Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Question: I've noticed that I am always STARVING in the mornings...ALL morning. I need some suggestions for good fulfilling snacks that I can have between my breakfast and lunch! Thanks! :)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Kristin - oatmeal always works really well for me, anything with a lot of fiber will fill you up! :o) Or I like to have a breakfast sandwich. As for snacks in the morning, I usually bring some sort of fruit like a banana or grapes or something and some cheese, almonds that sort of stuff and I drink lots of water and it keeps me full! :o)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Kristen just from what I saw on your average daily food intake, it looks like you get maybe 3-5 grams of protein by lunch which is probably why you are starving by that time. I'd recommend a hard boiled egg, or oatmeal with added protein and fiber to it like Rayna suggested. Greek yogurt is a great form of protein as well. As is cottage cheese and cheese sticks. You should be getting around 80-100 grams of protein a day while pregnant. It really will help you feel more full.

    Rayna so glad you have a preggo friend in yoga! I'm happy you had a great class and are looking into the prenatal yoga as well. My Bradley Method instructor said that women who do yoga tend to be able to relax during contractions so much better and more naturally. Hope you have a great day and a fun weekend!

    Ashley that's cute. My dog used to watch me in the mirror in our gym as well. She finally realized that the lady or the other dog in the mirror weren't going to play with her either lol. Have fun shopping!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks gals! I totally know it about the protein! I need to boil some eggs and keep them on hand...and I need to pick up some string cheese to keep handy as well. I have almonds at work, but the never seem appetizing for some reason...I used to LOVE almonds! Bummer... Thanks for the suggestions!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Also, is there a way to mark this topic as a "favorite" so I don't have to hunt for it among the other threads?

    No, but you can just simply go to your own profile, look under "My Recent Forum Posts" on the bottom left of the page. Since you posted something here, you'll have a link.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Just dropping in quick to let you all know we'll be having a boy! :) He is big & healthy!!! Time to start planning everything now, yay!

    Yay! Congrats!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Really needs to get out of the mindset of minless snacking the the thought pattern of oh well Im pregnant anyways. I didnt work out last night, I felt really sleepty at around 7, Ate Supper then ate banana bread, hot chocolate, 4 mini chocolate bars and 2 bowls of doritos!!! I wasnt even really hungry! I woke up feeling mad at myself. I need to get some self control. I did walk for 45 mins yesterday so that was good. Pretty chilly here today so I may walk inside on the treadmill after lunch.

    Welcome new ladies, board moves pretty fast hard to keep up especially when Im trying to do this at work :tongue:
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Busy Busy!!!! Haven't had time to catch up lately! Work is crazy and my week has been filled with meetings! Have done good on drinking water and eating healthy, but not to great on the excercise!! I've worked late every day this week with meetings following immediately after work 3 times, plus so much to do at home. Wrestling season is busy!!! Tournament is at our school tomorrow, nice we don't have to travel, but we do have to set up, then I have to be at the school at 5:30 a.m. - 8:00 to set up the kitchen for concessions, then go get my son ready for weigh ins, have the tournament and then clean the school up!! Ugh! Tiring! I'm exhausted and think I'm getting sick. My pain around my gallbladder is back and I have a huge head ache. Think it might be tension, but not sure. On top of all this, the baby went through a HUGE growth spurt, so shopping soon is a must!!! Nothing fits comfortably!!!

    Next week will hopefully be better for me. Work will still be nuts but no meetings any extra stuff! Yay, I'm looking forward to 8:00 bedtime!!! Stressing a little, haven't got nothing done towards the nursery and things are so busy I just don't know when I can even make time!!!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

    Congrats Belgianlady on the twins!!!!

    H_82 - Yay a lil' boy!!!

    Babeed - Hope your u/s goes good!!!

    Heather - Your getting so close, sorry your in so much pain, but it shouldn't be too much longer!!!!!

    Holly - Good for you getting back to your running!!!!! Congrats, I know it was driving you crazy!!

    Welcome to the new people too!

    I know I missed a bunch, but I gotta get back to work!!!!! Hoping to leave at off time today and not stay late!!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I cannot help and had to share...
    This morning while I was still laying on my left side, just waking up, the baby rolled somehow, and got my upper belly a small ping-pong ball shape. :-) Last night she rolled to get my bottom right belly rock solid hard.

    Well even it's not my first pregnancy, but it's first time this baby gave me the nice strong rolls. It's fun for now, and I know later on, I'll be having hard time with things like that (poor me). My son used to roll and got my entire belly into a very odd shape and hard to breath while he did that.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member

    Kristen- You can do it! Tell that lack of motivation who's boss!! Happy yoga-ing. :happy:

    Heather- Thank you. Yes, I have been SO busy w/ work and the house lately that I have totally given up for threeish weeks. So I am back to conscience eating and trying to get moving more. I am feeling the effects of my slacking and feel like a total slob! Now its time to get rid of this icky bug too. Take advantage of those good feeling mornings! I can't believe how close you are getting :happy: Have a great weekend!

    MissConfidence- Welcome! Congrats! This is our first baby too.

    Ashley- Great job on the strength workout! I would love to have a home gym. That’s cute that your pup was a little confused. Mine always chases me if I workout at home, I can only imagine what she would do if we had mirrors. LOL Happy Shopping! I like that cadio.

    Rayna- good to hear you have a preggers yoga buddy. I think it is time for me to find a yoga class. I have never tried it, but I know it provides great health benefits. I really hope you find some relief soon. A massage sounds like a great idea. Oh, and when you are done organizing your basement you think you could come do mine? J/k I need to do that exact same thing.

    Taldie- Don’t be too hard on yourself. You know what can and needs to be done, just don’t let it become a habit (like I have). Today is a new day! “fast moving” is an understatement! This thread sometimes moves at lightning speed! I have dedicated my afternoon to this thread multiple times…oops sorry work. Hehehe TGIF!

    Atomdraco- I can’t wait to start feeling something. Sometimes I still can’t believe that there is a growing baby inside me.

    I’m feeling a better today. A co-worker of mine is taking care of me and delivering OJ to my desk. Super sweet. I will be trying to rest and clean this weekend. A little contradicting, but it has to be done. We have a mountain of laundry that I have been trying to ignore and a basement that has turned into a cluttered catchall that needs some serious organizing! Hope everyone has a great weekend!:flowerforyou:
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Welcome new mommas! These mommas on the board are awesome.
    H-82 -Congrats on your lil boy!

    Rayna-Yay for a yogi buddy. I wish the prenatal yoga classes would be in the evening at my gym so I cna attend but they are not.

    Kim-Glad to hear you are feeling better! Take it easy.

    Atomdraco- That is awesome, I get paranoid not feeling the baby move but I think it's because I still had leftover puoch from my 1st and the baby has enough room to swim around. LOL

    Misti- Hope you feel better. I can relate with the sports keeping us busy, my son has a soccer tourney next weekend! That's great that your baby is growing. I was asked by an aquantance if I am having twins. I responded no, I wasn't skinny before pregnancy so I know I am looking bigggg!

    Ashley & Heather- You guys rock with your S/T workouts. Keep up the good work.
    Heather- I hope your chiro visit was good and your feeling a little better.

    Taldie- Don't be too hard on your self. You are staying active too, even if it is walking it is still good.

    I didn't work out last night a good old family friend dropped by to visit and the SIL cooked so we had a nice social nite. Today we met up again for Sushi but I passed up on all my favs and ate cooked fish & teriyaki beef etc...

    Will go for a good walk to flush the sodium.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Peeking in for a visit. So glad that everyone is doing good! I did a quick scan through, I was way way way behind.

    I started going on my walks again, since I hadn't had any spotting or problems with the placenta bleed. Was doing really good the past couple of days, and today I started spotting again. It's scary as all heck and demotivating as well. I want to be healthy for this baby, but I can't even get walks in without something happening now. So far I'm only up 12 lbs though, but half that has been put on in the past few weeks (since I was told to stop trying to exercise). Only thing keeping me sane right now is feeling the little one move around every so often. :ohwell:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Hi ladies! I've been lurking on this board for the past week or so, but waited to post. We made our big announcement to our daughter & families last night that we are expecting our 2nd child in June! Huge surprise to them (and us, really!), as our first daughter is now 13 years old. :tongue:

    I've been here at MFP since late August with a goal of trying to lose weight, and was down 8lbs when I realized I was pregnant and I needed to change those fitness goals! Adjusted my goals to maintain my weight through the first trimester. I also stopped my more intense workouts and dropped back to just walking, but after some spotting last Monday, I stopped those too, at least until my first doc appointment, which was yesterday. And we were glad it was yesterday, because though my spotting had stopped, about an hour before the appointment I started bleeding. We thought for sure I had lost or was losing the baby. An ultrasound at the doctor's office showed the baby was still okay and we saw the heartbeat - such a relief! But the bleeding is still scary and very annoying, so I am taking it easy in hopes that it will stop.

    I'm 43 years old, so I know the risks are higher, and also that many women in their 40s deliver healthy kids. Our first daughter was born at 30 weeks after a textbook start to the pregnancy - my water started leaking at 29 weeks, and after 5 days in the hospital, labor started and she was born. So really hoping for a full term baby this time around as all that NICU time was not fun!

    You all seem like a fun, supportive group and I'm happy to find you here! I plan to keep tracking my foods and maintain a healthy weight through this pregnancy, and to get back to exercising as soon as I can.

    Have a great weekend!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Amy - Welcome aboard. I'm 40, having my 2nd too. My sister (42) is like you, have a 15 year old daughter (and a 3 yr old boy), now she's pregnant again. My doctor never treat me differently due to age. On the other hand, I'm probably in better shape in my life now than when I was having my first child. Age do not define us. :-)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Just wanted to share: my first attempt at making baby uggs lol - sorta cute :bigsmile:

  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Happy Saturday to my fit, fabulous friends!

    I've met my goals so far this week - walking 45 minutes daily and two easy runs. Yesterday I took Ellie and let me tell you, it's a lot more work to push her too! She did great and I look forward to having that continued bonding time with her. I've also done some strength training and tried abs, but have to say the abs was somewhat uncomfortable. Amy, did you find that with the c-section too? My body feels great, but noticed some very light spotting this morning. I know that is what they told me would be a sign of overdoing it, so maybe I need to back off just a little. I'm just so excited to have been given the okay to exercise again! I never realized how much I truly enjoyed running until I was told I couldn't do it. Funny how we figure those things out.

    H-82, Yeah! A boy!! We need a few more little guys in the group ;-)

    Kristin, great goals! You can do this!

    Heather, hope you are getting some relief. I know by this stage most of my discomfort was in the pelvic area. It seriously felt like she was going to pop out at any moment towards the end. As I said earlier, patience becomes the most challenging from now until delivery. Try and enjoy these last few weeks of just you and Al, which is much easier said than done! By the way, your nursery is adorable!! We did navy and spring green as our main colors since we had a surprise bambina, but seeing the pink makes me want to change out a few things in Ellie's room...

    Missconfidence, welcome! This is a fantastic group of ladies!

    AmyRubarb, welcome to you too. This is a very supportive group of fabulous women. I just had my first at 38 so yeah to the older ladies :-) It's always awesome to see that heartbeat, I know that gave me such relief for the early part of my pregnancy. I pray that you have a healthy and uneventful, full term pregnancy this go around.

    Ashley, glad you are using that home gym you spent so much time putting together. I love how dogs react to mirrors and how it takes them a while to figure out that the "other dog" isn't going to come out to play.

    Rayna, great getting your good nutrition in last week. Hope you are feeling better and had a great visit with friends and family.

    Atomdraco, I loved feeling Ellie move! It never gets old!

    Taldie, you can do this. The mental challenge can sometimes be the hardest!

    Misti, glad things are slowing down for you next week. You have been moving at a crazy pace! Remember healthy eating can be such a big challenge. Don't beat yourself up over not exercising, you can get back to it when the rest of your life slows again.

    Kim, hope you are feeling better. It's always hard to stay on track when you are dealing with not feeling well. Good luck getting back on track.

    Brenda, Hope you enjoyed your visit with your friend and got in a great walk afterwards!

    Cindy, take care of you and that precious little one. I know it sucks not being able to exercise, but if that's what you have to do right now just try and keep up with good nutrition. You'll have lots of time to exercise again in the future :-)

    Wishing everyone a great weekend.

  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Happy Saturday as I sit at work lol!

    Welcome Amy! I can relate with the kid age gap, my son is also 13. The first appointment is always the tear jerker, glad to hear you're baby is ok and take it easy.

    Rayna-Those are so cute! You are very talented.

    MDDream-Hang in there, anything for your lil one to be safe. Don't worry when our babies are here, we can get motivated & back on track, as I also slowed my double workouts to just walking, and prenatal yoga.

    Holly-It's good to hear your listening to your body and eventualy you will be at full speed on your running.Those bonding moments are always heart melting right!

    Well everyone else, have a good weekend!

    I am getting my 20-30 min walks, and last night really helped me sleep.
  • millionsofpeaches
    Also, is there a way to mark this topic as a "favorite" so I don't have to hunt for it among the other threads?

    Pretty sure if you go under Community and then click on My Topics at the top... It will direct you to the page that you posted on before. That is how I always go back to it.
  • millionsofpeaches
    Question: I've noticed that I am always STARVING in the mornings...ALL morning. I need some suggestions for good fulfilling snacks that I can have between my breakfast and lunch! Thanks! :)

    I wake up starving too... Most likely because you just woke up from not eating for hours. I find that cereal with banana helps me to power through. Or peanut butter toast. As for snacks I usually have fruit or yogurt. :)
  • JulieWulie81
    JulieWulie81 Posts: 39 Member
    bump for later