Shape up with the Daily HEET!



  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey Julie, sorry just getting with you, I say 16 cautions, DH says 12. , dinner was good, those fajitas rock!!!!! Big hit with the whole family, preparation timely but worth it! So we're at 158 laps....who will it be...........

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Its 8 laps and 8th caution and that stupid Busch is in the lead..............urggggggggggg
    Who will it be......:drinker:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Are they just gonna run time out or what, I'm on the edge of my seat, Come On My Man, let's take it HOME>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>go man go...........anyone but Busch..........
    Debbie:drinker: :blushing: :drinker: :blushing: :drinker: :blushing: :love: :smokin: :drinker:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :drinker: And stupid wins it!!!! Was a good race day, we'll hang in with the boys and see what happens next week!!!!

    Well family is calling me away to go for our walk, then we'll be back as we settle in for the night and the new week ahead.


    P.S. Emailed Lucy, have yet to see her here yet, hopefully she too will follow!!!
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Ugh! At least it was Kyle and not Kurt! Not that I'm happy about it...just taking the less of the two evils, in my mind. DH is becoming a Kyle Convert. I told him it's gonna take some time for him to earn my respect. But he is pretty racey!

    Enjoy your walk. I switched channels on the TV and turned on the TV music channels. Got some country playing now. I still haven't eaten yet. DH mowed on it, 2 helpings. I'm drinking a few beers and not ready to eat just yet but DH said everything was great.

    Just realized I haven't done my taxes yet...and the 15th is approaching quickly. I need to make that a priority for next week. I usually do them as soon as I get all my paperwork. I'm becoming a terrible procrastinator when it comes to office work...

    Cindy...have you eaten your cabbage rolls yet? Probably not...there's a time difference between us that I forget about. I'm thinking an hour??? It's pushing 6pm here right now...

    Bebe...are you home from work yet? What is your time difference between us? I have no idea. You're always the early bird. I need to Google Bahama's and Florida time and find out.

    So, just a thought I had earlier while pulling everything together for dinner. Tomorrow is Monday. I'm gonna call it Measure Monday. I do pretty good at visualizing because I cook so much BUT, I always like to *refresh* my memory every 4-5 weeks or so. You'd be surprised how fast 1 Cup or 1 Tablespoon of something can get away from you. I'm pulling out the measuring utensils again, here and at the office (I keep a spare set of measuring utensils and a cheap scale at the office) just to help keep myself in check. So who's in? Measure It Monday...

    I'll check back later...
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi everyone, Julie that's so funny you mentioned taxes. I just did mine today. LOL I didn't make the cabbage rolls. My neighbor who is also a dear friend came over with a problem she is having and she stayed most of the day . I'm making turkey taco salad. Yummo. I'll make the cabbage rolls tomorrow. I have had a leisurly day. No 3 mile watp today. I will take my 2 mile walk tonight though. I was carrying 2 pound weights on the walk but tonight I'll use 3 pounders. Julie , I don't trust myself to eye ball things. I measure everything. I have a food scale and measuring cups and spoons a plenty. It's good that every once in a while you refresh your measurment skills. I think it's so easy to add a few calories here and there through the day that add up to 100's of calories. Yep I'm an hour behind you Julie. It's 5.30 here. Debbie have a great walk. ttfn--- Cindy
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi There Heeters; well family and I are back from our venture, I walked 3,260 steps. :smile:

    So relaxing a bit then bathtime and t.v. time and turning in early tonight hopefully :)

    Hope you are all having a good weekend. I am anxious for another week. Going into my 8 wk. of healthy living and I am feeling good and ready for those scales and the tape measure this week.

    Julie, what did you decide on for dinner today? I know you made potato salad and talked about wings, did you do something with the spinach? Yes, we are seasoned heeters we are, LOL

    Cindy how did dinner out go for you, and what did you decide on? Good for you bebe, focus focus girly....

    Wonderland, so so glad your here, and Amahlman good of you to join us here.

    Listened to a little Dione Warwick today and the Eagles, yesterday was Eric Clapton and Stevie Wonder, daughter and I were dancin around and having a good time. She is lovin her "new mom" as she calls me, kids are so funny. I said, "what was ever wrong with the old one, and she says, well the new one has "A new Attitude", that cracks me UP!!!!! Respect Yourself, nah nah nah nah nah, Respect Yourself, ah ah ah ah you all ......Debbie .........................OUT
  • dewmore
    dewmore Posts: 4
    you guys are killing me with all the sun i live in new york and it's still really cold no open pools till the end of may. enjoy the sun
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey Dew.....sorry to hear cold in NYC.....we will try to send some sunshine your way!!! Good to see you here.

    Hey the other day we were talking about motivation and many have ask me in the msg. boards I belong to this week, how I stay so on coarse. Aside from keeping a Positive Attitude I believe what has been a big help to me is Keeping Organized and designating each day for something special and program directed, so I am constantly reminding myself of what's most important to me....Losing Weight and Enjoying Life.
    So here's an example of my days of the week:
    Managable Mondays: this is my day to journal my thoughts, what I did well and what I can improve upon, plan menus for the week and post them on my refrigerator, set mini goal for the week, weigh in and once a month measure myself

    Temptation Tuesday: this is the day I set aside and have that craving -perhaps I want beef, lasagna, pizza, tacos, I will have it (healthy version of coarse), and satisfy that guilty pleasure in a fun way.

    Wacky Wednesday: for others that know me well, this is my ME Day, when I take 1 hr out of my day for something that is just for ME. Pedicure, paint my nails, do my hair, read, sew, embroidery, crochet, whatever makes me feel happy.

    To Do Thursday: clean house, catch up laundry, weekend planning, coupon clipping, shopping list

    Finally Friday: TGIF...."Family Fun Night"~we as a family have a cook-out, movie night, board game or card night, whatever the family wants to do together!!!

    Simply Saturday.....simple pleasures....simple tasks.....

    Sensable Sunday....sensable eating for sensational results at the scales on Monday :)......

    When I began my journey it was a bit overwhelming and I had to designate days to keep focusing on the plan and what I really want for myself-so I have found that what motivates me and has helped me the most is these days of the week that are personal to me...

    So if you have been struggling, feeling overwhelmed or bored in your journey....think about all the fun we had while putting on the unwanted pounds, we have to make it equally if not more fun and inviting to us to take it OFF....So adopt my days, or make up your own........use charts, journals, post its notes, maps, whatever it is your working towards and will keep you focused.

    Let's all think about what motivates us to stay on track? What does that inside voice tell you? Are you Listening? Is it sensable listening, or selective listening? Just something to think about going into a new week!!!
    Hope this inspires and motivates you a little and gives you the encouragement you need or was looking for :love: Debbie
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    OoooH! OoooH! Cindy!! I've been meaning to mention this...but my little pea brain gets careful walking with those hand weights. DH was walking with them, back in the day (2007-2008 when we went on our full-on health kick). He's thin, blessed with the Athletic Build, but he wanted to get more *In Shape*. He bought a set of 5# hand weights and every day he would walk the beach during his lunch. Within 2 weeks he was noticing pain in his back, lower and upper, and neck area. (Side note...DH is from Utah and was a Back Country Skiier and Mountain Hiker - he knows when his body is not feeling right.) We both went on line researching it. We both found many articles that had the same thing to say. Walking with weights throws the natural curvature of you spine off. Your arms are there for a reason, to keep *your* natural balance. The weights can throw that off. I'm not saying "Don't" do it, I'm just saying, if you notice any kind of stress, pain or discomfort, put the weights down! DH did immediately and found his walks to be much more comfortable and beneficial. He was able to go further, faster and had no more discomfort. And, he trimmed down quite nicely I might add, wink, wink! know what...It's been long enough. I'm just gonna say it. Something I have never admitted publicly in any way, shape, or form. The only people that know are his family, my family, the people I work/volunteer with and my neighbor across the street who watches out for me and I for her (2 single chicks.) DH and I met on the internet. It was Christmas break 2005 (My 2 week shutdown.) I was sitting here alone, all the festivities were done, family and friends were gone and I was bored. 2 weeks during the holidays can be a long time when you live alone and have done so for many years.. So...I went to a Chat Room online. Scary for me because believe it or not, I'm *horribly* shy in real life (Yes, seriously! Talk about a Wall-Flower!). But I was using it as a way challenge myself, break out of that mold I had been living in for so long. So, I started conversing with this girl from Maine or Massachusettes. Somewhere that was really cold, frigid and getting oodles of snow. We were joking that I would come to her house for a "holiday dinner" and she would come here when the weather turned warm. In the midst of this conversation "Xplorenc" logs on. No words were exchanged between the two of us the first night or two but I was intrigued by the name, just a strange kind of fascination with the user name. A couple nights later, turns out it was a *guy* and he sends me a private message. To make a long story short, he thought I was still living in Michigan because of all the "snow" comments I made to the girl in the frigid north, sitting here at my computer with my windows wide open, wearing a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants and my irrigation system running. (I was doing this late in to the night when my sprinklers would come on automatically.) and he thought I was some poor helpless girl that needed help, LOL! Well, believe me, I set him straight real quick. I was not some helpless chick in the frigid north but we continued our Private Messaging. It quickly turned to Instant Messaging and within a few weeks, he flew here from Utah to celebrate my 40th birthday which is February 16th. In a matter of weeks, between December 25th and February 16th, we were both hooked. He was here for 4 days. Flew in on a Thursday and left on a Sunday (that was his first NASCAR race, btw!). As soon as he got back home he started making plans to move here. It took him 3 full days to drive cross-country from Utah to Florida in his Suburban towing his work trailer. I had an extra Nextel phone from work that I mailed him and we kept in touch the entire time except when he went through a long dead patch in Wyoming. I took my map book to work and would monitor his progress and check in every hour or so. During the night, especially as he got closer and I knew the route by heart, all the way through Kentucky, Tennesse and Alabama, I walked him through it. Minute by minute. all the way from Chatanooga through Atlanta. His arrival time couldn't have been more perfect. I got off work at 4:00 and he arrived at 4:30. Pulling down the street looking like something out of the Beverly Hillbillies. Big, jacked up Suburban (a mountain grinding truck), big red canoe on top and a towing a work trailer to boot. It was April 1st, 2006.

    We both talk about it often, still to this day. We are always referring back to the "Internet Days" and who said what (Ask me someday about the band Guess Who....sound like a Laurel and Hardy have NO idea, LOLOL!) How strange were the circumstances that made it all happened and yet, how perfect it all was. The timing. How bizarre the circumstances were. Neither one of us lookiing for a partner and yet finding something so wonderful. We are not *legally* married. Not in the eyes of the state. But, we both wear bands and I sport some pretty nice "Bling". He feels a little more pressure than I do to "do it legally" but I'm not ready. But he knows I'm committed to him so he cuts me some slack.

    Neither one of us are quite sure when to celebrate our anniversay. We seem to have so many. But it's always sometime between Christmas, my birthday, April when he moved here and the following March when we exchanged rings. So...I'm somewhere in the midst of my anniversary!

    And now we have the boat. The name XPloreNSea was my idea. My take-off of his first internet name. Pretty ingenious, huh!??

    And this post has taken me hours to write. It's been a struggle to put in to the words I did but I feel it's time to just let it out. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I'm a conservative girl and have always stuck to my conservative roots. I know my choice was true because my dad and step-mom love him and even though there is great distance between myself and his parents (who spent a week with us over a year ago) we seem to have a deep respect and love for each other. Not to mention his grown children, 2 of which have spent time here and a Sister and her husband. They all seem to like me OK. So, again I say, it's All good.

    Thank you for allowing me to share this piece of my life. Thank you for making me *comfortable* enough to do so. Maybe now I can tell perfect strangers, "Yeah! I did that, too!" I doubt it, LOL, but maybe someday...

    Tomorrow is Measure Monday...pull those measuring tools out!

    Nitey Nite HEETers!
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Julie......what a wonderful love story...and your living the life...congrats to both of you.
    I understand your reservations for sharing but I am so glad you did. Golly girl, think back to my most recent confession and all I have gone through. I really did question afterwards, (why did I tell her, what will she think of me now, my golly we've only just met), but ya know...I have always been an open book....its not easy but its who I am. It can be risky sometimes, never knowing what people will think, but I am a Risk Taker.

    I truly am happy for you and thank you so very much for sharing, you made my day!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Love ya like a sistah!!!:wink:
  • blackchick38
    good am guys sorry for MIA yesterday,had to cook for the week.running late for work woke up late,i hate mondays.i need to get a laptop so i can surt at wrk,but not in the budget as yet.went on the scale this am and weighed 216,i dont want to see 220 again.of to the showe.will catch up later
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Good Monday Morning Heeters..........How is everyone this morning? Well up and at it with my cup of tea and working on this Manageable Monday as I call it!!! Planning, Journalling, Tracking, you all know the drill.

    Hey now how is this for some NEWS., got on the scales and Maintained!!!!
    Got out the Tape Measure and .......are you ready?...........DOWN 12 5/8 inches since last month

    I know when the inches Fall so too will the we are hangin in there!!!!

    Here's Today's Quote: "Believe you can and you're half way there"....Theodore Roosevelt

    Bebe....hang in there...when you start to fall, tie a knot and hang on!!!!! I've got my safety net ready!!!

  • lucyfan2009
    Hi Everyone! Gosh it is so good to be back with my buds! :happy: This smiley face does nothing to show how glad I am that we are in a new spot. thanks to Debbie for emailing me!!! When the other place got dropped it left me in a tailspin for a while. a part of me was was wierd. anyway, I don't want to talk about my weight right now. I don't think I'm in a good spot and I just want to eat everything...but today is a new day and I can DO THIS!!!!

    I'm at work so I can't post much right now, but now that I know where everyone is and "I'm home" I will see everyone back here later!

    Lucy :smooched:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    ((Super Big Hugs)) to Lucy. I'm SOO glad you found us!! I'm also at the office and don't have time to post. I just finished logging my food and wanted to see who was here. I'll see you all in the afternoon!
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Heeters, good afternoon to you all!!!! made it, heeter hugs to you and Welcome dear friend...your gonna love the "fresh start", this is a wonderful site and its such a great feeling.

    ~~~~Waving to Julie~~~~Bebe~~~~Cindy~~~~and all that follow.

    Hey girls......I have alot of time on my hands....and was reading the message boards today and got a new idea for a group here in motivation so not bailing on you just expanding....the possibilities

    Everyone today in the boards are focusing on those daggone scales and ya know how they aren't always good to us....even when we have been so good all week long.

    So I have began a new group here.......Inches Away!! Here on this board we will use the Tape Measure as our guide. We will also talk about Portion Control and Weighing and Measuring as it can get away from us, and it can sneak in some unconscious calories, (you know, when we eye ball and think, yeah that's about a cup of this, or tablespoon of that), so I hope that as you are making new discoveries you will share and come their when you have the time and make you contributions.

    Ticker Factory has a new ticker.......for waist watching....(trimming the inches), thought it was cute to make and add to the you may want to check it out when joining the group.

    I promise to stay true here...Debbie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Everone. I'm finally back online. It's been super windy here and my wifi does not like the wind. Julie thanks for the tip on the weights. I have read that too. How you and your hubby met is so touching. I love a good love story. :O) My dh and I went to school together from 4th grade through graduation. We were next door neighbors. I'm 35 years old and I've been with him since I was 19 years old. We've been married since 1995. The cabbage rolls are in the crockpot now. They smell so yummy. Debbie you start so many great groups. You are so motivating. Anyone doing anything differant diet wise this week? The scale didn't move this morning. I ate 1,500 calories a day all last week . I burned 900 calories Monday-Saturday and 400 on Sunday. I never believed in that starvation mode thing or eating your exercise calories. I am rethinking that. I always thought if you have alot to lose like I do that eating low calories and exercising was the way to go. I mean like 1,200-1,500 calories and exercise all you want . I never heard of eating back exercise calories until I joined this site. So,, I'm going to try upping my calories to 1,700 a day. Have a great day everyone! Cindy
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey there Heeters, good to hear from you Cindy. Thanks for the compliment. I just believe that one site or board can begin to cover all the tools and all the subject matter than is involved in this journey of good health. actually I don't think I could stay on coarse as well or even for as long if it weren't for the people on the msg. boards that so express all that I am feeling, and truly understand this journey and what it means.

    So when I need that added motivation I turn to the groups and I see myself in the words of others, I find the strength, or it sparks a hope, or triggers a thought or past learning to share and it inspires me to keep going.

    I went and logged food items in the other day and was freaking out when it kept creating new windows on its own, I thought my computer was going to crash, I couldn't make it stop and had to shut it down and run some scans. I told DH this thing can't crash.....I'll be a failure for sure. I need my buddies or I'll never make it. He said, will be okay..I said you don't understand....this is what is keeping me going, the group, my friends, tracking the whole thing. He said, I know and you have it in you to do it, and we'll make sure you keep in touch. Well we rebooted and we're fine now, but oh how I was stressing. But. alot of truth was in those feelings, I was speaking what I truly feel inside, I am doing it because I have the support I need and I'm in it to Win IT.

    Thanks for allowing me to share :happy: Debbie
  • hazelmichling
    Hi there gals. I just read through the journal entries and I want to say CONGRATULATIONS to all of you.
    I agree with your group name HEET is a great one and it is already motivating me to stay on track.

    Recently introduced to MFP and really don't quite understand how it all works, but will give it a whirl.

    It seems like you are a great bunch of gals with a wonderful outlook on life and I believe, this is a great place for me to join in. So, here I am.

    You will have to help me on your formats and how to get a ticker tape. Those are soooo cute.

    My screen name is TexasTea1216 aka Hazel.

    Have a great day and look forward to getting your daily motivations to get me going in the right direction.
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey Hazel!! Great Big Welcome to the HEET! I'm still at the office but getting ready to bug out. I'll catch you all in a little bit when I get home...
