DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Wednesday's goal -
    exercise - done
    food - good at fruits/veggies, but over on calories (midnight snack)

    exercise - done (2 hour back ride!!)
    food - My new goal was to make sure that I ate & drank enough before exercising. I did better today and didn't get light-headed while bike riding.

    exercise - at least 40 mnts
    food - Eat throughout the day -- don't skip meals.
    Challenges - I will probably be tired from today's ride!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Lana-Good Job Yesterday! I need to go on a bike ride, it was so fun the last time I went.

    FITNESS: Strength Training & Stretch~Done!
    DIET: Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium Goal & 5 fruits/veggies~Done!

    FITNESS: 7 miles of Exercise
    DIET: Stay Under Cals & 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: I always have a hard time staying under cals over the weekend
  • wendyc122005
    .8 lbs to 50! Seem my zig zag is working! Within 5 lbs of my Thanksgiving goal so I think I am going to re-assess. :)
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    met goals - did a good job eating throughout the day

    Saturday (Oct. 1)
    met all goals - took a great bicycle ride to the Balloon Fiesta and ate well

    Sunday (Oct. 2)
    Did not do well. I didn't eat much during the day, and ended up eating a lot of junk at night. I did get exercise, but was over my calories for the day. I did eat 5 fruits/veggies.

    Monday (Oct 3) goals
    DIET: Eat balanced throughout the day and stay under MFP goal.
    EXERCISE: at least 40 mnts
    CHALLENGE: I might feel tired from today's flu shot. If I do, I will take it easy.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @Wendy - Did you try the thing where you switch up calories for a couple of days and is it working? I still probably need to do that, b/c I'm not losing anything.
  • wendyc122005
    @Wendy - Did you try the thing where you switch up calories for a couple of days and is it working? I still probably need to do that, b/c I'm not losing anything.

    Yes . . . I was going to do like every 4th day, but it works to do a day or 2 on the weekend instead. I am not going overboard, but I am allowing myself foods that are on my no-no list. My calories hover at around maintenance and even a little over. Since making the change I have stepped up the loss. It is working for me for now. Side note though is that I kind of feel off (physically) on Monday if I have allow myself 2 days. My body is used to healthy eating and adding in the forbidden stuff my body isn't liking it. Today and last Monday I felt a little nauseaus. I am going to consider that when make my choices next week.
  • billyjoebob
    I'm so tired today, but I'm determined to get my 30 minutes of exercise in for the day. I've eaten really well all day, no challenges there. I lost another pound!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @Lana~I didnt eat great on Sunday or exercise :grumble: Good Job exercising & getting in your F/V!
    @Billy Joe~ Hope you were able to get your exercise done. Good Job on your eaten and you weight loss!

    FITNESS: 3 miles of Jogging/Walking Intervals & JM 30 Day Shred Lvl 1
    DIET: Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium Goal & 12 cups of H20
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Good morning, everyone!!
    @Wendy, Thanks for the advice! I tried it, and will have to say I enjoyed eating the extra calories. LOL

    Yesterday's goals (Monday)
    DIET: done - ate 5 fruits/veggies, stayed within maintenance calories
    FITNESS: done - no exercise due to fatigue from flu shot

    Today's goal (Tuesday)
    DIET: 5 fruits/veggies, calories at diet level
    FITNESS: at least 40 mnts
    CHALLENGES: eating after 10 p.m.

    Note: I've done better on getting in my fruits & veggies over the past few days. I think that the extra attention to planning and choices is helping.
  • wendyc122005
    Challenge for today: I am trying a little bit of diet change up and it has upped my carb load. I typically eat protein, protein, and protein for breakfast with a small about of carbs. I have been missing something though and have been watching my son eat his frosted flakes with a little too much envy. :tongue: So I bought some Kashi cereal (really enjoyed it), but a single serving with a 1/2 c of skim milk sends me out of my carb comfort zone. So I am going to up my allowed carbs so that I can more easily transition to maintenance (when it is time). BUT, that means I need to up my exercise. That means finding MORE time, which is in short supply for me.

    I also need to find a REALLY low carb option for me for lunch today since I need to go grocery shopping and their were no options at home.

    Launa - :smile: Extra Cals are definitely nice. Hope that it works for you!
    LoveMe - JM 30S thinking I might give it a shot as I hear that it is concentrated and intense and may help me to overcome my time crunch. How do you like it?
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @Loveme - I own the 30 day shed, but haven't tried it yet.
    Yesterday's goal (Tuesday)
    Diet: great! I stayed within calories, and got in over 5 F/V, and didn't eat after 10 p.m.
    Fitness: under my goal, but o.k. I did a 30 min run/walk (my walk was interrupted with a downpour)

    Today's goal (Wednesday)
    Diet: within calories and no eating after 10 p.m.
    Fitness: 40 min
    Challenge: I will have to again make sure that I eat enough early in the day so that I don't snack after 10 p.m.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @Wendy~ I think 30 DS is a great workout because it includes Cardio, Strength Training & Abs. Its only 27 mins (that includes Warm-Up & Cool-Down) and you get a good workout.....If you dont mind me asking, what is your carb allowance for a day? Also, Im trying to get in more protein, any suggestions?
    @Lana~Good Job getting your fruit/veggies in! Planning makes a big difference. WOW, you had a great day yesterday, even with the downpour!....You should pop 30 DS in the DVD one day and give it a try!

    FITNESS: 3 miles of Jogging/Walking Intervals & JM 30 Day Shred Lvl 1
    ~Did 30 Day Shred but didnt get to jog/walk because hubby got home late.
    DIET: Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium Goal & 12 cups of H20
    ~Was US & got my 12 cups of H20. Was unable to get in my running so I was OC

    FITNESS: 3 miles of Jogging/Walking Intervals & JM Banish Fat Boost Metabolism
    DIET:Stay Under Cals & 15 cups of H20
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Getting my butt to the gym
  • wendyc122005
    Uggh . . . just lost my post!

    LoveMe - I try to use 30 as a baseline. I am rarely in ketosis as I use it as a baseline to prevent my carb addiction from taking hold. I love breads, pastas, rice, bake goods . . . give me an inch and I will take a mile. So I found if I just don't eat them I don't crave them. Like an alcoholic I crave them if I let myself have them. It is my addiction, so I just limit my carbs to veggies, fruits, and the few processed foods that I still eat out of convenience.

    Protein- eggs, cheese, meat (lean), dark green veggies, yogurt. I eat the lions share of my calories in protein items. These items are typically more substantial and so they are more satisfying. I lean toward fish, chicken, and pork though and limit my red meat to once a week or so. I also shoot for more protein to keep myself for losing my muscle instead of fat. Hope this helps. If you need further suggestions, even recipes, let me know.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Yesterday's goals (Wednesday)
    Diet: within cal and not eating after 10 p.m. -- yay, I did it!!
    Fitness: 40 minute exercise -- done, completed 90 minute walk!

    Today's goals (Thursday)
    Diet: within cal and not eating after 10 p.m.
    Fitness: at least 40 minutes exercise
    Challenges: same as yesterday--make sure I eat enough during the day so that I don't get over hungry late in the day!!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @loveme - I'll probably try the 30 DS one of these days when the weather is bad or when bf doesn't want to get exercise. I prefer to exercise outdoors if possible.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @Wendy~ Thanks for the info!
    @ Lana~Sounds Good! Let me know what you think when you get a chance to try it

    FITNESS: Exercise (Fri-Anything, Sat-30 Day Shred Lvl 1, Sun-30 Day Shred Lvl 2)
    DIET:Stay Under Cals & Drink 12 Cups of H20
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: I have a busy weekend so I have to find time to exercise everyday this weekend
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Yesterday's goals (Thursday)
    Diet: did not complete -- over calories, and ate after 10 p.m. :-(
    Fitness: I got in 40 minutes exercise

    Today's goals (Friday)
    Diet: not over MFP calories and no food after 10 p.m.
    Fitness: at least 40 minutes exercise
    Challenges: same as yesterday

    I think I'm going to pick up some low-calorie desserts (Skinny Cow), so I'm not tempted to eat the higher calorie desserts. I'm also going to have to cut the maple syrup out of my oatmeal. It's adding too many calories.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @loveme - I tried the 30 DS today. Wow!! It was a great work-out!!
  • wendyc122005
    Launa - I use a sugar free syrup. Have great dessert recipe if you are interested with fewer cals and carbs. 1 large sugar free jello package, 1.5 cups of plain or vanilla Oikos (Dannon) Greek Yogurt, 2 cups water. Boil water and add to Jello pack. Use mixer to add yogurt. Add fruit if you would like. By the way, I don't like yogurt typically, but I love this one. Bonus is that you add some fruit to your diet if it is missing. It yield about 8 servings. I just kind of cut it like a pie. 1 serving without the fruit is just 40 cals.

    Me: Took a few days off, but didn't go way off the map. Hitting it hard for the next 2 weeks before I take a little staycation with the kids, my mom, and nephew.

    So Goals for today:
    Diet: under 800 PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN
    Exercise: 60 minutes of cardio
    Challenges: reining in my food choics after a little break with more options

    Happy Monday!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @Wendyc - Thanks for the recipe!!
    I made it to the grocery store Friday, so that helped with my food choices.

    Friday's goals
    Diet - I did much better - I was within calories.
    Fitness - I completed 30 DS b/c the weather was yucky outside. It was a good work-out (I'm still sore). I was glad to have something I could do indoors.

    The rest of the weekend went fine, b/c I got lots of exercise.

    Today's goals (Monday)
    Diet - within calories, no food after 10 p.m.
    Fitness - at least 40 mnts
    Challenges - I don't anticipate any