Community for CrossFitters, by Crossfitters & anyone interes



  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    It's "Girls" Week at our box.

    5 rounds
    400 m run
    15 OH Squats (95/65)

    Time: 18:06 (used 45# OH squat - hands down my weakest lift since tearing my rotator cuff - definitely need to work on it)

    Followed by 3 mile run with my dog. He's finally back to a sub-30 5K. FINALLY.

    Today: Diane

    Deadlifts (225/155)

    Time: 9:28 (used 2 abmats under my head)
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    Strength yesterday:

    DL 5-5-5


    row 2000m

    7:58.6 Sub 8 min!!!!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member

    * 30 squats
    * 20 pushups to floor (only half were modified)
    * 500m row
    * 50 mountain climbers

    pistol squats (I started with the purple band because that's what was available. Once I switched to a blue band, they were much easier)

    * front squats (55lbs)
    * pull ups (I used a box)
    * ring dips (blue band)

    AMRAP (while partner did the WOD)
    * 20 situps
    * 10 burpees
    * 5 4-count flutter kicks

    I did 3 full rounds plus situps and a couple of burpees

    It was a hard workout. I really hate pullups, but I think I'm coming down a little better/slowly than I used to. It's hard when I'm doing a WOD for time to go slowly. I actually managed to do the ring dips for the first time successfully with a band

    PLUS: it was my trainer's last day before she goes on maternity leave. She used to run my bootcamp class at least once a week, but hasn't for a while due to a major change in schedule when they lost one of the other trainers. I've made it to her class a few times since then, but not usually. I managed to make it last night for the first time in a while. (She demoed everything except for the burpees, if you're curious.) We were talking about how far I've come since I started training with her almost a year ago. Since that was the first time I'd ever worked out and I was over 200lbs, those first classes weren't pretty. It's amazing to realize how far I've come.
  • totalimageguy
    totalimageguy Posts: 62 Member
    10/19/11 WOD (Is that it?)

    As many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:

    25 Kettlebell Swings 53 lbs.
    25 Deadlifts 135 lbs
    25 Box Jump (24 in.)s
    25 Overhead Squats 95 lbs
    25 Burpees

  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    10/19/11 WOD (Is that it?)

    As many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:

    25 Kettlebell Swings 53 lbs.
    25 Deadlifts 135 lbs
    25 Box Jump (24 in.)s
    25 Overhead Squats 95 lbs
    25 Burpees


    sounds like a fun workout. It's quite a variety of different moves. I like WODs that are like that.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I have this horrible cold. My nose won't stop running and my head is stuffy. I didn't want to share my germs at the gym, but I was feeling like I should do some moving around. So I did a short workout on my own. It would have taken me less time normally, but I had to stop to breathe and blow my nose and whatnot...

    16-15-14....2-1 burpees
    1-2-3....15-16 situps


    And then afterward, I made myself a late lunch and took a nap on the couch.
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member

    7 rounds:

    7 HSPU
    7 Thursters (85)
    7 Knees to Elbows
    7 DL (165)
    7 Burpee
    7 KB Swing (1 pood)
    7 PU

    45 minutes and some change
  • HeatherFeather10
    Crazy workout today:

    1 min for each - KB around the worlds, KB High Pulls, KB Swings
    1 min rest
    1 min for each - KB Snatch, KB Goblet Squat, KB Sit ups
    1 min rest
    1 min for each KB around the worlds, KB High Pulls, KB Swings

    Turkish Get Ups - 5-4-3-2-1 (each arm, adding weight each interval)

    3 times - 50 KB Snatch, 10 Box jumps, 5 Broad Jumps
  • totalimageguy
    totalimageguy Posts: 62 Member
    10/26/11 WOD

    Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1
    95 lbs, 135 lbs, 155 lbs, 175 lbs, and 185 lbs

    Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1
    95 lbs, 115 lbs, 135 lbs, 155 lbs, and 175 lbs

    Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1
    95 lbs, 105 lbs, 115 lbs, 135 lbs, and 135 lbs
  • totalimageguy
    totalimageguy Posts: 62 Member
    For everyone here who hates burpees, this guy makes them look easy:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Today was my last CF for the next 6 weeks... and it was tough

    Rope ascents (x 3 for modified)
    Snatch (-20lbs of your 3 RM weight, adding 5# each round)


    Strength: Find your 3 RM Snatch 85lbs failing last rep

    Supplemental: Knees to Elbow practice.
  • snkeller24

    800m run with a 14lb med ball
    100 box jumps (20inch)
    800m w/med ball

    22:11 ... couldn't find an efficient way to carry the ball

    Skill was prowler pushes - 5x50m @ 135#

    I also dead lifted the other day at 135# for 4 reps. I was really proud of myself.

    Anyone else have the Inov-8 F-lite series shoes?
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    22:11 ... couldn't find an efficient way to carry the ball

    That is tricky. I have pretty short arms, so I've found the same thing when we've done stuff with the ball beyond catching and throwing....
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    On Friday, I went to open gym. I only had 35 minutes total, and the WOD posted was a long one, so I spent my time working on my deck squats. I'm getting a little better at them.
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    Saturday's WOD the "Filthy Fifty"

    50 box jumps, 24"
    50 jumping pullups
    50 kettlebell swings, 1 pood
    50 walking lunges
    50 knees to elbows
    50 back extensions
    50 push press, 45#
    50 wall balls, 14# ball
    50 burpees
    50 double unders
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    Saturday's WOD the "Filthy Fifty"

    50 box jumps, 24"
    50 jumping pullups
    50 kettlebell swings, 1 pood
    50 walking lunges
    50 knees to elbows
    50 back extensions
    50 push press, 45#
    50 wall balls, 14# ball
    50 burpees
    50 double unders

    I have yet to do this one. Need to get it programmed in there soon.

    Saturday: Grace as part of Barbells for Boobs. Did it in 4:36 at 85#

    Today: "Bradshaw"

    10 Rounds

    3 HSPU
    6 Deadlifts (225/155)
    12 Pullups
    24 Doubles Unders

    Time: 34:36 using 3 abmats for my HSPU Gross!
  • callmejon
    callmejon Posts: 15 Member
    Sorry, crossfit? WOD?
  • snkeller24
    22:11 ... couldn't find an efficient way to carry the ball

    That is tricky. I have pretty short arms, so I've found the same thing when we've done stuff with the ball beyond catching and throwing....

    Yeah I was just carrying in it in front of me or on my hip. People driving by kept slowing down!


    10 RFT:
    100 m sprint
    10 pull ups
    100 m sprint
    10 burpees
    30 second rest

    Used a green band and total time was 32:21


    Power Snatch (40#)
    Box Jumps (20 inch)

    Skill was Snatches .... PR was 3 rep at 80#. Even had the best technique and demoed for the group
  • tarahsolazy
    tarahsolazy Posts: 1 Member
    I am starting Crossfit with an introductory class this weekend, but plan to make it my main workout. I've been fit for several years with lots of spinning and cycling, some bootcamp workouts but minimal weightlifting. I have been watching lots of CF videos on line, and am excited to start!

    I can squat, do lunges, do pushups, etc, so I'm not too worried about that stuff except that I know I will learn to do those exercises at higher reps and harder variations as I progress.

    My question is about pull-ups. No way in heck I can even do one, I've tried. I know that they are modified for beginners, and that it involves resistance bands somehow, but could anyone explain how that works?
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    My question is about pull-ups. No way in heck I can even do one, I've tried. I know that they are modified for beginners, and that it involves resistance bands somehow, but could anyone explain how that works?

    Every box is a little bit different. My box has bands you can use, which you wrap around the bar and put your foot in to give assistance. If yours has these, I'm sure your trainer would show you the right way to use them before doing a WOD with pull ups. I still have a lot of trouble doing mine with a band. I often will jump from a box (box jump box) and try to lower myself as slowly as possible. I'm getting better at this.