Over 40 - Christmas Challenge (Closed)



  • brobin41101
    brobin41101 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm new to this challenge, and I appreciate being able to join it already in progress.

    Start Weight - 171.5 lbs (October 2)
    Challenge Goal Weight - 155 lbs (December 25)
    Goal Weight - 125 lbs

    Welcome Skinee4life :smile: This is a awesome group !!!
  • brobin41101
    brobin41101 Posts: 212 Member
    Just finished catching up with everyone's posts. You all have done so well. Sports2mom, Nothing gained is a good week...and your snack idea is great. It keeps me in check at work when I pack something good. Babygurl48, 23lbs to be exact !!!:wink: Slow going is great, at least it's going ! Good job ! Squirkie, Not giving up is what keeps you losing. Steadily your numbers are going down.:drinker: Keep on keeping on !!! Leila, Happy,Happy, dance for you !! Congrats on the NSV. (I know what that means now thanks to my friends, LOL ). At the rate your going ,you might want to keep the tags, you may need to trade them in for a 12 ! Donna, Apologies are not necessary. :heart: Bless you and your family. Glad you are back with us:smile: Scubasab, You have done a great job since your vacation. Steadily down each week. Good job ! :drinker: Kristel, Great job on your commitment to exercise. It is paying off big time... And yes, you sure do have the water down:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Maiseicm, Sorry you have had such a tough week:flowerforyou: Stress can be our worst enemy. Hang in there, this is a new week:flowerforyou: Gwen , Good luck on the interview !!:smile:
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    Welcome skinny4life !! Glad to see you join us. :drinker:

    It's a beautiful fall day today, I have just enough time to check in before I head out again. Bought some fabulous acorn squash, red peppers, broccoli, hot peppers, baby red potatoes , mushrooms , celery and carrots and a whole bushel of macintosh apples at the farmers market this morning. :love: I baked a squash at school for a co-worker to try and he actually said he liked it. Yea....a new food for a friend.

    We had a GREAT obstacal coarse set up at the gym last night. Totally rocked. I loved it.:love::love: We were jumping across the ladder, doing burpees with a bosu ball, climbing up and down the tire, swinging a 50 lb. kettle bell, jumping over cones, slamming medicine balls and then had to run around the outside of the building. We did that 3 times and then a bunch of other stuff to make up the whole hour workout. I love my gym !

    15 bean soup in the crockpot tonight with a loaf of tomato basil bread from Paneras. I'll go easy on the bread....I will....honest !! Good stuff.

    Hope everyone is having a great day, off to the bank and class.

    see ya,
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    tanny lookin’ good. Doing great with water and exercise and working on food sounds great with a half pound loss. Enjoyed reading how you are doing.

    Thanks, Keri. You know, YOU inspire me with all your walking and workouts, not to mention all the encouragement you give. I walked 8.5km today. I'm trying to get to 120km for October. I don't know if it's doable or not, though, because the weather is pretty unpredictable for this time of year. So, thanks. :heart:
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    NSV alert ! While I was digging in my closet for something that fit a little better, I stumbled across a few pairs of pants I had put to the back of the closet ,( a few years ago mind you) , I tried them on , and THEY FIT !!! Size 14. I then decided to visit the Goodwill Store...for a few slightly used tops. ( Can't keep buying new ). I stumbled across a wool pea coat , brand new, with tags from J.C. Penney 159.99 for ,15.00 and best of all size L. No x in front of it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow, congrats. That is great news! Good for you!
  • brobin41101
    brobin41101 Posts: 212 Member
    I baked a squash at school for a co-worker to try and he actually said he liked it. Yea....a new food for a friend.

    Leila, you will have to tell me how to bake a squash. I have always wanted to try one, but ,don't know how to prepare it, season it, or cook it . What do they taste like ???:smile: Spaghetti squash looks interesting too. Maybe I will have to google a recipe.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    So I'm in about 5 challenges this month. Sooo pumped! I am almost at my goal of 100 miles on the move your @ss challenge for Oct.. I am over by 86 calories this week on the 5000 calories a week challenge..What I really noticed.. is that the more I excercise, the more I want to excercise. I have to stop stepping on the scae every day though. It is kinda depressing. Even with me zig-zagging calories, the darned thing goes up and down like a yo-yo!!!

