

  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    JJ: Thank you for the compliment. Deep in side is a kick *kitten* girl but I was ashamed to come out due to my weight but now that my confidence is back, I can be the real me.

    Staci: Thank you for the compliment. Glad to hear to be the little bug in your ear. Because we know if you can do it, we all can too.

    Steph: Thank you for the compliment. I couldn't agree more. You and all your hard work, be it at the gym, eating the right foods or your attitude on making the right choices, helps me to keep moving forward. Thank you!!:flowerforyou:
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Oh my! JJ you don't know what you have done for us!! You remember earlier this week when I replied to Becky's challenge that I was going to get up early and head to the gym to ride the ironman triathalon distance on a bike today. I did it!!!! No kidding 112 miles in just under 2 hours on the recumbent bike. I kid you not they guy working at the gym kept coming to check on me. I could literally wring the sweat out of my shirt when I was done. And eventhough I wasn't intending to go to Curves and workout I had time to kill before picking up the U-Haul since I was faster on the bike than i thought I would be. So with the gala I should also have lots of dancing minutes to log tomorrow. Yay. Okay so I am tired and am going to log my info for today then head to bed. Love you all.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998

    Thank you for complimenting so many Staci! You did a great job and I appreciate your willingness to jump in and get us a little higher up that mountain! (And yes, that is another compliment!)

    thank you JJ. I aim to please:smile:
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Staci - You are an energizer bunny - you just keep going and going and going!

    Thanks Steph! Today, I definitely felt like the energizer bunny on the bike at the gym. I kept saying to myself "Okay how are the legs? Can I keep going? " And I could!!!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Oh my! JJ you don't know what you have done for us!! You remember earlier this week when I replied to Becky's challenge that I was going to get up early and head to the gym to ride the ironman triathalon distance on a bike today. I did it!!!! No kidding 112 miles in just under 2 hours on the recumbent bike. I kid you not they guy working at the gym kept coming to check on me. I could literally wring the sweat out of my shirt when I was done. And eventhough I wasn't intending to go to Curves and workout I had time to kill before picking up the U-Haul since I was faster on the bike than i thought I would be. So with the gala I should also have lots of dancing minutes to log tomorrow. Yay. Okay so I am tired and am going to log my info for today then head to bed. Love you all.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    standing ovation for you! WOW!

    :huh: Are you crazy?!? :huh:

    Seriously... Compliments to you 100 times over... or 112! I absolutely can NOT believe that you did this! I am amazed and happy and proud. Yep, proud. Not of you (because I hate when people say that to me...), nope, I am selfishly proud of myself - that I have a friend who can bike 112 miles at one time and still make it to Curves! It's crazy! I love it... but it's crazy! You do, however, inspire me to get more miles in on the bike! I am so inspired by you!

    OK, so now the geeky, fan-like questions... but how did you do it? how long did it take you... mostly because I want to know what you did to keep going? where were those points, where you thought, I can't possibly pedal one more moment... to find that you actually could and did? I do so much self talk... especially, it seems, on the bike. I had been supporting JJ in this challenge and suggested that we give each Summit our own name for those tasks and specifically picked DISCIPLINE for the biking summit! I'm not even sure if I gave other choices for that one... and I always think about that word as I am on the bike (because OMG am I out of shape all over again!). I specificallly talk to myself about the Discipline that staying on that bike for another half mile, mile, two miles is about being disciplined. I tell my quads that they are NOT tired, that they are burning from the excitement of biking and moving, and I compliment my body on continuing to push past the feelings that are not pain, not pain, not pain... and on being able to move and go and push. BUT... that gets me to 5 miles or to 8.5 miles or on one amazing day (woops, I think actually 2 or 3 days) to 12.5 miles. So, it amazes me that you accomplished this. Please, help me with thoughts, details, what worked, etc... I hate the bike and yet I love the bike. It is one of my best teachers for all life lessons right now...

    CONGRATS again Stac - I love you and you amaze me! YOU ROCK!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: Here's my start tonight... I have been a little unavailable since issuing my challenge within a challenge. But not for lack of effort towards the challenge. Things have been busier than ever and I was under the weather for a day or two. However, I am here and plan to put in some serious compliments and acknowledgements tonight. So, here's my start. This... is my acknowledgements! But first... first, I just want to proudly proclaim that I think that I have acknowledged every compliment that has been given to me in this challenge -- AND -- please note that this... is a big, BIG and -- AAAAANNNNNDDDDD I think that I have acknowledged every compliment given to me in Real Life. Not only acknowledged but really worked to NOT downplay or downgrade it... I didn't excuse them away. I am proud of that - because I'm not so good with the build up to me or being the center of attention. So, count that as my second compliment for today (and this is still my Friday!), cause I complimented our amazing Staci on her -- OMG 112 miles on the evil bike! He, he, he, he!

    :smile: Becky, girl you are tenacious, and I love your competitive spirit in not wanting any of our challenges to falter! You've been having a bad week, and yet you're still here pushing the rest of us.

    THANK YOU BOBBIE... I do have a commpetitive spirit. While not always a good thing - it has been here. And, that's what keeps pushing me to continue on this pathway! Thanks!

    :smile: you have always pushed yourself hard and never have given up on a challenge that we have been in together. You give me strength and the extra push while I read how hard you are moving and giving to the challenges.

    THANK YOU LINDA... I truly appreciate this and am gonna accept it. I do try and push myself on these challenges especially at the end, because I don't want to miss the goals! Thanks!

    :smile: Okay Becks. I see how you are a challenge within a challenge huh? I love that there is another person who, like me, was checking out what needs to be done to complete this challenge.

    THANK YOU STACI... I am checking it out and trying to help everyone out. I am sometimes overly organized but I love that about myself and I will always probably take better care of others than I need to! Thanks!

    :smile: Becky, I want to compliment you on your honesty always. I love that you always let us know how you are feeling whether its good, bad, sad angry, happy or whatever. I often wish that I could be so open and honest with how I am feeling. I think if I could my cookie binge might not have happened last night.

    THANK YOU (AGAIN) STACI... It's sometimes hard for me to be honest, because it feels very vulnerable to me. So, I appreciate your notice and recognition because I was honest and it was hard. I am proud of myself for that... I guess it's not the honesty (anyone who knows me will tell you I can't tell a lie) but the publicly displaying where I am at and how I feel that I am most proud of. I am emotional... and I am proud of that. I feel every feeling... EVERY feeling! Because in knowing the lonliness... I will also know love and belonging. In feeling the frustration and let-down... I will also know pride and accomplishment! Thanks!

    :smile: Becky, like Staci, I admire how honest you and that you let us all in on what is going on in your life. It is very admirable. In you I feel I have found a kindred spirit, someone who understands the journey and all its pitfalls. Your sharing makes it easier to realise this is a life change and I thank you for that.

    THANK YOU STEPH... I agree... that I feel as though I have found a kindred spirit with you. I appreciate that you say my sharing makes it easier to realize that this change is life long. I have been honest to a point that it does hurt for me at times. But I am proud that I am doing it because I believe that I need to be more open with other and accepting of those pieces of me if I am going to be successful with this journey. Thank you so much for your acknowledgements.

    :smile: Becky - I love that you are realistic, are quick with both the butt-kicking and the compliments when we need them, and always have a plan to get the job done!

    THANK YOU EILEEN... Ahh... blushing here. I don't know that many people would typically call me realistic - but I am accepting that for this and proud of that. I am realistic at times... a dreamer all too often! I strive, though, to be that person that can love you and push you in a way that at the end you think - Gosh, how'd she do that. I don't know how I am doing with that very often... but I am gonna hold on to your compliment. Makes me all warm and gooshy inside!

    :smile: Becky - My compliments for your time going over the mountains and collating the information for us. I have been riding the bike and adding some strength training so I hope this helps. You as well continue to share so much of yourself with us that it is motivating as well. Thanks.

    THANK YOU CARLA... I am a pretty organized gal - so it is just helpful for me to put the info together in a way that helps me. I am glad that it also helped you. I like that in many senses I am an open book... I hope to continue to do this more and more!

    :smile: Becky, I adore you. You give so much to everyone, your advice, your encouragement and really, I have no doubt, the shirt right off your back if needed. You are an incredibly generous person.

    THANK YOU JJ... I think that I needed something just like that today, yesterday, the day before. I appreciate that you said that you "adore" me. I really do things to encourage others and build them up. I think it is one of my real, true strengths and I am proud of that. Thank you... thank you!

    :smile: Becky- I know this might sound kind of weird or strange but I just want you to know that you matter to me. I have often just checked in to see if you have posted yet and how you are doing. You are growing and it shows. You will make it girl.

    THANK YOU STACI... I just want you to know that this brought tears to my eyes. And you will never have any way of knowing just how much that makes a difference to me today, which as I type that brings even more tears to my eyes! I know that I am growing, I do know it. At least in my head and that is where it starts. So, that is my acknowledgement... but more than that - I want you to know just how much this touched some of the deepest places in my heart! And for that, I will always have you in it. Thank you so very, very much.

    :smile: Becky - you know I loves you and I know you will be back with us when you are in that place again. That said, you are my bouncy ball, you bounce back no matter what life throws at you and you let us all in on your journey. You are honest, kind and sincere.

    THANK YOU STEPH... This made me laugh, out loud. Like seriously out loud! Which is good, in light of having tears for the above comments from Staci! The universe gives us what we need... but I digress... OK - so thank you. Not only for the laugh but for calling me a bouncy ball. I am honest, kind and sincere. I ... ugh, I don't believe in the word "try" so I am gonna have to really own this here, which is hard... I am that bouncy ball. I think because I am fun (I swear, I am... ) and I kinda have that type of personality. But yes - I do keep bouncing back. And, I am proud of that. However, I promise you that I haven't been "gone" really - and what I have been is due to all the craziness just in my life vs that I was down and out mood wise. So, I am hopeful that if I can just finish up a few more things I can have that time for my needed MFP soon... Thanks for giving me a laugh - just when it was so helpful!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    :blushing: :happy: :happy: :blushing: (it's OK to skim this or skip this... it feels a bit like a selfish post...)

    Now, to the compliments in Real Life that have come to me... I am warning you in advance - I did save 'em up. Kind of. I haven't been able to really spend much time posting these but I was trying to really remember them so I am putting them out there tonight, cause owning them is owning them. AND - that's important to me beyond just the points or feet up the mountain! But... the points are good, 'cause after all - I don't want us to miss ANY freaking summit because of my uber-competitiveness. Now - I will say in advance that I am going to keep some of this short and sweet but still acknowledge them, own them and count them. BUT since I have been "saving" these up (so-to-speak, but not intentionally) I don't want this to be too long, especially as it's about me... :blushing:

    --- Teen Retreat Camp... I was given a number of compliments. These included being told that I was a good counselor, that I provided good input and thoughts to groups on at least 3 occasions, that people were glad I was there and how I added to the camp experience. Several times people that I met at the earlier child hospice camp in June... people said "I just love you" type comments and that meant so much to me. These camps really refill my cup in not only a professional way (so important these days... trust) but also personally. I enjoy the aspects of being a counselor vs always the social worker. I miss that! But I do know that I am a "fit" (it's always nice to be told that too though) for these camps and with people that I respect so much! One particular volunteer was especially appreciative of me and the time I spent with him. He was there as a male volunteer and role model and is working on his Master's degree. So, it was nice to support, mentor, coach him... He was appreciative of that and his feedback were compliments. I didn't need them though... because I knew what I was doing and being for him. It was such a great feeling to know that the way I respect some of the leaders of the camp from my viewpoint - that he was having that same respect for me and that he saw me in the way that I looked at others! So, I am going to count those... as... hmmm, I'm gonna error on the lesser side and I am going to say that was 10 compliments to me.

    --- Facebook... So, I was on my friend's facebook page and saw that a family member of hers said "I saw a picture of Becky, she looks great!" Plus, I posted the photo of my guava shirt and have received numerous compliments on it. I have gotten a couple messages, posts, emails, etc. saying how I have been looking good, etc. Mostly the same words... but I just went and looked and in addition to the one specifically quoted above - I have gotten another 5 at least. And, I am gonna own that. Much thanks to many of you who seemed to deny my claims previously about the faults I thought that I saw. So, as more and more compliments come I have stopped to just appreciate where I am at in this journey. I also really, really do like that pic. I like the color of the shirt, my hair, my eyes, etc. So, let's call that 6.

