

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I'm almost back to 'normal' after my horrid gastric bug. Still a bit washed out, but on the mend. Not much in the way of food or exercise lately, but intend to get back to both from today.

    I hope you are all well and a big hi to all the newbies ... this is a great place!

    Amanda x
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies,

    Well, I am changing my ticker up 3 pounds. Not excited about that, but it is where I am. I've had a good week back home so hopefully I can get rid of that extra quickly! DH comes home tomorrow night, and I'm ready to have him home.

    We have had rain, rain, rain along our coast. We are down for the year, so this should be good for us going into the fall and winter. Still, I've missed my outside time. I've been doing Leslie and Jillian DVDs inside, so it's a good change up.

    Cynthia: Good for you...you are making great progress here! Keep up the good work!

    Michele: I try some of the suggestions in the fitness magazines. Some are good, but I agree, some just seem to be too strange to make sense. I think they are just trying to get us to do something different, which is a good idea in general!

    I went online last night and looked again for dresses for our son & his fiance's wedding next summer. Her Mom has had her dress for a while. We do not have good stores near me for this kind of thing, so I ended up ordering a dress from Nordstrom that I THINK I like. They only had a size 8 or 14...and I am a 10 now. So I ordered the 8. Ha! I'll let you know when it comes. I don't usually do things like that, but that is where I intend to be one of these days, so we shall see. I have a few 8s still in my closet and I can't seem to stay in that size, but I intend to try, try, try!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    My weigh in this morning was good. Finally a little lower than last week (.2). I will take that! I really see how the combination of some carbs and not getting exercise effects my body. I really want to continue to see that number on the scale start with a 1.....

    My godchildren came to dinner last night after the challenge (we all live in the same house--its a duplex). It was like old times. They are going to be around tonight and have requested beef and broccoli. I found a nice Cooking Light recipe so I think I will try that.

    I hope to get out to get some yard work done today...that will keep me moving!
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    It's weight in day - and I'm up a pound. I seem to be sliding back into old habits - not planning meals, not taking the time to do what I need to do for me. Just one more week of everyone else coming first and then I promise myself I'm back to being selfish sometimes! BF's dad is being flown in this morning because he can't be left alone and her mom's in hospital, flying out to see my Mom (80) on Friday, back Sunday and going to another friends dad's funeral on Monday. On the other side of the age spectrum my youngest (17) had his "career counselling" session at high school and says it's a waste of time because they couldn't tell him what he should be???? Do any of you remember being told what you should be? He has no idea what he wants or how to figure that out. The oldest never had that problem.:grumble: :grumble:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Jumping in on page 9 !!!:noway: ! Obviously behind on posts:ohwell: . Hope everyone had a nice weekend!:flowerforyou:
    The weather on Rhode Island was glorious:bigsmile: ! A gift!:flowerforyou: It was like summer and the beaches were full!
    We were very busy….yard work and Mass on Sat, Sunday… Boy Scout pancake breakfast, a baseball game followed by a football game and dinner with DD and family….and Sunday we went looking for foliage in Northern Rhode Island…found some then headed to Southern Rhode Island where we walked the beach and had dinner on the ocean! A real keeper of a weekend!:love:
    Still trying to maintain but gained a pound this week. :embarassed: Too much of a glorious weekend:laugh: . Will get it in control. Never want to go back to my weight before August of 2009.
    God bless all!
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Everyone:

    Well, we had a glorious Thanksgiving weekend here. The weather was absolutely amazing; people were actually swimming, which is almost unheard of in Toronto in October!! Great though. We truly enjoyed it and I loved having an extra day off work too :laugh:

    I was down 1.6 lbs so I am finally on a downward treck again, which I need to be. Lots to go but at least I lost some :drinker:

    I am still having a lot of pain from the root canal, not as much as before but still quite a bit so I have to get in to see the dentist again and find out what is happening. Now cold drinks are really bothering me something awful and that never happened before so something is still not right in this silly mouth of mine and the pain I am getting now is behind a crown, which is not good :sad:

    I went for my CT scan on Friday as well on my sinuses to see what is happening up there and I should find out next week if there is anything abnormal as I get constant sinus headaches (which in conjunction with the migraines is not good) :cry:

    I see there are lots of newcomers, Hi, it is nice to see you and I can't wait to get to know you all a little better :flowerforyou:

    There seems to be always so much going on around here that if you don't post everyday, you get so far behind and that is where I seem to be right now. I would love to send comments out to so many of you, but there is just so much to say to so many of you, that there is just not enough time (or space, I imagine!!!!) :noway:

    I hope you all are doing well. You keep me so encouraged and feeling good about things. I am not sure where I would be without you all and I truly mean that. I love your stories and your rants in some instances because a lot of them are the "been there, done that" sort of thing and it feels good to know you are not alone in this journey we have undertaken :happy:

    So, my wonderful, Friends. Take care and talk to you soon :smile:

    Love, Cathy
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    First day back into things after a tranquil Thanksgiving. Showed up at the pool this am after putting my aged parents on the plane, and put in 30 min of lengths just to warm up for acqua fitness. Our instructor starts with the barbells and we do all the exercises with them. It's exhausting, and without a warm-up, I'd have to quit. But with the swimming, it went off just fine. So I stayed to swim again for an extra 30 min, and then walked home (40 min). Now I have to work on a paper that I have to hand in next week. But I feel just wonderful for having given such a good post-Thanksgiving start. Now to start the diet again. But am in a great frame of mind after having feasted. Life is a banquet, and we must partake of as much of it as we can.
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hello again everyone .............

    I've been AWOL I know!!
    I've missed popping in here for sure. I haven't backtracked on the umpteen posts I've missed so will no doubt be in the dark as to how you all are. I hope you're all doing well.

    DH and I are just back from our Alaskan cruise ....and I only put on 2lb. I need to get back in the fold and lose some more....HELP!!

    We have a houseful (4) of Danish students from the local college here at the moment. I've forgotten what it's like to have teenagers in the house!! HOW MANY showers and wet towels?? They're here 'til Sunday and it's been fun.....good job they speak perfect English!!

    While I've been in silent mode we've found out more news on additions to our grandchildren!! Grandson #3 is due to #2 son &Co on 15th Nov...getting excited now!! AND .......#1 son had announced a new arrival next April. That was revised today to....arrivals!! Yep...twins. Will need some advice from Tiarapants!!! As the two children already in the family are 13 and 9 , even one was a surprise!!

    Anyway folks .......I'll say BFN

  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    First day back into things after a tranquil Thanksgiving. Showed up at the pool this am after putting my aged parents on the plane, and put in 30 min of lengths just to warm up for acqua fitness. Our instructor starts with the barbells and we do all the exercises with them. It's exhausting, and without a warm-up, I'd have to quit. But with the swimming, it went off just fine. So I stayed to swim again for an extra 30 min, and then walked home (40 min). Now I have to work on a paper that I have to hand in next week. But I feel just wonderful for having given such a good post-Thanksgiving start. Now to start the diet again. But am in a great frame of mind after having feasted. Life is a banquet, and we must partake of as much of it as we can.

    What a fabulous balance you seem to be achieving in your life .... enjoy the good things, work hard:bigsmile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone is doing good.The weather is so nice.Suppose to start raining tonite and tomorrow and get cooler.
    The weather was so beautiful and trees changing.
    Have a good night!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Cathy: Just had to say...congrats on the 1.6 pound loss! That is GREAT! Regarding your tooth and your sinuses...I wonder if they are related??? As a long time sinus problem person...I just wonder???

    Jackie: So good to hear from you. 2 pounds from the cruise doesn't sound too bad. I am sure that you will take care of that in no time. Question? Our youngest son and fiance are thinking of an Alaskan cruise for their honeymoon. Can you tell me more about yours and what you would or wouldn't do?

    Good but busy day for me...my best to ALL of you:heart::heart: Kackie
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Evening Everyone!

    I'm happy to say I did NOT eat any of the cookies I had to take pics of today.....60 cookie pictures. I didn't eat a crumb...didn't even lick my fingers! I knew if I did my willpower would have instantly crashed. And....I fixed my treadmill. That's my favorite exercise so I'm pretty thrilled about that.

    Congrats to all who saw the scale show lower numbers! Mine is holding steady sadly.

    Cathy...I used to get horrible sinus headaches. My dentist was the one who helped. Since I grind my teeth so much, he gave me a bite guard. My face pain and headaches were coming from the grinding. The guard helps alot. Now I just get tension headaches from putting up with Eric, my kids, the dog, my house, etc.

    Benji...When my son was in high school (he's 27 now), the guidance counselor gave them all a test to help them figure out a career they might be suited for. My son said it was a waste of time, too. His came back that he should be either a CEO or maitre'd. (?) I wouldn't mind the CEO. He'll have plenty of money to spoil his mother like I spoiled him most of his life!

    Chat w/you all later. Time to wake up the hubby and send him off to work. He works overnights...and that's fine for me cause he snores and keeps me awake when he's home. :laugh:

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Yes Ladies, I am in AZ it was 100 today, ahhhhhh, suppose to turn nasty in ILL over the next 48 hours, so I guess we came at a good time.

    I am sorta sleeping, I am taking the ambien and the tylenol for the pain.
    I am going to bed, then get up about an hour later, go have cereal and milk, which is a mistake, should not do this.

    I am still not very hungry when meal time comes around, that is ok with me.
    Still have pain in my knee, basically under the knee... I look forward to the day when I am pain free, still on celebrex, morning, and sometimes evening.

    The trip out from ILL was great, flight was 3 hours, had a friend pick us up in AZ, and we were in the house an hour later.

    Went grocery shopping, 200.00 bucks later and still not anything to eat!!

    Tonight we are BBQ burgers, I made some cuke/tomato salad, and we will have some chips.

    Nice to be here....

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Cynthia - your salad sounds really good. Congrats on the loss!

    Jackie - congrats on your expanding family!

    yes, the tooth and sinuses are related. I remember once a while ago I had this terrible toothache, went to the dentist. He took an x-ray and it showed that my sinuses were pushing down on the tooth, the sinuses were so inflamed.

    Rita - what willpower you have not to have any of the cookies. I know that sometimes when pics are taken of foods, they "enhance" the food, sometimes they'll put oil on the outside to make it look shiny, things like that. Did they do anything to the cookies?

    It's better to have your weight holding steady than to be gaining, that's for sure

    The battery is going on my heartrate monitor and I had to reset the time on the watch. I really don't like when that happens. Anyway, as a result, I guess I spent probably about 15 minutes trying to reset the time and then get my heartrate displayed. Therefore, I only did 45 min of spinning today. Tomorrow I'll do a chest and back DVD from that series that I have, shall see how long it is. My goal is to exercise for an hour, so if I have to do two DVD's that's what I'll do.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    I can't believe that my days off are over. Down another 1LB for the week.
    Went to the coast to see my parents. Mom needed some bulbs planted around 100 of them.
    Dad needed help on the computer. And a quick lesson on how the dvd player works. I hope he remembers. They do quite well for 88 years young. They get chose where we eat when I visit. Burger King. Had a whopper jr. no sauce.Been trying to get all my gardening done, mowed the lawn hopefully for the last time. Tryin to get all my vegetables taking care of.
    Can anyone suggest good web site,book, or maga.zine for free weights routine.

    Welcome all newcomers

    Rebel- Glad to hear everything is alright with the grandbaby.

    Grassette- Awesome hubby

    Barbiecat-Bet the animals are happy to be home As well as you.

    Viv- I have gone to no computors on any appliances. Heard nothing but bad things.

    Mary- you sound so busy busy.LOL

    Rita- Hubby is so supportive.

    Rjadam. Wine probably just what you need and a place to vent.

    Jane -Sorry to hear about the pelvic. Hopefully nothing serious.

    Natalie- 200.00 still nothing to eat? That really sucks.

    congrats to all who have lost
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193

    I'm happy to say I did NOT eat any of the cookies I had to take pics of today.....60 cookie pictures. I didn't eat a crumb...didn't even lick my fingers! I knew if I did my willpower would have instantly crashed. And....I fixed my treadmill. That's my favorite exercise so I'm pretty thrilled about that.

    Congratulations on your outstanding will power Rita.... what a feat!:flowerforyou:

    I always relate to things you write.... tension headaches ... from husband (who snores but has been away for last couple of weeks.... yea good nights sleep), kids (youngest doing HSC final school exams and the other with a mad girlfriend who lives with us for the moment and has lots of eating issues - that's a migraine on its own:explode: ).

    My older son also did the career advisor test thing at school a couple of years ago and he was very indignant that they didn't have a category for world famous soccer star which is what he intends to be (but now at 20 and having tried his luck in UK and back home he is finally starting to get a bit more realistic):laugh:

    Glad your treadmill is working again..... I can't get the scales to move either.... I guess its just a matter of time.... hopefully I will stay strong in the meantime.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I finally got out in the yard again after many days of not doing any yard puttering. With the fireplace, the new heat pump, being out of town for four days and dogs that always want to go for a walk, it has been easy to ignore the yard and my October goal to work in the yard but today I ignored the sweet dog faces and went out and cleaned up another section of the front yard. Jake took the dogs for a walk while I was working so that got the dogs to fall asleep on the couch and now the yard looks better

    :bigsmile: hubby and I have declared war on all the unhealthy eating and are getting back to our healthy habits. We have banished cereal, peanut butter, licorice, and cheese from the house and bought apples for snacks.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: congratulations to everyone who has lost weight recently.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    I went online last night and looked again for dresses for our son

    This is what you read at night with tired eyes.
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Kackie, you will rock that size 8.

    Cathy, yay on the loss but boo on the pain. That does seem unusual for it to go on this long. Sure hope they get it figured out quickly.

    Ah, so much to do by next Wednesday. 15 page paper, 3 page paper, plus regular class assignment. But I will not let it interfere with my exercise and cooking. I think fixing the nice meals is really helping, makes me think I get something special. Actually trying something with puff pastry tomorrow night and mushroom filling. Will let you know how it turns out.
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Saw the cardiologist yesterday for the MRI results. I have a thickening of my heart muscle which can either be genetic or caused by high blood pressure. Genetic is not good as it can result in sudden death. Whoever interpreted the MRI etc. concluded I have the genetic problem but the cardiologist doesn't agree. :ohwell: So he wants me to repeat the tests - 24 hr heart monitor echo-cardiogram & treadmill. The last treadmill test was stopped after 5 minutes as my BP was dangerously high.

    He recommended a low calorie, low fat eating plan & gentle exercise. I asked if I could go back to 1 hour gym sessions but he said to stick with the 30 minute sessions for now. He is tweaking my medication to get my BPdown by the time I take the tests again but told me that if I don't loose weight & get my BP under control, I will die. Plain & simple.

    I'm struggling to get back into the swing of things after my holiday but that provides motivation I need. I need to weigh myself, re-set my ticker & get on with it!