<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • mushalek

    Does your family know you count calories? Friends? I mentioned it to someone and they looked at me as if I had 3 heads. LOL. I don't walk around shouting it from the rooftops and I guess I try to "conceal" it to some degree because I feel judged because of it since I'm "thin" and it's seen as diety

    Yes, and they get on my case all the time about it, its actually really annoying i can't cook a meal without them harping on me for measuring or reading the nutritional labels. My intermediate family has became more accepting of it, but at family functions i usally get HELL for it ,but it doesn't bother me, i enjoy counting and reading labels it makes me happy and if they have a problem with it then oh well!

    *On a side note should i feel guilty??...

    Yesterday my younger sister (she's 13) came to me with her halloween candy (She knows i wouldn't eat any of it) but she asked me if i would pick out all the candy that was the absolute worst for her, and so i did, i just kicked out everything with trans fats, which was quite a lot of it, and especially her fav.. butterfinger. i feel bad because she was SOO disappointed that it was so bad for you but i did the right thing telling her that its just not good for her at all? i don't want to ruin her halloween.. but i was happy she is starting to care about what is actually in those "fun sized" packages
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    I am quite sore from that fat blasting workout I did on wednesday, so yesterday I got in just a run and today a good walk and that will be it. I was hoping to do the workout again tomorrow, but judging by how I feel, it may be Sunday. I will do something to burn some calories though, a girl's gotta eat.
    Calories have been coming in at high 1900s the last couple days, my target has been just over 2000 with exercise calories. I was trying to eat a little under expecting pms muchies this weekend, but kept ending up right around 2000, it was the least I could eat and be satisfied.
    I have a feeling today may be a munchy day, speaking of that, darn it. Just waiting to see if my breakfast satisfies me in about 20 minutes, right now I feel like I didn't even eat, I hate that.
    I don't want to eat too much this morning/afternoon because I am planning pizza for dinner.

    My immediate family knows I calorie count, but that's about it. If someone were to ask how I lost weight, I wouldn't hesitate to tell them though. I am not embarrassed about it, but if I was following some fad diet or something, I would be hesitant to tell people, even if I was having success.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    My husband knows but he doesn't ever say anything about it. I used to talk to my mom about it but she has made it very clear that she does not think it's a good idea. So I keep it to myself now. To me, this is personal and I don't want to have to explain myself to people who don't approve or feel the need to judge me, so I keep it to myself and and my MFP buddies. Works for me :wink:
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    my ipod shuffle

    Tummy bruises?!
    For some strange reason a bruise appeared on my lower belly on the right and then today I noticed another bruise on the other side of my belly?! I dont recall bumping into anything. Anyone have any ideas why i'm bruising? haha maybe its got something to do with the fact i have less padding on my tummy now and perhaps i'm bumping into things i have no idea!? I dont usually bruise unless i'm playing contact sport. Anyone have this happen to them?

    Most likely, you bumped something and didn't pay attention to itl. In a worst case scenario, spontaneous bruising can be a sign of a low platelet count. Have you noticed any other bruising, do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, or any nosebleeds? Sometimes, little purple dots (petechiae) may appear on your shins/calves if it is a platelet problem. It's probably nothing serious but just keep an eye out for more bruising.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    *On a side note should i feel guilty??...
    I'd say no. It's not like you're forcing them to be as conscious as you...& if they feel guilty about it that's their issue, not yours.
    Yesterday my younger sister (she's 13) came to me with her halloween candy (She knows i wouldn't eat any of it) but she asked me if i would pick out all the candy that was the absolute worst for her, and so i did, i just kicked out everything with trans fats, which was quite a lot of it, and especially her fav.. butterfinger. i feel bad because she was SOO disappointed that it was so bad for you but i did the right thing telling her that its just not good for her at all? i don't want to ruin her halloween.. but i was happy she is starting to care about what is actually in those "fun sized" packages
    I so love that she took the initiative to do this! If Butterfingers are her fave, it won't hurt for her to have 1 or 2. It's more important that she knows these things should be enjoyed in moderation, & if the majority of her choices are good ones, then she's fine.

    I have a 13 yr old daughter who is overweight, so this is a topic near & dear to my heart. I want to express to her that she has the power to make choices about what she eats & what her activity level is, without pressuring her to lose weight. If I can make her understand that those are the 2 things that control her weight then I'll be happy, & we're getting there. :)
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope everyone's having a good day so far. I'm in a little better mood today because our snow seems to be melting a bit. We got 16 inches a few days ago....major downer, as our winters are so long here in the Rockies, so when they start early, it's rough!

    TluvK -- send it over here!!! UT has gotten nada, zip, zilch, zero inches since the first teaser of a snow dump first week of October. Our first ski resort (Solitude) is supposed to open Nov. 11. They just started blowing snow this week. I can't wait for the real stuff!!!!! My snowboard is lonely!!!

    On to more grown-up stuff ... hehe.

    My family that knows I'm conscious of calories/protein/carbs is the family that lives with me (younger brother + bf). My brother eats crap and is still rail-thin, so he thinks it's some sort of "girl thing" that I'm going through. My bf appreciates and is supportive of my efforts; I try to get him to eat some of the healthier stuff I cook, which he often does, but he's still a junk food addict so he "supplements" with crap food binges (50 pc nuggets from McDonald's, anyone?).

    Coworkers know that I've started using my gym membership again and that I sometimes drink chocolate protein shakes (mixed in a bottle with a blender ball whisk) or go home for lunch to grill up a steak, but that's about it. When I go out with friends, I still eat what I want because I enjoy being with my friends and I don't want to stress over food.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Does my family know I calorie count? Yes. My sisters do it, too. But my mom gave me weird looks and threw comments around.

    While looking at a label she'd say, "Don't worry about calories right now. Just eat it. Why bother?"

    Then my older sister (my inspiration) said, "Mom, if you want to look like this [pointing to me], you gotta do that [pointing to me reading the label]!"

    I don't go around preaching it. Many people are not ready to go to that level. But when they are ready, or want to ask about it, I talk about it. I'm not embarrassed at all about calorie counting, like another poster said, because when I look at my graph chart over the entire 6-7 months of weight loss, the biggest dip came when I started logging calories back in July. That's awareness.

    I'm feeling better today after an unintentional rest day yesterday. I am trying to restructure my goals in terms of belly fat. I've reached my weight goals, but the darn jelly around the abs is still there. I'm on a mission to refine my diet, as I've read time and again that "abs are made in the kitchen." I also intend to increase the strength/weight training gradually. I was pumped to start the NROLFW right away, but I'm missing a barbell and I really want to do it right. I'm going to have to wait a little longer until the husband and I can get one. That doesn't mean I can't do some lifting right now, and I do sets after I finish a HIIT DVD. I also looked at the muscleandstrength.com site and got some good ideas.

    I hope everyone has a great Friday, and that the weekend is also fabulous!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Yesterday my younger sister (she's 13) came to me with her halloween candy (She knows i wouldn't eat any of it) but she asked me if i would pick out all the candy that was the absolute worst for her, and so i did, i just kicked out everything with trans fats, which was quite a lot of it, and especially her fav.. butterfinger. i feel bad because she was SOO disappointed that it was so bad for you but i did the right thing telling her that its just not good for her at all? i don't want to ruin her halloween.. but i was happy she is starting to care about what is actually in those "fun sized" packages

    Sorry, forgot to click quote. I'd say that you should stress to her that ANY treat in moderation is okay. I am wary of kids becoming TOO conscientious about what they're eating since eating disorders are becoming more and more problematic. It's great that she asked but just let her know that foods aren't "good" and "bad" but some foods should be eaten only occasionally. Tell her to spread them out...have a butterfinger mini every other day or something and on the other days have her other candy and try to spread it out over a month or two (depending on how much she got).

    I just bought a bag of 3 musketeers for treats. LOL. I definitely still have my goodies. Today I had chocolate, peanut butter, and pumpkin frozen yogurt. YUMMY! I have 20 minutes of exercise to do to get my burn high enough to level out since I've already planned my food.
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    How many of you live in the Northeast of the U.S.? It's getting cold here! My first winter in this area. I grew up in CA.

    I'm in southcentral PA (Harrisburg area) and it's gotten too cold too early here! They're predicting snow tomorrow (Saturday)!!! :noway: For as long as I've lived here, I don't EVER remember having snow in October...earliest I remember was around Thanksgiving. As of right now, they're saying 4-8" of accumulation in my area. Craziness...
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Oh my goodness - I feel like I stumbled into heaven here!
    I am a Body Media Girl ... who eats about 2400 calories per day (because I burn a heck of alot more than that). I eat more than almost all of my friends... and yet I have been slowly but consistently losing since I started with my Body Media in February ... I was 255 then .. and I am 232 today ... all in all I would consider that to be a slow success. I am a huge Fat 2 Fit fan as well.

    Will you guys let me join your group?
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    Do my family/friends know I log calories? My husband and I both log our food/exercise here on MFP and both of our girls (17 and 9) know we count calories. My MIL & FIL went on vacation with us at the beach this summer and watched us on our laptop logging food everyday...and on our iPhones logging while we were out at restaurants. I think they thought it was a little weird at first, but by mid-week they were asking us questions about it. Some friends know...some don't. It's not because it's something I hide - it's just that if they haven't seen me doing it or asked me about it, it's not something I bring up. For me - I think I will ALWAYS need to measure/weigh food and log it. From past experience, I know it's far too easy for me to get off track if I don't.

    Welcome Emmaleigh47! I just started chiming in with this group last week. This thread/group was such a good find - there's a great bunch of ladies here with positive outlooks and some awesome advice/wisdom! :smile:
  • mushalek
    *On a side note should i feel guilty??...
    I'd say no. It's not like you're forcing them to be as conscious as you...& if they feel guilty about it that's their issue, not yours.
    Yesterday my younger sister (she's 13) came to me with her halloween candy (She knows i wouldn't eat any of it) but she asked me if i would pick out all the candy that was the absolute worst for her, and so i did, i just kicked out everything with trans fats, which was quite a lot of it, and especially her fav.. butterfinger. i feel bad because she was SOO disappointed that it was so bad for you but i did the right thing telling her that its just not good for her at all? i don't want to ruin her halloween.. but i was happy she is starting to care about what is actually in those "fun sized" packages
    I so love that she took the initiative to do this! If Butterfingers are her fave, it won't hurt for her to have 1 or 2. It's more important that she knows these things should be enjoyed in moderation, & if the majority of her choices are good ones, then she's fine.

    I have a 13 yr old daughter who is overweight, so this is a topic near & dear to my heart. I want to express to her that she has the power to make choices about what she eats & what her activity level is, without pressuring her to lose weight. If I can make her understand that those are the 2 things that control her weight then I'll be happy, & we're getting there. :)

    Yes thats what i told her moderation is key, and you dont have to deprive your self from your fav treats , but don't eat all 23 ((she counted)) butterfingers you have! ahha

    Thats great that your teaching her healthy ways! its just the opposite with me, my mother is starting to get close to overweight, so i'm helping her out, she comes to the gym with me and i give her modified versions of my workouts and then we'll go back home and cook a healthy dinner, cooking together is a great way to spread the knowledge of health! tonight were making a healthier version of a couple different halloween treats for a party she's going to tomorrow! :)
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Heck yeah emmaleigh! The more the merrier! I finally feel at home here, lol. :)
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    Oh my goodness - I feel like I stumbled into heaven here!
    I am a Body Media Girl ... who eats about 2400 calories per day (because I burn a heck of alot more than that). I eat more than almost all of my friends... and yet I have been slowly but consistently losing since I started with my Body Media in February ... I was 255 then .. and I am 232 today ... all in all I would consider that to be a slow success. I am a huge Fat 2 Fit fan as well.

    Will you guys let me join your group?

    THAT'S what I like to see!! A sensible cal intake with consistent results!! You'll be happier with the "end" result with slow and permanent progress instead of rapid and temporary!!

    Welcome, Emmaleigh!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Morning ladies...feeling pudgy today. My weight is surely up. Going to check it and log that I am feeling bleh so that I can use it to gauge how heavy my pudgy days are..

    Does your family know you count calories? Friends? I mentioned it to someone and they looked at me as if I had 3 heads. LOL. I don't walk around shouting it from the rooftops and I guess I try to "conceal" it to some degree because I feel judged because of it since I'm "thin" and it's seen as diety

    I'm not just FEELING pudgy, I am pudgy - I got on the scale yesterday after my indian food extravaganza and I was up 2 whole freaking pounds (and a few ounces) just from going nuts. I ate like 1600 calories of Indian food for lunch, i'm not even kidding. I felt really bad about it. I was drinking water like crazy and retaining until like 2 am (of course....) so hopefully the scale is back to a more even number today.

    Welcome emmaleigh! We're happy to have you.

    As far as calories - people generally know although I am careful about not being super obvious about it. I don't want to be one of those people who is "dieting" and can't eat normally when out with coworkers. It drives me crazy when people say things like "oh you're dieting, you can't have Indian buffet with us right?" Heck yeah I can have Indian buffet (although I kind of went overboard yesterday -i was really stressed about this layoff rumor) -- Its just that I won't have a burger and fries for dinner later, I'll have a salad (or in my case a cup of greek yogurt and some carrots).

    I kind of wish people DIDN'T know because its none of their business what I do with my body, fat OR thin. But I've lost so much now that it became really noticeable. I don't mind telling people what I do (Eat less, exercise more?) when they ask but I don't like to go around talking about it like some kind of health nut. I have you people for that!

    What I do find totally amazing is at least 5 people I know have started calorie counting/journaling because of me and FOUR of them failed to keep it up past a couple days.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Oh my goodness - I feel like I stumbled into heaven here!
    I am a Body Media Girl ... who eats about 2400 calories per day (because I burn a heck of alot more than that). I eat more than almost all of my friends... and yet I have been slowly but consistently losing since I started with my Body Media in February ... I was 255 then .. and I am 232 today ... all in all I would consider that to be a slow success. I am a huge Fat 2 Fit fan as well.

    Will you guys let me join your group?

    Hey lady! I just started posting in here a couple days ago...really think you'll enjoy it here. :happy:
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    What I do find totally amazing is at least 5 people I know have started calorie counting/journaling because of me and FOUR of them failed to keep it up past a couple days.

    I think if MFP didn't have the food database it has, with the ability for users to add more food to the database, I wouldn't've stuck with journaling my food either. I already find it tedious to log my food every day, but I make myself do it because I know it helps keep me from going overboard (I used to eat out a LOT more often ... now those calories really add up).

    Hear ya on the layoff rumor stress eating though. I got laid off in 2009 on the third round of layoffs at my company. I'd been thinking about getting my MBA for a while, so I figured then was as good of a time as any. Went back to school, and right before I graduated, my company offered me a job there (different role, higher pay), so after talking to my old boss about it (and the various changes that had happened at the company), I said yes. Three weeks later -- more layoffs, including my boss who had recruited me back. Then another round of layoffs over the summer. There have been times when I wonder what I got myself (back) into, but then there are times when I know that no matter what, I'll be okay not because I won't get laid off, but because I'd been through it already and I am better qualified now (more skills, more knowledge, more experience) to find a new job. Best hopes to you at your company through this tough economic climate.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Egg rolls, cream cheese wontons, & shrimp pad thai with a girlfriend for lunch *burp*. I have died & gone to heaven.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Morning gals! I'm typing this from my iPhone still in bed hehe!

    Had a great circuit of heavy weights last night, it's one a kind of made up after doing some research on the net, can't wait for NROLFW to arrive so I can have a more tailored plan! Though I've got some DOMS today so must be doing something right!

    Do people know I count calories? Hmm only the hubs knows and hs totally supportive of it. None of my family have ever asked how I have lost so much weight, but I do tend to hide the amount of exercise I do from my mum and sister. Sister is pregnant and I suggested pre-natal yoga and she darn near bit my head off, told me "well at least I dont have more running gadgets than Kathy Freeman!" I know she was joking but I think there was an element of something a little nasty in there. Oh well.

    Off for a run once I get up lol going to have a bit of a lazy day today :P

    I have a MFPer who logs cleaning the house as exercise calories, even when it's just mopping the floor - thoughts?
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    As far as calories - people generally know although I am careful about not being super obvious about it. I don't want to be one of those people who is "dieting" and can't eat normally when out with coworkers. It drives me crazy when people say things like "oh you're dieting, you can't have Indian buffet with us right?" Heck yeah I can have Indian buffet (although I kind of went overboard yesterday -i was really stressed about this layoff rumor) -- Its just that I won't have a burger and fries for dinner later, I'll have a salad (or in my case a cup of greek yogurt and some carrots).

    I kind of wish people DIDN'T know because its none of their business what I do with my body, fat OR thin. But I've lost so much now that it became really noticeable. I don't mind telling people what I do (Eat less, exercise more?) when they ask but I don't like to go around talking about it like some kind of health nut. I have you people for that!

    What I do find totally amazing is at least 5 people I know have started calorie counting/journaling because of me and FOUR of them failed to keep it up past a couple days.

    1.) Tameko2, you know that the four that failed to keep it up past a couple days weren't ready for calorie counting, right? It sure is tedious to keep up with logging every thing you eat, but the way I see it is that if you are ready to make that commitment, you will do it. You (i don't mean YOU, I mean in general) also have to find the right system that will fit into your lifestyle. MFP really does make it easy, IMO. But some people, once they try it, aren't ready to see the reality of the food that goes in their mouths. At least you got them interested, and they may revisit the concept when they're ready.

    2.) Something else you mentioned earlier, and I mean this rhetorically... what is "NORMAL"? As in, eat like others normally do? I admit that after beginning calorie counting I got a bit obsessed with it, especially as the weight came off. Mere calories would cause me anxiety if I didn't balance things out by day's end. I don't think like that anymore, but of course I still count calories. Is the normal way of eating out with friends really the ability to pick a menu item and not care about how many calories it is? To eat a sub sandwich without giving the sodium intake a second thought? I think NORMAL to me has to be redefined because now that I have this knowledge of what food can do to my weight/physique/health, and that I have the power to choose what will make me sit on the toilet in a few hours vs. what will fuel my workout, I just can't go back to the normal way of eating without caring. <
    Heavy thoughts, lol!