    --- Work... So, I am not sure what I have previously said, so I am just going with the last couple days. I was complimented on how I was looking - one lady (I don't even know that I know who she is... I recognize her as someone I see but not much more than that) came up to me and said, "Wow - talk about the incredible shrinking woman! You look great!" I was really, really moved and appreciated that! Beyond that - I had a number of residents and staff telling me how nice I am looking, how I look fanastic, several people talking about loving my hair (odd, cut/color was a while ago?!?), etc. One resident today said that she was so happy to see me because she was sad and not feeling well but that I am the sunshine of her day. Talk about wonderful. Beyond being told a number of times about how I looked, I received a public acknowledgement about that I was a great example of how to work as a team and being a generous caring person. I also had 2 seperate people talk to me today about how they depend on me because I am always able to answer any questions even if they aren't "my" area. I had compliments on my preparation for a big meeting next week, another about some items for that meeting and another about how I can easily speak to groups and am a master with words and inspiring others. WOW! Seems strange that I was frustrated today as I start to really reflect on these. But - I know that I am a great resource at work and that I am able to talk with people easily! So, I am actually going to count those as a total of 10. It was more, but it feels odd doing all of this...

    --- Gym... I have gotten complimented on my endurance and dedication. I do have amazing endurance! I'm gonna count that one because I am so very proud of that!

    --- Cancer Party... I know it's a weird title - but we had a support party for a friend who just had a double mastectomy and will start chemo next week. Compliments included that one person hadn't seen me for about a year and that I was looking fantastic. Several people than started talking about how good that I looked... ugh, focus all on me. AND - I did not, not, NOT just shove off the compliments. So - that's a compliment to me... I really did great with that and am proud of that because seriously as 6+ people focus on me and my weight - yeah, not an easy thing! Received compliments on how I can outdo anyone at the gym, about sticking with a class even though I was so darned nervous about it, and about how I can continue to get another friend to the gym regularly. SO - I am gonna say that is going to be 5. I think it was more but since it's easy to start having people give compliments once a person starts... I am gonna leave it at that. Oh, and I am pretty good at motivating others to get to the gym and have out-done everyone at the gym that goes with me. I have started to really notice the changes in my body, and don't have really much for clothing... like seriously less than I thought that I did! So, I am owning each and every one!

    I am gonna call that a day plus about 20 of the compliments that I have received from others in real life! Sorry for the long post, and I'm OK if you didn't read it all but I am committed to these challenges and wanted to help us out so, I had to do it... :blushing:
  • to help with compliment summit
    i recently posted a pic of my family on facebook from that halloween party last weekend - there are a TON of "you look great" compliments on it, can i include them as real life compliments? i could count them separately or all as one?

    i would like to compliment myself for getting up and exercising today, because i swore i was taking today off, i feel so bloated and got to bed so late. but eyes opened and i just got into my clothes and hopped on the gazelle for 45 minutes. and i usually take tomorrow off, but i will make sure i do some cardio/dancing and exercises

    2nd question - since you have me logging my Gazelle as dancing - should i double this morning's workout when i log it in? i'll wait for the answer - as technically, it ain't dancing :)

    compliment for JJ
    I am so in awe of your persistence, when you say you only lose 1 week a month (i'm a daily weigher and need that .20 of a lb to keep me going!) and this month you haven't lost anything, i'd be whining and complaining and very down, while you seem even more determined. i'm amazed that you can use that determination to keep on going and see the inches loss as a positive.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    OK, here I go, catching up on the compliments thing.... I think I've probably dished out far more than I've remembered to record on the spreadsheet. So sorry, but I do find it really hard to be conscious of this kind of thing. I do it without noticing I've done it, and then can't remember the whens or the who's of it all.

    First a RL compliment to me.

    Cuddling up this morning, my partner vroeteled his hand over my hip bone, and made loud, appreciative noises about the fact that I now actually... HAD ONE!

    JJ: I've loved your patience, care, kindness and dedication this month. You've been lovely to be around, and I appreciate it so much.

    stacio: with less than 50lb to go, and so much behind you, I admire your staying power, your energy, your capacity to regularly just get out and do the exercise, eat the right food, and keep moving forward. I know how hard it can be, and the way that you do it with such effortless grace is wonderful. And look at your spreadsheet - it's positively BRISTLING with numbers!

    becky: I love that you keep coming back for us. That even when things are hard, even when you're busy and tired and finding the real world hard, you keep on coming here to motivate, to be kind, to be thoughtful. And I love that you're learning to be all those things to yourself too.

    stephanie: I love your overawing fabulousness. You're just an amazing, beautiful woman, with a smile that could light up a small city.

    Zena: i enjoy how your cute sense of humour perks its way through your posts.

    Bobbie: Not sure how to express quite how awesome I think you are. But I suspect you know it. I love your smarts, your humour, your quick wit. I imagine you with a slightly dirty giggle and a huge group of friends, being the life and soul of... well, everything. You are one of life's gifts. And yes, I will kick your butt on that staypuft challenge. :-)

    mrsduck: That you manage to find time to do all the things you do, while managing that big family and all the commitments that come with that... well, it makes me wonder quite what I've been doing with my life! You're great!

    laneybird - i think it's amazing that you manage to keep your health focus while managing being a mum and working long punishing shifts. So impressive.

    renae: I admire your graciousness. And because in my head, you're a proper 'lady', it amuses the hell out of me when you post things like 'I did a hundred squats while blow drying my hair....' :-)

    eileen - I admire your consistent kindness on the threads. You're so lovely to be around!

    jackie - i love the way you've thrown yourself into the exercise and water aspects of the challenge with such consistency. Fantastic stuff.

    carhicks: Making it up (and down) Diamond Head? Amazing! That's such an achievement. And building a sense that your healthy choices are integrated into your life is the biggest part of the battle - so well done on that too.

    bonnie - for nearly 20 straight days you logged around 100+ exercises, and miles on the spreadsheet! I think this kind of dedication is such an inspiration. Makes me want to get up and squat!

    Greg: your dedication to your walking is always a real inspiration to me - particularly the walking you do with your family. I think it's great that you do healthy stuff together!

    andrea - yes, slow and steady does win the race. I admire you putting together a healthy lifestyle, building it up till it becomes second nature. That little bit of water here, that extra bit of exercise there - it all does add up, and you're doing incredibly well in constructing that life change for yourself.

    brisa: I know how hard it is to manage studying alongside keeping fit and eating well. I think it's incredible how you keep all those balls in the air!

    Julie: I know how hard it can be to be active when you're home with a toddler. I'm so impressed that you stay as busy as you do, physically, and that you've managed to lose so much weight while doing this. That's a substantial achievement.

    incredibleshrinkingwoman: i love that you're trying new things, new recipes, and exploring your culinary side. And yes, carrot and coriander is yummy goodness in a bowl! And well done on the name change, too. Letting go of those old patterns of self-deprecation can be really tough to do - and I think that's a big step you've made there.

    Cynthia: Your frenetic, but so focused, energy, your humour, your consistent dedication... ah, woman, you are just fantastic. I always look forward to your posts on my wall, because I trust you to be honest *and* encouraging. It's a rare combination.

    bigmama - well done for keeping moving forward, when things have been tough. Feeling stuck is a horrible thing, and I think it's wonderful that, despite that, you've kept your nose down, and kept on keeping on. Well done!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    "Jane, I admire your sense of right when you comment on threads trying to help others. I also admire your sense of self, as you force your body into submitting to your will. Yep, sometimes it doesn't work like you want it to, but you get up and do it again, and then you buy clothes too small to force yourself to get into them! Constantly in awe! "

    Bobbie, thank you for this. I don't often feel very confident, or very sure of myself, and I often question my own willpower. So it's interesting and useful to see me from someone else's point of view this way. Makes me realise that I can do this.

    "Jane, I love your optimism, enthusiasm and can-do spirit. You are willing to try most anything. Love, love, love it."

    Thank you, JJ. Can-do is a relatively new thing for me, so it's good to have that reinforced. :-)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Oh my! JJ you don't know what you have done for us!! You remember earlier this week when I replied to Becky's challenge that I was going to get up early and head to the gym to ride the ironman triathalon distance on a bike today. I did it!!!! No kidding 112 miles in just under 2 hours on the recumbent bike. I kid you not they guy working at the gym kept coming to check on me. I could literally wring the sweat out of my shirt when I was done. And eventhough I wasn't intending to go to Curves and workout I had time to kill before picking up the U-Haul since I was faster on the bike than i thought I would be. So with the gala I should also have lots of dancing minutes to log tomorrow. Yay. Okay so I am tired and am going to log my info for today then head to bed. Love you all.

