Senior Golden Sneakers............October



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My post just disappeared into cyberspace, so I lost everything I finally posted!
    I'll just mention (again), Phoebe's incredible memory re: Sandy's "shred"!
    Sandy, hope it's not sciatica!
    Chris....turkey soup!!!! My favorite!
    Maddie, back in the groove
    Shirley, mine just left and the house smells so clean!
    Becky, a little guy hiding inside my laptop in Go To Assist fixed my frickin' cursoe and I'm breathing easy again!
    Marie, haven't you heard there's no inflation? I guess whomever decided that isn' a senior on a fixed income, huh?
    I, too am happy to see Jackie back, and now I must go reheat dinner, and if you see my post floating around somewhere...yell!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    oh Maddie you sound like your old self. Welcome back

    i had another busy day, Got to get it all wrap up so I can watch the ball game. Should be pretty good tonight Maybe the last one. I sure hope so. Hi Buzz. Isn't it disgusted to lose your post .,...Make a person want to cuss.

    Sandy I am so sorry to hear you are going thru all of this illness. Take care. Your yard looks real nice
    . I got to go out and take a pic of our yard. It done turn a little chilly here. Gonna be nice sleepy weather tonight.

    Phoebe Where are you at?
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Hi - newbie on this thread. Guess I'm getting close to golden sneakers, currently they feel like lead.

    Everyone seems so ambitious to me, cleaning house. I did not clean a thing this week. Got the weights mounted on the tractor wheels, took the front weights to be machined, fixed the gutter temporarily until I extend the eaves (whenever it stops raining and sleeting), scraped up most of the leaves and continue looking for employment. Getting rid of clutter is the /worst/ task.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member

    Welcome Doug!! I read your profile and you are doing a great job in getting fit toward your muscular goal. Are you married or with a significant other? Most of us are older than you but we are grateful if you want to join our group. Right now we only have one other guy and he and his wife are our inspirations with their weight loss of over 70 pounds. We are here to support each other not only for our struggles with weight but for all other aspects of our lives. Hope you enjoy our thread and stick with us.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: Sandy, it isn't so much that I get up early but that i make walking my first priority of the day.....I wake up early as a natural thing so it works to walk early even if it's's part of my focus to stop making excuses why I can't exercise.......I don't have some of the blessings other people have, but I am blessed with the greatest neighborhood for walking---dark or light, rain or shine and I am filled with gratitude each morning as I walk, not only for the great neighborhood but for the blessing of being able to walk. I feel for you and the aches in your knees and hope for good news and good plans when you see the doctor so you can have the blessing of pain free walking.

    :bigsmile: some years ago I read a series of books with the main character who got out of bed every morning and ran six to ten miles. It sounded like something I'd love to do, but couldn't imagine how it would ever work for me. I still don't run, but the walking I do is close enough. I gave up caffeine over two years ago because Isagenix suggested that the cleanse would work better without toxins like alcohol and caffeine (and a lot of other things). I gradually gave up coffee and now don't miss it at all.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Doug, welcome to the group.....where do you live that you already have rain and sleet? None of us started out as exercise powerhouses. what we do has been achieved by baby steps over months and years. The hardest exercise of all is getting off the couch :laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: I haven't had a cleaning lady since 2004 and I still miss her.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: it's early to bed tonight. Jake is going fishing in the morning and wants to be awakened at 4:30 :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning Sneakers ~ I'm going to post before I get started in my garden. I've already been out to our local town for a little bit of shopping under clear blue skies and mild temperature. Yesterday was the complete opposite and I could have been living next door to Barbie waking up to dark, dark sky and thick clouds hanging over us. I did get to the pool for a swim with my friends first thing and when we left to come home the heavens had opened and torrential rain poured on our already wet hair so it didn't matter! Today I'm going to make the most of the dry sunny weather.

