DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Yesterday's goals (Monday)
    diet: did not make it (ate after 10 p.m.)
    fitness: made it (over 80 mnts)

    Today's goals (Tuesday)
    diet: within MFP calories, no food after 10 p.m.
    fitness: over 40 mnts exercise
  • change_happens
    Hi, all. I apologize for my slacker behavior, but I own it! I have been logging in daily and offering support and cheers to my friends, but I haven't been to the boards in a long while.

    I am still in and out of doctor's offices trying to figure out what is going on with this body of mine. Interestingly enough, I didn't have any issues with my health until I started losing weight. go figure.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Lana~Im glad you enjoyed 30 Day Shred! Good Job getting your exercise in over the weekend!

    FITNESS: Exercise (Fri-Anything, Sat-30 Day Shred Lvl 1, Sun-30 Day Shred Lvl 2)
    ~Friday-Walked 2miles & Sat, Walked 4 miles but didn’t get any of my JM 30 Day Slim Day Challenge done. However, I did 4 days worth of the challenge today. So, Im all caught up.
    DIET:Stay Under Cals & Drink 12 Cups of H20
    ~UC & 13 cups of H20 on Fri but Over Cals & 6 cups of H20 on Sat and Over Cals and 7 cups of H20 Sun.

    FITNESS: JM Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD, 100 Punch Combos & 200 Tae Bo Kicks
    DIET:Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium, 25g of Fiber & Drink 12 Cups of H20
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @change_happens - Welcome back. I hope you get answers fromt the doctor soon!!
    @loveme - Wow, you're doing great!!

    Yesterday's goals (Tuesday)
    Fitness: 40 mnts - done
    Diet: within MFP, no food after 10 p.m. - I was close. I was just a few calories over, and had a small handful of almonds around 10:30 p.m. I'm fine with this.

    Today's goals (Wednesday)
    Fitness: 40 mnts
    Diet: within MFP, no food after 10 p.m.
    Challenges: just the usual!!

    Starting next week, I'll be super, crazy busy. I'm not sure how my body is going to keep up. On MTW's, I'll be at work from 8 until noon, and in class from 3 p.m. to 8:50 p.m. It will be a challenge to get in a healthy lunch and dinner and fit in some exercise. I will burn some calories in class b/c it is nursing skills.

    I haven't decided whether I'm going to go home for lunch (it is an hour out of my way), or find somewhere to sit and eat and relax before class. Either way, I'll have to bring dinner with me every day. Maybe, I'll pick up some of TJ's salads for next week's dinners. I'll be on this schedule for 6 weeks. I just hope to stay healthy.
  • billyjoebob
    wendy-I love Kashi cereal!

    loveme-I really like jerky, it's a ton of protein for not much food and hardly any fat. I've really been enjoying eggs lately. Nuts are good too.

    change_happens-That stinks! I hope everything I hope they figure stuff out for you soon.

    FITNESS: 30 minutes of intense exercise. I've been exercising every day, but I have been doing light exercise since I've been pretty busy and tired.
    DIET:Lots of fiber and fruits and veggies.
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Avoiding junk food.
  • wendyc122005
    Change Happens - Sorry to hear that you are unwell! I have been battling anemia for the last 2 years and the docs are finally trying to get to the bottom of it. I've been on extreme iron supplements for most of that time and my hemoglobin is still 8.2 - 8.9. I am literally tired all the time, but I have life to live so I push through.

    Launa - You will get through it! It will be good practice for you for your future career. My mom is a nurse and I remember many days that she was simply too busy during her 12 hour shifts to eat a meal. It was all about grabbing a snack (hopefully healthy!)

    Love Me - Wow you are so inspiring! I am starting the 30 DS on Monday. Yeah!

    Billy Joe - I am right there with you on the exercise. it is hard to do my exercise when I could sleep standing up!

    Still hitting the protein to get under 800 a day, but I went a little over. I am ok with it though since it was lean protein and only 40 cals. I had gained 2lbs from my 4-5 days of freedom, but it is now gone so any benefit I will get from cycling should start happening.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Lana~That's a hectic school schedule. Planning your meals with be your best option for those 6 weeks.

    BillyJoe~Thanks for the suggestion. The only thing I worry about with jerky is the high sodium. Do you know any good jerky with low sodium?

    Wendy~YAY! You will have a love/hate relationship with JM but its a great workout! Enjoy!

    FITNESS: JM Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD, 100 Punch Combos & 200 Tae Bo Kicks
    ~Did the DVD, 50 Punch Combos & 100 TaeBo Kicks...I'll take that
    DIET:Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium, 25g of Fiber & Drink 12 Cups of H20
    ~Was Under Cals, Under Sod, 31g of Fiber & had 15 cups of H20

    FITNESS: JM No More Trouble Zones DVD & Jogging/Walking
    DIET:Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium, & Drink 14 Cups of H20
  • wendyc122005
    I have finally done it! 50 on the nose this AM! Would have gotten there about a week sooner, but I took my little break (and then some) and had to lose a few extra to get back to my starting point.

    My mom is coming down to see us next Friday and she hasn't seen me since I weighed about 40 lb's more so I am super excited to get some new flattering outfit to wear when I pick her up at the airport.

    Since Mom is coming I have major work to do this weekend! The kids rooms are a disaster and I need to scrub the massive amounts of tile floors in my house. Oh, windows, windows, windows, and 3 setsof sliders to clean! Needless to say this will be my excercise for the weekend!

    Not really worried about my diet either since I will be sooooo busy!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you for your support re next week's schedule. I have made up a schedule and plan. I will buy TJ salad's for lunch, and frozen dinner's for dinner. I'm planning on break time between activities so that I will eat and relax a bit.
    Wed. and Thurs. Goals
    Fitness: met
    Diet: still ate after 10 p.m. and calories a little over

    Today's goal (Friday)
    Fitness: at least 40 minutes
    Diet: stay within calories, no food after 11 p.m. (it is Friday, after all), drink more water than yesterday
    Challenges: eat enough during the day that I'm not starving in the evening
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @Wendyc - congrats on the weight loss!!! That is super. I hope you have a great time with your mom.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Lana~Good Job meeting your goals!

    Wendy~CONGRATS on the loss!

    FITNESS: JM No More Trouble Zones DVD & Jogging/Walking
    ~NMTZ done! No Jogging because it was too hot and I didnt want to pass out
    DIET:Stay Under Cals, Stay Under Sodium, & Drink 14 Cups of H20
    ~Had a binge day yesterday and I was Over Cals & Sodium. I did drink 15 cups of water

    FITNESS: 30 minutes of exercise
    DIET:Stay Under Cals, Eat 5 Servings of Fruits/Veggies & Drink 14 Cups of H20
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Yesterday's goal (Friday)
    Fitness: yes!
    Diet: no (200+ calories over)

    Today's goal (Saturday)
    Fitness: at least 40 minutes
    Diet: At least 10 cups water
    Challenges: It should be no problem getting outside to exercise, because it's beautiful!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Friday was horrible! I was Over cals, Over Sodium and no exercise.
    Sat & Sun was better..I was Under Cals, Under Sodium and exercised!

    FITNESS: No More Trouble Zones DVD & Jogging/Walking
    DIET:Stay Under Cals, Eat 6 Servings of Fruits/Veggies, Drink 12 Cups of H20

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • wendyc122005
    Rene and Lana - Today is a new day so it doesn't matter if you had a couple of not quite perfect days! I had a great weekend until last night when I broke my "no food after 7:30" rule. I had some crackers (FlatOut Edge 4 cheese . . . . mmmm) and worse I didn't weigh them to measure my portion. Sat with the bag. BAD! Anyway, moving past it and started my day off right with a protein filled breakfast.

    I am starting 30 DS today. I will share that I am nervous about doing it. One, I just worry that I won't be able to make it through. I have seen a number of much more fit people than me not complete it. So I will need you to PUSH me to get it done every day. Two, I am worried about the scale. I know that my muscles built will weigh more than the fat that I lose, but I have lived by that scale for 4 months so it is hard to break the tether. :tongue: I think I will have my husband hide it for the duration.

    FOOD: Stay under cals (this part isn't very hard) with NO snacking (this part has become more difficult since I started allowing myself more carbs)
    CHALLENGE: Need to get to the store to get my weights for 30 DS

    Happy Monday! Only 5 more work days until my staycation!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @Wendyc - WTG on starting the 30 DS!! It sounds like you have a plan to make it work!! I think it is a great program, and you'll feel great once you complete it!!
    I did not have a good food day yesterday. I ate every snack within reach. I think I was nervous about my class that starts today. I'm not going to beat myself up about it, but I realize that I can't keep doing that throughout nursing school!!
    Sat. & Sun. goals
    Fitness: 40 minutes exercise - reached both days
    Diet: 10 cups water -- reached on Sat., but not Sun.

    Mon. goals (today)
    Fitness: at least 40 minutes exercise
    Diet: stay within calories
    Challenges: I have 12 hours work/class, MTW, so it is going to be a challenge. I have my bkfst, lunch and dinner with me, and I also brought almonds for a snack. I will have time for walking break between work and class, so that will be good for the exercise.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Actually, they will be 13 hour days. I can't count.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Wendy~How are you doing with the 30 DS?

    Lana~How was your first 2 days of classes?

    FITNESS: JM DVD & Jogging/Walking
    DIET:Stay Under Cals, Eat 7 Servings of Fruits/Veggies, Drink 12 Cups of H20
  • billyjoebob
    loveme445-That's a good point about the sodium. I didn't think about it because it's not something I track or worry about too much. I was reading something the other day that there is some brands out there with lower sodium, but I don't remmeber what they are. Or you could make your own.

    wendyc-That's amazing! Congrats on hitting the 50 mark!

    FITNESS: I want to get a more intense work-out in.
    DIET:Keep junk food consupmtion to a minimum. I ate 3 donuts yesterday... I was under my calories, but still.
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Staying away from the donuts.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Classes are tiring!! My schedule is so packed, that I haven't been able to fit in homework (let alone, exercise). Today is my last day this week of 13 hour day. Yesterday, I managed to fit in a 10 minute walk around the campus on a break. I think we'll be practicing moving patients today, so I will get some exercise.

    Monday & Tuesday:
    Fitness: did not reach
    diet: did not reach

    Wednesday (today) goal:
    Fitness: at least 30 minutes exercise
    diet: stay within calories
    challenges: I'm doing fine with bringing breakfast, lunch, and dinner with me, but am hungry when I get home at 9:30 p.m. I'll try for a snack of almonds this evening, and see if that helps.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    BillyJoe-Ive never made jerky before. Do you have a recipe?

    Lana-Dont worry, you're find your groove with your new schedule in no time.

    FITNESS: JM DVD & Jogging/Walking
    ~Went to dinner at Chili's and had dessert so I needed to go to the gym and burn some serious cals. So, no DVDs but I did 6.24 miles of Jogging/Walking Intervals.
    DIET:Stay Under Cals, Eat 7 Servings of Fruits/Veggies, Drink 12 Cups of H20
    Under Cals, only 6 F/Vs and 15 cups of H20

    FITNESS: JM DVDs (Need to make up 2 days:explode: :grumble: )
    DIET:Stay Under Cals, Eat 7 Servings of Fruits/Veggies, Drink 12 Cups of H20