Happy Birthday Miss Debbie!
God Bless you Miss Allie! I'm following your FB like a following a scent. Can't wait to hear the GOOD NEWS. ❤️
3 -
Well surgeon just came in waiting on an OR ..younger patient from New England and a perfect match,just feel bad the person passed for me to get the kidney.. God rest there soul..
Hey at least I have a window and a gander at New Haven Harbor
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ALLIE! Thinking good thoughts for an efficient kidney installation. : ]
I am down another pound, today - and 1 lb a week is all I can ask, so, yay.
Off to clean out the master bedroom so I can give away the huge king-sized furniture.
Re in TX
6 -
My thoughts are constantly with you Allie. 😀
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Debbie and Machka. 😍💞😁
EdIe is playing cricket in the garden with John. Gorgeous weather. When she arrived, I made us all hot chocolate in my Paris cups. The tagine is cooking in the IP. I always put the sweet potatoes and apricots in at the end for just a few minutes.
I'm wondering whether to suggest we put the art trolley together today. She might like to. I remember Tracey's Michaela enjoying building the shelves. It's been sitting in the hallway for months now. 😗
Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
6 -
Happy birthday Machka and Debbie!
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Son has his medicine adjusted and sound much better today. He says he is being moved Tuesday to something like a halfway house (he couldn’t remember as he was woken up to meet with the social worker).
Daughter has found a vehicle she can just barely afford the payments for, but that issue has been resolved for her. She still has 2 more expensive things that have broken. One step at a time.
Middle daughter is still not talking or replying to texts. It is her choice. I did nothing wrong.
No change with DH.
Sunny and warm today. I need to call PO for a lost package. (Call did not work, need to go there before noon). Only necessary thing to do. Finish my crocheted “Sally” (from Nightmare Before Christmas). I’ll post Jack and Sally once I finish Sally. For some reason, I and taking my time with Sally. These two were difficult!
Thought for today:
Me: Dad, did you get a haircut?
Dad: No, I got them ALL cut!
Love to all,
RVRita in Roswell
8 -
No sure if my pictures uploaded in the last post. I’ll have to check again later. My iPad needs a re-boot!
RVRita in Roswell
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Allie - thinking of you!
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🤩Happy Birthday Debbie and Machka! ❤️ March was/is a popular birthday month for sure! Especially this week.
Rosemarie - glad to hear you are making great progress with your lawn and other projects these days. 😉
Allie - gentle hugs for a successful surgery coming right up for ya. 🤩
Barbara - that restaurant with the questionable Caesar salad was new to me. My lunch partner had the "senior breakfast" (scrambled eggs and hash browns) and was able to substitute a dish of fresh fruit for the toast (they didn't have any gluten free bread.) And it was $5 less than the mystery salad. 🤨That sounds good for next time. I need to go through my seeds this weekend, tho I don't feel very motivated to get anything started.
Vicki - praying you can find a job that is a perfect fit! I think there's a benefit to hiring an older employee. I believe they expect to make this their "last job" so settle in and keep working as long as they physically can, well past normal retirement age. There's a huge psychological benefit to remaining employed if it works out, and not just from the financial standpoint.
I've noticed the employees who stick around at Walmart and private businesses around town are older, all in their 50's and above. The younger ones don't seem to last very long - maybe weeks or months then must be off to greener pastures I guess.
Also Vicki - are there any colleges or universities nearby? Sometimes they welcome older employees. Perhaps they go through the unemployment office to post their jobs. If not, might be a place to check out (if available and not too far away of course!)
Flea - I was so happy to hear about your DH's new job. I think some people are born with tech/computer brains and it's easy for them to slide right in and easily figure this stuff out. Our Machka is a good example. Rita and Lisa too! And many more of you!
Rita - glad things are settling down with your son and daughter.
I'm looking at "chicken tunnel" plans this morning and YouTube has a slew of them. Will need to make some modifications on their current run. Waiting for warmer, sunnier afternoons to start on this project. Weatherman is calling for chance of snow toward the end of next week. Or temps in the 70's, lol. Flip a coin.
I once read that gardeners and farmers tend to keep dementia at bay by spending time outdoors and being active and solving problems. And the fresh air helps to lower stress. We'll see.
Have a wonderful weekend ladies!😍
Lanette 😎
SW WA State
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Happy birthday to Machka and Debbie!
Half bath is finished! So pleased with how it turned out. Corey did all the hard work… Homemade fish and chips for lunch for me - spicy ramen bowl for him. Then off shopping, unless I send him by himself. Might stay home and take a shower….
Later, my dears,
Lisa in AR9 -
🍒🍉🍇 Happy Birthday, Debbie and Machka,
😃 Lisa The new bathroom looks great. All that hard work paid off
😍 Barbie in NW WA
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Happy, happy birthday Debbie and Machka !!!!!
Allie - sending healing angels.
Everyone take care, Sue in WA
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Allie, you are in my thoughts.
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Lisa - Love those light fixtures… the room looks great. ; ]
I am spending today cleaning out the master bedroom so that I can give the furniture in there away - and catching up with y'all when I take a few minutes of break.
Happy Birthday to Debbie and Machka!
Apologies if I don't get to respond to everyone.
I am lucky if I get to stop in, at all.
**Down 1 more pound this week. Yay! Low carb is my friend.
hugs all round!
Re in TX
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Lisa, the half bath is lovely! Those wall sconces are beautiful, just an all around well thought out design and finish. Well worth the time it took to think it all thru to the grand finale! I think I’d be smiling every time I walked in there.
Happy Birthday to all of the March “babies”!
Evelyn, Vancouver Island
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Nah, I use a tablet.
Rebecca Whidbey Wa
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Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD,
I have been scrubbing my face nightly with Kirk's coconut bar soap and a washcloth.😁 Then I put Seabreeze astringent on any spots I see. Finally I slather on Gold Bond lotion for "crapey skin". It really plumps up my skin, my face drinks it up! I have been really trying to pay attention to my complexion!
Rebecca Whidbey Wa
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Happy Birthday Debbie and Machka!💖💖👍🏼👍🏼🎂🎂💐💐
Your posts are valued by all of us! I hope your day is filled with things you love to do, and nice things to eat!
Rebecca Whidbey Wa
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Beautiful bathroom! Corey and you did a great job! Looks like a spa!😁💖👍🏼
Rebecca Whidbey Wa
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Lisa - Love the loo! It looks very swish.
Edie, as always, was great value. I love everything that comes out of her mouth. I suggested the trolley building and she was very enthusiastic. She set about it with gusto and seemed to understand exactly what to do. It was done in no time. We put a lot of art materials on it and it's got a special place in the utility room.
We all did some art afterwards.
When my son came to pick her up, he told me that his dad, my ex, is back in hospital with a UTI and is very, very frail. He has regular dialysis and has lost loads of weight. (He is 77) I am still processing all this. I never stopped loving him and we were together for over 30 years. I mourned and grieved that marriage intensely. I feel a bit numb right now. Obviously, it's extremely hard on my son, on top of everything else. I feel a bit as if I'm not allowed to worry and grieve, or love him. I'm just the ex. It doesn't work like that though.
Love to all. Thinking of Allie.
Heather UK xxxxxxxx
6 -
Happy Saturday afternoon!
So, Debbie and Machka—-Happy Birthday!!
DEBBIE-Sorry to read about Okie.
ALLIE- My thoughts have been with you all day. I knew you were waiting on the call, but apparently I signed off here before your post this morning. Prayers for you! I have been a donor since 18!
LISA- Love the half bath! Beautiful!
I am trying to delegate……I gave a couple of tasks to someone else to complete that I usually do…I am struggling because while it is done, to me two of the three are not done correctly…… They are halfa$$ done. My sister in law and her granddaughter were doing them. I told her GD what I needed done and how to do it. SIL stepped in to "help". I did catch a couple of things that I made GD correct which she did as it made sense to her. She and I think a lot alike. As for the rest……..I am going to try to keep my hands off it and let someone else deal! I really am trying!
Bought a couple new tops this week. I like them as they are loose, cover a multitude of sins, and are soft.
Heading to a banquet tonight with a DH, DYD and her family, and some friends. I might even have a drink or two. Or not…..We shall see….. I use to enjoy going to them, but now they just seem to drag on way too late. They have gotten so large that everything takes longer. This girl is ready for bed before 10 0n a good night, sooner on most. 😉This tends to go on past 11 pm, plus time change, ugh!
I know there was more, but can't think anymore.
HUGS as we all can use them!
Congratulations to those finding a path that works for them
Make the best choice you can in the moment!
Kylia in Sunny (for now) Ohio
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HEATHER- Exes are different for different people. My ex and I are more friends and probably always were. We were each other's need at the time. I would feel the same as you if I heard news like that. Hugs!
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Pam in WA…
Started this journey after the doc threatened statins in Nov. 2024. Am less than 2 months from my next cholesterol test and doc appointment, so I'm pushing ahead with determination.
Things went sideways for me when I began eating gluten-free and then gluten-laden foods. Before that incorporation, I was just gluten free…didn't eat any wheat products at all.
You would think it would be easy to return to the simple goodness way of eating, but temptation is frequently there when will power isn't. What a dance. Will power frequently gets her toes stepped on.
Regardless, I can do this!
7 -
Allie … I'm writing in the afternoon and hoping that your surgery is now complete and that you are in recovery. Praying.
Lanette … the "tile guy" will be my husband. He's tiled several areas of our home and is pretty good at it.
Pam in WA … Welcome!
Lisa … Love the half bath! We picked out a similar style vanity yesterday … shaker but just a bit darker in color. We had to order it so it will be 2 weeks until it arrives … but that just keeps my husband from trying to do too much at once.
Happy Birthday to Debbie and Machka!
Beth near Buffalo
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Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Trying to enjoy my day.
Started out with a trip up to emergency vet(stuck in traffic for 20 min because of a bad accident) to pick up Okie's body. He is the cat we just spent over $4000 for a blocked urinary track a month ago. Had to take him back last night, another $1500 or 2000(not sure, dh was taking care of that while I was getting the cat).
Went over and fed and walked MIL's dog. Came home and dug the whole to bury Okie(dh started it but was complaining one of the rose bushes was in the way so I pruned it and then just dug the whole myself-quicker and quieter that way.)
Now, taking a break from getting my hydroponics set up on the kitchen table.
I told dh yesterday that that is what I wanted. To just stay home, NO shopping, and get it started. A month late but that is ok.Going to Laso for dinner tonight. We plan on ordering a few different things for the four of us to share. We could have gone there for lunch but we are waiting for Rovin(son's gf) to get off work. Didn't feel right going out without her after we talked to both of them about it when I assumed son was working today.
Going to get more done planting then grab a shower, early enough so my hair can dry before we go to dinner.
Best gift so far has been the news about Allie.
Napa Valley,CA
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Lisa -bathroom looks great.
Lanette-I admit I have no desire todo anything with chickens other than various preparations, but I thoroughly enjoy your telling your adventures! Have you had much of the bird flu in your area? we have had quite a bit with well over 1 million "depopulated." Hope your girls stay safe.
Heather-I think makes perfect sense you would grieve. 30 years with someone is significant. And the fact that marriage didn't work doesn't mean you still don't have feelings. It might help your son to know that you share grief.
Kylia-good job with letting go-keep practicing. I would probably find a way to slip out of banquet before 11!
Big accomplishment today is I got checkbook balanced (to the penny Rebecca!) Taxes filed-feds paid. Got an outside walk in. I remember before my bouts of cold and foot trouble I would walk 3-5 miles with no trouble. now one is the standard. However, I also remember when none was the standard. Hoping to increase the I don't have work getting in the way. Off to get the trash out.
Take care all,
Ginny in Ohio
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All went well and am back in my room with a lovely glass of ice water..
Thanks for all the love and concern. Love you all xoxo
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Allie - hooray!! 😍 When will they send you home?
Ginny - I haven't heard of any bird flu in my area. I do keep on the lookout for dead wild birds.
Pam in WA - welcome neighbor! There are a few of us here in WA. 😉
Ladies - don't forget!
Lanette 😎
SW WA State
6 -
"Retch”ed afternoon. Getting ready for dog group, all 3 were excited, but I can only handle two at the same time. Invited Joe to join me and handle Tumble, he laughed. Then he suggested I skip dog group, and take all 3 to the powerline to enjoy the sunshine and ocean view from our meadow. Followed his advice as I was already starting to feel pukey. Retched most of the afternoon except for about a half hour break when I trimmed Joe’s hair. Made the mistake of sipping some ginger kombucha, started retching again. Grilled brats and added to sauerkraut for tomorrow’s fellowship. Will bring Swiss cheese and Wheat Thins for those who don’t care for kraut. Stomach finally settling down, now, maybe I can take a shower.
Thanks, Machka! Will try making some of my signature red again. Hmm. got some red but minimized font and wasn't red where intended…
Michele, that sounds so painful!
Lisa congrats on your beautiful half bath. Job well done!
Re conVERYgrats on taking off another pound.
Rebecca your skin regimen is showing glowing results!
Heather ((hugs held extra long)) Hope your son understands that even though the marriage ended, your love did not. Perfectly natural for you to love, worry and grieve for his father. ((hugs)) Love the pic of Johnny and Edie assembling the art trolley.
Welcome @Pam_in_WA ! Strong motivation, good luck!
Rita thankful for your son’s new meds and daughter’s ride. ((hugs))
Debbie so very sorry for your loss. Somehow missed that Okie had passed. ((hugs))
Allie so relieved to hear all’s well. Love you back!
Lanette, the “busy night at Stonehenge” meme made me choke my water. Thanks!
Later, lighter, lovelies!
Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMODMarch focus: OMG room
2025: Chose NOW: to move more than yesterday (drop everything and dance!), fuel better than yesterday (maintain better than 50% AF days/month, reduce after dinner sweets to one piece of dark chocolate), open heart and mind<color=red> before mouth.</color>
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