    Buzz ~ These computer whiz's are a godsend aren't they so long as they don't leave you needing more doing than you started with!!!!:sad:

    Chris ~ You sound like a busy girl having canned such an amazing amount of produce. My jars have honey in them but apart from that this year I've not managed much else because we had a strange summer weatherwise and didn't manage to grow as much as I'd have liked. Had enough on a day to day basis and a few bags frozen but that's all. Snow already, brrrr!

    Phoebe ~ My honey is mostly enjoyed in a cup of tea, on my morning cereal, especially if it's porridge and the occasional crumpet when I'm being naughty!!

    Becky ~ My outlook on chickens is it's a bit like having babies. They start to smell if you don't keep them clean!!!:laugh: Mine get a weekly change of bedding and dusting of mite powder and smell sweet as my honey! I've got 3 immediate neighbours and all keep hens but I can't smell a thing!!!:bigsmile:

    Sandy ~ I remember you lost those extra few pounds to give yourself some leeway, probably for just such a time as this, so don't go beating yourself up over a bit of comfort food because right now you need it.:heart:

    Maddie ~ Your shampoo sounds like something we could all do with and did make me laugh!:laugh:

    Doug ~ Welcome! Another person experiencing cold with that sleet. Where are you, I'm assuming somewhere in the US or Canada, although I suppose you could be in the Highlands of Scotland???

    That's me for today. A soak-away at the end of the garden is beginning to sink so I must go digging and see if a few bags of granite gravel will help with the drainage before the chickens disappear down a hole!!!

    Have a lovely day everyone

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Welcome Doug !!!!

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, the weather has been very strange all over. Did you need all that rain? We have gotten plenty this week also.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I am finding that I am more of a morning person the older I get. No late nights for me.:wink:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I saw Phoebe one page back. Hopefully, she will get in here today.

    Does anyone know anything about cleanses? Do they help jump start anything? Just how do they work?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: Jackie, at one time I thought I would like raising chickens but we have lived in so many places where livestock was not allowed that I never got the chance. I am enjoying hearing about your hens.

    :bigsmile: Becky, I have been doing the Isagenix cleanse for years and i swear by it ( watched the "cleansed for life" video........there are many different kinds of cleanses that other people have used with success. One thing about a cleanse is that it removes you from a more toxic diet for a day or more and may make it easier to stick to more "clean eating" when you are done. I know that the longer you stay away from sweets and simple carbs and processed foods, the easier it is to do without them.

    :flowerforyou: Jake is getting ready to go fishing so I'm hanging around a bit with him. My line dance class is at 9:30 instead of 9:00 this morning so I can go out a bit later with the dogs so there won't be quite as long a period of darkness.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I am so ashamed to say that I am reading about not eating simple carbs while eating French fries.:noway: Sometimes I just have to have them. I will do better later. I did talk to some people years ago about cleanses. I am thinking that I should research them more.

    My Hip Hop class was last night. I was the only one to show up. Well, the teacher was there also. She asked if I wanted a lesson or not so I just said that I wanted to run through the dance a couple of times. I am now wondering if I should get a discount since I really didn't get a full class time.
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119

    Please be sure to Check Your Shampoo Bottle Label

    I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner! It's the shampoo I use in the shower! When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body and (duh!) printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning.


    NO wonder I have been gaining weight!!

    Well I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am going to start using Dawn dish soap instead. Their label reads

    Dissolves Fat That Is Otherwise Difficult To Remove.

    > Problem Solved!!
    > If I don't answer the phone. I'll be in the shower for awhile!

    Who knew?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I've been doing this for years! Thanks, I needed a :bigsmile: :bigsmile: , rest of my bloodwork results arrived in the mail yesterday :sad: and the wonderful cholesterol I achieved last December is over 200 again:embarassed: :embarassed: and I have no one to blame but myself :frown: I started the synthroid yesterday for my "lazy thyroid".
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just got back from my doctors appt. could have been better. Still have to lose more
    to get my numbers better. I guess I have to change things up again.
    I have to have some tests done and drop my coffee to one cup a day Geesh !!:ohwell:

    When you get older all the fun things seem to go.:grumble: Still having problems with Cholesterol
    meds and for now not taking any and my doctor doesn't like that. :explode:
    If I lose another 10 pounds then maybe my stats will be lower. I can only hope.

    I did some errands and now going to carve a pumpkin, maybe take a picture after. We will see
    how it turns out. :bigsmile:

    Have a great Friday and Oh!! Welcome Doug. :drinker:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    So, we all know that we've had a crappy weather year all around the country...or the world for that matter. I live in Lancaster, PA and we have a winter storm warning! HELLO!!!!! Snow, snow, snow. Power may go out tomorrow from weight of the wet snow and the leaves still on the trees. One of them belongs on the trees, can you guess one????? :sad:


    Maddie :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I thought they were not going to let me in. But on the third try it went thru.

    Getting ready to watch the baseball game. I was pretty exciting last night. It kept me awake till almost midnight.

    Hope you all had a wonderful day and have a real nice weekend.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello Seniors and welcome Doug,

    I had a wonderful day yesterday, I cleaned my sewing room and sewed on my king size quilt I am making. I made a pear crisp and it sure was good with about 1 scope of ice cream.
    My day today: We met our son for coffee and he was feeling a little blue, he is filing for divorce. They met with lawyer and they are parting friends and he has custody of the kids. I am glad that it hasn't been a battle the last 18 mos. with them.
    We then went to the good food health store and picked up a few things. Then we went to Wal Mart and picked up groceries for the week.
    When we got home and had lunch I began some baking. I made a weight watchers crustless pumpkin pie, and then made a small pear crisp and put it in the freezer.. I looked at all the apples we have left and so I decided to make 3 more apple crisps for the freezer. The apple crisp is from south beach diet and low in calories.
    When I finished all of this I went for a walk, and then made dinner. My calories are low today because I wanted pumpkin pie later. Even with the pumpkin pie I am way under on calories.

    I weighed today and lost another pound. I am really feeling like this is our new way to eat. One day we eat low calorie, and the next day we eat a little more. We talked about doing this from now on, if we go out to eat or by a friends house we can eat a little extra and the next day cut back and exercis a little more.
    Last night I went to my line dancing class, boy did I sweat and had a lot of fun. My knees hurt today but I will get over it.

    Tonight I am going to cut out some patterns for place mats and napkins for christmas presents.
    Have fun:smile::happy: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we dressed in costume for line dance today and it was great fun. I wore the same jack-o-lantern costume that I wear every year. It's cute and comfortable to dance in. We've had blinding sun and pouring rain today. Jake caught two salmon when he went fishing today so we have salmon for dinner and for the freezer for another day.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday! :bigsmile: Nice day here again but soon to get cold. :grumble: Drove my 16 year old granddaughter and her friend to Six Flags Fright Fest last night but just dropped them off and then I went to an Indian Casino another hour away. It wasn't worth the drive since it is a smoking casino and I am used to the Illinois casinos where there is no smoking, besides the fact I didn't win. :explode: Picked the girls up at 11 pm and then drove the hour home, so all in all I drove over 4 hours yesterday. The good thing is that other than stopping to get us something to eat before going in the park there was no time for snacks so I lost the extra pounds I had put on. :laugh: Funny how if you stay away from snacks and that second glass of wine, how good your body reacts. :tongue: Barbie is so right when she says those toxins are just wasted calories that make us gain. Unfortunately, that probably won't stop me from my little snacks and/or second glass of wine. :grumble: Have not been exercisng that much but my pain seems to be easing up so maybe my body was trying to tell me something. :wink:

    My sister is back in the hospital but she is feeling better. Her white blood count was up to ten last weekend and she was feeling good but then by Tuesday is dropped to 6 so she needed another blood transfusion. They also were giving her a series of 3 shots to convince the white cells to work but when she went in for the 3rd one, she had a temperature over 100 so they admitted her. With antibiotics her fever is gone, but she is still weak and doesn't want to eat much. Her doctor is still optimistic and said the first round of chemo is nasty but after she will feel much better. Let's hope and pray he is right and she fights to beat this. :heart:

    Barbie, line dance sounds like fun with costumes.
    Chris, congratulations on your pound lost, you are doing so good.
    Marie, all the quilts you are posting on face book are beautiful, how is yours coming?
    Maddie, don't even say that word that means frozen water and I must be dumb because I don't know which tree you mean.
    Shirley, I agree that when we get older everything hurts, yet I still feel a lot younger than others that are my age.
    Jeanne, I hope you get your cholesterol down and get that lazy thyroid moving.
    Becky, you do so well with your exercise, but you need to eat healthier foods. (remember you asked me how to lose the last ten pounds) And Phoebe was right, I did the 30 day shred and really watched my calories to lose the last pounds. I still try not to eat fast food or too much sugar.
    Jackie, I just love "reading" your accent when you write, it is so colorful.
    Doug, are you still with us?
    Phoebe, hope you made it home to see your kittens.

    Have a great day everyone!!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Sandy: Around here the leaves are still on most of the trees and since it's still October, they belong there. However, since it is still October, the stinking heavy, wet, white snow does not belong on any of them. It's only 10:30 am here and it is already all over everything. The worry is that the weight will pull the branches down and then wires. :noway: :noway: :noway: Now that you see it, I bet it makes sense....we all have brain farts now and then....hmmm, I think I'm having one now.......................nope, it was a real one! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Maddie :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I did have a brain fart!!! Re read it and it certainly made sense the second time! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Like the song one of these things!!!

    And you better go clean up!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just finished 25 mins. of strength training. :bigsmile:

    Going to make Shrimp Creole and brown rice for pot luck tonight.
    We are also going to bring a dessert.
    We are staying overnight on a friends boat again. They haven't taken theirs
    out of the water yet.

    I weighed this morning and not down enough so I will try and do better on Sunday
    for my weigh in on Monday.
    Not doing very well on this challenge. Struggling to get down to my ticker weight. GRRRRR! :grumble:
    My next doctor appt. is in 3 months and I want to be down because I have blood work to show
    him. I am going to get back on the Wii again and change up my exercising. :happy:

    Have a great Saturday! :wink:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! I've been busy digging a hole where the soak-away is and carrying heavy bags of granite gravel up and down the garden to fill it until my back complained. I'm hoping I've fixed the problem and the gravel will help the water run on through the garden and out at the bottom. I should know in a very short time because the rain has blown in again and it looks like it's set until Monday or Tuesday.:ohwell:

    Becky ~ We've had far too much rain but it's what we call mizzle here in Cornwall which is a mix of mist and drizzle so although you get soaked if you're out in it, it doesn't do much to fill reservoirs. Last week I walked around our local lake with a friend and we were amazed just how much the water level had receded considering the number of wet days we've had so I suppose we do need it even if I'd prefer sunshine!

    Barbie ~ It's a shame you live so far away otherwise I'd invite you over to visit my hens!:bigsmile:

    Maddie ~ Sounds like your winter storm is going to be rough. It's even been mentioned in the UK as predictions are it will be pretty awful. So early too isn't it which could make for a long old winter! Take care in all that ice and let's hope it doesn't cause too much damage.

    Accent Sandy, what accent???:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I used to enjoy a glass or two of wine too but find now that I've stopped for several months I don't even think of it. I did have a couple of glasses with a friend a week or so ago and found I didn't particularly enjoy it but you have to have a few treats in life so if that's yours Sandy, go for it!! The doctors optimism for your sister is great news so hopefully once she's through the first round of chemo she'll start to feel a whole lot better. I know everyone is different but there does seem to be a pattern with chemo so fingers crossed and praying for you all too.:heart::heart:

    Chris ~ Congratulations on your pound loss. Excellent!

    The clocks go back tonight so I get an extra hour in bed, hoorah:laugh: although the evenings will be longer so that's not so good. Time to light a fire and put the kettle on for my first cuppa of the afternoon then I've got some local lamb to roast gently with potato, garlic and beetroot wedges.