    You know that is just incredible! 2 hours on the bike? I'm amazed there was any of you left! Amazing amazing stuff!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I've just realised I did all my dancing (such as it is) with my daughter. Should that be doubled?

    (I'll go do that, but can always change it back if it's wrong)
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, so I totally dropped the ball on coming back to compliment yesterday...I WILL do better!

    Thank you, Jane for considering me the life of the party. To be honest, that is how I would like to see myself too, but I'm pretty shy in large groups. Yes, I'm a jokester and I can create innuendo out of anything, but that is usually within a small group of people. I tend ot be a people watcher, and while sometimes I'm wondering why in the hell they're embarrassing themselves, deep down, I'm admiring their ability to put themselves out there. I'm working on it ;-)

    Thank you, JJ, for the compliment on my complimenting :huh: LOL It is hard for me to accept and give compliment about anything...contrary to what I might appear, I am quite a humble person. The only problem with that is that when I'm feeling down, I've "ignored" the compliment so much, I can't think of anything positive. So, having to accept them and acknowledge them as true, as well as giving ones to myself has been a serious boost to my sense of self.

    Having said that, I want to compliment both you and Becky on having the foresight to know that this mountain and challenge would probably be the most life-changing one of them all, and for constantly pushing us to get to climbing! (Both of you better accept this!)

    Staci: Holy ****, woman! I love the bike, but damn, after these past three months of challenges on it, I can't force my butt and hips to take more than 45 minutes anymore!!! You are a MACHINE with buns of STEEL!!!

    Becky: This compliment is for not only pushing yourself on the bike, which I know you can't stand, in order to do 12.5 miles 2 OR 3 times, but for your honest questions to Staci about how to improve yourself with this machine. I see a distinct connection between you conquering the bike and you conquering everything else in your life.

    Bonnie: Wow, girl, you have been exercising up a storm this month. Not only have you gotten in some crazy miles and exercise feet, but your determination and enthusiasm for pushing us right on into next month is exhilerating and contagious! I'm ready to see what's next too!

    Wolfie: I'm proud of you for complaining about the temps and yet still donning a wetsuit and putting yourself in the water. I love that you don't let any superficial complaints stop you from doing what you need and really want to do!

    Real Life compliment: So, the temps have really been dropping in NC these past couple of night, and mom and I were talking about getting oil for the furnace. Well, she went ahead and bought it, sent me a text message saying how much it was, and that she does what she can to help. All I said was "I appreciate it" and she replied "You do the rest, so I applaud you." Almost made me cry because sometimes I don't feel like anyone recognizes what and how much I do. In fact, i try not to think about it because I get overwhelmed, but it felt good to hear (read in a text) someone acknowledge it.

    Another one: Went to the doctor's yesterday and he asked me about my medication they had asked me to cut in half (at the least), and when I told him I had just completely stopped taking them he was shocked. Then when he looked at my chart and saw I had lost 10lbs (probably more, since I'm bloated like a freshly hit deer on the side of the road) in the past 6 weeks he was just floored and sat there saying "Wow!" Then he said, "I think I'm not going to worry about much more and just put you down to come back as needed if anything else should happen." Now THAT's what I'm talking about! I keep telling these damn docs that I'm the healthiest fat woman on the planet!

    One to myself: While I hate that I do it in the first place, I am proud of the fact that I now consciously recognize when I'm making wrong choices. Not only do I know that eating out 3-4 nights a week is not helpful on this journey because of the automatic sodium-through-the-roof increase, but I know what I need to do to stop it and I get there before any major damage is done. For example, my seriously depressing weight gain over the past two days, I know, is attributable to bloating from multiple factors, including the chinese and mexican food I have eaten the past two night, as well as the Panera I had for two days this week, and the pizza I had on Monday. Yeah, TOM symptoms have something to do with it, but not all of it. Previously I would have just given up with a gain like this, but not this girl, not this time, never again! Onward and downward!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    stephanie: I love your overawing fabulousness. You're just an amazing, beautiful woman, with a smile that could light up a small city.

    Jane Thank You :bigsmile: Today I needed to hear this. I needed reminding that I am beautiful. Thank you ((HUGS))
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Bonnie, I love that you are so committed to this, that you use your phone for MFP because you do not have computer access. THAT is dedication and I always remember that when I am feeling too tired and want to just head to bed without checking in. It is very inspiring for me and I appreciate it. You are doing a great job this month and thanks for getting in those bike miles Biker Witch!

    JJ- sorry it has taken so long to acknowledge you commpliment. I am dedicated and it is often difficulty to keep up tp date with post as my browser is not a reliable as i would like. I have tried to be accountable not only to myself but all of us Skinny chick and Mr.Rooster.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    Carla, you have done such a great job with complimenting others! So I am going to compliment you on it! You have made sure to give them out liberally and I really appreciate it!

    Thanks for the compliment. It is so nice to be able to acknowledge what others have been doing. We are all making such life changes and a little encouragement will go a long way to keep us motivated, so I am glad that I got in some true compliments.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Oh my! JJ you don't know what you have done for us!! You remember earlier this week when I replied to Becky's challenge that I was going to get up early and head to the gym to ride the ironman triathalon distance on a bike today. I did it!!!! No kidding 112 miles in just under 2 hours on the recumbent bike. I kid you not they guy working at the gym kept coming to check on me. I could literally wring the sweat out of my shirt when I was done. And eventhough I wasn't intending to go to Curves and workout I had time to kill before picking up the U-Haul since I was faster on the bike than i thought I would be. So with the gala I should also have lots of dancing minutes to log tomorrow. Yay. Okay so I am tired and am going to log my info for today then head to bed. Love you all.

    So, I totally cried when I read this. I love that you were committed enough to do this, that you were able to do this and that you did this for US.

    Thanks Staci (and Stac, cause I am sure she was there too). I will be thinking of you tonight and wishing you smooth sailing and lots of dancing time during the auction gala.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    carhicks: Making it up (and down) Diamond Head? Amazing! That's such an achievement. And building a sense that your healthy choices are integrated into your life is the biggest part of the battle - so well done on that too.

    Thanks for the compliment. The Diamond Head trek was really a great test for us to see if we could do it and we did. We wanted to walk both ways but being realistic knew that that was not going to work. It is nice when my husband and I can be active together. Now I just need to work on my daughter. Thanks again.
  • KnottyNCrotchety

    --- Facebook... So, I was on my friend's facebook page and saw that a family member of hers said "I saw a picture of Becky, she looks great!" Plus, I posted the photo of my guava shirt and have received numerous compliments on it. I have gotten a couple messages, posts, emails, etc. saying how I have been looking good, etc. Mostly the same words... but I just went and looked and in addition to the one specifically quoted above - I have gotten another 5 at least. And, I am gonna own that. Much thanks to many of you who seemed to deny my claims previously about the faults I thought that I saw. So, as more and more compliments come I have stopped to just appreciate where I am at in this journey. I also really, really do like that pic. I like the color of the shirt, my hair, my eyes, etc. So, let's call that 6.

    I read Every. Single. Word. You earned them, you owned them and I witnessed them. :bigsmile: This is my favorite though. I think this is such a true compliment, that they were "talking behind your back" about how great you were looking. So awesome and such a good sign of a true change for you. Love it!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    to help with compliment summit
    i recently posted a pic of my family on facebook from that halloween party last weekend - there are a TON of "you look great" compliments on it, can i include them as real life compliments? i could count them separately or all as one?

    i would like to compliment myself for getting up and exercising today, because i swore i was taking today off, i feel so bloated and got to bed so late. but eyes opened and i just got into my clothes and hopped on the gazelle for 45 minutes. and i usually take tomorrow off, but i will make sure i do some cardio/dancing and exercises

    2nd question - since you have me logging my Gazelle as dancing - should i double this morning's workout when i log it in? i'll wait for the answer - as technically, it ain't dancing :)

    compliment for JJ
    I am so in awe of your persistence, when you say you only lose 1 week a month (i'm a daily weigher and need that .20 of a lb to keep me going!) and this month you haven't lost anything, i'd be whining and complaining and very down, while you seem even more determined. i'm amazed that you can use that determination to keep on going and see the inches loss as a positive.

    Tina, yep! Double that baby!

    Thank you for the compliment! I don't see any point in throwing a fit and falling in it because I didn't lose any weight this month. Won't change anything and will only make me feel silly (might burn a few calories though!). I care more about the inches lost than the weight lost honestly. Its the inches that make the clothes not fit right so I get to go shopping for new ones. :wink: