30 Day Shred for October



  • ChefLauraD
    This is just what I was looking for!! I just bought the dvd today!! SO excited to get started!!
  • Kayres2011
    Did day one 30 ds today kicked my butt but I felt great after! Can't wait to see how I feel after 30 days!
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    Well guys, I'm dropping out - my leg injury has resurfaced and I can't do the cardio parts any more, but good luck to all of you!
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    Well guys, I'm dropping out - my leg injury has resurfaced and I can't do the cardio parts any more, but good luck to all of you!

    I'm so sorry to hear that but ya have to take care of yourself. Hope you heal quickly.
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    Did day one 30 ds today kicked my butt but I felt great after! Can't wait to see how I feel after 30 days!

    I will be doing day 3 later. how? I have no clue as my body is sore! :) Hope you don't feel it like I did after tomorrow. Oh, yay, for day 1 keep it up!!
  • kagome5555
    kagome5555 Posts: 35 Member
    I just started yesterday! Add me :) we'll keep each other motivated
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    Finished L1D6 tonight, feeling more than ready to move on! Enough with the side lunges, over them :)
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Day 4 DONE!! Whew, tough stuff man. The side lunges are killer. I know that I didn't miss them in L2 last time I did this video. So I can't wait for day 11 when we move to level 2. Hope you are all well and shredding it!!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Well I skipped yesterday but did my day 3 today. I'm glad I gave my body the rest, I haven't been sleeping well and school has been super busy! Along with my day 3 I also did a C25K run today, so it's been good! :) I am struggling with the jump rope part of the cardio-but today I did not struggle with the butt kicks woo! I'm going to try to move up to real pushups tomorrow too.
  • librarynerd81
    librarynerd81 Posts: 61 Member
    Day 4 done. My butt was so sore at work today. I had a mental debate on the way home from work (at 9:30 tonight) about whether or not I should do the workout. I had decided I was going to skip today, but when I walked in the door I wouldn't let myself sit down until I did the workout. I'm glad I did. :happy:
  • Iwillshyne
    D3L1 completed today and I am a big ball of pain! I love it tho...it hurts so gooood!
  • healthyzebra
    Tonight I ate a really large dinner - around 500 calories, consisting of basa fish and tofu and grilled veggies and I ate meat for the first time in almost a year! (I went vegetarian then pescetarian and now finally I'm allowing white/lean meats back into my diet.) I'm changing my eating because I'm realizing that if I want to get my protein from now on (which definitely helps me feeling full!) then I'm going to have to start eating at least some meat again.

    I'm super full still, but it's been almost two hours, and I think I'm ready to do today's workout. On the menu is the 30DS and then 30 - 40 minutes of POP Pilates or calisthenics - today is a strength training day. I really don't want to, but I will anyways. I'll come back and update in a bit! (:
  • tammalicious30
    Just finished Day 3. I started this a few weeks ago, made it to Day 2 and slacked after being sore. Guess I hit a mini goal this week LOL! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • jessjayla
    I'm in! I've been doing this dvd on and off for awhile, but haven't been following any schedule with it lately so it will be good to get back in the swing of doing it daily again. I don't think I push myself hard enough tho, as I don't usually get sore after the 30ds- even level 3. If I do say, Jillians "No More Trouble Zones" which is a 45 min wrkout mostly with weights, I at least feel it the next day so I feel like I did something. Not sure if I need to up my weights to 5lbs for the 30ds or just try and push harder and concentrate more on getting deeper into the movements. Is it necessary to be sore to have had a good workout?
  • kjenelle
    kjenelle Posts: 61 Member
    Joined Mar 2011
    Posts: 5
    Tue 10/04/11 11:47 PM
    I'm in! I've been doing this dvd on and off for awhile, but haven't been following any schedule with it lately so it will be good to get back in the swing of doing it daily again. I don't think I push myself hard enough tho, as I don't usually get sore after the 30ds- even level 3. If I do say, Jillians "No More Trouble Zones" which is a 45 min wrkout mostly with weights, I at least feel it the next day so I feel like I did something. Not sure if I need to up my weights to 5lbs for the 30ds or just try and push harder and concentrate more on getting deeper into the movements. Is it necessary to be sore to have had a good workout?

    I say no, but I prefer to feel the burn and know I worked out. Especially when like today when everything went to the crapper!
  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145
    wow is my but sore lol.

    Just curious is everyone doing one day off? Or are you all pushing through with no breaks?
  • ricanstace
    I'm pushing through with no breaks. Finished d4 L1 today, and not as sore as before. I can actually sit down without pain.
  • Chelsea_Marinos
    Chelsea_Marinos Posts: 62 Member
    Im planning to push through with no breaks but if something comes up i think it will be ok to miss a day here and there. I had a really hard time being motivated to day... didnt do 30 ds until around 10:30pm and I ate terrible during the day but not a ton (didnt got over my net calories) but i feel so gross now even after doing the work out yuck! I need to be a little healthier tomorrow! but i dont feel as sore as before is that okay? also I havent felt much in my abs mostly legs and a tiny bit in the arms.. I like that its short it made it possible for me to do it today because i told my self its just thirty minutes come on you got this..
  • healthyzebra
    So I've just finished all my working out for the day - I'm noticing that for some reason I prefer working out in the late evening. It also definitely helps control the cravings I have during the night. If I exercise at 8pm, I notice that I don't feel nearly as hungry, and I can just have a quick protein shake or something light before bed and be all good in the morning.

    I finished Day 6 of Level 1, and I'm pleased to note that while my butt is still getting kicked, it's not getting kicked as much. (: However, I've been noticing that I haven't been sore either - I was extremely sore after Day 1, but not anymore. I don't think it's because I'm not pushing myself, because today on top of the 30DS I did my daily 30 minute walk, 2 POP Pilates videos focusing on my arms/shoulders (basically calisthenics - the videos are pretty tough!) as well as 20 minutes of free weights / strength training. I only used my 2lb weights, but I did 3 sets of 20 to make up for that, and focused on good form. I noticed that I can feel like a limp noodle after the workout, but I'm not sore the next day - that's just how I've always been. My arms/abs have never once gotten sore - only my legs seem to. (Although when they're sore, they are SORE.)

    In any case, feeling pretty content with the amount of exercise I did today, but feel like I slacked a bit still. Strength training is so new to me - I still much prefer cardio. x)
  • lolomichelle13
    lolomichelle13 Posts: 56 Member
    Completed L1D3 last night. I am able to do more of the modified push-ups now, and feel like I have decent form with them. Maybe in a couple days I'll be ready to get thru the real push-ups, or at least get started. I still cannot use the weights the entire time I do the side lunge with shoulder lift/presses. But once I put them down, I am still doing the lifts and it STILL hurts so I feel like I am workin' it still. My boyfriend gave me lighter weights to use, so I am not struggling through all the strength with the 8lb weights I had. My arms have been KILLING me because of the 8 lbs weights.. was really feeling it in my upper forearm, lower bicep. Glad I took Monday off to give them a rest!

    L1D4 tonight!! :)