    What I do know for sure, is that I'm fitting into about 85% of my old clothes of when I had previously lost 50 lbs so that is very encouraging to me.

    Just gotta keep on going... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can~~~
  • brobin41101
    brobin41101 Posts: 212 Member
    So I'm in about 5 challenges this month. Sooo pumped! I am almost at my goal of 100 miles on the move your @ss challenge for Oct.. I am over by 86 calories this week on the 5000 calories a week challenge..What I really noticed.. is that the more I excercise, the more I want to excercise. I have to stop stepping on the scae every day though. It is kinda depressing. Even with me zig-zagging calories, the darned thing goes up and down like a yo-yo!!!

    What I do know for sure, is that I'm fitting into about 85% of my old clothes of when I had previously lost 50 lbs so that is very encouraging to me.

    Just gotta keep on going... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can~~~
    You sure can ! You are doing great !!! :wink: 23 pounds down and counting :))) Keep up the good work. :drinker:
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Not sure what happened, but I really didn't fall off the face of the earth! I had a lot of travel for work the past 3 weeks and while I was busy keeping up with logging and exercising, apparently I forgot to post on this thread!! Sorry!:blushing:

    what's new with me: I got Synvisc shots in both knees yesterday. No problems from the injections, knees feel pretty good. Don't expect results for a few more wks but I'm optimistic! I made a decision today to up my calories significantly in an attempt to figure out this VERY slow losing pattern of mine. I have been using a BodyMedia Fit armband since mid-July and it appears that I am expending a LOT more calories than my MFP account is set for. So, at least for the time being, I'm going to try the "eat more to lose more" idea and see if that gets me moving in a downward motion!

    GW - 145 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - missed
    Week 2 - 162 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 160.2(Sep 5)
    Week 4 - 158.4 (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - 158.2 (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - 157.2 (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 157.2 (Oct 3)
    Week 9 - xxx (Oct 10)
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    Thank you Sam for bringing me back ... I lost the group for a while!

    SW = 191.4
    Week 6 = 184.5
    Week 7 = tomorrow ... I'm off for a run!
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    whew.....took a day off from the gym. Super day outside watching my daughter at her rugby game. Even got a little tan. :glasses: My legs are feeling yesterdays workout and I just love that feeling. I took measurements and I am starting to finally lose some thigh. That seems to be the last place to lose besides my belly flap. I don't know if that will ever go, but I like to be optimistic. :love: looking through my rose colored glasses :laugh:

    I ate alot of sweets today, brownies, a quarter of a sub ( had to add 14 gms of sugar because of the whole wheat roll- that sucks !! ) and then we had stopped for ice cream.

    Hubby and son are at boy scouts overnight for a community service project, oldest son is having dinner with daughter at college and I'm stuck home with no one to play with and no vehicle to go out with. Anyone live near me and want to go out ?? Guess I'll have to clean the house and read a book. Not that I mind that, but I like to have options available.

    Babygurl- fantastic on all your challenges !!

    Sherrillg hope your knees are better and kepete welcome back , glad you found us again.

    Robin- I cut the acorn squash in half, remove seeds, place cut side down on baking sheet...bake in the oven for 45-60 mins at 350' . ( till it's tender ) I like to just eat mine with a little salt and pepper. Some people put brown sugar and butter in it. Just scoop it out with a spoon. I can eat the whole thing and alot of times I do. Pretty much the same for any squash... It cooks faster in the microwave, but I think it tastes better in the oven. You can also peel and boil squash to make soup. That is totally yummy. I haven't done a spaghetti squash yet , and that is supposed to be fantastic replacement for regular noodles. It scoops out just like pasta noodles... I have to remember to pick one up this week. Let me know if you try it.

    Tomorrow looks like another fabulous day to work out in the garden. Fall cleanup is a real chore here, so I'm sure I'll be burning some calories.
    Have a great night ladies !

  • brobin41101
    brobin41101 Posts: 212 Member
    QUOTE : (Robin- I cut the acorn squash in half, remove seeds, place cut side down on baking sheet...bake in the oven for 45-60 mins at 350' . ( till it's tender ) I like to just eat mine with a little salt and pepper. ) : END QUOTE :flowerforyou: Thank you Leila, I will have to go to the grocery to get one now. That sounds good, and my hubby is willing to try it too. :noway: I am shocked , he usually doesn't want to try anything new. It was a beautiful day here in the Bluegrass state. Hope everyone had sunshine and a great day !!! :drinker:
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    SW = 191.4
    Week 6 = 184.5
    Week 7 = 183.9
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    Welcome back Kepete,

    Best of luck to all weighing in today.

    I just had the week from hell, did not reach on my going to bed early, i think my meds might need adjusting, blood test in two weeks should resolve this issue. (I have hypothyroidism) and if the meds are out i get tired, grumpy and find it hard to concentrate.

    Did no grocery shopping last week so there was a lack of good food choices in the house, will be better this week, just made up a batch of veg soup and pasta sauce, so thats most lunches and dinners covered for this week.
    I have also found a yoghurt based ice cream mix that delicious, made up a batch with coconut milk,fresh pineapple and fresh mango, only 190 cal per very generous serving, yum yum.

    Busy week ahead, 2 registration evenings this week to try and get my daughter into the secondary school that she wants for next September. It is a first come first served admittance system for both schools, so hours of queuing ahead.

    Poor husband has "man flu" that's a mild cold to us gals, he has taken to the bed, so no help with the household chores today.

    Tonight is my last day of level 2 30 shred, not looking forward to level 3, still not liking exercise just see it as a means to an end, any ideas for how to incorporate exercise into a day where i feel selfish taking time out just for me. Classes outside the home are not an option, and the weather here is not conducive to going for a walk until next spring.

    Oh we did try a new food this week......... not a good one, a Rolo biscuit (95 cal each) they are so nice, they are now banned from ever entering this house again.

    well that's the week that was.
    Here's to a better one this week, see you tomorrow at weigh in.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member

    "Man flu"! LOL :laugh: That's a new one for me. I hope you feel better this week.

    Tomorrow is a big day. The recruiter told me it is the 'typical all day interview' [for software companies], but the scheduled is two hours in the afternoon. I think she forgot I don't need to write code samples. I've been researching the company and watching product demos, so I understand their business.

    Last week's challenge: squats (2x10 sets), bent leg crunches (less back strain), wall push ups, Pilates planks. The days I did work out, got in my floor exercises. Need to get back to more consistent exercise.

    This week's challenge: continue squats (2x10 sets), bent leg crunches (less back strain), wall push ups, Pilates planks.

    Posting my numbers and updating my ticker:

    SW - 192.5
    GW - 172 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - 191 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 194.8 (Aug 29) ugh, new scale
    Week 3 - 192.4 (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - 191.6 (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - 190.4 (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - 189.4 (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 187.6 (Oct 3) mini goal 188
    Week 9 - 197.2 (Oct 10)
    Week 10 - xxx (Oct 17)
    Week 11 - xxx (Oct 24)
    Week 12 - xxx (Oct 31) mini goal 183
    Week 13 - xxx (Nov 7)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Correction: Week 9 should be 187.2 (thanks Samhradh)

