P90X Support Group...



  • roballesteros
    Hello All,

    Sorry I have not been checking in but I have been extremely busy with work. I have been getting in my workouts though. Yesterday I did Legs, Back and ARX to make up for no workout on Saturday due to my son have a weekend long swim meet.

    Today I doubled up on Core Synergistics and Kempo again due to being at a swim meet, no work out on Sunday but I am all caught up now.

    I am very, very tired! Work is really taking a toll but I refuse to let it get the best of me! I will not let long hours at work get in the way of my goal....now if I could just get rid of these children that keep calling me mom...just kidding...:wink:

    On a brighter side, my husband has decided to start round 2 of P90X, although it's not like it's back to back or anything he did 9P0X a little over a year ago. Anyway being the P90X grad that he is, he was constanly critizing my workouts...well now the shoe is on the other foot :laugh: ....I am now the one correcting his form, oh the joy! We are little competitive around our house....(some would say cut throat competitive).

    My husband also suggested that I should substitute CardioX with Plyo even though the Lean version of P90X does not include Plyo. I am going to give it a try this week, wish me luck! It's the competitive side of me that's gonna kill me one of these days!

    Jay - I loved your last post! Thanks for the inspiring words!

    Wendy - Your pics are awesome....you've had great success, you should be very proud of yourself!

    Sassy &Yeehawww - So glad you guys are back!!!

    Everyone else....YOU ROCK!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    So we're on day 37 guys. 53 days until the end. If you're feeling like it's a million miles away, you're not the only one. Here's another way of looking at it though which makes it seem much more manageable.

    If you're on the same schedule as the main group and you're doing classic, as of this morning there is only:

    6 more Plyometrics
    4 more Back/Biceps
    10 more Yoga X
    6 more Legs/Back
    8 more Kenpo X
    3 more Chest/Shoulders/Tri's
    2 more Chest/Back
    4 more X Stretch (plus 4 more optional 'rest day' ones)
    4 more Core Synergistics
    2 more Shoulders/Arms
    17 more ARX

    And each time you check one off, there's one less of that workout left to go. Can you believe that we'll only get to hear Maren say "German Potato Soup" twice more in this round? Once today's back/biceps is done, you'll only have to do those endless curls 3 more times! There's literally only 17 resistance workouts left until we're done, can you believe it?

    It's all about perspective. When you look at it this way, there's hardly anything left to do.

    Hope that helps you guys to get the motivation (as if any of you guys need it!) to stick this thing through to the end with us and earn that 'Grad' title


  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Good morning team!

    Today was DAY 45 for me!! I'm HALFWAY THERE!! 45 down, 45 to go!!

    Feeling better today than yesterday, and rocked a good Back & Biceps / Ab Ripper this morning. Getting stronger, getting more fit, and feeling great!

    Yoga X tomorrow!


  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Ok, so lost a little steam and life seems to want to always get in the way of my workout routine. I missed yesterday since I left home at 645am and didn't get home until 8pm, had a busy day. I am now about a week behind and am trying to double up to catch up. Getting a little frustrated and really starting to dispise yoga x. Feeling pretty bummed that I haven't been able to stay on track. All I can do is keep trying I supose. Have a good day everyone!
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    I'm embarrassed to say that I did not do Plyo yesterday. So, I woke up at 5am to do it this morning followed by Cardio X. I will probably NOT do that again. I found myself cussing at Tony throughout Cardio X. I was exhausted when I got to work, but thank goodness for the recovery drink. With that said, my triceps have been really hurting since I did s,h, & t on Monday. I did it last week and I didn't feel any pain, but now I'm thinking I didn't really put my all into it last week.
  • drwstown76
    Good Afternoon Yall! How's it going today....

    I woke up this morning and looked at my calendar. Today is Day 37 (As Jay Pointed Out Already.... Cheers to YOU bro!). One thing I would like to add is that we ARE 40% DONE! 40 freaking percent!!!!!! That makes me want to go hysterical with joy!!!!! Bonkers! Keep it going yall... I know its tough... I know we are spent. WE CAN DO THIS.... WE WILL DO THIS! FORTY PERCENT! BooM! :explode:

    I decided to flip plyo and Back & bis because my legs are still kinda sore from football and kenpo back to back. I really like the burn I get with plyo, so I dont wanna drag *kitten* with that workout!

    Back and Bis is awesome... So tough. I improved on all of my numbers this week, but I was sick last week so thats not saying much. I didnt really bonk this time at all. thats pretty exciting. I cant wait for next week.


    Nikki... Please dont beat yourself up. Just get your mind focused and crush a workout today.... and tomorrow.... and the next day! YOU CAN DO IT! BELIEVE!

    Msaap...A couple of things. Dont be embarrassed! You are killing it! secondly.... Its so funny to hear people talk about cursing Tony out... I do it all the time! Its maddening listening to him sometimes.there are times during phifer scissors that i scream out "Just say the next f-ing number!!!!!!!"... haha. You are awesome... Keep it up!

    Sassy.... How are you feeling today after that monster workout last night? Let us know... :)

    Have a god one yall! Bring it...
  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    hi i didnt know there was a support group for p90x !? i finished yoga today broke it up into 2 parts hour in morning and rest at night. tomorrow is leg and back with ab ripper this is my 2nd week. still going strong. good job guys and BRING IT
  • roballesteros
    Hello Fellow P90Xers,

    I replaced Cardio X with Plyo today and I gotta say it was a much, much better workout for me. Cardio X is just not long enough or intense enough so I will be doing Plyo from now on. I know Plyo will help me tremendously with my running. I also ran 2 miles on the treadmill afterwards...good workout day for me today!

    I need to get the consistency back in my daily routine so that It is easier for me to plan my workouts. I believe that my work issues are under control for the time being so I think regularly scheduled workouts are on my horizon, instead of having to do doubles and triples to catch up.

    I can not believe I am done with day 37 of this thing...WOW! I have only you guys to thank....as I have said many, many times before, I can not wait to read yall's post everyday...the encouragement I get on here is unbeatable...you guys are the BEST!

    I did have a great NSV today...I needed a dress for a wedding this weekend and low and behold I am a size 6, I am down a size since I started P90X!!! I bought this fabulous dress that shows off my newly sculpted legs and arms! I have not had any weight loss, what so ever, since I started P90X but I did not expect much since I am in a healthy BMI range but dropping a clothing size and looking toned and strong is what I was after so YAY ME!

    Tomorrow is the dreaded Chest, Shoulders and Tri......I will be looking for alot of encouragment tomorrow! I will also have to do the workout when my children are not home since obsenities do tend to spontaneously shoot out of my mouth....sort of like Touretts Syndrome. One armed push ups....ha ha ha ha ha! Any confidence I may have gained today by completing Plyo will be zapped in an instant tommorrow when T.Horton decides to punish me with one armed push-ups.

    Make Your Workout Count!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Ro - Awesome! Way to step up the intensity! That's what I love about this program, you can tailor it down to yourself or if you need more, there's endless ways to step it up!

    YVL93 - Welcome to the group. Great job on getting to week 2! Just keep pushing play and bringing it every day and you can't fail! Come and check in to let us know how you're going, we love to hear everyone's progress here :)

    Back and Biceps this morning. Three words for y'all - UNDER ONE HOUR!!!

    That's right ladies and gents, I got my second set of spinlock bars a couple of days ago and I barely had to pause to change my weight - about 3 times I think. I kept a heavy set on one set of bars and a lighter set on the other for quick changes between lawnmowers (about 14kg) and the likes of in/out curls (about 6.5 to 7.5kg).

    So despite my *****ing and whining about this workout last week, I have to say I loved this today! I did the reverse order ARX again too and I have to say I much prefer it that way around.

    Ok folks, I'm flying out from the UK to Atlanta tomorrow at 7:30am and after a 9 hour or so flight, I'll have a 4 or 5 hour coach trip to Nashville. Then a packed weekend including the Jack Daniels distillery tour and an intimate 350 capacity show featuring Plan B along with a backing band which reads like a who's who of who in music. Then the return trip getting home on Monday afternoon UK time. So I'm gonna be missing a few days of P90x but that's cool, I'll just drop back in with the schedule and I'll do a pickup week at the end of the program for any days I've missed.

    In case I don't get on before I'm away on my travels, have a great weekend all and keep bringing it!

  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    Woke almost an hour late. So I only did 20 minutes of leg back Ganna restart it and do ab ripper once I get back from classes
    Y'all better make sure I do it :)
    Good job everyone
    Jay- I hate ab ripper x even tho it's 15 minute I would rather do arm shoulder full than ab ripper enjoy ur trip.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    YVL - welcome and congrats on starting P90X and being in week 2, we all been there so if you have questions do not hesitate to ask :smile: this is a great group of very supportive people.

    Jay - you are a BEAST :explode: BooM! You rock it out ninja style and are such a motivation! Way to keep it real and keep it going! Have an AWESOME weekend in the US, it should be a great time, hopefully you can log in so that you maintain your awesome streak! And to let us know how the tour and concert is! That is going to be a blast and quite the whirlwind!

    Nikki, Wendy, and Drew - I don't know if I have said this already but thank you SO MUCH for checking up on me.:flowerforyou: Last week I was an epic slacker, I had one to many work functions and so P90X fell by the side for a bit, I did manage a couple of the routines but it was not nearly what I need to be doing to be successful. So thank you guys for saying hi and encouraging me to continue! You are all a great example of the support we have building here.

    Nikki - :flowerforyou: No worries if you have off days or an off week the important is that you turn it back on full force and you give it what you've got. We can't change the things we've done we can only change the things we will do. Do your best, life doesn't end after this 90 day stint, we can always add on to the end or start round 2 in the new year! This is a journey to a lifetime of success!

    Now for my update....

    My arms and chest were JELLO all day, typing seemed a chore because I had to maintain a bent arm for the day! I loved the feeling :love: knowing that I worked my arms and chest to the point of failure! It was great, and though I was not able to life most things haha I was proud! I love this program and the successes it brings!

    Yesterday I needed to jump out to the mall to pick up a new outfit because I have been staying at my parents longer than planned so I didn't have time to get the full Plyo workout in, because I want to be able to do that one in its entirety, I subbed it for the shorter Cardio-X and gave that EVERYTHING I had. I was a puddle by the end of it and felt great! Thank you Tony!!!

    Today I am going to miss Back and Bis because I have a work dinner to celebrate my promotion :drinker: so I am going to do that tomorrow with Cardio-X instead of Yoga.

    I know you guys are probably getting sick of these types of updates but... When I went shopping yesterday I decided to check what size I am in skirts - I started this journey at a size 8 in skirts, you may remember I bought a size 4 dress (for the guys, the dress sizes are largely based on your top half... just incase me being surprised now is confusing) anyhoo, I went to my favourite store, grabbed a couple skirts - half in 6 and half in 8. Fully expecting that I won't fit nicely in the smaller size I tried it on first to "get it out of the way". I got it up, good start, I started to do the zipper, it did up, EXCELLENT I looked in the mirror... no pulling, bunching or weird curves that are only created when a piece of clothing is suctioning you in!!! :happy: YAY!! It fits! SO I bought it - a skirt, size 6 with a SMALL top!!!

    To recap my successes in the past month with the toning and tightening we do here (because it is important when you aren't getting the #s to realize that there are changes, and hopefully to motivate our ladies to keep pushing play):

    I started this journey a size 8, pretty much all around. A medium for tops and general items.

    Dress size (blouse size) 4
    Coat size (general items) X-Small / Small
    Skirt size (pant size) 6

    :drinker: Yay - thank you TONY!
  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    Sassy GOOD JOB GIRL I love the feeling of buying smaller clothes size and especially when you fit them and look fantastic and I'm sure you do. Best feeling in the world and you know what it makes all those push up pull ups Tony ( sometimes lame joke) yoga( long boring) all worth it
    Speaking of yoga I have a confession yesterday I might of skipped 10 minutes of yoga x ( at the end before ohms ) because I had a surprise visitor literally from china at my door step and I had no acknowledge that they were coming and I was completely shocked and had to entertain him ,My uncle . Since it was yoga I didn't beat myself up but I wanted to get that off my chest :)
  • MrsBooker
    MrsBooker Posts: 17 Member
    Hello Everyone! Thanks again for all your updates; they are SO inspiring! Especially for me to see since it is my first time doing P90X, and I can see what is in store for me in the coming weeks. :)

    Wendy, your pics are amazing! I wish my abs and back would look like that after only 30 days! Wow.

    Sassy...thanks for sharing your NSVs! Really, they mean alot b/c I have not been seeing any improvement on the scale, so to read about you dropping inches and dress sizes is SO encouraging!!

    Jay and Drew, thanks for always being so encouraging!

    Nikki, I get behind as well. Life will always get in the way sometimes. Just keep pushing play as often as you can!

    Good job everybody! I look forward to reading the updates every day.

    Have a great week!
  • drwstown76
    Sassy! Congrats on EVERYTHING (promotions, workout triumphs, slimming figure, EVERYTHING!).... The End!
    Thanks for everything you do in this group! SO FREAKING MOTIVATIONAL!

    Today was Plyo for me... I was thinking about substituting plyo (p90x) for vertical plyo (asylum) to see if I can get a little more burn in. I didnt do it... annnnnnnd by the end of PLYO I was a dripping mess! Great workout... and fun!
    Have a great day yall! Bring It! :flowerforyou:


    p.s. Have a great time over here Jay! :drinker:
  • drwstown76

    YVL... Welcome to the group! and thanks for the confession. You clearly rock! Glad to have you on board! :happy:
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey team, Day 46 for me, Yoga X completed this morning. Felt good to stretch out, and I still feel like I'm improving every time out on Yoga. Good thing, because I have it twice next week! :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow is Legs & Back / Ab Ripper, and will be my final resistance workout of phase 2... Then comes recovery week next week!

    Hope you're all having a great day!

    BRING IT!!!

  • drwstown76
    There are lot of days where I am not sure if I have the courage, the heart, the energy, or the dedication to reach my lofty goals. Not just with fitness, but with every area of life. This life is meant to be great.... YOUR LIVES ARE MEANT FOR GREATNESS TOO!

    Everytime I am feeling low.... I watch this video. Watch it today... and put it on your favorites bar if you like it. It pulls me up... just like you guys! BELIEVE!



    p.s. have a great evening team X! BooM! :explode:

    p.s.s. I am so freaking grateful!
  • roballesteros
    Hello Team X

    I completed Chest, Shoulders and Tri and ARX today. It felt a lot better for me today than it did the first time I did it last week, that being said....I HATE PUSH UPS! I did attempt the one armed push ups as T.Horton instructed me to, he said just to try to lower yourself as much as possible. My biggest fear is that I would do a face plant...but I did actually lowered myself without the face plant, it was only a few cenitmeters but I tried, I TRIED!!! As far as the Plyo push-ups...let me just say there was never any space between my hands and the floor.

    ARX was not so great....I was feeling very tired all day...just lacking energy, I think it's a lack of carbs. I loaded up on wheat pasta tonight so hoprefully I will be energized for my long run tomorrow.

    Drew - My son and I watched your video...you are very right it is extremely inspiring, thanks for posting it!

    Jay - I hope you have a great time here in the states.

    Sassy - Congrats on all your accomplishments, nothing like a feeling of being able to go down a clothing size!

    Tommorow is Friday people....we made through another week!

    TEAM X you rock!

  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    Hey guys!
    update! got leg and back IN yay the calf raises kills me all the time. i also did ab ripper before leg and back cause after leg and back my legs are so sore that i can't get through bicycles. Any WAYS it felt good.
    Hope everyone else is bring it =] stay healthy !!!
  • YVL93
    YVL93 Posts: 121
    Good morning. Or good night. Got kenpo in this morning now I can say week 2 is complete. :). Tomorrow will be all rest.
    Happy weekend guys.
    Hope I stay healthy food wise because weekends are where things get uncontrollable :c