Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    millionsofpeaches - thanks for the advice on the paint :) I will definitely try that! It's just going to be tough because my husband and I have such different tastes ;) lol but I'm looking forward to it!

    Heather - I'm so sorry that you're in so much pain right now, that totally sucks! :frown: I hope that Charlee comes really soon! Hang in there. I have a feeling that this baby is going to be a big one so I am not so much looking forward to the lack of space issues that will be coming my way...yikes!

    I'm feeling a lot better today and I have yoga tonight so I'm going to go and see how I do. I am in a regular level 1 Iyengar Yoga class and the instructor is great and really tries to accommodate me - at this point I am really wishing I would have just signed up for a regular prenatal yoga class with other pregnant women because I'm starting to feel the class may be a little too much and I find myself getting frustrated because there are quite a few things I can't do at this point and she always either has me go into a modified (lots of props lol) shavasna (sp?) and I don't want to spend a lot of time laying down in my yoga class you know? But I already paid for it up front and it goes until mid December. SO I'm going to hang in there and just try my best. I love yoga and I love Iyengar the most out of any type I've tried, so I just need to listen to my body and just do what I can do. I just think it would be easier if I wasn't the only preggo there! Lol

    I was really proud of myself yesterday eating wise, I had a ton of veggies! Celery, carrots, tomato soup and fruit too (navel orange) I also had almonds as a snack yesterday. I'm happy I planned ahead, same for today - celery, carrots, grapes, orange and banana and almonds for snacks and left over pasta for lunch - I had oatmeal for breakfast so I'm off to a good start ;)

    Random question - when was the first time your husband/partner able to feel the baby kick on the outside? We keep trying with Mason because I can feel him and I feel like I can feel him on the outside but whenever my husband tries Mason goes really quiet and stops moving lol! I think it's because my husbands hands are SO warm all the time maybe he just puts him to sleep or calms him right down? It makes me laugh thinking about it :happy:

    Anyway, happy Thursday everyone...almost time for the weekend! Time is flying I can't believe it's October 20th already!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hey ladies,

    My eating is starting to taper off...Where I was ravenous before now I can eat almost anything and be fine for hours. I try to snack inbetween but I just don't feel hungry and sometimes just hte looking at food makes me not want it. I'm meeting my doctor on Monday so I'm definitely going to ask him.

    Found a pediatrician that I would love to get in with. They offer late evening hours and are open on the weekends. My GF said they also have an on call nurse so even when they are closed they can give you some sort of direction. Going to try to meet with the pediatrician here in the next week or so- since I'm still in my health insurance renewal stage. Fingers crossed!!

    Anything else you ladies recommend that I should ask? that I should know??

    Rayna- I can feel the baby moving (makes me naseaus) but I haven't felt the kicking yet...My hubby spends hours each night carressing my tummy hoping to feel something but nothing yet...maybe in a few weeks. :ohwell:
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Holly- Congrats you can get to your running!

    Heather- Hope the pain subsides a little.

    Kristin-For breakfast I always have a cup of NF milk w-cereal, or toast. Snacks-Crackers, yogurt or fruit. Lunch-whatever i can make at home: grilled chicken breast, sweet potatoe & rice or ww pasta. Dinner: I eat what i cook for home like last night I made Potatoe Tacos (Tacos De Papa), they are fried but i use canola or grapeseed oil.

    MofPeaches-Happy Anniversary! Hope it's an awesome day. Thanks for the painting tips.

    Ashley- i had thought about that too, but being a just girls babyshower. In my culture it's kind of hard to tell people " Hey no kids allowed to this event, but they should start getting used to it. Right? :wink:

    Rayna-Great job listening to what you can do when you go to yoga. Don't get frustrated, kudos for woroking out! i also try to get the hubby to feel some movement but he hasn't gotten lucky yet.

    Jchecca-Yay, baby is growing right along.

    Babeed-Yay you are on it nice to hear you have a pediatrician in mind. I wish i could not eat everything in sight. lol Hope your Dr can help you out with the eating questions. You might be ok, and the baby is still receiving nourishment.

