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 10/13)
    11) Bakers chocolate ok today. (last 10/13)
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)
    13) Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 10/13)
    14) No more than 600 calories at lunch.
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants.
    16) No turkey patties ok today. (last 10/14)
    ================== 4DW started =============
    4DWs (4 Day Wins) are here, in a shared file:



  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 983 Member
    Another busy Tuesday....

    Recap Monday 10/14
    Log - :)
    Healthy choices - :)
    Hydrate - :)
    Walk - :)
    Chores - Cleaned up yard ahead of the wind storm, but didn't get much done in the house.
    Prep/Grading - No. The compliance training took forever :#
    Compliance videos - :) Done! Every year I tell myself I won't procrastinate, then wind up doing them all at once to beat the deadline.
    Relax - Not really
    Sleep - No data

    JFT Tuesday 10/15
    Healthy choices
    Post office
    Reschedule cardiologist
    Clean up email
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 253 Member
    edited October 15
    @pridesabtch - very sorry to hear of your friend. Much too young to pass. Your drive sounds lovely! I miss New England every year this time of year for the fall foliage. Thanks for the feeback on my scale question. I might try to go get measurements done at a local gym that has the big fancy one and likely more accurate.. but it would be fun to have one at home to give some added insight. Still on the fence about it. I know my clothes are fitting better . I never took my measurements when I started this process back in April and wish I had now. I have defintely lost inches around my middle , the evergrowing meno belly is gone.. and I have my waist line back. Woo hoo!

    Cardio- strength train-
    Water 100 ounces
    10K steps
    No dried Mangoes today! (I am pretty sure I am addicted to those things, I never should have brought them home from Costco because I have no self control with them)
    Hit Protein goal- 113g
    Pack for the overnight trip
    Get the housesitter instructions all typed up
    Make sure cameras are all working

  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,073 Member
    JFT for 10/15/24 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 10/12), unless I want sugarfree or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (no more of French chocolate, none of French fruit candy, peeps, Bobo cakes, South Forty bars).
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 10/9)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 10/17
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese ok today, any type. (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 10/13). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.), unless it's my dessert as per #1. (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 10/13) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans.
    8) No vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 10/11)
    9) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 10/13)
    11) Bakers chocolate ok today. (last 10/13)
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)
    13) Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 10/13)
    14) No more than 600 calories at lunch.
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants.
    16) No turkey patties ok today. (last 10/14)

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.
    ================== 4DW started =============
    4DWs (4 Day Wins) are here, in a shared file:



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi JFT friends! Hopping on to make goals and get my *kitten* in gear again! I've sure been struggling with anxiety lately. I think it's because the 1 year anniversary of my diagnosis is coming up and I can't seem to get my head out of the scary places.

    My CT scans in September came back showing zero disease again! Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy! I thanked God about a million times that day I think. :)

    I started the LiveStrong program. I've been going twice a week and doing 25 minutes of cardio and 25 minutes of strength & balance exercises. 10 minutes of stretching. I love it. 12 weeks will not feel like enough time with this group... I think I will join the Y afterward and join the StayStrong program when this program is completed. It's been really good for my physically and good for me to socially get around other people! I've been way too isolated.

    I'm starting out with basic goals. I need to keep it simple to build the healthy habits again. Even though I know ALL THE THINGS I SHOULD be doing, I don't do them. So...back to baby steps. If I want my scans to stay clear of disease, I need to take care of my body/mind/spirit better.

    I'm really far behind. Over 200 posts! I'll catch up a little each night during tv time with my husband...and if he is watching something I think is dumb, I'll catch up really quick! LOL

    Have a wonderful day! I can't wait to get caught up. I have missed you all!

    Just For Today - Tuesday 10/15
    1. Create 24 Hour Plan and Assess yesterday's
    2. Drink 64 oz water
    3. Close my activity rings on Apple watch
    4. Get outside and "touch a tree"
    5. Log every bite on MFP and Complete food diary at the end of the day
    6. Grocery shopping
    7. Mom's for quilting video
    8. Take Calcium and Vitamins
    9. 5 Things declutter
    10. Bedtime Routine - DO IT! You will sleep better.

    Progress vs Perfection...just make one small decision that's better than yesterday.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,073 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5pm. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,044 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Sugar can eat away at your bone density making your bones more brittle!

    Oh my goodness, I did not know that!

    I'm on holiday this week so not really thinking about dieting. I haven't been able to visit the places I'd planned on going as my back pain is so bad I'm finding walking difficult. I'm enjoying the change of scene though, and the peace and quiet lol. Doing back exercises and hoping for the best.

    @PackerFanInGB Hurray for good scan results!

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,615 Member
    edited October 15
    @PackerFanInGB Very good news on your scan results! Also great on your LiveStrong program!

    Recap 10/14 M
    1) Leftovers for supper ~ I tried the ratatouille recipe writer's suggestion & had leftovers as part of an omelet ~ yum! / limit snacking ~ doing well last few days / log all food / 80 oz. water yay! :smiley: Net cals -121 but limited processed food and that makes a big difference for me.
    2) Walk (still leaving dog at home bc of her cyst between toes) :smiley: 3.4 mi
    3) Oil change 9:00 & texted w/ sister while I waited <3 / Yelloh delivery 3-6 (final one & sad me) ~ didn't happen, rescheduled to next week / make appt (overdue) w/ WWW / message MK for xfer/wd ~ updated lots of notes on my s/s / reply emails to J, E / write thank you card to SW at least I got out my card box / choir rehearsal 6:30 / read / digital declutter / other? voted in Coolest Thing, filled another gallon jug from rain barrel (now have an even 100 gallon jugs to bring into basement for use over winter) :smiley: happy me

    JFT 10/15 T
    1) Walked 3.4 mi :smiley: very windy so kept route to shorter side
    2) Make leek soup & veg for supper / limit snacking / log all food / net calories zero / 80 oz. water
    3) Grocery shop (done) / empty compost bucket into bin / empty ceramic bird bath (we may get our first hard freeze tonight) / bring in sensitive plants / WWW paperwork & pmt / vote in Coolest Thing (last day is Wed) / write thank you card to SW / digital declutter / other?

    About me:
    I'm Carmela
    This is my lifestyle. It's. Not. A. Diet.
    Height 5'4"
    67 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2024 Goals:
    1) Ultimate goal weight 150#... I'll be thrilled if I can get back down to 160# this year
    • Post weekly weigh-in on MFP for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    • Take measurements & log on MFP every month end
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    • Try new recipes Unfortunately, no wall oven until mid-Feb or later & sad me, but try slow cooker & stove recipes... wall oven installed 2/26. Ppl
      * lentil rice sausage tortellini soup (internet) ~ very good, recipe is keeper
      * glazed lemon cookies (internet search) ~ everyone loved them at Easter dinner
      * rhubarb cobbler (in my first ever cookbook BH&G) ~ very good, I want to try with other fruits this summer
      * yellow cake (BH&G cookbook) ~ I followed instructions closely & blended well, very good with rhubarb sauce
      * white chicken enchiladas (newspaper) ~ very good, although 2 tortillas with recipe as written 846 calories (created in MFP recipes)
      * Greek yogurt almond butter breakfast parfait (newsletter) ~ terrific, if high in calories... maybe tweak
      * garlic scape basil pesto (internet blog) ~ excellent! tried as recommended with pasta (used up my radiatore)
      * summer squash, zucchini, mushroom casserole (TOH) ~ excellent! & good way to use squash & zucchini
      * zucchini meatloaf (sister) ~ good but hubby prefers classic recipe
      * moussaka America's Test Kitchen tv show ~ very tasty, nice size portions & filling, though complicated with four distinct layers & many prep steps ~ nice to have an alternate eggplant recipe
      * peach cobbler (BH&G) used qt fresh peaches grown in Ripon
      * ratatouille (loveandlemons.com) very good vegetarian dish, uses lots of late summer/early fall veggies
    3) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x):
    January: 5 days x2wks, 4x1, 3x1, 1x1 [1 wk lots of snow & 1 wk bitter cold so shoveling, treadmill & PT, 1 wk 4 day trips out of town]
    February: 6 days x1wk, 5x1, 4x1, 2x1 [2 wks overnight trips to visit parents]
    March: 5 days x1wk, 4x1, 3x1, 0x1 [ack... prep house & food for Easter dinner; 1 wk overnight trip to visit parents]
    April: 4 days x2wks, 3x1, 2x1 [lots of lousy weather, plus 1 wk overnight trip]
    May: 6 days x2wks, 3x3 [fit days in around 2 overnight trips & visit on Mother's Day]
    June: 6 days x1wk {including Bellin 10K}, 5x1, 2x2 {either very rainy or hot for 2 wks}
    July: 5 days x1wk {including Packers 5K}, 4x2, 3x1 {a lot of very hot/humid days}
    August: 5 days x1wk, 4x2, 1x1 {hot/humid & scheduling conflicts}
    September: 5 days x1wk {including Annual Bridge Walk ~ double-crosser on The Mighty Mac}, 4x1, 3x2 {prep & colonoscopy so limited exercise}
    October: 6 days x1wk {including Bellin Women's 5K}, 3x1 {bday & dog/cyst between toes}
    • Walk dog 3-4 miles, treadmill when necessary in winter, weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    • PT (physical therapy) exercises to strengthen arthritic knees & hip flexor
      Jan 4x; Feb 1x; Mar/Apr 0x; May 1x; June 4x; July 1x; Aug 1x; Sept 0x; Oct
      4) MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,024km challenge started on Jan. 1
      • Getting close to completion 9.30.24 only 200 km to go!
      • In 2023 I logged 726.88 miles, or 1,169.8 km & completed yearly challenge 11.14.23 :star:
      • In 2022 I logged 500.4 miles, or 805km (knee issues).
      5) At least 7,500 steps per day
      • I can earn $10 every month on my Medicare Advantage Plan with 10+ days of 7,500 steps [noticed 7/12 that requirement reduced to 5,000 steps, but I'll continue with goal of 7,500]:
        Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Aug / Sept /
      6) Participate in my favorite area races ~ I walk, I do not run
      • Registered early (shoot, didn't get selected randomly for waiver of fee) on 12.29.23 for 6.8.24 Bellin 10K race ~ light rain most of race, steady rain last mile or so :star: chip time 1:42:35 ave. pace 16:31 (first half 16:50 second half 16:12) overall 3,136 out of 3,463 / females 1,560 out of 1,792 / F65-69yo 30 out of 48 ~ not as fast as I used to go, but still finished my 27th Bellin overall (their 48th year)
      • Register for my other usual events, and add other possible events
      • Registered for 7.20.24 Packers 5K ~ sunny & very warm :star: chip time 49:15 ave. pace 15:51 overall place 1784/2371 / F858/1228 / division F65-69 29/60 / passed by 78 (likely started in walking corral behind me) & I passed 191
      • Annual Bridge Walk on The Mighty Mac w/ C, S, A&D on 9.2.24 & we became double-crossers :star: Fitbit 24,044 steps for day even with 8 hours in the car
      • Registered for 10.5.24 Bellin Women's 5K :star: chip time 49:18 & very happy me! / 263/381 / 13/18 F65-69 / ave. pace first half 16:24 & second half 14:47 / overall ave. pace 15:52
      7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together
      • Always a good idea
      8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states)
      • Visit parents 1-2 times each month, phone calls in between ~ they're in their late 80s and live 85 miles away
        ~ canceled visit 1.12-1.13 due to blizzard
        ~ canceled visit 1.21-1.22 due Mom's bad cold
        ~ Mom's bday visit 1.31 with all siblings, in-laws & aunt
        ~ overnight visit 2.12-2.13 / breakfast out with Mom/ladies & aunt, youngest brother stopped over
        ~ overnight visit 2.27-2.28 / eldest brother stopped over
        ~ overnight visit 3.14-3.15 / eldest brother visited
        ~ overnight visit 4.18-4.19 / drove Mom to eye appt. in Beaver Dam
        ~ overnight visit 5.2-5.3 / aunt B/uncle R stopped over for visit so that was fun
        ~ Mother's Day visit 5.12.24 / sister/BIL, youngest brother/SIL & 2 nieces there too <3 (middle brother/SIL visited day before bc they went to her parents Sun., eldest brother in PA for work)
        ~ overnight visit 5.17-5.18 / drove Mom to Bunny's funeral/luncheon in Brown Deer on 5.18 & youngest brother/SIL & eldest brother visited after moving 2 nieces to new apt.
        ~ Father's Day visit 6.16.24 / all brothers, sister & spouses there plus maternal aunt
        ~ overnight visit 7.4-7.5 / walk 2.75 mi w/ aunt; youngest brother & SIL visit next day
        ~ overnight visit 7.29-7.30 / saw all 3 brothers, youngest SIL, aunt on M; went to Wine & Unwind with Mom & lady friends T a.m. & afterwards walked 2.84 mi w/ aunt (hot & humid)
        ~ overnight visit 8.13-8.14 / drove Dad to VA Clinic in Beaver Dam for his 7:30 a.m. physical (be there 15 min. early ~ ugh) / saw eldest brother both days & aunt on W
        ~ overnight visit 9.11-9.12 / saw youngest brother after he mowed folks' yard
        ~ overnight visit 10.1-10.2 / aunt visited w/ C's 2 dogs (while C&J in Germany), next morning walked 4.14 mi with aunt & late afternoon saw youngest brother after he mowed folks' yard
        ~ overnight visit 10.23-10.24 planned
      • Monthly contact with former colleagues/others, now that I'm retired
        1.7.24 HH came over & visited at my invitation
        1.28.24 great-nephew's baptism affirmation in Oakfield, followed by luncheon
        1.29.24 Greenville: BIL's 2nd cataract surgery (hubby was his driver) / lunch at IHOP
        2.2.24 cousin's funeral & saw parents, 2 brothers, most aunts/uncles, few cousins
        2.16.24 pub food from McGeorge's & wine at La Vie with P&B / The Dirty Martinis played
        2.18.24 Greenville: visit w/ hubby's brother, SIL & niece / lunch at Olive Garden
        3.8.24 Darboy: tax docs & long visit with MJSW
        3.19.24 messaged H (his job recently downsized)
        3.25.24 Darboy: tax returns with hubby & MJSW, shorter visit this time
        plans 4.6.24 with PZ canceled b/c she forgot they're going to OH to watch total solar eclipse
        4.15.24 unexpectedly sat & visited w/ CAS at AVB concert
        5.6.24 lunch with CAS
        5.20.24 lunch with LL & LWB
        6.3.24 lunch with former IA mgmt team
        6.4.24 volunteers lunch at church
        6.24.24 lunch with DE
        7.13.24 farmers market with PZ
        8.1.24 belated bday lunch with PZ
        8.15.24 long phone call with sister
        9.2.24 Annual Bridge Walk at The Mighty Mac Bridge with C, S, A&D ~ Weather was perfect, we became Double Crossers & it was awesome! :star:
        9.14.24 farmers market & The Attic with PZ
        10.14.24 texts & phone call with sister
      9) Declutter bedroom, home office, basement, books in living room
      • Not as much progress as I hoped last year, but not worse.

    Keeping my Word for the Year: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,073 Member
    JFT for 10/15/24 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 10/12), unless I want sugarfree or no sugar added.✔️
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (no more of French chocolate, none of French fruit candy, peeps, Bobo cakes, South Forty bars).✔️
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 10/9)✔️
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 10/17✔️
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese ok today, any type. (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 10/13). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.✔️
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.), unless it's my dessert as per #1. (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)✔️
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 10/13) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans. ✔️
    8) No vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 10/11)✔️
    9) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 10/13)✔️
    11) Bakers chocolate ok today. (last 10/13)✔️
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)✔️
    13) Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 10/13)✔️
    14) No more than 600 calories at lunch.✔️
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants.✔️
    16) No turkey patties ok today. (last 10/14)✔️

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.

    JFT for 10/15/24 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 10/12), unless I want sugarfree or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (no more of French chocolate, none of French fruit candy, peeps, Bobo cakes, South Forty bars).
    3) Peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 10/9)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 10/17
    5) No hard cheese ok today, any type. (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 10/15). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.), unless it's my dessert as per #1. (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 10/15) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans.
    8) No vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 10/11)
    9) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 10/15)
    11) No bakers chocolate ok today. (last 10/15)
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)
    13) No Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 10/15)
    14) No more than 600 calories at lunch.
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants.
    16) Turkey patties ok today. (last 10/14)
    ================== 4DW started =============
    4DWs (4 Day Wins) are here, in a shared file:



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,420 Member

    With this morning's dog walk, I reached last MapMyWalk milestone before finishing the annual challenge distance. Yay!


    Congratulations Carmela! 👏🥳 You are so steadfast in your journey! Such an inspiration!

    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Can feel even more sorry for myself now.

    I cut my finger on the indoor car handle when getting out. The indoor handles have like a chrome covering which decided to peel away before slicing my finger to death.
    Sounds dramatic but it was bleeding a fair bit but I had to go food shopping? So I stuck a plaster on it and got on with it. Ash did most of the shop.

    But that was at around half 11 and it was still bleeding half an hour ago

    I really don't want to go A&E. It looks kinda deep. More of a gouge. But still don't want to go A&E. I dont want stitches, or for them to clean it or anything that's gonna make it hurt any more. Bloody terrified.

    And to top it off Ive completely lost my voice.

    Oh Bex! I know this was last month, but Im just catching up and saw your post about fixing your glasses and gluing your fingers together (which I have done in the past too…🤦🏻‍♀️) and then saw this post! OMG! Ouch! I hope your finger has healed and you are doing well.

    mytime6630 wrote: »
    tues, 9/24
    1. log all food :)
    2. concentrate on water :)
    3. go to silver sneakers class. I can't go to gym in morning because we have roofers coming out. :)
    4. tiny habits:
    a. Right after I clean up dinner dishes.. brush my teeth and floss. >:)
    b. Whenever I go to the bathroom... gulp down a huge glass of water >:)
    c. Right after I clean up dinner dishes... go for a walk.. even if only around the block. Just go out and walk. :)
    Did Ok most of the day, but forgot the water; got into that box of ice cream last nite. but at least the icecream is almost gone... and no more buying stuff like that in the store.
    Went to silver sneakers class.. as much as I exercise, boy, I was sore, but in a good way. Plan to do this 2x a week, go to gym 4x a week, and try to walk most evenings. That is how I lost weight before... those walks after dinner, so need to get back to that before it gets too cold. Also, keep the same tiny habits until these become habits.
    JFt, 9/26
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. mow grass
    4. ride bike
    5. Tiny habits.
    a. after I clean up dinner dishes.. go for a walk
    b. after I go for a walk.. brush and floss teeth.. no more eater
    c. everytime I go to bathroom... drink a glass of water.

    Joan, I’ll be able to get silver sneakers in March! I really have been enjoying going to the Y! I hope your leg is feeling better by now…that sciatic nerve stuff is so painful! I’m with you on the tiny habits journey! Back at it! Health is the goal…
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,073 Member
    @HappyDonkey75 - Thank you for your last message about your falls, recovery, and love of horses. That is a wonderful passion.