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Ages 70+



  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    Snow/ice today, starting around noon. Going to church. I dug out my old Walk Away the Pounds DVD and will do that this afternoon. The real challenge is not to overeat or eat bad stuff when I am cold.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 540 Member
    Seeing a lot of animals on our quarter across from the house. I think they are elk. Probably about 30 in the herd.
    Just took out my binoculars and they are elk.

    Yesterday was a non productive day. Pretty much read all day with the exception of my treadmill. Still pretty cool here but feels so much better as there is no wind. Making ribs in the slow cooker for supper tonight. Has sugar in the spice rub I make for them so will have to be careful with my portion size.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 540 Member
    Got my ribs in the slow cooker and decided not to add any sugar. Did a dry rub of spices and made my usual sauce which has ketchup in it and omitted the brown sugar. Hopefully they will be good.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    Joy, my mom used to cook ribs with the contents of a can if Pepsi!!! They were delicious, but that had to be a TON of sugar. Tell us how yours turned out.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 570 Member
    Walked in the woods a bit with boots and yak traks. Not much snow but I felt safer with fortified footwear on the hills.
    I do love ribs but don't have them often.
    Still afraid to get on the scale since Christmas. Had sausage and roasted acorn squash and brussels sprouts tonight.
    I need to read some more but have a knitting project to finish first. I did read Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book about serviceberries and the natural world. Thought-provoking!
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    What is your knitting project? I always have something on my needles.
    Woohoo down half a pound this week!
    We have thick ice on the ground. I put on ice cleats and put the trash can out by the curb but doubt they will collect it. Grateful we still have power. Lots of folks not so fortunate, including my daughter. Fingers crossed that ours stays on. I pulled a chicken pot pie out of the freezer to bake for lunch. That is when we have our big meal of the day.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 540 Member
    Ribs were very good. Slightly sweet from the ketchup and a bit tangy as I added a bit of lemon juice and mustard along with various herbs in the sauce. Took them out of the slow cooker and under the broiler to brown up. There is a lot of sugar in ketchup. According to the label, 1 teaspoon sugar to 1 tablespoon of ketchup for the one I have. Ordered a different brand from amazon that has no added sugar (according to the label) but when I checked further it has a small amount of stevia extract in it. Stevia doesn't increase blood sugar levels so should be ok.

    Cat, good for you on the decrease! I saw there is a winter storm warning in your area. I hate freezing rain and would much rather have the cold and snow.

    Melody, I am sure you are doing well with all your walking. Not in to knitting but I do crochet projects sometimes.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 570 Member
    Those ribs sound amazing!
    I was making a hat to show my knitting group how it constructed. It is a strip of rectangular knitting that gets sewn up to be like those hats popular about 100 years ago. Twisted by the forehead. I will have to research the style name.
    I need to brush up on my crochet skills.
    Be safe in the storm!!!
    Just some fluff here—cold and sparkly.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    Thanks. Would love to see a picture of the hat when you are done. I just bought a pattern for a hooded scarf. If you are on Ravelry, it is the Sophie Hood. Still pondering yarn, but leaning toward a dark blue Malabrigo.
    Looks like our inches of slush will freeze solid tonight with single digit windchills. Going to be below freezing all week, so not melting anytime soon. I am so looking forward to summer. Fortunately, we still have power so far. There are many outages.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 540 Member
    Out of curiosity, I checked out the Sophie Hood...very cute!

    Sunny, clear day today at minus 11 C. Off to our local town today as need to pick up some milk and a couple of other essentials. Want to pick up a couple of snack items too as getting tired of eating the same things over and over. Trying to eat clean and stay away from junk food but sometimes I feel I want something else. Will get some hummus and some whole grain crackers which should be ok re calories and sugar levels. I have veggies that I can also eat with the hummus. Will see what they have for microwave popcorn. I know that contains unhealthy additives but in moderation I'm convincing myself it's ok.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    Joy, I allow myself one cheat day each week. If I didnt do this, I could never stick to clean eating long term. If I am
    Going to be bad, i am very bad and go for a Snickers or peppermint patty.
    We love hummus and I make it a lot. Sometimes I make it our of white beans or lima beans instead of garbanzo. It’s good no matter what!
    I have a loaf of buttermilk bread in the zojirushi, so butter and jelly will be my badness for today. Why do I always crave homemade bread on snow days?
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 540 Member
    edited January 7
    Buttermilk bread sounds divine. I think you have the right idea about a cheat day to keep you on track. I can't do the sugar cheat day due to pre-diabetic so staying away from sugar as best I can. Bought hummus (too lazy to make it) and some whole grain crackers, cottage cheese and some unsalted nuts so should be ok for now. Try to keep my one snack per day (which is after supper) to 100-150 calories. Didn't buy the popcorn....read the label and decided no. Need to research this a bit better as I didn't like the oil in the varieties the store had. I have a microwave popper and popcorn kernels so could just make it myself then add a bit of butter.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    Joy, i am weaning myself off sugar. Giving up real sugar Pepsi is the hardest for me. The buttermilk bread is my cheat today. I used storebought bread flour instead of grinding my own hard white wheat berries. I was generous with real butter and homemade strawberry rhubarb jam. Excellent cheat!!!
    My sister microwaves popcorn in a plain brown paper bag. Then she sprays it with coconut oil baking spray and tosses it with salt. It is delicious!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 570 Member
    You are both doing so well on food choices!!!
    Don't have a hat pic yet but it is kind of a turban style. And you mentioned malabrigo, which is my favorite yarn! The hat is in one of the multicolor skeins, not sure if it is the fuchsia or magenta. I will have to check on Ravelry for your hat.
    Swimming day today, no walking. Making bread. Just once I would love to have freshly ground flour!
    I have cut back on sugar but still have a bit every day.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 540 Member
    Cat thanks for the coconut oil and popcorn tip. Will have to try that next time I have a popcorn craving.

    Swimming and walking are both very good forms of exercise. You are doing good with your dedication and it will pay off.

    I have lost a total of ten pounds now since starting this a few months back and happy about that. Have noticed that my clothes are feeling a bit looser lately. The treadmill has become part of my daily routine since I can't walk outside.

    Enjoyed my cracker and hummus snack last night. The crackers were whole grain with only 1 gram of sugar/6 crackers. I had 8 which totaled 120 calories plus the hummus. Still eating within my 1200 calories/day. Have noticed that I don't seem to get as hungry between meals as I have increased my protein....or maybe ditching sugar has helped.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    I appreciate the support I find here. It is easier for me to make good choices if I have friends trying to do the same. This group has become so important to me.

    Congrats on TEN POUNDS!!!’ WooHoo that’s a great loss. Keep up the good work. I am wishing I had somewhere to put a fold up treadmill. I am still trying to find places for a garage full of stuff. Mostly I end up donating it because there is nowhere to put it. Everytime I declutter something, I tell myself it is one less thing our kids will have to throw out some day.

    Finished a purple Malabrigo hat I was working on. Now I can start on Sophie. I got a set of ChaiGoo interchangeable knitting needles for Christmas, so I guess I will try them out. My daughterinlaw will be thrilled because I an giving her my old Addi interchangeable needles. I am very conscious of not hoarding knitting supplies anymore.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 540 Member
    I appreciate this thread too and happy that two others have kept posting. Support is appreciated and so nice to have a glimpse into your daily lives.

    The ten pounds has been a very long journey when I look at my weight progress on mfp. My highest was at the end of July last year....then I was down 2 pounds when I had dr weigh in October. So now....5 months plus a bit later, I am down the ten pounds.

    Learning about knitting terms on here that I have never heard before. Nice.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    Joy, that is a great weightloss since July. Shows your hard work.

    My purple hat is supposed to be a beret, but I may like it better as a slouchy hat. Trying to decide.wbpc6d6cay4n.jpeg
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 570 Member
    10 pounds is amazing!
    The scale does not like me. I tried to be good today and even hiked in the snowy cold for an hour.
    I like it as a slouchy hat! This is my turban. 6smojudp0yjm.jpeg

  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    That turban is so cute! Love any hat I can
    Stick a button on. Do you have a pattern or did you wing it? The construction looks interesting. Is the band knit flat and twisted and joined? Do you pick up stitches for the crown?
    Another storm coming in tomorrow. 3-5” of snow. This is not our typical Virginia winter. Our temps are 20 degrees below average.
    I am thinking those snow birds who winter in Florida are smart. For some reason, cold weather seems to make me humgry all the time. I am more successful at sticking to a diet in summer.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 540 Member
    You are both so talented in your knitting…very cute hats.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 570 Member
    The hat was something I found online. Basically it is the two same K3P1 rows over and over about 4 in wide and 41 long. Then you have to twist it and sew it up.
    Relatives in VA are aware of the storm. We are more worried about my BIL evacuated from Pasadena. So scary. Thankful he and wife are finding friends to stay with. So far house still stands.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    Oh my! The wildfires are such a terrifying disaster. Glad your b-i-l is safe. We have been watching the news and it is heartbreaking. I can’t imagine dealing with something like that. This puts all the whining I did over moving
    To perspective and I am ashamed of myself.

    We ate Chinese today, which isnt exactly diet food, but I gave in and decided to have an extra cheat day. Tomorrow I will be nice.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 570 Member
    So far his block is safe, but the air quality is so bad that they can’t stay safely at home. They are staying with a variety of friends. It is really heartbreaking. And that fire is only three percent contained. He has heard that next door Altadena has lost around 5000 buildings.

    We had sunshine today but had too many errands and did not get exercise in. We are trying to get a simple replacement coffee table and there sure are a lot of weird styles out there. Just finding a normal table you can move by yourself to vacuum under is hard!

  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 540 Member
    Such a disaster happening in California. So sad to see many have lost their homes and loss of life is now at eleven. I wonder if Trump has noticed that his neighbor to the north has stepped up with assistance. Probably not.

    We had rain yesterday and overnight everything froze so very slippery outside. Had to be careful taking the dogs out but managed ok. Supposed to be some snow flurries today and into Sunday so road conditions are not going to be good. Not venturing out too far for the next few days.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    Melody, I am not surprised it is hard to find a coffee table. All the big furniture factories in Virginia went out of business when we started importing cheap copies from China. I had a very hard time finding a smaller dining table when we moved. Everything in the furniture stores was such shoddy workmanship. Finally realized it would be better to search thrift stores and antique shops for better quality and even cheaper prices.

    I feel like the whole world is either frozen or on fire. If you turn on the news, they are either talking about one or the other.

    So far, I am on track with calories today. The problem is I am feeling lazy and dont want to exercise.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 570 Member
    Ive been scouting estate sales and thrift stores for months to no avail. We did find a basic table today. Shock in that it is real wood!
    The news is so depressing. The only thing I managed to watch recently was most of Carter’s funeral. I used to listen to radio a lot but I can’t handle that either. I just doomscroll and try to read reputable sources.
    Air is still bad in Pasadena. But I at least, have been reading about our Canadian and Mexican neighbors helping out!!! God bless them all.
    I don’t want to spend the next four years afraid to visit our neighbors because of what they think of our government. I am getting too old for this.

  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    The president is Joe Biden. He is in power until Jan 20. Why are people wondering why Trump hasnt done anything. He has no power until Jan 20. I want to know why Joe Biden hasnt done anything. He is the one who!Has the power to send in the National Guard, to order the drop planes from other wooded states to help, to make sure money is available to manage forests and clear brush. Why dod Gov Newsome reduce firefighting budgets for the state by a third? Why hasnt he requested help from other states? Maybe he has. I try to fact check everything with primary sources, but I didnt check that yet.
    I think the media is feeding this frenzy of hate and fear in America. I am determined not to buy into it. Trump was not my candidate, but I am willing to sit back and not judge until I see what he does. I dont think we will be any worse off than we have been in the last 4 years. And there is always a chance things could bet better.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 540 Member
    Lazy morning today. I listen to a radio station that plays what they call golden oldies every Sunday morning for three hours. Thoroughly enjoy listening to Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the like. Nice to go down memory lane sometimes.

    Trying to decide on my trip this year. Not sure I want the stress of booking overseas to Scandinavia so may stick with a tour of Quebec. Found an eight day one through Collette Travel that looks pretty good called Charms of Quebec. Includes the lavender fields which is something on my wish list along with a whale watching tour in a zodiac. St. Lawrence River has humpback, beluga (which I have never seen) and minke whales so excited about that. Have to get this pinned down within the next week as this tour is limited and advertised as a small group (only 24 maximum per tour).
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 515 Member
    I have heard Quebec is wonderful. We had planned a trip there and covid hit, so no fun. Now my husband has a cancer diagnosis and many medical procedures behind him and he cannot walk very far. Our big trip days are over. If you go to Quebec, maybe you can share lots of pictures and reports so we can see it with you.

    My weather ap tells me it is 31 degrees and feels like 40. How can this be????