*17 Day Diet New Years Countdown Challenge**



  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Divagettinfitin2011 Posts: 500 Member
    Good Morning! I am down another 1.6 lbs this Morning!!!
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Morning Everyone!

    Today started off nicely :bigsmile: Got to sleep in since it is my day off :drinker:

    Weighed in this morning and lost .2lbs! Yeah, I know it's not a pound, but at least it is something! I really think I am going to hit my goal of 147lbs by this Sunday for Halloweeeeeen! :love:

    I just keep telling myself:

    "Once you get to 145 then 140 is next, and then 135, and then 130, and then 125, and then 120!!" I can actually see the end coming near!!!

  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    Down another pound :) I love this! So happy to see everyone else doing well. Going to a halloween party today. Wish me luck I love candy so this may be really hard.
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Hi everyone....I know I will be a week late but I plan on starting the 17 day diet this coming Monday. I just downloaded the book last night and am in the process of getting my shopping list together and purging my pantry of foods that have no business being there!

    I'd love to be part of your group (even though I'm late). Glad to see so many people having success so far.

    I will post my official staring weight on Monday but my goal weight by New Year's is 150.
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Divagettinfitin2011 Posts: 500 Member
    Day 5 complete!!
  • toni430
    toni430 Posts: 21
    feeling great eventhough i "cheated" today, i made a dish with eggplant and zuck. whick i dont think are added till cycle 3? maybe, there was only 15gs of carbs in a serving though, so it wasnt so bad...day 5 complete. feeling great! hope everyones doing well!!!
  • Natasha233
    Natasha233 Posts: 48 Member
    Day 5 complete and I am down 6 lbs. But let's be honest - right before I started - I was eating a massive amount of junk lol. Still, it's nice to see the numbers move.
  • bjdavid53
    bjdavid53 Posts: 47 Member
    I am on Day 4 now. I found it easy to follow during the work week. May not be as easy on the weekend. I'm not sure how much I've lost. I just got a new scale that has me weighing more than my old one.
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Good Afternoon beautiful people!

    I cannot believe that tomorrow will make it a week for most of us on the 17 day diet!! Man, this week sure flew by. I have been doing great following the diet. I have decided that I need to add more cardio workouts. I didn't want to over exert my body since it is adjusting to my new eating habits, but I think tomorrow I am going to keep it in gear!

    My official weigh-in is tomorrow and I KNOW I am going to reach my target goal weight I set for myself for Halloween! This makes me so happy. All of my hard work and commitment to staying focused on reaching my ultimate goal weight is paying off!

    The mother-in-law is coming over tonight to spend a week with us, so this should be interesting...She is the one who tries to "sabotage" me at times. Other times she is very supportive; it's weird!

    Have a great one!

  • krystalgwen
    krystalgwen Posts: 39 Member
    This is an amazing program I want to wish you guys the best of luck !
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Yesterday was suppose to be my last day on cycle 1, but I'm afraid to leave! I weighed in at 178.0 this morning.

  • Mehs
    Mehs Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, everyone. I haven't been checking in everyday but I'm here. I weighed in Mon at 192.8 UGGGG! Today I was down to 188.2. Some of that I think was due to TOM going away but by the end of next week I should be really able to tell if this is working. I have cheated a few time. (major pigout last night and fries today at the flea market but I'm getting back on track). Have a great weekend!
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Divagettinfitin2011 Posts: 500 Member
    12lbs! Great Job!
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Can't believe this is day 7 of the diet! Feeling good, although TOM is here now :grumble: Going to make the best of it :bigsmile: Hope everyone is enjoying their Weekend! Can't for Monday to get here :drinker:

  • bjdavid53
    bjdavid53 Posts: 47 Member
    I am on day 5 of Cycle 1. I went to the gym this morning and had absolutely no energy. Has anyone else experienced this?
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    I hope it is not too late to join. ...I just found your post. I started the 17 Day Diet on 10/24.... I am down 8lbs already! My goal for the end of the year 215 or less (16 lbs). I am committed to burning at least 2500 calories via exercise per week for the rest of the year.
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    Thanks for the link to the recipes. I get tired of chicken and broc every night.
  • tneeland
    tneeland Posts: 24 Member
    Ready or the week!!!
  • tneeland
    tneeland Posts: 24 Member
    I am on day 5 of Cycle 1. I went to the gym this morning and had absolutely no energy. Has anyone else experienced this?
    I have experience the loss of energy. I forgot that we are suppose to take multi vitamins during this diet!!!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    Bump. Getting ready to purchase the book tomorrow and getting started ASAP. Bumping to have a support system around.
