
  • JJ - I luvs ya, ya know that and I love what you have done with this challenge. You have pushed us, and encouraged us, utching all the way. I'm thankful you were creative enough to come with an idea to push outside of our comfort zones. You are an inspiring woman.

    Steph, I don't know what utching is...but thank you! :bigsmile: I have had great fun this month with the challenge and loved watching us climb up those mountains. It has been really hard and is going to be a real push to make it up some of them, but I know we can do it if we all try hard enough. I really needed to stretch outside my comfort zone, so I am glad others were willing to give it a try with me. Love you too!

  • First a RL compliment to me.

    Cuddling up this morning, my partner vroeteled his hand over my hip bone, and made loud, appreciative noises about the fact that I now actually... HAD ONE!

    JJ: I've loved your patience, care, kindness and dedication this month. You've been lovely to be around, and I appreciate it so much.

    Love your real life compliment! Those are the best kind!

    Thank you for the compliment Jane. I do have a lot of patience, love to take care of others and believe that more kindness and understanding in the world would solve just about all of our problems. You are always lovely to be around, so I take that last part as being a super compliment, since it came from you. :flowerforyou:
  • I've just realised I did all my dancing (such as it is) with my daughter. Should that be doubled?

    (I'll go do that, but can always change it back if it's wrong)

    YES!!!! Actually, quadrupled this weekend, and last, and the one before that too!
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Carla - I tip my hat to anyone who goes on vacation and contributes to a challenge still! You should be proud of how you have changed your life. Well done!

    Thanks Steph. I really missed exercising on the days that I couldn't do it. I guess that means I really have changed my outlook on life. However, I have to credit Cynthia for kicking me in the butt and telling me that I was not going to get out of participating in this challenge just because I was going on vacation. So this is an acknowledgement with a compliment thrown in. Carla
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Carla- I am impresed by you exercise. I noticed on the spreadsheet that you are doing more than a little of each activity. Bravo.

    Thanks for noticing, I have been trying to spread it around. I want to keep motivated so I am trying other things. Thanks to all of you have been putting together these challenges, it has made it easy to try new things. Zumba tomorrow for the first time. I hope I don't make a total fool of myself.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    I learn something about myself from each of you everyday - so if you are reading this - log it as a compliment. Thanks for being here everyday to offer support, ideas and encouragement. Without all of you I would be sitting in front of the TV with a bag of Doritos. My life is better because you helped me get here. Thanks!!!

    Right back at you Renae. I too feel the support that we get from one another is the best motivation and encouragement out there. Thanks for recognizing what we do for one another and I give you all a pat on the back as well.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm feeling really glum but hoping to pass some smiles along with some compliments:

    Bobbie you are a sparkle on my news feed. You make me smile and remind me to stay positve. Thank you for being a good friend.

    Julie you show great compassion and wonderful inner strength. Thank you for being a good friend.
  • Some more compliments so I can double mine today! :bigsmile:

    Staci, you are my HERO lady! 112 miles on the bike? Amazing. Thank you for doing that, for youself, for us and for me. If you ever need anything, you just call sista.

    Becky, I love how you are our go-to-girl to get over the finish line. I know that no matter what needs to be done on Monday, you will be doing it and pushing all of us to join you.

    Renae, I look at your entries on the spreadsheet and you have been there for us all month long. Slow and steady wins the race and climbs the mountains. Thank you.

    Tina, I love how you have become a vital part of this group through your sharing of your journey, struggles, triumphs and life. Thanks for that.

    Cyn, the spreadsheet has been such a vital part of this challenge and I just wanted to say again how awesome you were to do that, to create something beyond my wildest dreams, and that it has contributed greatly to this challenge. Thanks!

    Bobbie, you also have contributed steadily to this challenge all month long and to all the mountains. Thanks for that and for pushing yourself to work on the compliments mountain more and more. I am glad you felt it was something that helped you to grow as a person and in your journey.
  • *********************We are probably going to roll this thread over soon. Please copy and paste the pertinent info from the first page if you are the one that rolls it over! *******************************
  • I love that you were committed enough to do this, that you were able to do this and that you did this for US.

    thanks for doing that for US! hope you enjoy the gala!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Thank you, Steph. I know that I would probably not be continuing as strongly as I am without having all of you in my corner, so I'm gonna stand right here in your corner telling you to give it everything you got!

    Thank you, JJ. I was really amazed when you said that I had the lead in the compliments because I really didn't think I had been doing enough in this area.
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    My measurements on October's 1st challenge

    Neck 15.5
    Chest 53.5
    Waist 53
    Hips 64.5
    Left Thigh 32.5
    Right Thigh 31.5
    Left bicep 19
    Right bicep 18.5

    My measurements on October's 29

    Neck 15.5
    Chest 53
    Waist 51
    Hips 61
    Left Thigh 31.5
    Right Thigh 32
    Left bicep 18
    Right bicep 18
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member

    Jane- I think of you as the little ray of sunshine. I love your sunshine-y attitude.

    Thank you so much! That's one I probably need to properly own, as my negative self talk can sometimes feel very overwhelming. I really appreciate that, and will hug it close.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member

    Jane - You just plug along woman, sure and steady. You are making great progress. I love reading your status updates (its nice having someone in the same time zone!) as you are always positive and upbeat, a ray of sunshine in dreary old England :)

    Now I really, really have to own this. Two sunshines in one day? Thank you! :-)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    OK a compliment for me but its long winded and the compliment probably won't happen until the very bottom.

    So today's been ****. That pretty much sums it up. My alarm went off and I thought I'm too tired, I don't want to go to zumba. BLAH!!! But I did get up and I went, early. Did some cycling and some weight work and then headed up to class. I get there and its not our regular instructor. Not impressed and to be honest didn't enjoy the class.

    Went out to lunch with my best friend, bought sour candies and ate them all. Made a healthy choice at lunch. Was still feel BLAH. Came home, put on my fuzzy jammies, grabbed the duvet and hunkered down on the couch with Private Practice. I cried, I moped, I posted about my misery. I opened and closed the cupboards a million times. I read some feedback (thank you ladies, it means soooooo much). I cried again. And went back to the kitchen. Poured myself a glass of water and said aloud 'Eating this is not going to make you feel better, it will make you feel worse. It is not going to make the no-baby blues go away, in fact not paying attention to what you eat and not continuing to lose weight will make it even harder. You are not hungry.'

    I went back to the couch. I planned dinner. I planned tomorrow's food. I logged my mistrake from earlier. And I realised I felt a bit better. I accepted that what was done was done. I wasn't about to be able to change it.

    So (finally) here is my compliment. I am a strong woman. I have the ability to control my destiny. I have not done all of this to just throw it away the way I would have in the past when things got hard. I am different. I am changed. And I will be ok.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Zena well done, those are some great changes - especially off your hips. You should be proud to see all your hardwork paying off. You have been quietly and steadily been adding feet to the trek. Well done!
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Bonnie, my sweet Stitch Sister. You are so persistent and I just love it. Its like the song...you get knocked down, but you get up again. A'int never gone keep you down! In your life, in your weight loss, you just jump back in whenever you get knocked down. Your strength is very inspiring to me!

    JJ- I do bounce back and I really did not notice that in myself until you mentioned it.Thank you for seeing that quality in me and opening up my eyes
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Bonnie, you are so cool. I love your quiet but courageous voice when it speaks up and love seeing you interact and get to know more people on here. You have a lot to share and I look forward to you sharing it!

    Thanks I love sharing my life and experiences with my friends and even though I have never met you i consider you a true friend
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Bonnie - It is great to see you trying new things. I love that we are all doing that as part of this challenge. I am hoping to try Zumba this week as I have seen so many of you doing that.

    Carla- I am expanding my exercise routine so hopefully i wont get bored.I also would like to try zumba
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Bonnie, you have a quiet strength and willingness to keep trying that is inspiring to me. You are willing to try, and if it doesn't work to try something else. I love that!

    JJ- not really sure how to acknowledge this except to say thank you