    SW - 192.5
    GW - 172 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - 191 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 194.8 (Aug 29) ugh, new scale
    Week 3 - 192.4 (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - 191.6 (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - 190.4 (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - 189.4 (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 187.6 (Oct 3) mini goal 188
    Week 9 - 187.2 (Oct 10)
    Week 10 - xxx (Oct 17)
    Week 11 - xxx (Oct 24)
    Week 12 - xxx (Oct 31) mini goal 183
    Week 13 - xxx (Nov 7)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Leila, good score on all those veggies, The Soup Sounds yummy.
    Krystel, best wishes with making your walking goal this month.
    Babygurl, good job with the exercise. I have found I am losing sizes even when not losing pounds because to exercise.
    Sherrill nice to see you back here. Good luck with your knees. You have made great progress too.
    Kepete glad you found us and great progress.
    Sam I sort of identify with your description of your week mine was a bit different too. Please take some time for yourself you will be a better Mom and Wife for it and better role model.
    Gwen, great progress and great job getting prepared for the interview. Best wishes tomorrow.
    I had a big meeting to set up and run Saturday morning and my sister came in from France Friday. Consequently Saturday night was a family dinner. I have been working temporarily Thursday mornings. Thursday evening was Open House/Curriculum night at my daughters school. So my routines were all messed up affecting exercise. At least my job is physically active and my meeting was too to some extent. I am glad the meeting is done. I made a few healthy dinners at the beginning of the week. I am hoping next week will settle down and I can get back to some sort of healthy routine. I have already planned a few healthy dinners. Thursdays my daughter has 2 dance classes so we either have leftovers or eat out. Anyways I am not planning on much of a loss tomorrow but hopefully soon after.
    So I will post tomorrow progress or no.
  • Sorry haven't been on here. Had some medical things rear their head and couldn't be here. Should be back now though and hopefully will be able to continue. Will post weight in the AM!!
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    I'm over the moon this weekend as I lost 2.2 pounds this week and this time I felt like I deserved it. I worked really hard to eat right and exercise lots. So I'm now at 271.6 (272 officially).

    I will continue to make sure I bring at least one fruit and one veggie to work with me everyday. Of course, I'll continue the water - I really find I don't want to drink anything but water, now (ewww, soda tastes so gross - and I was like addicted to Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi.)

    But I really only have one goal this week and that is to lose at least 1.8 to bring me to that magical 50 pounds lost. Once I get there, I will feel that I've really accomplished something.

    It is a long weekend here (in Canada) for Thanksgiving, though, so I knew I'd be going over at least two days this weekend (and I did, both yesterday and today) so it is a lofty goal. But even though tomorrow is a holiday (we had our Thanksgiving dinner today), I plan to get right back on track tomorrow and really work hard until my next weigh in to make that goal.

    Oh, and the thing that I'm most thankful for this year, other than the obvious family, friends, health, home, etc., is finding MFP and becoming part of this community of support, motivation, and encouragement. We are truly all in this together. I hope you all have great successes this week and in the coming weeks.

    SW - 287
    GW - 265 (Dec 25)

    Week 1 - 282 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 282 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 281 (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - 278 (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - 277 (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - 274 (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 274 (Oct 3)
    Week 9 - 272 (Oct 10)
    Week 10 - xxx (Oct 17)
    Week 11 - xxx (Oct 24)
    Week 12 - xxx (Oct 31)
    Week 13 - xxx (Nov 7)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)
  • brobin41101
    brobin41101 Posts: 212 Member
    Good luck to everyone on the weight in tomorrow. You are all doing so well. :drinker: This is the last day of my vacation, so......back to work I go.:sad: :grumble: :wink: Sam , Sorry about your tough week. Hope you get your meds. straightened out and start to feel better. And...The Man Flu, can be a terrible thing to have in ones home. :laugh: Kepete, Glad to see you found your way back with us. Enjoy your run tomorrow ! Gwen, Congratulations on the 2+ pound loss. :drinker: Good luck with your interview tomorrow. KeriA, Sorry your week has been so hectic for you. Maybe things will settle down and you can get back to your routine. Raven , Welcome back ! :flowerforyou: Kristel, Congratulations on the 2.2 lb loss this week. :drinker: Happy Thanksgiving to you. I am also thankful for everyone here in our group ! You are doing a fabulous job with your walking ! :drinker: Sherrill, Glad to have you back with us. You have done very well with your losses so far. They seem to be steadily going in the right direction ( down ) !!!:bigsmile: