
  • OK, just put in 35 minutes of solo dancing over my lunch break. I've logged it as 350 - hope that's right!

    Its 3500 feet actually. I am thinking its late there, so I am going to change it for you. Thanks for doing that Jane! Love you!
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Ok first off JJ no I did not double my stats from yesturday.
    I will be back in a bit to acknowledge all the compliments I received.
  • Ok first off JJ no I did not double my stats from yesturday.
    I will be back in a bit to acknowledge all the compliments I received.

    Fixed it! Thanks!
  • He, he, he... OK, now JJ has gotten me all competitive and stuff. I mean - the compliment summit has always kinda been my mountain. Not that I ever thought that I would give/receive/acknowledge the most, but just that the summit was one of... no, it was the most important one to me! So, to see that I am right there and that Cyndi is ahead of me... well, now I have to try and push for a win! Which is funny because I actually got up early just to actually dedicate some time to telling all of you how wonderful you each are without knowing that I was up there for the lead... talk about a little extra motivation! So, by the way JJ - thank you for the acknowledgement on where I am at with the Wisdom Summit. As you can see, I have absolutely owned that!


    JJ: You have donen a tremendous amount of work on this Challenge, a lot more than ever anticipated... right?!? And all the stuff you did to create, organize, lead, manage, etc. has been wonderful. But - you know what?!? That's not what I most want to acknowledge... What I want to point out to you is that this was a Challenge that was so meant for you - because you demonstrated to everyone just who you are and THAT to me is even more amazing. You are kind, patient, helpful and encouraging. I hope that you continue to show those things to yourself in the ways that you have shown them to all of us!

    I am glad posting the leaders and runners up encouraged you to be competitive! Go get it girl!

    Thank you also for the compliment. I had a wonderful time this month, I am glad it worked out as well as it did, and I am pleased to be thought of as kind, patient, helpful and encouraging.
  • also - was i supposed to log that page of facebook compliments on the photo i posted last weekend? i will if u think it will help!

    thanks again JJ for inviting me and encouraging me to join this challenge - i've moved a lot more than i ever do because of it, and had some banner weight loss....thank you!!!!

    Yes, please log the facebook compliments as RL compliments (even though they were on Facebook, they were from real life people).

    Thanks for joining us Tina. I am thrilled it worked so well for you!
  • *********30 minutes of dancing people.....equals 3000 feet up the mountain today! 29 minutes equals just 29 feet up the mountain. 30+ is where its at! So boogey down and lets cross that summit off our to do list today! ********************

    50 more compliments given or 25 acknowledged or 16 real life posted or 13 compliments to ourselves and we are at the top of our wisdom summit.

    One for myself:
    I am really excited that it looks like we are going to make it by the end of the day, with everyone's help. I have had to tweak things a little as this was all just guesstimating on my part for things we had never really done before (exercises, dancing, water, strength training). But I am really proud of the fact that the tweaking I did do wasn't easy way out stuff. We still had to do the work to get the incentives. And this last week I have really tried to skew the incentives to motivate people to contribute more.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning my lovlies. I was prepared to stop off and get back on the bike today but I am really glad to see that I don't have to. After riding Friday and dancing on Saturday my butt was a little sore. So, today its more dancing and that I can do

    JJ- Thank you. I enjoy checking in to see what needs to be done as I really hate to leave things undone so today its is dancing and complimenting. No problem. And on the biking, no problem now if you asked me to ice skate or rollerblade we would have a problem there. Although I would give it my best effort I would probably end up in the Emergency Room at some point. I am just not that coordinated.

    Becky- Thank you. Its my turn to tear up a little now. It has always been my goal in life to have my own dirt to dig in and for atleast one person outside my family to say I made a difference to them.

    And I missed on yeaterday and now without scrolling back through I cannot remember who it was that said it. But it was about me having less than 50 pound to go and still staying motivated. I wanted to say thank you as I am really thinking about this as my life now and I somedays I do get up and don't want to exercise or eat right but then I think of how I felt just one year ago and I get up and do what needs to be done anyway.

    Okay so I am off to do my last gala duty and get set up for the kids trick or treating at the hospital this afternoon. have a great day and don't worry, I will dance when I get home.

    Oh one more thing yes I am in for November.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Sorry guys, I feel like absolute total rubbish so I'm not moving today :(
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Okay, so I dug out my old Richard Simmon's Sweating to the Oldies tape, found a VCR and danced for 33 minutes. My family thought I was a little crazy but I did work up a sweat. I will log my acknowledgments as soon as I finish reading the posts. We can do this!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    RL compliment:
    A colleague told me today how skinny my shoulders look. I said thanks and was secretly pleased as I spend a lot of time looking at them and feeling them up. They are so bony!!

    A compliment to me:
    I am struggling lately BUT I am secure in the fact that this too shall pass and that I will get back on track. I am a changed woman committed to my new lifestyle. I love being healthy and knowing that if it came down to a challenge in the gym, I am fitter than most of the skinny minnies in the gym!!
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Thanks to Gregg, JJ and Stephanie for the the compliment regarding the Zumba class. It was a lot of fun and I am glad I tried something new. This challenge got me to try new things so I thank JJ for putting it together and for all the rest of you for doing your thing and motivating all the rest of us.

    Also thanks to JJ for recognizing that I did put up points in all areas. I had forgotten about the strength training part and even simple things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I used to dance all the time when i was younger and smaller so it was nice to do it again. I guess one of the goals of this challenge was for us to try new things and mix it up and it certainly succeeded. It also keeps me from getting bored and therefore I keep moving. So here is another compliment to JJ for her ingeniousness. :flowerforyou:
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    JJ: I would like to thank my ice machine, for making all the ice I put in my mug because without it, I could never drink that much water and the toilet had a good workout this month too.

    Becky: Thank you for the compliment. Its amazing what losing a 127 lbs can do to a person attitude and their out look on life.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Bobbie, you have done everything this month, and not just once or twice, but regularly. I love that you really got behind the idea of variety in our exercise routines.

    Thank you, JJ. I really don't believe one can call it a challenge if it's easy, so I have to try it all...besides, I just love y'all and couldn't leave ya hanging ;-)
    Bobbie - Being the most energetic go get 'em person I have ever seen. You're like those Army commercials. "We do more before breakfast than you slackers do all day." You know I believe that with you. I really do. You are I think programmed to run on lasagna and coffee with an occasional hug from your daughters. You do for everyone and put yourself second and make sure everything is done before you quit. I am in awe. Just in awe.

    Awww, Wolfie, you're gonna make me blush :blush: I do gain energy from the people around me, and I try to suck up the good energy and leave the bad to them ;-) I will NEVER, however, touch a cup of coffee...ewww I'm slowly learning that putting everyone and everything else first doesn't have to mean forgetting about me completely. As for the plane jumping thing. You will have to strap me up without any help from me and drag me out with you because I will be panicking, and I don't panic.

    Compliments for some of my peeps!

    Staci, girl, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are the bike master. In fact, you rocked it all this month! Really I just want to thank you for inspiring me to run up some stairs this morning. I almost never even walk the stairs because of my knee, but I was like "what would Staci do?" and so I ran up them.

    Jane, congrats on rocking out this challenge with me. I don't like losing, but following in your footsteps is truly worthwhile!

    JJ, I have to compliment you one last time for taking us all the way through this challenge. It was a tremendous undertaking to develop and facilitate and modify as things developed. You are a goddess!

    Tina, I want to congratulate you on the growth you have made in confidence as well as the reduction you have made in your body. Inner strength is reflected on the outside, and, girl, you are glowing!
  • Thanks to Gregg, JJ and Stephanie for the the compliment regarding the Zumba class. It was a lot of fun and I am glad I tried something new. This challenge got me to try new things so I thank JJ for putting it together and for all the rest of you for doing your thing and motivating all the rest of us.

    Also thanks to JJ for recognizing that I did put up points in all areas. I had forgotten about the strength training part and even simple things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I used to dance all the time when i was younger and smaller so it was nice to do it again. I guess one of the goals of this challenge was for us to try new things and mix it up and it certainly succeeded. It also keeps me from getting bored and therefore I keep moving. So here is another compliment to JJ for her ingeniousness. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you! I am so thrilled that it worked that way for you and everyone else that gave some new things a try! That was really what I wanted to have happen, so I am excited that it worked!

    JJ, I have to compliment you one last time for taking us all the way through this challenge. It was a tremendous undertaking to develop and facilitate and modify as things developed. You are a goddess!

    Thank you Bobbie! It was a lot of work, but totally worth it.
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member

    Eileen, I love that with all you have going on at work, at home and with your boobs you still managed to fit in some time to exercise and help us up these mountains. Well done!

    Thank you, JJ! It means a lot to have all my hard work acknowledged!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, ladies and gent, I have contributed all that I can for today, and I have logged everything that I can possibly think of...we are soooo close to finishing, but I'm exhausted and have to shower and go to bed for work tomorrow morning.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    OK... these are worth extra points so I am gonna acknowledge some realy life compliments that were given to me today...

    Co-Worker: Wow! You look really great... really, really great.
    Resident: Well, look at you - you are looking good!
    Resident: Oh, Becky... I didn't even recognize you. You've changed! (the look on her face said it was a positive)
    Co-Worker: Hello SKINNY!! Look at you!
    Resident: Becky, you are getting really skinny.

    I am gonna own it all... I was wearing all black today with an orange sweater. But I realized the sizes of my clothes and that they are even getting big on me. So, that's exciting. My hair was looking great and I just felt happy today and so proud that the sizes are going down. I am doing more and do things without thinking... I fit through smaller spaces. It's all good. So I am owning at least those 5 RL Compliments.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:


    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • *******We made it!!!******

    We have summited all Seven Summits climbers!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love that we did this as a group and accomplished this together.

    I am going to wait a couple of days to tally everything up, as there are a few people that have not entered their data for today or the last couple of days and I want to give them a chance to get caught up.

    I am thrilled with how this challenge worked out and so, so, so proud of every single person that participated, tried something new, was pushed to do more, practiced how to give and aknowldege compliments and contributed to the challenge in any way, even when they were having a super rough month personally. Thank you all so much for letting me do this, participating, and making it happen.

    Please do post your weight loss compared to your October 1st weight and how many inches lost during the month compared to your October 1st measurements.

    Thanks everyone! Looking forward to the Steph's November Challenge which can be found here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/381556-skinny-chicks-and-a-rooster-november-challenge-closed
