Everyday I'm Shreddin it! 30DS 10/11/11



  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    although I am lagging behind you all by 3 days, reading all your comments has given me great support while I have been piggybacking on this group! I have one more day of level one, and looking forward to joining you on level 2!! I have been laughing at your comments about Jillian and the smiling girls - it helps to "hate" them (not really!) while you are going through it!!! I particularly hate her saying "come-on, chop-chop" I find it quite hard to jump up off the floor (well I am nearly 53, in real years)..... but I am keeping up! Great work everyone!
  • xorachelrose
    D3L2 - 19 days complete!

    I just realized that i didnt post that i did D2L2 yesterday.. i did it, i just realized that i went on MFP and recorded everything without ever actually making it to the message board.. lol oops.

    I felt like today was HARDER than day one and day two... weird i know, hopefully get will get a little easier after a couple of days like level was did..
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    Since I can't get level 2 to work all the way through..I went to level 3. So I'll be doing level 3 for 20 days instead of 10 days. I started level 3 today.
    So L3 Day2 DONE!
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    L2D2 done. I'm so happy I'm in this group since I don't think I would have made it this far without you guys. On days I really want to skip it I make myself because I don't want to let you guys down. On a side note. My daughter started walking yesterday so now I really am going to be kept on my toes.

    Awwwwww! Congrats to your little daughter on a great milestone!
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    (day 12) Day 2 Lev 2
    I think I am going to be sick and my head is pounding after finishing my workout today.
    Everyone on here keeps saying they are enjoying level 2, I think I must be doing something wrong because I am finding level 2 really hard going and am sweating like mad. I have to keep taking about 3 X 5 second breaks.
    Am I alone in this?

    Although I only got to do level 2 for 2 days I loved it as well, only because it really maked me sweat. I really had to push myself. I did take short breaks so you are not alone in that. Keep SHREDDIN!
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    So this morning I was half way through my work out annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the dvd started acting up. OMG! So after I've tried everything I know to fix the DVD I turn to my son's father and ask him if he knew what happen to the DVD. He tells me that our son was playing with the DVD. The DVD has scratches all over. I'm so disappointed because I really want to finish this DVD. I'm going to have to order a new one. If you ladies know any tricks about fixing DVDs please let me know.

    In the UK if you take a scratched DVD to a Blockbuster video shop they have a machine that fixes the scratches so it's like new. It only costs a couple of pounds. My son is forever scratching his XBOx games and Blockbuster have fixed them a few times.
    I bet they have something like that in the States too (if you are the States)

    Awwww thanks hun!. I don't even know if we have anymore blockbusters here in my city. I think they all went out of business but I sure will look online to make sure.
  • nici94
    nici94 Posts: 28 Member
    So this morning I was half way through my work out annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the dvd started acting up. OMG! So after I've tried everything I know to fix the DVD I turn to my son's father and ask him if he knew what happen to the DVD. He tells me that our son was playing with the DVD. The DVD has scratches all over. I'm so disappointed because I really want to finish this DVD. I'm going to have to order a new one. If you ladies know any tricks about fixing DVDs please let me know.

    In the UK if you take a scratched DVD to a Blockbuster video shop they have a machine that fixes the scratches so it's like new. It only costs a couple of pounds. My son is forever scratching his XBOx games and Blockbuster have fixed them a few times.
    I bet they have something like that in the States too (if you are the States)

    Awwww thanks hun!. I don't even know if we have anymore blockbusters here in my city. I think they all went out of business but I sure will look online to make sure.

    Any video store should be able to do it for you, it doesn't have to be a blockbuster.
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    Hi guys!!! D3L2 done :) (13 down all together). Hope you all are doing well!! I also did Week 3 of my C25K today... I DID NOT want to do any of this today but I'm so glad I did!!! And of course I didn't want to let any of you guys down. So proud of all of us for keeping pushing and doing this! :)
  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
    D15-L2 done
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    Anderia - I bought something called "Disc Genie" from Walgreens, or maybe Duane reed, I think....... - it claims to repair any disc in seconds - not tried it yet - its just a square of fibre - like suede - maybe check web site www.thediscgenie.com good luck! How is level 3???
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    (day 13) day 3 level 2

    It's getting slightly easier but still had a couple of 5 second breaks. I can't believe how much I'm sweating and my knee is strapped up so I struggle a little with jumping jacks etc.
    I've lost 3 " from my waist though!! It was 29" when I started this and now it's 26"!! Also lost 1/2' from my arms and an inch from my hips.
    I've also lost my bingo wings (they were flapping when I dried my hair but now now) and my inner thighs that slapped together when I sat down - not any more they're not!! I keep walking round in the house naked (only in our part of the house, don't want to scare the kids or the dog) admiring my on-my-way-to-being-buff body!!
    Who knew that exercise and clean eating would be the answer?? ;)
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    Yesssss - fear just left the body - day 10, level one completed!!! Day1, L2 tomorrow!!
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    D2L2 done - day 12 so almost half way through. I thought this was tough today, probably my hardest day yet! Could be because I'm tired?
  • debbiebaz
    debbiebaz Posts: 45 Member
    D2L2 done, my back is starting to hurt, not sure if I am doing one of the new moves incorrectly or just using new muscles, anyone else with similar complaint? But I too am feeling tired, combination of early morning exercising and busy weekend I think!
  • vixxy83
    vixxy83 Posts: 59
    Lvl 2 day 4 done after a week off due to bein ill god its tough lol
  • cwglosin4vaca
    cwglosin4vaca Posts: 63 Member
    Day5Level1 done yesterday and Day6Level1 done today. For the first time this morning, my muscles didnt hurt! YAY!
  • mallie233
    L2 D3. My calves just won't stop burning!
  • danajotx
    L2 D3 done. I had to skip yesterday. Did a bike ride in the hill country and my legs were jello!!

    Have a good Monday!
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    I'm really confusing my days. Today is Day 15 Level 3 DONE!

  • quizzer
    quizzer Posts: 17
    L2 D4 done. Had 3 days off over the weekend, got to throw myself back in now!