C25K Starting 8/8- Open group for encouragement!



  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member

    for hills, i can give a bit of advice from personal experience. today was the first day my "monster hill" didn't even bother me (the first two times up). when you're going downhill the tendency is to lean back to brace and balance yourself. what you should do is lean forward. you don't want to lengthen your stride on a downhill because you could risk falling or injury. when i run up hill i do lengthen my stride just a bit and i also lean forward and get a bit lower. this enables me to move my legs more quickly with less effort and i am able to sort of slink uphill... i don't really know how to describe it better than that, but it takes much less effort than my normal jogging motion.

    I'm checking out the pacing link you gave me for music right now. Thank you for the stride advice. I feel really confused sometimes when I'm running. The stride thing doesn't come naturally to me.

  • brendalyne
    Rachel - YOU DID IT!!!! That is AWESOME! And a FANTASTIC TIME to boot! :drinker:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    RACHEL- YOU ARE AWESOME!!!! your time was incredible for your first race and i am SO impressed with the way you pushed yourself in that last mile. WAY TO GO GIRL! you have worked hard for this and you should give yourself a hearty pat on the back! that's what i call a successful run.

    i'm also glad you told me about the timing thing. i kinda wondered how that would work out. i know the faster runners should be out front, but it's nice to know your time doesn't start until you cross the starting line! :-)

    did you get your spa session in after the race?
  • Chill_10
    Chill_10 Posts: 16 Member
    finished w1d1 today and it burned a bit lol.. wasnt quite as easy as I initially thought it would be, but hey thats why I'm doing this to push myself. During my runs, I was running at about 6mph for the most part, pushed myself up to 6.5 and even 7 which is the fastest i've done on a treadmill.. I was proud of myself lol, but was pretty beat after I was done, burned 400 calories so that was awesome to see. I think there was a point in the 30 mins where all my leg muscles were hurting lol, from my ankle to my calves, hamstring and even groin lol.. I discovered that I tend to put more pressure on my right leg when I run, so i gotta try to find a way to combat that. Felt good when I was done though.

    And you dont have to worry bout me treating ariel good, haha I know I got a good one..
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    rachel: ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!! Sooo proud of you, that's awesome. You're definitely inspiration for me, because I've seriously been considering running a race after going through all this c25k.... Amazing job not only completing the race but completing your goal!!!

    J : got him hooked now i think - he did soooo good today on his first day running the c25k. he was already making it look soooo easy before he actually started - he's over there running at 6.0-6.5mph on the treadmill and i'm huffing at 5.5 lol.

    actually toned down my pace a bit after some advice from all of you lovely w2w'ers out there and i ran w4d1 today and the 5 minutes felt EASY. really glad i pushed so hard and ran 6mph last week because 5mph felt like a breeze. i think i'll up to 5.5 on day 2 and MAYBE 6 on day 3 if i can pull it off.

    brenda - hope your heel feels better. love the yoga idea - i always thought i'd feel and/or look pretty silly doing it myself lol. used to do a little of it when i had the kinect biggest loser game but then i'd just get frustrated if it wouldn't pick up my motions when i'd be doing everything :)
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Just decided since all these other groups have cute little signs and banners, that we needed one too!!
    So here it is! Lol.

    it's exactly the same pixel size as the weight loss tickers so feel free to use it if you'd like :)

    here's a direct link if you'd like to use
  • linbee83
    linbee83 Posts: 144
    Welcome Chill - Always welcome!

    I don't have time to really read through everyone's postings, but I will as soon as I can...so no other comments right now! I'm at work, and have to go work on the reference desk in about 10 minutes. So, I'll be quick. I tried to do w7, d1 yesterday...and failed! I had been having stomach problems all day (seems I'm lactose intollerant!), but decided to try anyway. Well, I did make it for 20 minutes, and felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest, not to mention the cramps got worse! So, I'm probably gonna start back at week 6, and see how I feel from there. No biggie, not too discouraged...after all, I did 20 minutes! Lol. Had a super busy weekend (family coming to town), so didn't get to the gym again...I feel so bad! But I did manage to lose another pound, so I'm not too upset!

    Keep on truckin everyone!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    ariel- i've been thinking we needed a nice logo but i didn't have time to put one together. that one is awesome!!! did you make it??? how does your fiancee feel about being a w2w with a woman's pic??? maybe you could make a "man" version for him? ;-)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    okay, i guess i need help here... i feel so old! how do i add the logo? i figured out how to make it a part of my ticker, but wasn't able to just copy it... please help! :blushing:
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    okay, i guess i need help here... i feel so old! how do i add the logo? i figured out how to make it a part of my ticker, but wasn't able to just copy it... please help! :blushing:
    me too. don't know how to do it.:sad:
  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member
    I am still here doing the C25K. I am just doing it at a much slower pace than most of you guys are. I actually went back and redid week1 and week 2 because I didn't I finished them up very well. Getting ready now to start week3. I been trying to do them just as they are but sometimes I have to modify it slightly because I am doing other workouts in addition to the C25K. I am determinded to do this!!
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    okay, i guess i need help here... i feel so old! how do i add the logo? i figured out how to make it a part of my ticker, but wasn't able to just copy it... please help! :blushing:
    me too. don't know how to do it.:sad:
    okay, i guess i need help here... i feel so old! how do i add the logo? i figured out how to make it a part of my ticker, but wasn't able to just copy it... please help! :blushing:

    what you do is you take this link http://i1085.photobucket.com/albums/j437/chillydesigns/signatures/W2W-1.jpg and put [IMG][/IMG] around it, but make sure the img is in lower case otherwise it wont show up..

    And yes, he brought that up last night, I plan to make one for the guys as well! :)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    I am still here doing the C25K. I am just doing it at a much slower pace than most of you guys are. I actually went back and redid week1 and week 2 because I didn't I finished them up very well. Getting ready now to start week3. I been trying to do them just as they are but sometimes I have to modify it slightly because I am doing other workouts in addition to the C25K. I am determinded to do this!!

    you know what i think??? i think you are even MORE awesome than the rest of us! you haven't given up just because it's a bit of a challenge... you're pushing yourself and getting through it! that is incredible and i'm so happy for you! :bigsmile: way to go! ... and by the way, your results are fabulous! you look wonderful in your new profile picture! keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:
  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member

    you know what i think??? i think you are even MORE awesome than the rest of us! you haven't given up just because it's a bit of a challenge... you're pushing yourself and getting through it! that is incredible and i'm so happy for you! :bigsmile: way to go! ... and by the way, your results are fabulous! you look wonderful in your new profile picture! keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:

  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    ariel- thanks! i got it! i guess you can teach an old dog new tricks!

    has anyone else noticed they aren't hungry the day they run, but the next day they're ravenous???? just wondered if i was the odd one out here....
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    ariel- thanks! i got it! i guess you can teach an old dog new tricks!

    has anyone else noticed they aren't hungry the day they run, but the next day they're ravenous???? just wondered if i was the odd one out here....

    Totally feel this - I definitely go back and forth between feeling like i need to stuff my face all day to other days where i feel completely satisfied even if i'm not eating up to my cal goal. :) glad the banner is working ok for you. definitely gotta start working on the other one, i hadn't really thought it thru the whole way until he was like hey now - why you gotta put just a girl on the banner??
    I am still here doing the C25K. I am just doing it at a much slower pace than most of you guys are. I actually went back and redid week1 and week 2 because I didn't I finished them up very well. Getting ready now to start week3. I been trying to do them just as they are but sometimes I have to modify it slightly because I am doing other workouts in addition to the C25K. I am determinded to do this!!

    The determination alone should make you feel good about yourself! Definitely don't feel bad about going back and re-doing it, I think the creators of C25K have even said to do it however it feels best for you. Just means you're gonna be doing it like an all-star!!! :D Good luck on week 3.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    It sounds like many of us are doing a fantastic job on race day. Good job Rachel!

    As for those of us just beginning, hang in there! I do NOT consider myself a runner and I did well during my first 5K in the spring. I'm doing the training now and hopefully I'll see an improved race time. I never in my life thought I'd be able to walk 3.1 miles, let alone jog or run them, but after just four weeks of training I'm finding it getting easier and easier.

    Could there be a hidden runner inside of me that I never knew about???

    I was annoyed at how lazy I was Friday-Monday. I didn't work out at all. The race is this weekend, so I'm tempted to push myself, but at the same time I know most people hold off the last few days before a big race.

    I compromised tonight and did Yoga. At least I got off my butt!*LOL*

  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    lol and after being brought to my attention to not forget any male runners we have in this group - i made a second banner thats a lot less girly than the first :)


    direct link - http://i1085.photobucket.com/albums/j437/chillydesigns/signatures/w2wm.jpg
  • brendalyne
    Yay - I got the banner to show up! Thanks for the explanation! I LOVE IT!

    I did manage to do some jogging this morning.....but the heel's still bothering me so I had to take a few breaks and walk a ways. I managed 30 minutes total. Unfortunately I feel like I've been hit over the head with a "tired stick"......I'm getting a cold and have a sore throat and just extremely tired! Feeling a bit more "wimpy" than "warrior" at the moment! :ohwell:

    AParker - As it turns out I'm doing this at my own pace too! I did week 7 for 2 weeks....and this week....well I'll just do what I can. I WILL finish it, but it's gonna take me longer too! No shame in that - - it's just the way it is! :tongue:

    Shannon - good luck on your upcoming race! All the W2W's will be cheering you on from a distance! :drinker:

    Keep trucking everyone! :heart:
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    :happy: HELP, I'm really not computer literate. I need step by step to get the W2W pic please. Just feel really daft.

    Anyway you guys are doing awsome with your running. I have to say though that i'm doing fab too. I managed 5k on the treadmill this morning in 32.56 mins,then had a minutes walk to recover and jogged slower to finish 8.8k in an hour. Still struggling with the outside running though. My friend has backed out of the half marathon we were going to sign up for much to my relief as i regretted saying yes as soon as i said it. Still gona keep up with the running though as strangely i never thought i would ever say this but i'm really enjoying it.

    Mom-hope your heel gets better soon, your doing fab going out on it though but be careful.

    Sweet13-princess- Good luck in the race at weekend, You need rest before a race so don't feel bad about having a few rest days.