    I managed to walk for 30 mins last night, but didn't have time to S/T so maybe tonight.
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hello fabulous ladies! I was childless and husbadless last night whoot woot!!:drinker: I picked some more stuuff for the kids Halloween party, which is stressing me out for some reason. Then had alphagetti for supper, dont ask. Then hit the pool and swam laps for 45 mins!! Lemme tell you it felt fantastic! Running has become so hard but swimming was no pain on my joints... ahh gonna try to hit the pool 2x a week I think and run at least once. Its definately been a struggle trying to work out this week cause hubs is out of town again this week for work. Still walking on my lunch breaks when I can. Not sure yet what Ill do tonight.... mabe a quick run before my daughter comes home, she had asleepover at nana and papas.

    Hope veryone has a great day!
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    Nichole- your nursery is sooooo adorable! I love the owls, and your SIL is a gifted decorator, that cake is precious :) Your photos came out amazing, I especially love the one with the pup! Hubby and I certainly will have pictures with the pups ;) I'm so happy your MW visit went so well. I've met one of the MWs in the practice and I can't wait to meet the other. I hope to find the same wonderful feeling you did!

    Heather- The photos are excellent, what a great combination of personal touches and romantic settings! I can't wait to post nursery pictures, although I know it's early for me yet :o) We're looking at a similar set of furniture that will grow with the baby. Sorry to hear about your terrible pains :( almost time!!!! :)

    Ashley- Your mural is gorgeous. I can't wait for more progress photos! ...and for you to come help me paint mine?? ;);) way to be super classy & get edited :oP

    Belgianlady- so happy to hear that Claire and Vincent are here!! :) hugs for healthy babies :):):)

    Ktgator- you're not the only one suffering from the 1st trimester bloat. I have an unnecessary roundness in my middle (I'm not even 8 weeks!)

    Kristy- so glad you had a great weekend with your in laws, and I'm soooooo jealous of that 72* forecast- it's been around 60 here, and I'm not taking to the temperature change well ;)

    Amanda- hopefully hubby will be better soon!!! VEGAS? so jealous!

    Rayna- LOVE the name :):):)

    Babeed- that pedi office sounds awesome. before long I'll be hunting for a pediatrician. yikkkkes so much to do!

    afm...I had a crazy week of nausea and uncomfortableness and I was only able to calm the nausea with red meat (esp well done hamburgers!) and cheese/dairy in any form. I'm feeling much better this week, and have even been in the mood for different kinds of food, which feels great ;) I've been so tired that I'm having trouble keeping up with the cycling, so I've been walking on the treadmill instead. I seem to be able to do more when I do intervals on the treadmill, and if get tired I don't have to turn around and ride 10+ miles home! ( not to mention catching up on DVR isn't too shabby ;) ) Other than that, my first appointment went well, I really like the MW I met, and my only issue was some bacterial cells. The nurse said it's no big deal and they called in a prescription. I just hate when you see the caller id for the doctor's office, it always makes my heart skip a beat.

    xoxo keep it up ladies :):)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hey another random question for my Canadian friends on here - how do you go about finding a Pediatrician? I asked my obgyn and he said they have them on call after you give birth and then just assign you one and if you like them you can stick with them...I'd like to do a little research and find one that I like, not just be assigned one. Does anyone have any insight on this? I know I have a lot of time but I also know it can be hard to find Doctors taking new patients - I don't know how it is for Pediatricians? I know my sisters is awful only open really limited hours and she can never get appointments so she always has to take her son to the medi centre.

    Any thoughts would be awesome!

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hey another random question for my Canadian friends on here - how do you go about finding a Pediatrician? I asked my obgyn and he said they have them on call after you give birth and then just assign you one and if you like them you can stick with them...I'd like to do a little research and find one that I like, not just be assigned one. Does anyone have any insight on this? I know I have a lot of time but I also know it can be hard to find Doctors taking new patients - I don't know how it is for Pediatricians? I know my sisters is awful only open really limited hours and she can never get appointments so she always has to take her son to the medi centre.

    Any thoughts would be awesome!



    Although we live in different countries and I am well aware of hte differences when it comes to the medical field. Here is how I began my pediatrician search: Asked all my besites, then family and then I blasted it on FB. the reponses I got were all fantastic but I knew exactly what I wanted. We would need someone with late hours or that is open on weekends- NO ER visits unelss absoutely necessary. As we get penalized $500 for going without insurance pre authorization.

    Spread the word- you'd be surprised at the responses!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hey another random question for my Canadian friends on here - how do you go about finding a Pediatrician? I asked my obgyn and he said they have them on call after you give birth and then just assign you one and if you like them you can stick with them...I'd like to do a little research and find one that I like, not just be assigned one. Does anyone have any insight on this? I know I have a lot of time but I also know it can be hard to find Doctors taking new patients - I don't know how it is for Pediatricians? I know my sisters is awful only open really limited hours and she can never get appointments so she always has to take her son to the medi centre.

    Any thoughts would be awesome!


    Mt Dr is Averys Dr
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Thanks Tara & Babeed :o)

    Another random question - has anyone found a maternity winter coat that's actually stylish??? If so, WHERE?
    I can't seem to find one ANYWHERE - any good online stores?? Help! lol
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Rayna have you tried Motherhood maternity? They are pricey but cute :)

    Kristen my typical day looks something like this:

    B'fast- Weight control quaker oatmeal (has extra protein and low sugar) with 1/2oz crushed almonds and cinnamon sprinkled on top, 1/2c of greek/organic vanilla yogurt, a fruit

    snack- banana and cheese stick

    Lunch- leftover dinner (some kind of meat, veggie) or a large salad with lots of veggies and crock pot chicken breast on top shredded

    snack-bowl of kashi go lean cereal with almond milk, or fruit with yogurt

    Dinner- Baked potato with butter, shredded chicken breast, 1/4c cheese, 2tbsp sour cream

    snack- a cup of vanilla ice cream and Annie's chocolate bunnies sprinkled on top or peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread and a cup of chocolate almond milk

    Comes out to about 2000-2500 calories most days on average.
  • eponine1976
    eponine1976 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm new to the MFP forums but have been browsing this thread for a few days. Mind if I join you?

    I'm 25 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child (a girl). I also have a 2 yr old son. Tomorrow is my 35th birthday which I guess officially makes me "Advanced Maternal Age" but I don't feel old! I'm high-risk because I'm a type 2 diabetic so that makes it especially important that I eat right and exercise. For the first half of the pregnancy though I actually stopped my exercise routine and stopped logging my foods because I felt so lousy all the time. A few weeks ago the Perinatologist started fussing at me about it because my blood sugars are starting to get higher than they should and they have had to increase my medicine to help control my sugars. So I've gone back to trying to get my 10,000 steps/day (I used to wear my pedometer every day for a year but stopped) and logging my foods. Most of my logging is on FitBit instead of MFP though since I wear one of their trackers every day. I actually prefer the MFP software but at the time being the two aren't intergrated. Supposedly FitBit is working on an app to intergrate MFP and FitBit though which would be great!

    My goals right now are:
    1) ~2200 cal/day (that's the number the nutritionist gave me)
    2) 10,000 steps/day on at least 5 days a week, preferably every day but I'm giving myself some wiggle room since some days I don't feel well or my body just tells me I need a rest day, today for example my leg muscles feel a little tired so I will probably not force myself to 10,000
    3) at least 2 strength routines per week - this is the goal that is probably hardest for me, while I LOVE how I feel after cardio I actually HATE every aspect of resistance training and therefore I tend to get lazy about doing it. So I MUST force myself!
  • eponine1976
    eponine1976 Posts: 143 Member
    Also, is there a way to mark this topic as a "favorite" so I don't have to hunt for it among the other threads?
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    It's been a while since I have checked in, but I have been trying to keep up with what is going on.

    Well, My in-laws came down this weekend and graciously shared a nasty cold bug with me! I am pretty miserable at the moment. It was incredibly hard to get up for work this morning. I just keep telling myself that it's almost the weekend when I get to sleep in and just snuggle with my puppy! So, I guess no Zumba tonight like I had hoped. I can barely walk to the restroom without getting winded.
    I had a doc appointment yesterday. We went over a lot of family history and the dos and don'ts. We also got to see "peanut" again! I am truly amazed at how much more developed he (wishful thinking) has become! Since our last ultrasound that just showed a little bean that barely resembled a human to a fully developed baby! It's just amazing! Still haven't heard the heartbeat, but we are convinced it is pumping just right with how squirmy and busy he was. So Cool
    On other news, we have finished cleaning and repairing our rental property, and Hubs meet with some prospective tenants and they really like the house and we have agreed that they will be moving in on the 28th! YAY! It is such a relief to have it finished and have good (seeming) tenants. I just hate not really knowing who these guys are or how they live, but I guess that the change you have to take being a landlord. So now we just have to cross our fingers.
    Yesterday, I broke down and bought a pair of maternity work pants... I just couldn't stand the waistline digging into me while sitting at my desk anymore. I got them at target and don't love the fit, but they will help me get thru the workweek. I've tried JCPenny also, but couldn't find any that I liked. So, I think I am going to Motherhood this weekend to try on a few more pair. On their website they have select twill pants for buy one get one free. Can't beat Free!

    Well I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Just dropping in quick to let you all know we'll be having a boy! :) He is big & healthy!!! Time to start planning everything now, yay!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Eponine- if you go to your "my topics" this last thread you comment on should be at the top. Hope that helps, congrats on your second baby and congrats on some awesome goals!!

    Kcurtis- sorry to hear that your not feeling your best. Lots of fluids & rest and you'll be back in no time!! Remember you have to take care of you!

    H_82 - How exciting to find out that you are having a baby boy!! Glad to hear all things are going well and I definitely hear you on teh planning portion!! What a blessing!!

    AFM- hubby and I had a great heart to heart last night. We cleared up things and hopefully will try to tone down on the helping so much. I love him dearly, but I am still capable of doing MANY things myself. Hoping to hit the soft trail with Neena this weekend- suppose to be nice out and hten we're back down into the 50's next week...brrr....

    Sonogram is on Monday and I'm so nervous!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Heather...your meal plan sound wonderful!! You are really an inspiration! I wish I could be that dedicated...I seem to slip somewhere almost daily!

    H_82...congrats on a baby boy! So exciting!

    Kim...How great to have another ultrasound! I wish I had one soon (probably not until right before Thanksgiving!) It's amazing to see how they develop in such a short time! And I hope you recover quickly...I just got over a sinus fun!

    eponine...welcome! This is a great group of ladies! And it sounds like you have some good goals!

    Everyone else...HELLO! Hope you are fabulous today!

    AFM: Had another failed night last night...I really need to get myself back in check! Had pizza for dinner (not too bad...only one piece with a salad). But I didn't get any exercise in again! Oh motivation...where are you? I'm slipping into the same rut I was in last pregnancy...and I gained 60 pounds then! I'm NOT going to do that again!!!!!!

    Tonight...I will do some excuses!!
    Tomorrow...I'm walking the 5K Race for the Cure.
    Sunday...I WILL do my strength/cardio workout AND yoga!!!

    Next weeks goals...
    1. Stregth/cardio...3 times
    2. Yoga...3 times
    3. Walk/jog outside when the weather allows!!

    Have a great day gals...and a wonderful weekend!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Yay!!! Congratulations Heather!!! We needed some more boys to start and even things out around here! :) I'm so happy for you! How exciting!

    Kim glad you checked in! I'd been thinking about you and hoping everything was okay. Sorry to hear about your sickness...I've gotten sick more times since I've been pregnant than I have in the past 5 years combined! I hope you feel better soon. And Yay for seeing peanut! :) And that is awesome about getting things squared away with the rental property and getting a new tenant! So besides the sickness sounds like good things all around!

    Welcome eponine! And Happy Birthday! Please read the intro on the first page...lets you know what we are all about and there is some good info on nutrition and exercise. What kind of workouts do you like to do? Jump right on in.

    Kristen I still "slip" as well...When I go out to eat I order whatever I want, we have pizza night where we make some yummy pizza on Friday's, and typically at least twice a week I have some cookies or ice cream out. But it isn't about the is about what you do the majority of the time. If I could give just a little advice for you it would be to try and add more protein to your day. You aren't eating bad....I think you just could use some more protein since your diet is very heavy in the carbs. And your exercise goals are great! You can do it!

    babeed yay for the u/s on Monday! I can't wait! I'm so excited for you! We are sending "boy vibes" right?! :)

    So I've come to recognize a trend with my body...I feel pretty great first thing in the morning. My body only feels slightly like a beached whale, and my aches and pains are very mild. I like to use this time in the morning to do housework (vacuuming, laundry, mopping, bathrooms, etc) and working out. After noon it begins and by bedtime my body is so sore I feel like I ran a marathon holding a bowling ball against my right rib cage. I've had to start putting a heating pad on my ribs from about 6pm on until I fall asleep. I'm going to see the chiro today so hopefully it helps a little. It is now to the point where it hurts even around to my should blade and up to my armpit.

    So the plan today is to walk for an hour and then do some toning for my arms.

    Hope you ladies have a great Friday...the weekend is almost here! Stay fit and healthy my friends! :)
  • Oh man, just found this thread. I have a lot of catching up to do here! I recently found out I'm pregnant (first, 6 weeks-ish) and am looking for exactly a thread like this! Alright, I will chime in a little later when I'm a little more caught up. Thanks!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Quickly checking in so maybe I can actually get some work accomplished in my half day here today!

    Last night I had a good strength session - did about 30 minutes and got a total body workout in. I'm not necessarily sore today except my glutes (darn Bulgarian split squats!) but it was nice to do some strength. I really want to get at least one strength workout in a week, preferably 2 from here on out. I am beggining my transition to my home gym and have definitely decided to quit my gym. They have closed one of the main bridges across the KY/IN border in Louisvile, any my gym happens to be on the street that the otehr downtown bridge is on so traffic is a nightmare; I almost didn't end up going on Tuesday. Anyways, having the equipment in the basement will make it easier to get myself motivated I think. My dog watched me work out and can't quite figure out the mirror wall. She kept going up to it and sniffing at her reflection. IT was too cute. After my strength I had a little time to clean and got some more burn in there but didn't have time for the treadmill. Today my cardio will be shopping. :smile:

    Hope you all have great weekends! Yay for another boy and hopefully we'll hear of another on Monday!

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Happy Friday all my fellow momma's to be! :flowerforyou:

    I am SO glad it's Friday...what a week. I ended up going to my yoga class last night and it was actually really good :o) AND there was one other pregnant lady there with me so I wasn't alone doing all the modifications! It was really great! She's 29 weeks and it was really nice to have another preggo with me in there! Also she told me about how at Prenatal yoga it's more focused on the breathing which can be really helpful in labour I might need to sign up for one after this series is done. I felt really good in the class - we did a lot of work on shoulders and my instructor showed me a few new pregnancy poses that are supposed to really help open up your pelvis and hips and relieve lower back pain!! So I'm going to try to do those poses every single day.
    Yesterday the pain in and around my rips and upper back on my left side were hitting me full force all day - driving to yoga was painful - it's the worst when I'm sitting. I think I might book another chiro and massage appointment - hopefully it will help!

    This weekend I'm really going to try to get a bunch of cleaning & organization done in my house. Going to organize the basement so we can clean out the spare room and get going on the nursery! :o)
    Today I have a lunch date with a friend who's also pregnant and due in December - we're going out for pasta and I'm really excited! Then after work I'm meeting up with my sister and my nephew for a quick visit! So excited, I don't get to see them nearly enough, should be a really good day!

    Really proud of how I've been eating this week, could have to do with the fact I've been sick but I've gotten a ton of veggies in this week and it just makes me feel so much better! lol

    Well should get back to work! Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!