VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • krm0789
    krm0789 Posts: 134 Member
    Hello everyone and happy Monday!
    I'm beating myself up today after indulging in too much wine last night so hoping sharing some weight loss wisdom will be my penance. A couple reccos:

    Have you all tried Tofu shirotaki noodles? They are a GREAT stand in for pasta, super filling and the calories are negligible. When i am really hungry, I made a big bowl of "Fettuccine Girlfredo" (w w w. and I'm stuffed but stayed on track.

    Secondly, I built myself a great 'girl power' play list for the gym. It keeps me motivated to finish and makes a big difference on the treadmill! I'd be happy to share the list of songs if anyone is interested.

    have a great week everyone!

    Interesting, where do you find those noodles? I'd love it if you'd post your playlist, I'm so over mine!
  • duramater27
    duramater27 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Folks,

    Can I join the crew? I'm 5'2"! Been doing the 30 day shred and jogging in place while watching TV (too time constrained and frugal to go the the gym). Did some bike riding before it started the getting-darker-earlier thing, and I walk the dog too. The shred is my hardest workout, and I anticipate moving to Ripped in 30 when I'm done the shred.

    SW: 133
    CW: 128
    GW: 115
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I recognize you from the 30 day shred! Of course you are welcome!

    I'm going to be doing Jillian Michaels Shred It DVD next. Its a kettlebell workout (and I have one) so I'm thinking it will be fun.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Welcome New Members!

    I would like everyone to fill out the roster as you feel comfortable. On the top of the roster we have four names in red, which are the lovely co-leaders in no particular order.

    Not everyone has to participate in the challenges. However, I would love for everyone to still provide at least their profile name. In addition, to separate those who are participating and those who are not, I would like for people participating to highlight their name in blue, while people not participating highlight their name in purple. Our first challenge is to lose 3 lbs by Oct. 14, as the challenge began Sept. 14. Thank you and welcome!
  • jackshortstack
    jackshortstack Posts: 19 Member
    The Shirotaki noodles are all over the place - i get mine in whole foods but they are typically with the tofu in most grocery stores. They are in a bag suspended in water - a little spongy feeling but worth getting used to for all the calories you save and all the great recipes.

    Some of my favorite new workout songs:

    "Not Myself Tonight" = Christina Aguilera
    "I am Woman" - Jordin Sparks
    "Mr Saxobeat" - Paulette
    "F*ckin Perfect (Remix)"
    Keeps Getting Better (remix)"
    "Gimme More (workout remix)
    The Edge of Glory - Lady Gaga

  • JTThomas
    JTThomas Posts: 69 Member
    Help! I feel like I'm sabotaging myself...I have been faithful to my health goals for the past two weeks or so (allowing in my calories for some treats on weekends) and then a couple of days ago...I just stopped! I don't really know why I's like all of a sudden I have no drive to work out and I want to eat every bad thing in site even when I don't really want it... help! I need some advice. The only positive thing that I continued is that I logged into myfitnesspal everyday.

    Are you being realistic in your health goals? Maybe you need to set smaller goals that are more achievable and less punishing? I haven't looked at your profile to see what you're aiming at - so I'm not sure if that advice would help or not. But if you are being too strict that may be setting you up to rebel against it....people say this is a lifestyle thing and I know there is contention over that but, in reality we all want to make changes that last. That means they need to be something we can incorporate AND stick to, the more different from your norm the less that is likely to happen. You'll burn yourself out. Some things really do need 'baby steps'.

    I have a whole arsenal of things that spur me on, even if I feel I'm lagging. I have a photo, an account of how I felt in the height of summer when I was sweltering and uncomfortable, I have a coat I'm wanting to get into, I have a double chin that stares back at me in the mirror, I have jeans I'm eyeing up right now! What is it that made you start this journey? Think back on it and how important it felt at the time.

    Most of all - don't play down your acheivement to date!! It took guts to start, followed by good, hard work to get where you are now, don't forget that. Don't un-do what you have done. All that will happen then is that your self-esteem will take a hit. Don't do that to yourself.

    Re-evaluate, re-set and then re-start. Also, two days is nothing. It's not a tragedy to ease off for two days, it only becomes a tragedy when you allow it to continue. You are worth more than that.

    You know the saying - the only obstacles in your way are those you put there yourself. Find out what it is that's making you put those obstacles there and work on yourself to remove them.

    I would have to agree with all of this and also add that this isn't a quick fix even though I am sure everyone wishes it was, including myself. You will have slips, dips, and falls but that doesn't mean to give up or you're a horrible person, or you're not worthy. We are all learning and it takes times.
    Unfortunately because we don't have the metabolism of a teenager this is something we will have to keep up for the rest of our lives and because of that most likely we will have a time where we just lose focus, want to give up, or think why am I doing this? This is normal... the only difference we have to make is to keep going. Like already said re-evaluate your goals and maybe start off slower and also DO NOT downplay what you have done already. It's a step in the right direction.

    Thanks so much ladies...your words of wisdom really made me feel better. You'll also never believe what else really made me feel so much better--working out! Once I worked out today it was like I shook myself out of that funk and remotivated myself. You all are right that this is a life change and I have to cut myself some slack sometimes and then keep moving forward.
  • npostma
    npostma Posts: 33
    Count me in!
    SW 165
    CW 156
    GW 125

    Nicole :)
  • jmessina205
    jmessina205 Posts: 190 Member
    I was excited to find this thread.Im 5'3 and right now 150. (170 at my heaviest) Since I'm short I seem to carry all my weight in the middle. If I tell people my weight then they usually tell me I dont need to lose any more, but I really cant stand this muffin top any more!!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    JT: I started doing weights, cut back on my fat %, and upped my protein. Honestly, I believe just weight training with chalean extreme videos at home is what helped me. To get you kick started, find a pair of pants that you want to fit into again, or a picture of what you want to look like again, or read other's success stories. Hope you get kick started again!

    pinky: so glad you're getting the compliments, way to go!

    MrsBlobs: I love your posts, they're inspiring. Thank you.

    shortstack: love the girl power playlist, awesome idea. Thanks for sharing the list of songs
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    I'm 115!! This was my initial goal weight, though now I'm thinking I can go lower.
    My dreamiest goal is to be toned up, to look healthy and strong. So I'm lifting weights to help achieve this goal. It's something I've never done before, but I'm loving it and just two weeks ago was stuck at a 3 week plateau, and now at my initial goal weight.

    I love how this site inspires me out of my comfort zone into a new and exciting realm, and dreaming of things I never thought possible!

  • schmorla
    schmorla Posts: 77 Member
    So happy to have found this thread.

    I'm 5'2 and 131 at the moment. Goal weight is 110.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Welcome to all! This group is open so all are welcome to come in.

    We have a little rosta here

    Feel free to add yourself and whatever details you want. There is a challenge running at the moment up until the 14th to lose 3lbs (bit of an ask now), those that are participating are asked to highlight blue.

    Can I remind everyone taking part to update their losses as they happen or we'll start harassing you as it comes up to the 14th (in the nicest possible way obviously :happy: ) 10 days to go!!

    There are some that are SOOOO close, 10 days ladies, you can do it!!!!!!
  • schmorla
    schmorla Posts: 77 Member
    I've just added myself.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    I've just added myself.

    Nice one!1 Good to have you x
  • georgiehopper
    georgiehopper Posts: 15 Member
    I'm barely 5'1" and we shorties are unique! I don't have much weight to drop, but it's those last few pounds that are the hardest..especially for us.
  • georgiehopper
    georgiehopper Posts: 15 Member
    Boredom at the gym is a sign that it's time to change it up. What is your current workout? List what you do and then we can go from there.
  • Babygirl082578
    Babygirl082578 Posts: 44 Member
    Boredom at the gym is a sign that it's time to change it up. What is your current workout? List what you do and then we can go from there.

    I can post some stuff. I did a Woman's only bootcamp early in the summer and they send out a newsletter with some fun workouts. I am trying to figure out a way to include them in my running plan bc that takes up a good bit of time now.
  • Babygirl082578
    Babygirl082578 Posts: 44 Member
    -4 rounds of Bodyweight Exercises A-D

    -Do exercises A-D Nonstop
    with the prescribed number of reps for each round.

    -Rest 1 minute between rounds.

    Round 1
    A) Alternating lunges x 10 Reps each leg
    B) Push ups x 10 Reps (modified on your knees is OK)
    C) Dumbbell shoulder press x 10 Reps
    D) Squats press x 10 Reps

    Round 2
    A) Alternating lunges x 15 Reps each leg
    B) Push ups x 15 Reps (modified on your knees is OK)
    C) Dumbbell shoulder press x 15 Reps
    D) Squats press x 15 Reps

    Round 3
    A) Alternating lunges x 20 Reps each leg
    B) Push ups x 20 Reps (modified on your knees is OK)
    C) Dumbbell shoulder press x 20 Reps
    D) Squats press x 20 Reps

    Round 4
    A) Alternating lunges x 25 Reps each leg
    B) Push ups x 25 Reps (modified on your knees is OK)
    C) Dumbbell shoulder press x 25 Reps
    D) Squats press x 25 Reps

    Optional: Take a 30 minute jog or walk after workout.
  • cindy0716
    cindy0716 Posts: 135
    going to join in; just found this group from another message topic.
  • Hi everyone! I'm so happy that a supportive poster pointed me in this direction!! I'm 5'0" and 139.5 pounds. I've done all the diet drugs, fad diets, starvation - and now I'm trying to actually look at what I eat and exercise. I'm excited to join!