Team UK - October 2011



  • Cold but sunny here today in Wiltshire! I hope everyone is doing well. Off to London tomorrow to see my best friend who is at Uni there, I can't wait!! :D
  • nic81081
    nic81081 Posts: 46 Member
    Yipee!!!!! Lost 2lbs this week and am not at my lightest weight in around 6 years. Also chuffed to have managed to get size 12 jeans at the weekend. So glad to be seeing some results as i have been a bit up and down since our wedding in June. Aiming to get to 30lbs loss by Christmas and I WILL DO IT!!!! Have a great day guys:bigsmile:
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Well done Nic! And enjoy London Molly :)

    I just put the marinade on my Chinese barbecue pork for dinner, making some fried rice as well. Can't wait! I'm mostly excited because it is cinema night and I am RESISTING going out for dinner! Sure, crappy cinema times may have had something to do with that but still, dinner at home :)
  • We should attempt to arrange a UK meet up! :)
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    We should attempt to arrange a UK meet up! :)
    That's a brilliant idea!! Sometime in the new year would be good!! :bigsmile:
  • persephone87
    persephone87 Posts: 220 Member
    Can I join? I'm in newcastle :)
  • Hello Team UK, can I join? I am in Bath.

    I didn't realise there were quite so many UKers on here! Who else is enjoying this lovely miserable weather? :( I walked to work in the dark for the first time this morning, winter is truly here now *sigh*
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hello Team UK, can I join? I am in Bath.

    I didn't realise there were quite so many UKers on here! Who else is enjoying this lovely miserable weather? :( I walked to work in the dark for the first time this morning, winter is truly here now *sigh*

    Ughh!!! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: had to drive to work in the dark this not happy about that becoming a regular thing....
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    We should attempt to arrange a UK meet up! :)

    That would be fab :)
  • Hello Team UK, can I join? I am in Bath.

    I didn't realise there were quite so many UKers on here! Who else is enjoying this lovely miserable weather? :( I walked to work in the dark for the first time this morning, winter is truly here now *sigh*

    I left the house at 7.30am this morning and honestly if I didn't have a watch (or y'know, planned when I had to go to work) it coulda been 3am. It was ridiculously dark. Roll on next weekend for the clock changes.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Have not been on our page for what seems like ages... A meet up would be great! Let's hike up butser hill!!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Sorry everyone I haven't posted for a while. Just read through the last 2 weeks of posts to catch up with how you are all doing, you've all been very busy and so many new faces too.

    Had my mum to stay this week so it's been a struggle to eat healthy all the time (she kept tempting me!!), also didn't get to work out so much. She's gone back home now so back to the grindstone for me. :wink: Got to really push my self over the next week before I have a weekend in Blackpool, that's bound to involve lots of eating out and alcohol - can't wait.

    See you all later, Sam
  • Hi all new to the boards and have just come across this one. Didn't realise there were so many uk on here. I'm from Scotland xx
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Oh no, it's almost over and the blinking clocks go back and soon it'll be pitch black in the morning till 8am and dark by 4pm :cry:

    Can't believe that it's only 8 weeks to Christmas... but that's almost another 12lbs away (hopefully) although 8lbs is probably more realistic given that my birthday's smack in the middle :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night... I'm off to watch Strictly :bigsmile:
  • Debsxxx
    Debsxxx Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Team UK,

    Hope you enjoyed your extra hour this morning!

    I'd love to join in too please! I live on the Isle of Wight (which is UK, you don't need a passport ha ha!) Would love to be a size 12 again, and making my way there slowly. I've got 2 children, although my son is 18 so not really a child anymore, I also have a gorgeous grandson who is nearly 4, and a daughter of 15.

    Feel free to add me, I'd love some more friends on here - need all the support I can get!

    November is going to be a strange month for me, as will find out in about 10 days whether I still have a job, or am to be made am trying to keep positive and keep my glass half full, and take control of my eating which has consisted of a lot of comfort/emotional eating recently. Tips appreciated! Have a great day everyone! :drinker:
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 523 Member
    Hello Team UK. Can I join? I'm from Merseyside.

    Not looking forward to walking home from work in the dark next week now clocks have gone back. I hate winter! At least the weathers nice today
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Clock change is already messing with my body clock. Don't know when to eat! I always feel confused and disoriented for a week, no matter how many times people say 'spring forward, fall back' to me, like it makes sense....

    Oh well. I'll be ok-ish by this time next week.

    Bracing myself for the dark nights....
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Oh no, it's almost over and the blinking clocks go back and soon it'll be pitch black in the morning till 8am and dark by 4pm :cry:

    This really freaked me out the first time I came to the UK. I was really jetlagged so way sleepy, especially when it started getting dark. But also, it just seemed really bizarre! In Australia there is a slight difference between summer and winter (but mostly due to daylight savings than actual difference) so it's just light in the day and dark in the night all the time which I guess just seems 'normal'? So I never realised this would happen in other parts of the world!! I quite like it sometimes though, wandering around London in the dark with the lights is lovely :)

    Well, just as I'm getting back into my gym classes, my gym is re-doing the floor so no classes for a week! Grr!! Might trek over to another one on the tube. We are hoping to move soon and when we do, I am hoping to a) be closer to the gym (90 min walk is a bit much if I'm working) and b) have better instructors because the ones here are rubbish! I'm pretty good with the les mills classes because I've done them so much in Australia that I get the general pattern but their instruction is so terrible that sometimes even I'm missing what I'm supposed to be doing - I can't imagine how difficult it would be for a beginner! It doesn't help that the music is about twice as loud as the mic - I like loud music but not at the expense of being able to hear the instruction, and don't even get me started about leaving the music blaring during the cool down stretch period! Then on Saturday we had a pump instructor that yelled at us like we were children for the whole class - not saying a single nice thing the whole time just 'don't do this, don't do that'... talk about unmotivating!! So yeah, hoping for some improvement!

    I start back at work this week. Just locuming 2 days per week until my permanent contract comes through. It will be good to ease myself into it a bit because I've had about 2-3 months off now!

    Take care guys, nearly time for the November thread!!

    Dotti xo
  • Oh no, it's almost over and the blinking clocks go back and soon it'll be pitch black in the morning till 8am and dark by 4pm :cry:

    Can't believe that it's only 8 weeks to Christmas... but that's almost another 12lbs away (hopefully) although 8lbs is probably more realistic given that my birthday's smack in the middle :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night... I'm off to watch Strictly :bigsmile:

    OH no! 8 weeks! Didn't realise it was that soon eeeep! Better get excersising :)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    It was dark when I left the pub tonight :frown:

    It might be lighter when I get into London tomorrow morning, but walking from the City to Borough you don't really notice because there's so much artificial light.

    But it's going to be dark when I leave the office tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to that one little bit.

    I should be tired now - especially after the exercise I've done today - but I'm not and I need to be up on time tomorrow. Sorry for being such a moaning myrtle ... I'll be back to high spirits in a few days once I start getting into the Christmas Spirit :happy: