Everyday I'm Shreddin it! 30DS 10/11/11



  • quizzer
    quizzer Posts: 17
    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to this site, but as it happens it seems that I started the 30DS at same time as this group, so I'd like to join in if that's ok?

    L2 D2 today. Level 2 seemed like absolute torture yesterday, but not quite as bad today. My main problem is that my upper body is so weak that I struggle to support my weight for plank type exercises - really infuriating!!
  • Toenges1
    Toenges1 Posts: 99 Member
    Day 7 L 2 DONE
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    L1D9 check!
  • moffee01
    moffee01 Posts: 67 Member
    L1 D9 busted out this morning!
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    level 1 day 9 done!
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    level 1 Day 8 done!

    p.s. I just changed my username... I was hpoleon, but that had my last name in it and I didn't want it as my username anymore because I've become active in the MFP community now... never good to have too much personal info out there, ya know?
  • L1 D8 done. I'll do "D9" in a bit tonight and be caught up with everyone! It makes me sad that we are about to start L2 because I was just starting to get the hang of L1 and I'm terrified that I'm going to flop out on L2. I can't even imagine!!
  • Hi everyone,

    I'm new to this site, but as it happens it seems that I started the 30DS at same time as this group, so I'd like to join in if that's ok?

    L2 D2 today. Level 2 seemed like absolute torture yesterday, but not quite as bad today. My main problem is that my upper body is so weak that I struggle to support my weight for plank type exercises - really infuriating!!

    THIS^^^ is exactly what I'm afraid of. Super.
  • StressedChaos
    StressedChaos Posts: 86 Member
    L1 - D8 - Done!!!!

    Good morning all!

    I need help/advice!!

    My weight has been the same for the last 2 weeks now, ShouldI be eating more and burn more calories? Is that right? Inches are coming off so there is still some good I guess!!!

    Remember muscle takes up less space and weighs more then fat. You are definately going to gain muscle with this workout, you should start to see the scale move soon.
  • buckaroos30
    buckaroos30 Posts: 127 Member
    day 9 level 1 done.
  • buckaroos30
    buckaroos30 Posts: 127 Member
    day 9 level 1 done.
  • StressedChaos
    StressedChaos Posts: 86 Member
    L1 - D5 is done... I know I'm way behind, but hopefully I can get caught up. I also did a 35 minute yoga dvd off of netflix and it has made a huge difference in my lower back pain.
  • D9L1 - 13 days complete!

    So i was checking myself out in the mirror today. and i realized that nothing really seems different. Then i looked at the pictures i took and i was like WHOA LOOK AT THAT!!! So all i want to say is even though it may seem like there is no change, that change is still taking place (slowly but surely!) and just stick with it! :)

    oh and i played the video game Just Dance on the Wii and i was the only one who wasnt out of breathe at the end of the game :) so this 30DS is TOTALLY WORKING and i love it <3

    I'm just nervous for level 2...
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    D9L1 - 13 days complete!

    So i was checking myself out in the mirror today. and i realized that nothing really seems different. Then i looked at the pictures i took and i was like WHOA LOOK AT THAT!!! So all i want to say is even though it may seem like there is no change, that change is still taking place (slowly but surely!) and just stick with it! :)

    oh and i played the video game Just Dance on the Wii and i was the only one who wasnt out of breathe at the end of the game :) so this 30DS is TOTALLY WORKING and i love it <3

    I'm just nervous for level 2...

    YAY! that's awesome!! And hey, don't worry about level 2, we are all in this together and we can and WILL do it! :)
  • Toenges1
    Toenges1 Posts: 99 Member
    I've been reading this board and have seen a few posts about folks scared to move onto level 2 and 3. I just want to reassure all of you that I've done all three levels and I can say with sincerity that I don't feel any level is harder than the next. I think it is a good idea to MOVE ON to the next level to work "other muscles" than you are working in level 1. But, the only part that seems slightly harder at each interval, in my opionion, is the cardo. The strength and abs training are similar in "toughness" but just working differnt muscles.

    Move on. You can do it! And..your body needs you to confuse it a bit!
  • I've been reading this board and have seen a few posts about folks scared to move onto level 2 and 3. I just want to reassure all of you that I've done all three levels and I can say with sincerity that I don't feel any level is harder than the next. I think it is a good idea to MOVE ON to the next level to work "other muscles" than you are working in level 1. But, the only part that seems slightly harder at each interval, in my opionion, is the cardo. The strength and abs training are similar in "toughness" but just working differnt muscles.

    Move on. You can do it! And..your body needs you to confuse it a bit!

    Thank you for this!!!

    L1 D9 COMPLETE! Now I'm all caught up! Too bad I'll get behind again tomorrow. But this time, I'll be caught back up by Friday and stick with the group for the rest of the week!
  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
    This morning something strange happened! I got out of bed feeling .... different.... It's hard to explain, but I didn't feel any soreness and I felt.... strong!? My body felt... firm. It's the strangest feeling...like I'm walking around in this cool body that's got the potential of becoming fit.

    D11-L2 is DONE!!!!
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    Didn't get my workout in today. After I got off work we were helping our son move. So I did carry lots of heavy boxes up the stairs many times, so hopefully that counts for something. I also noticed that I actually missed working out today. I almost felt cheated, which is a HUGE deal because I typically loathe exercising. I think I've been taken over by aliens or something.
  • debbiebaz
    debbiebaz Posts: 45 Member
    Day 8 - L1 done.
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    D8L1 done :o)