C25K Training Group: October 16 to December 4, 2011



  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    I'm in. I was going to start this week so this will be the motivation to keep going.

    I'm excited!
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I' m in =)
    I could def use motivated friends who are in the same boat too ;)
  • srandle175
    What version is everyone doing? The treadmill or outside? I really want to do outside, but I hate the cold brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
  • Rebroland
    Rebroland Posts: 92 Member
    I will be doing treadmill. I really want to run outside as well - however, i'm already outside walking my dog for 2 miles a day and it's too cold out to do more! I want to run with him eventually to kill two birds with one stone - however, he's still considered a "puppy" and I'm not supposed to run with him until his bones are fully developed - due to hip dysplasia etc.
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Ok. Total clueless beginner here. I am doing mine on the treadmill. What speeds are you guys doing for walk, cool down/warm up walk, and run?? I realize it will probably vary, but what would be good to start??
  • simplycee
    I'm in. My daughter and I started last week but due to weather we could only do day 1. We are beginning again today. The stopping and starting was a little tough but we completed the entire w1d1 program. We are really motivated so we will do this as long as the weather holds.
  • simplycee
    What version is everyone doing? The treadmill or outside? I really want to do outside, but I hate the cold brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

    Outside as long and the weather cooperates.
  • Rebroland
    Rebroland Posts: 92 Member
    Ok. Total clueless beginner here. I am doing mine on the treadmill. What speeds are you guys doing for walk, cool down/warm up walk, and run?? I realize it will probably vary, but what would be good to start??

    When I walk on the treadmill, I usually start at a 3 or 3.3 for walking and for the run portion I start at a 4.5 or 5.0. Then I adjust from here as to how I feel after I complete the portions.
  • alhoward8
    WTG everyone! I think we are up to 18 people participating in this challenge!

    I'm going to be running on the treadmill since I already have a gym membership and it makes more sense to me. My normal pace on the treadmill is a brisk walk at 3.5-3.7. I usually don't jog/run so I don't know what pace I will start at. I'm going to try to make sure I am comfortable yet pushing myself.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    I am starting week 2 tonight I think & I'm nervous becaue the running increases by 30 secs a run! Wish me luck. I have the "Get running" app for $2 on iPhone & love it!
  • srandle175
    You all make me feel slow. I walk at 2.5-2.7 and run at 3.5. I believe everyone is different. I am working on time right now I will work on speed later ;)
  • caitymay1
    caitymay1 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm in! I started week 1 a few weeks ago, but fell off the wagon. I was planning on starting again tomorrow :) I will be running outside, and I downloaded some podcasts from http://www.c25k.com/podcasts.htm to listen to on my iPod (they're not bad)
  • Amandajean1105
    Amandajean1105 Posts: 53 Member
    Count me in! I'm just trying to work up the courage to get on the treadmill. I'm temporarily borrowing one from the neighbor, just set it up~
  • alhoward8
    I just completed W1 D1! I warmed up at 3.5 mph then ran at 4.5 and walked at 3.8 I burned 185 calories.

    Overall it wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be, but it wasn't "easy". There were times that I just wished I could keep running because the switches broke my stride, but I'm sticking with the program so I do things "right"

    I hope everyone else does well... Post your thoughts as you complete your workouts.

    If you are new to the group, feel free to friend me for more support!
  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    Finished Week 1 Day 1. I ran outside on a 3 mile loop. I ended up walking the rest cause I was over half way through the loop at the half way mark of the program. Had to walk an additional mile to finish the loop but was glad to do it. I hope to be able to run the 3 mile loop when this program is finished. So being able to gauge how I'm doing now is a big help.

    I've ran on the treadmill before this. My pace is usually 3.0 for warmup and cool down; 3.5 for walk and 5 for run. Just a tip for those running of the treadmill and outside. You need to raise the incline by 1-2% to get the feel of running outside. Otherwise, it will be harder to run outside after the treadmill.
  • Silentspring
    Reddcat - Just do whatever speed you are comfortable at. The goal is to run for the time increments. I guess once you can run the you can build up speed.

    How did the first day go everyone??

    Can't wait till tomorrow, day 2 hooray!
  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    Just a reminder to all of you. Make sure to stretch really well after working out. This is one of the few times that I am sore. Take your time and stretch good. You'll be glad you did in the morning.
  • nikkiloseit
    nikkiloseit Posts: 29 Member
    Okay, here is the senerio;

    I am running outside since it is about 80 degrees where I live, and the most it will got down during the winter will be possible 50.

    I do have a prior experience with jogging, and I am able to jog pretty efficiently/more than moderate for about 15-20 minutes at a time.

    Today, I walked around the neighborhood twice, fast jogged around my neighborhood twice, walked around my neighborhood once and slow jogged around my neighborhood once. All of it was equivalent to approx. 1-1.5 miles. (30 minutes in total)

    I think I did fairly well. We will see what is in store tomorrow!
  • CallieDerenthal
    CallieDerenthal Posts: 170 Member
    Can I still join this group? I completed W1D1 this evening... I thought I was gonna die but I did it! Did I mention I'm NOT a fan of running? :-) This is definitely gonna be a challenge for me but I think I'm up for it. I'm absolutely terrified but it's nice to know I'm not alone. Ran outside tonight but it's starting to get a little chilly (and windy) out here in KS so may have to move it inside to the treadmill. I'm using an app I downloaded on my iPod and really like it so far. BTW, my lungs are still a little icky and I finished my "run" 3 hours ago... Is this normal? Could it be due to the cold wind (and I'm an ex smoker, quit 3 years ago)? Just wanted to make sure I'm good to continue. Thanks!
  • alhoward8
    Can I still join this group? I completed W1D1 this evening... I thought I was gonna die but I did it! Did I mention I'm NOT a fan of running? :-) This is definitely gonna be a challenge for me but I think I'm up for it. I'm absolutely terrified but it's nice to know I'm not alone. Ran outside tonight but it's starting to get a little chilly (and windy) out here in KS so may have to move it inside to the treadmill. I'm using an app I downloaded on my iPod and really like it so far. BTW, my lungs are still a little icky and I finished my "run" 3 hours ago... Is this normal? Could it be due to the cold wind (and I'm an ex smoker, quit 3 years ago)? Just wanted to make sure I'm good to continue. Thanks!

    Welcome! I'm NOT a runner either, but I wanted to try something new to get me out of my comfort zone.

    I used to get "icky" lungs during marching band when it was cold outside so that may be part of it, but I would lean towards the smoking being the issue. If it sticks around check with a doctor, otherwise just listen to your body! If you can't breathe, SLOW DOWN. :bigsmile: