30 Day Shred - 08/08/11



  • Hii everyonee!

    Today has been my treat day, and i'm still in two minds about doing the 30DS today. Mainly because I HAVE to take Wednesday off from the shred, this is the only day during the week that I get to see my boyfriend, so when I get back to my house late at night I have no space or time to do it. So this is my question, how many rest days should you take during the shred, would two a week be okay?

  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hii everyonee!

    Today has been my treat day, and i'm still in two minds about doing the 30DS today. Mainly because I HAVE to take Wednesday off from the shred, this is the only day during the week that I get to see my boyfriend, so when I get back to my house late at night I have no space or time to do it. So this is my question, how many rest days should you take during the shred, would two a week be okay?


    how many rest days you have is up to you hun :) i only get to see my boyfriend on a wednesday in the week too so i dont do the shred then either :) xxxx
  • Hii everyonee!

    Today has been my treat day, and i'm still in two minds about doing the 30DS today. Mainly because I HAVE to take Wednesday off from the shred, this is the only day during the week that I get to see my boyfriend, so when I get back to my house late at night I have no space or time to do it. So this is my question, how many rest days should you take during the shred, would two a week be okay?


    how many rest days you have is up to you hun :) i only get to see my boyfriend on a wednesday in the week too so i dont do the shred then either :) xxxx

    Ahh, thankyou! I just want to get the best results possible!

  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hii everyonee!

    Today has been my treat day, and i'm still in two minds about doing the 30DS today. Mainly because I HAVE to take Wednesday off from the shred, this is the only day during the week that I get to see my boyfriend, so when I get back to my house late at night I have no space or time to do it. So this is my question, how many rest days should you take during the shred, would two a week be okay?


    how many rest days you have is up to you hun :) i only get to see my boyfriend on a wednesday in the week too so i dont do the shred then either :) xxxx

    Ahh, thankyou! I just want to get the best results possible!


    Yeah :) as much as you can hun but obviously you have to have a life too! hehe

  • Hi,

    Just realised that I didn't come in here yesterday.. Haven't a clue why though. :huh:

    Anyway, did my shred yesterday and again today, day 6 level 2.

    I'm sure I'm getting worse though... can't seem to keep up as much as in the begining.

    Not sure if my chest is causing it though as I'm still clogged and wheezy. :frown:

    Anyway.. Keep up the good work. :bigsmile:
  • jezzi16
    jezzi16 Posts: 128 Member
    Ack today will be day 6 L2 - I took off thursday cause I was fighting a nasty chest cold and figured I'd let my body rest and then friday night I had unexpected company and didn't do it then either but back on track again, still a little congested but I'll survive.
    That last strength move in circuit 3 kills me UGH. It might be because I only have 5lb weights so my arms tire quickly but the planks and leg moves don't bother me at all.
  • thiscanbedone
    thiscanbedone Posts: 73 Member
    Done with day 3 :smile:

    My legs are aching sooooo bad. I just wanted to ask you guys one thing : How do I handle my husband who keeps making fun of me? I know there have been incidents in the past where I didn't keep my promises so I understand that he is skeptical this time.... but I really want to do it this time. I know he'll understand but right now I just get totally pissed off when he says '' Why don't you do this? this is what my trainer at gym says... it is THE most effective exercise.. blah blah ...'' He has got some good results and I have just started.... I know I will reach there but listening to him is kinda unmotivating.. .. you guys got good results with 30 DS ?
    First, I would tell him that your fitness level isn't ready to do those things yet. Just explain to hubby that this is a "jump start" program that will show big results in as little as two weeks. It will also "condition" you to do the suggested stuff by his trainer. Plus, men and women have different bodies, never mind that each individual is different (body shape, fitness level, metabolism ...). If you can get through 30DS, you'll be able to do most anything, but this is a quick way to melt inches and increase stamina. Ask him to be patient and involve him with your goals. Have him take pictures and / or measurements for you. Take a minute and talk about your little successes (today I did 4 more push ups than yesterday, I was deeper on lunges this morning, ...) The biggest difference is with Jillian, you will lose inches!! And that is more gratifying that losing pounds!! If all else fails, get stubborn (in your head) and decide to show him (and yourself) that you CAN and WILL do this!! I hope you get his support, but even without it, making this commitment will show everyone how serious you are about changing your lifestyle. XOXO Just stick with it. Also, the sore legs -- yup, we've all had that. It will get better in a couple of days, do more stretching and keep moving. It seems to hurt more if you stay still, so maybe a little walk or bike ride to keep those muscles moving. Extra protein will help too.
    Thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much statia for wonderful advice.:flowerforyou: I actually talked to him in a calm manner today and asked for his support. I also showed him the video and said what you had taught me to '' jump-start program'' and he understood!!! :bigsmile:
    This forum has offered me so much support and I feel so wonderful being a part of it .... I love you all!!! I love you statia!!:heart:
    I took a rest on my supposed day 4 as I needed and I feel good right now with rest and hubby supporting!!
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Done with day 3 :smile:

    My legs are aching sooooo bad. I just wanted to ask you guys one thing : How do I handle my husband who keeps making fun of me? I know there have been incidents in the past where I didn't keep my promises so I understand that he is skeptical this time.... but I really want to do it this time. I know he'll understand but right now I just get totally pissed off when he says '' Why don't you do this? this is what my trainer at gym says... it is THE most effective exercise.. blah blah ...'' He has got some good results and I have just started.... I know I will reach there but listening to him is kinda unmotivating.. .. you guys got good results with 30 DS ?
    First, I would tell him that your fitness level isn't ready to do those things yet. Just explain to hubby that this is a "jump start" program that will show big results in as little as two weeks. It will also "condition" you to do the suggested stuff by his trainer. Plus, men and women have different bodies, never mind that each individual is different (body shape, fitness level, metabolism ...). If you can get through 30DS, you'll be able to do most anything, but this is a quick way to melt inches and increase stamina. Ask him to be patient and involve him with your goals. Have him take pictures and / or measurements for you. Take a minute and talk about your little successes (today I did 4 more push ups than yesterday, I was deeper on lunges this morning, ...) The biggest difference is with Jillian, you will lose inches!! And that is more gratifying that losing pounds!! If all else fails, get stubborn (in your head) and decide to show him (and yourself) that you CAN and WILL do this!! I hope you get his support, but even without it, making this commitment will show everyone how serious you are about changing your lifestyle. XOXO Just stick with it. Also, the sore legs -- yup, we've all had that. It will get better in a couple of days, do more stretching and keep moving. It seems to hurt more if you stay still, so maybe a little walk or bike ride to keep those muscles moving. Extra protein will help too.
    Thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much statia for wonderful advice.:flowerforyou: I actually talked to him in a calm manner today and asked for his support. I also showed him the video and said what you had taught me to '' jump-start program'' and he understood!!! :bigsmile:
    This forum has offered me so much support and I feel so wonderful being a part of it .... I love you all!!! I love you statia!!:heart:
    I took a rest on my supposed day 4 as I needed and I feel good right now with rest and hubby supporting!!

    Im glad we can all help you out :) we are always here for you xxx
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558

    OMG! :laugh: Everyone need to read this!! Monkey, careful cuz you're at work and co workers will look at you cuz you'll be laughing like a crazy person.

    Isha ~Glad to help out a fellow Shredder! Just keep on track, and hubby will be noticing your changes before you do. XOXO
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member

    OMG! :laugh: Everyone need to read this!! Monkey, careful cuz you're at work and co workers will look at you cuz you'll be laughing like a crazy person.

    Isha ~Glad to help out a fellow Shredder! Just keep on track, and hubby will be noticing your changes before you do. XOXO

    LMAO!!! omg thats funn!!!
  • Level One Day 4.

    This thing is getting easier! Still having trouble with the push ups but i'm pulling through! I can do WAY more now than I could do on day one! I can't believe how easy it is to get used to this workout and not be crippled the next day! After four days of this workout, I no longer ache immediately after or the next day from the workout, only during (no pain, no gain!) Also, another thing I have noticed is that I only stopped once today to catch my breath, compared to 3, 4, or 5 times in my previous workouts! The only thing i'm concerned about is that i'm constantly doing modified versions of the moves, I don't want to do this all the way through as I feel I won't get the best results if I continue that way :(

    Hope everyone is well!

  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Level One Day 4.

    This thing is getting easier! Still having trouble with the push ups but i'm pulling through! I can do WAY more now than I could do on day one! I can't believe how easy it is to get used to this workout and not be crippled the next day! After four days of this workout, I no longer ache immediately after or the next day from the workout, only during (no pain, no gain!) Also, another thing I have noticed is that I only stopped once today to catch my breath, compared to 3, 4, or 5 times in my previous workouts! The only thing i'm concerned about is that i'm constantly doing modified versions of the moves, I don't want to do this all the way through as I feel I won't get the best results if I continue that way :(

    Hope everyone is well!


    Congrats Jadie!!! You have made past the toughest part of the whole 30 days! From here, it does get easier. Don't worry about doing the modifications, they still work the body. Concentrate on good form and doing them properly for optimal burn (and safety). Can you just imagine how you're gonna feel in 30 days?? So now we're waiting until Isha gets to this point. We know she can do it, right?
  • Level One Day 4.

    This thing is getting easier! Still having trouble with the push ups but i'm pulling through! I can do WAY more now than I could do on day one! I can't believe how easy it is to get used to this workout and not be crippled the next day! After four days of this workout, I no longer ache immediately after or the next day from the workout, only during (no pain, no gain!) Also, another thing I have noticed is that I only stopped once today to catch my breath, compared to 3, 4, or 5 times in my previous workouts! The only thing i'm concerned about is that i'm constantly doing modified versions of the moves, I don't want to do this all the way through as I feel I won't get the best results if I continue that way :(

    Hope everyone is well!


    Congrats Jadie!!! You have made past the toughest part of the whole 30 days! From here, it does get easier. Don't worry about doing the modifications, they still work the body. Concentrate on good form and doing them properly for optimal burn (and safety). Can you just imagine how you're gonna feel in 30 days?? So now we're waiting until Isha gets to this point. We know she can do it, right?

    Thankyouu! :) I can't wait for these 30 days to be up, I will definitely be posting my measurements and my before and after pictures!

  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Level One Day 4.

    This thing is getting easier! Still having trouble with the push ups but i'm pulling through! I can do WAY more now than I could do on day one! I can't believe how easy it is to get used to this workout and not be crippled the next day! After four days of this workout, I no longer ache immediately after or the next day from the workout, only during (no pain, no gain!) Also, another thing I have noticed is that I only stopped once today to catch my breath, compared to 3, 4, or 5 times in my previous workouts! The only thing i'm concerned about is that i'm constantly doing modified versions of the moves, I don't want to do this all the way through as I feel I won't get the best results if I continue that way :(

    Hope everyone is well!


    Congrats Jadie!!! You have made past the toughest part of the whole 30 days! From here, it does get easier. Don't worry about doing the modifications, they still work the body. Concentrate on good form and doing them properly for optimal burn (and safety). Can you just imagine how you're gonna feel in 30 days?? So now we're waiting until Isha gets to this point. We know she can do it, right?

    Thankyouu! :) I can't wait for these 30 days to be up, I will definitely be posting my measurements and my before and after pictures!


    Cannot wait to see them!!
  • Level One, Day 5.

    Urghh, today's workout was horrible and disappointing! I really wanted to get into the workout but my mind wouldn't let me. I've had a lot of trouble with family these past few days and it's finally getting on top of me, probably the reason why I couldn't work out properly today. I was doing the moves but my mind was just elsewhere and my heart wasn't going into it. I hope I can pick myself up by tomorrow!

    Hope everyone is well! :)

  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Level One, Day 5.

    Urghh, today's workout was horrible and disappointing! I really wanted to get into the workout but my mind wouldn't let me. I've had a lot of trouble with family these past few days and it's finally getting on top of me, probably the reason why I couldn't work out properly today. I was doing the moves but my mind was just elsewhere and my heart wasn't going into it. I hope I can pick myself up by tomorrow!

    Hope everyone is well! :)


    aww hope your ok hun, if you need to have a rest day, you said you see your boyfriends on wednesdays right? that can be a rest day and get back into it thursday xxx
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Monkey's right, take a day off with the boyfriend. Then get your head back into 30DS.

    I think I'm back to doing my doubles, elbow seems to be pretty good. But I'm not risking using weights for about another week, just to be safe. :happy:
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Monkey's right, take a day off with the boyfriend. Then get your head back into 30DS.

    I think I'm back to doing my doubles, elbow seems to be pretty good. But I'm not risking using weights for about another week, just to be safe. :happy:
    Very sensible well done hun xxx
  • thiscanbedone
    thiscanbedone Posts: 73 Member
    Hello guys!!!
    I didn't do the 30 DS today after taking rest for well... 3 days.... :blushing: , visited in-laws sooo.....
    Yes statia I did it reached that point... :smile:
    also started yoga to help with soreness ... feels gooooood!!
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Isha ~ Personally, I find it harder to do 30 DS if I've missed a day or two. Hubby also told me that I'm grumpier if I don't workout! I hope you jump back into the routine before missing any more days. XOXO